## Build From the root of the repo, run `docker build -t apache/druid:tag -f distribution/docker/Dockerfile .` ## Run Edit `environment` to suite. Run `docker-compose -f distribution/docker/docker-compose.yml up` ## Java 11 (experimental) From the root of the repo, run `docker build -t apache/druid:tag -f distribution/docker/Dockerfile.java11 .` which will build Druid to run in a Java 11 environment. ## MySQL Database Connector This image contains solely the postgres metadata storage connector. If you need the mysql metadata storage connector, you can use Dockerfile.mysql to add it to the base image above. `docker build -t apache/druid:tag-mysql --build-arg DRUID_RELEASE=apache/druid:tag -f distribution/docker/Dockerfile.mysql .` where `druid:tag` is the version to use as the base.