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synced 2025-02-11 04:24:58 +00:00
* Use Long timestamp as key instead of DateTime. DateTime representation is screwed up when you store with an obj and read with a different DateTime obj. For example: The code below fails when you use DateTime as key ``` DateTime odt = DateTime.now(DateTimeUtils.getZone(DateTimeZone.forID("America/Los_Angeles"))); HashMap<DateTime, String> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(odt, "abc"); DateTime dt = new DateTime(odt.getMillis()); System.out.println(map.get(dt)); ``` * Respect timezone when creating the file. * Update docs with timezone caveat in granularity spec * Remove unused imports
Community Extensions
Please contribute all community extensions in this directory and include a doc of how your extension can be used under /docs/content/development/extensions-contrib/.
Please note that community extensions are maintained by their original contributors and are not packaged with the core Druid distribution. If you'd like to take on maintenance for a community extension, please post on druid-development group to let us know!