# Testing Tools `it-tools` is a copy of `extensions-core/testing-tools` (module name `druid-testing-tools`.) The testing tools are added to the Druid test Docker image. The `druid-testing-tools` module defines most such additions. However, `integration-tests` defines a custom node role which also must be added to the image. `integration-tests` uses a different mechanism to do that addition. Here, we want a single extension for all the testing gizmos. This is a direct copy of the `druid-testing-tools` extension, along with a copy of the custom node role from `integration-tests`. The reason this is a copy, rather than fixing up `druid-testing-tools` is that the existing `integration-tests` must continue to run and it is very difficult to change or test them. (Which is the reason for this parallel approach.) To keep backward compatibility, and to avoid changing `integration-tests`, we keep the prior approach and make copies here for the new approach. The names should never clash: `it-tools` is only ever used within the `docker-test` project, and the `druid-testing-tools` is *not* included as a dependency. Over time, once `integration-tests` are converted, then the `druid-testing-tools` module can be deprecated in favor of this one.