# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. language: java sudo: true dist: xenial jdk: - openjdk8 cache: directories: - $HOME/.m2 env: global: - DOCKER_IP= # for integration tests - MVN="mvn -B" - > # Various options to make execution of maven goals faster (e.g., mvn install) MAVEN_SKIP=" -Danimal.sniffer.skip=true -Dcheckstyle.skip=true -Ddruid.console.skip=true -Denforcer.skip=true -Dforbiddenapis.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dpmd.skip=true -Dspotbugs.skip=true " - MAVEN_SKIP_TESTS="-DskipTests -Djacoco.skip=true" # Add various options to make 'mvn install' fast and skip javascript compile (-Ddruid.console.skip=true) since it is not # needed. Depending on network speeds, "mvn -q install" may take longer than the default 10 minute timeout to print any # output. To compensate, use travis_wait to extend the timeout. install: MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx3000m' travis_wait 15 ${MVN} clean install -q -ff ${MAVEN_SKIP} ${MAVEN_SKIP_TESTS} -T1C jobs: include: - name: "animal sniffer checks" script: ${MVN} animal-sniffer:check --fail-at-end - name: "checkstyle" script: ${MVN} checkstyle:checkstyle --fail-at-end - name: "enforcer checks" script: ${MVN} enforcer:enforce --fail-at-end - name: "forbidden api checks" script: ${MVN} forbiddenapis:check forbiddenapis:testCheck --fail-at-end - name: "pmd checks" script: ${MVN} pmd:check --fail-at-end # TODO: consider adding pmd:cpd-check - name: "spotbugs checks" script: ${MVN} spotbugs:check --fail-at-end -pl '!benchmarks' - name: "license checks" install: skip before_script: &setup_generate_license - sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-setuptools -y - pip3 install wheel # install wheel first explicitly - pip3 install pyyaml script: - > ${MVN} apache-rat:check -Prat --fail-at-end -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.log.org.apache.maven.cli.transfer.Slf4jMavenTransferListener=warn -Drat.consoleOutput=true # Generate dependency reports and checks they are valid. When running on Travis CI, 2 cores are available # (https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/reference/overview/#virtualisation-environment-vs-operating-system). - mkdir -p target - distribution/bin/generate-license-dependency-reports.py . target --clean-maven-artifact-transfer --parallel 2 - distribution/bin/check-licenses.py licenses.yaml target/license-reports - &compile_strict name: "(openjdk8) strict compilation" install: skip # Strict compilation requires more than 2 GB script: > MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx3000m' ${MVN} clean -Pstrict compile test-compile --fail-at-end -pl '!benchmarks' ${MAVEN_SKIP} ${MAVEN_SKIP_TESTS} - &package name: "(openjdk8) packaging check" install: skip before_script: *setup_generate_license script: > MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx3000m' ${MVN} clean install -Pdist -Pbundle-contrib-exts --fail-at-end -pl '!benchmarks' ${MAVEN_SKIP} ${MAVEN_SKIP_TESTS} -Ddruid.console.skip=false -T1C - <<: *package name: "(openjdk11) packaging check" jdk: openjdk11 - &test_processing_module name: "(openjdk8) processing module test" env: &processing_env - MAVEN_PROJECTS='processing' before_script: &setup_java_test - unset _JAVA_OPTIONS script: &run_java_test # Set MAVEN_OPTS for Surefire launcher. Skip remoteresources to avoid intermittent connection timeouts when # resolving the SIGAR dependency. - > MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx800m' ${MVN} test -pl ${MAVEN_PROJECTS} ${MAVEN_SKIP} -Dremoteresources.skip=true - sh -c "dmesg | egrep -i '(oom|out of memory|kill process|killed).*' -C 1 || exit 0" - free -m after_success: &upload_java_unit_test_coverage - ${MVN} -pl ${MAVEN_PROJECTS} jacoco:report # retry in case of network error - travis_retry curl -o codecov.sh -s https://codecov.io/bash - travis_retry bash codecov.sh -X gcov - <<: *test_processing_module name: "(openjdk11) processing module test" jdk: openjdk11 - &test_processing_module_sqlcompat name: "(openjdk8) processing module test (SQL Compatibility)" env: *processing_env before_script: *setup_java_test script: &run_java_sql_compat_test # Set MAVEN_OPTS for Surefire launcher. Skip remoteresources to avoid intermittent connection timeouts when # resolving the SIGAR dependency. - > MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx800m' ${MVN} test -pl ${MAVEN_PROJECTS} -Ddruid.generic.useDefaultValueForNull=false ${MAVEN_SKIP} -Dremoteresources.skip=true - sh -c "dmesg | egrep -i '(oom|out of memory|kill process|killed).