Gian Merlino bfffbabb56
Async task client for SeekableStreamSupervisors. (#13354)
Main changes:
1) Convert SeekableStreamIndexTaskClient to an interface, move old code
   to SeekableStreamIndexTaskClientSyncImpl, and add new implementation
   SeekableStreamIndexTaskClientAsyncImpl that uses ServiceClient.
2) Add "chatAsync" parameter to seekable stream supervisors that causes
   the supervisor to use an async task client.
3) In SeekableStreamSupervisor.discoverTasks, adjust logic to avoid making
   blocking RPC calls in workerExec threads.
4) In SeekableStreamSupervisor generally, switch from Futures.successfulAsList
   to FutureUtils.coalesce, so we can better capture the errors that occurred
   with contacting individual tasks.

Other, related changes:
1) Add ServiceRetryPolicy.retryNotAvailable, which controls whether
   ServiceClient retries unavailable services. Useful since we do not
   want to retry calls unavailable tasks within the service client. (The
   supervisor does its own higher-level retries.)
2) Add FutureUtils.transformAsync, a more lambda friendly version of
   Futures.transform(f, AsyncFunction).
3) Add FutureUtils.coalesce. Similar to Futures.successfulAsList, but
   returns Either instead of using null on error.
4) Add JacksonUtils.readValue overloads for JavaType and TypeReference.
2022-11-21 19:20:26 +05:30
2022-09-20 22:48:36 -07:00