#!/usr/bin/env bash echo "This will run a stand-alone version of Druid" set +u shopt -s xpg_echo shopt -s expand_aliases trap "exit 1" 1 2 3 15 SCRIPT_DIR=`dirname $0` MAVEN_DIR="${SCRIPT_DIR}/extensions-repo" if [[ ! -d "${SCRIPT_DIR}/lib" || ! -d "${SCRIPT_DIR}/config" ]]; then echo "This script appears to be running from the source location. It must be run from its deployed location." echo "After building, unpack services/target/druid-services-*-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz, and run the script unpacked there." exit 2 fi CURR_DIR=`pwd` cd ${SCRIPT_DIR} SCRIPT_DIR=`pwd` cd ${CURR_DIR} [ -d /tmp/example ] && echo "Cleaning up from previous run.." && /bin/rm -fr /tmp/example source $SCRIPT_DIR/select_example.sh select_example SPEC_FILE "${SCRIPT_DIR}/examples" "*_realtime.spec" "${1}" "${1}_realtime.spec" EXAMPLE_LOC=$(dirname $SPEC_FILE) # run before script if it exists if [ -x ${EXAMPLE_LOC}/before.sh ]; then trap "set +x; cd ${EXAMPLE_LOC} && ./after.sh && cd ${CURR_DIR}; exit 1" EXIT cd ${EXAMPLE_LOC} ./before.sh cd ${CURR_DIR} fi # start process JAVA_ARGS="-Xmx512m -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" JAVA_ARGS="${JAVA_ARGS} -Ddruid.realtime.specFile=${SPEC_FILE}" JAVA_ARGS="${JAVA_ARGS} -Ddruid.extensions.localRepository=${MAVEN_DIR}" JAVA_ARGS="${JAVA_ARGS} -Ddruid.extensions.remoteRepositories=[]" JAVA_ARGS="${JAVA_ARGS} -Ddruid.publish.type=noop" DRUID_CP=${EXAMPLE_LOC} #For a pull DRUID_CP=${SCRIPT_DIR}/../config/realtime:${DRUID_CP} #For the kit DRUID_CP=${DRUID_CP}:${SCRIPT_DIR}/config/_common DRUID_CP=${DRUID_CP}:${SCRIPT_DIR}/config/realtime DRUID_CP=${DRUID_CP}:${SCRIPT_DIR}/lib/* echo "Running command:" (set -x; java ${JAVA_ARGS} -classpath ${DRUID_CP} io.druid.cli.Main example realtime)