--- id: hdfs title: "HDFS" --- To use this Apache Druid extension, make sure to [include](../../development/extensions.md#loading-extensions) `druid-hdfs-storage` as an extension. ## Deep Storage ### Configuration for HDFS |Property|Possible Values|Description|Default| |--------|---------------|-----------|-------| |`druid.storage.type`|hdfs||Must be set.| |`druid.storage.storageDirectory`||Directory for storing segments.|Must be set.| |`druid.hadoop.security.kerberos.principal`|`druid@EXAMPLE.COM`| Principal user name |empty| |`druid.hadoop.security.kerberos.keytab`|`/etc/security/keytabs/druid.headlessUser.keytab`|Path to keytab file|empty| If you are using the Hadoop indexer, set your output directory to be a location on Hadoop and it will work. If you want to eagerly authenticate against a secured hadoop/hdfs cluster you must set `druid.hadoop.security.kerberos.principal` and `druid.hadoop.security.kerberos.keytab`, this is an alternative to the cron job method that runs `kinit` command periodically. ### Configuration for Google Cloud Storage The HDFS extension can also be used for GCS as deep storage. |Property|Possible Values|Description|Default| |--------|---------------|-----------|-------| |`druid.storage.type`|hdfs||Must be set.| |`druid.storage.storageDirectory`||gs://bucket/example/directory|Must be set.| All services that need to access GCS need to have the [GCS connector jar](https://cloud.google.com/hadoop/google-cloud-storage-connector#manualinstallation) in their class path. One option is to place this jar in /lib/ and /extensions/druid-hdfs-storage/ Tested with Druid 0.9.0, Hadoop 2.7.2 and gcs-connector jar 1.4.4-hadoop2. ## Native batch ingestion This firehose ingests events from a predefined list of files from a Hadoop filesystem. This firehose is _splittable_ and can be used by [native parallel index tasks](../../ingestion/native-batch.md#parallel-task). Since each split represents an HDFS file, each worker task of `index_parallel` will read an object. Sample spec: ```json "firehose" : { "type" : "hdfs", "paths": "/foo/bar,/foo/baz" } ``` This firehose provides caching and prefetching features. During native batch indexing, a firehose can be read twice if `intervals` are not specified, and, in this case, caching can be useful. Prefetching is preferred when direct scanning of files is slow. |Property|Description|Default| |--------|-----------|-------| |type|This should be `hdfs`.|none (required)| |paths|HDFS paths. Can be either a JSON array or comma-separated string of paths. Wildcards like `*` are supported in these paths.|none (required)| |maxCacheCapacityBytes|Maximum size of the cache space in bytes. 0 means disabling cache. Cached files are not removed until the ingestion task completes.|1073741824| |maxFetchCapacityBytes|Maximum size of the fetch space in bytes. 0 means disabling prefetch. Prefetched files are removed immediately once they are read.|1073741824| |prefetchTriggerBytes|Threshold to trigger prefetching files.|maxFetchCapacityBytes / 2| |fetchTimeout|Timeout for fetching each file.|60000| |maxFetchRetry|Maximum number of retries for fetching each file.|3|