--- layout: doc_page --- # Druid Plumbers The Plumber is the thing that handles generated segments both while they are being generated and when they are "done". This is also technically a pluggable interface and there are multiple implementations, but there are a lot of details handled by the plumber such that it is expected that there will only be a few implementations and only more advanced third-parties will implement their own. |Field|Type|Description|Required| |-----|----|-----------|--------| |type|String|Specifies the type of plumber. Each value will have its own configuration schema, plumbers packaged with Druid are described below.|yes| We provide a brief description of the example to exemplify the types of things that are configured on the plumber. * `windowPeriod` is the amount of lag time to allow events. This is configured with a 10 minute window, meaning that any event more than 10 minutes ago will be thrown away and not included in the segment generated by the realtime server. * `basePersistDirectory` is the directory to put things that need persistence. The plumber is responsible for the actual intermediate persists and this tells it where to store those persists. * `maxPendingPersists` is how many persists a plumber can do concurrently without starting to block. Available Plumbers ------------------ #### YeOldePlumber This plumber creates single historical segments. #### RealtimePlumber This plumber creates real-time/mutable segments.