--- layout: doc_page title: "Microsoft Azure" --- # Microsoft Azure To use this extension, make sure to [include](../../operations/including-extensions.html) `druid-azure-extensions` extension. ## Deep Storage [Microsoft Azure Storage](http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/storage/) is another option for deep storage. This requires some additional druid configuration. |Property|Possible Values|Description|Default| |--------|---------------|-----------|-------| |`druid.storage.type`|azure||Must be set.| |`druid.azure.account`||Azure Storage account name.|Must be set.| |`druid.azure.key`||Azure Storage account key.|Must be set.| |`druid.azure.container`||Azure Storage container name.|Must be set.| |`druid.azure.protocol`|http or https||https| |`druid.azure.maxTries`||Number of tries before cancel an Azure operation.|3| See [Azure Services](http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/free-trial/) for more information. ## Firehose #### StaticAzureBlobStoreFirehose This firehose ingests events, similar to the StaticS3Firehose, but from an Azure Blob Store. Data is newline delimited, with one JSON object per line and parsed as per the `InputRowParser` configuration. The storage account is shared with the one used for Azure deep storage functionality, but blobs can be in a different container. As with the S3 blobstore, it is assumed to be gzipped if the extension ends in .gz This firehose is _splittable_ and can be used by [native parallel index tasks](../../ingestion/native_tasks.html#parallel-index-task). Since each split represents an object in this firehose, each worker task of `index_parallel` will read an object. Sample spec: ```json "firehose" : { "type" : "static-azure-blobstore", "blobs": [ { "container": "container", "path": "/path/to/your/file.json" }, { "container": "anothercontainer", "path": "/another/path.json" } ] } ``` This firehose provides caching and prefetching features. In IndexTask, a firehose can be read twice if intervals or shardSpecs are not specified, and, in this case, caching can be useful. Prefetching is preferred when direct scan of objects is slow. |property|description|default|required?| |--------|-----------|-------|---------| |type|This should be `static-azure-blobstore`.|N/A|yes| |blobs|JSON array of [Azure blobs](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ee691964.aspx).|N/A|yes| |maxCacheCapacityBytes|Maximum size of the cache space in bytes. 0 means disabling cache. Cached files are not removed until the ingestion task completes.|1073741824|no| |maxFetchCapacityBytes|Maximum size of the fetch space in bytes. 0 means disabling prefetch. Prefetched files are removed immediately once they are read.|1073741824|no| |prefetchTriggerBytes|Threshold to trigger prefetching Azure objects.|maxFetchCapacityBytes / 2|no| |fetchTimeout|Timeout for fetching an Azure object.|60000|no| |maxFetchRetry|Maximum retry for fetching an Azure object.|3|no| Azure Blobs: |property|description|default|required?| |--------|-----------|-------|---------| |container|Name of the azure [container](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/storage-dotnet-how-to-use-blobs/#create-a-container)|N/A|yes| |path|The path where data is located.|N/A|yes|