*' -C 1 || exit 0" - free -m after_success: *upload_java_unit_test_coverage - <<: *test_processing_module_sqlcompat name: "(openjdk11) processing module test (SQL Compatibility)" jdk: openjdk11 - &test_indexing_module name: "(openjdk8) indexing modules test" env: &indexing_env - MAVEN_PROJECTS='indexing-hadoop,indexing-service,extensions-core/kafka-indexing-service,extensions-core/kinesis-indexing-service' before_script: *setup_java_test script: *run_java_test after_success: *upload_java_unit_test_coverage - <<: *test_indexing_module name: "(openjdk11) indexing modules test" jdk: openjdk11 - &test_indexing_module_sqlcompat name: "(openjdk8) indexing modules test (SQL Compatibility)" env: *indexing_env before_script: *setup_java_test script: *run_java_sql_compat_test after_success: *upload_java_unit_test_coverage - <<: *test_indexing_module_sqlcompat name: "(openjdk11) indexing modules test (SQL Compatibility)" jdk: openjdk11 - &test_server_module name: "(openjdk8) server module test" env: &server_env - MAVEN_PROJECTS='server' before_script: *setup_java_test script: *run_java_test after_success: *upload_java_unit_test_coverage - <<: *test_server_module name: "(openjdk11) server module test" jdk: openjdk11 - &test_server_module_sqlcompat name: "(openjdk8) server module test (SQL Compatibility)" env: *server_env before_script: *setup_java_test script: *run_java_sql_compat_test after_success: *upload_java_unit_test_coverage - <<: *test_server_module_sqlcompat name: "(openjdk11) server module test (SQL Compatibility)" jdk: openjdk11 - &test_modules name: "(openjdk8) other modules test" env: &other_env - MAVEN_PROJECTS='!processing,!indexing-hadoop,!indexing-service,!extensions-core/kafka-indexing-service,!extensions-core/kinesis-indexing-service,!server,!web-console' before_script: *setup_java_test script: *run_java_test after_success: *upload_java_unit_test_coverage - <<: *test_modules name: "(openjdk11) other modules test" jdk: openjdk11 - &test_modules_sqlcompat name: "(openjdk8) other modules test (SQL Compatibility)" env: *other_env before_script: *setup_java_test script: *run_java_sql_compat_test after_success: *upload_java_unit_test_coverage - <<: *test_modules_sqlcompat name: "(openjdk11) other modules test (SQL Compatibility)" jdk: openjdk11 - &test_webconsole name: "web console" install: skip script: - ${MVN} test -pl 'web-console' after_success: - (cd web-console && travis_retry npm run codecov) # retry in case of network error - name: "docs" install: (cd website && npm install) script: (cd website && npm run lint) - &integration_batch_index name: "batch index integration test" services: &integration_test_services - docker env: TESTNG_GROUPS='-Dgroups=batch-index' script: &run_integration_test - ${MVN} verify -pl integration-tests -P integration-tests ${TESTNG_GROUPS} ${MAVEN_SKIP} after_failure: &integration_test_diags - for v in ~/shared/logs/*.log ; do echo $v logtail ======================== ; tail -100 $v ; done - for v in broker middlemanager overlord router coordinator historical ; do echo $v dmesg ======================== ; docker exec -it druid-$v sh -c 'dmesg | tail -3' ; done - &integration_kafka_index name: "kafka index integration test" services: *integration_test_services env: TESTNG_GROUPS='-Dgroups=kafka-index' script: *run_integration_test after_failure: *integration_test_diags - &integration_query name: "query integration test" services: *integration_test_services env: TESTNG_GROUPS='-Dgroups=query' script: *run_integration_test after_failure: *integration_test_diags - &integration_realtime_index name: "realtime index integration test" services: *integration_test_services env: TESTNG_GROUPS='-Dgroups=realtime-index' script: *run_integration_test after_failure: *integration_test_diags - &integration_tests name: "other integration test" services: *integration_test_services env: TESTNG_GROUPS='-DexcludedGroups=batch-index,kafka-index,query,realtime-index' script: *run_integration_test after_failure: *integration_test_diags