Charles Allen 2e1d6aaf3d Use thread priorities. (aka set nice values for background-like tasks)
* Defaults the thread priority to java.util.Thread.NORM_PRIORITY in io.druid.indexing.common.task.AbstractTask
 * Each exec service has its own Task Factory which is assigned a priority for spawned task. Therefore each priority class has a unique exec service
 * Added priority to tasks as taskPriority in the task context. <0 means low, 0 means take default, >0 means high. It is up to any particular implementation to determine how to handle these numbers
 * Add options to ForkingTaskRunner
    * Add "-XX:+UseThreadPriorities" default option
    * Add "-XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42" default option
 * AbstractTask - Removed unneded @JsonIgnore on priority
 * Added priority to RealtimePlumber executors. All sub-executors (non query runners) get Thread.MIN_PRIORITY
 * Add persistThreadPriority and mergeThreadPriority to realtime tuning config
2016-01-20 14:00:31 -08:00
2015-10-20 13:46:13 -07:00