frank chen 80ec28578a
show leader in Services Tab (#10951)
Signed-off-by: frank chen <frank.chen021@outlook.com>
2021-03-09 08:03:56 -08:00
2021-03-09 08:03:56 -08:00

Apache Druid web console

This is the Druid web console that servers as a data management interface for Druid.

Developing the console

Getting started

  1. You need to be within the web-console directory
  2. Install the modules with npm install
  3. Run npm run compile to compile the scss files (this usually needs to be done only once)
  4. Run npm start will start in development mode and will proxy druid requests to localhost:8888

Note: you can provide an environment variable to proxy to a different Druid host like so: druid_host= npm start Note: you can provide an environment variable use webpack-bundle-analyzer as a plugin in the build script or like so: BUNDLE_ANALYZER_PLUGIN='TRUE' npm start

To try the console in (say) coordinator mode you could run it as such:

druid_host=localhost:8081 npm start


You should use a TypeScript friendly IDE (such as WebStorm, or VS Code) to develop the web console.

The console relies on tslint, sass-lint, and prettier to enforce the code style.

If you are going to do any non-trivial development you should set up file watchers in your IDE to automatically fix your code as you type.

If you do not set up auto file watchers then even a trivial change such as a typo fix might draw the ire of the code style enforcement (it might require some lines to be re-wrapped). If you find yourself in that position you should run on or more of:

  • npm run tslint-fix
  • npm run sasslint-fix
  • npm run prettify

To get your code into an acceptable state.

Updating the list of license files

If you change the dependencies of the console in any way please run script/licenses (from the web-console directory). It will analyze the changes and update the ../licenses file as needed.

Please be conscious of not introducing dependencies on packages with Apache incompatible licenses.

Running end-to-end tests

From the web-console directory:

  1. Build druid distribution: script/druid build
  2. Start druid cluster: script/druid start
  3. Run end-to-end tests: npm run test-e2e
  4. Stop druid cluster: script/druid stop

If you already have a druid cluster running on the standard ports, the steps to build/start/stop a druid cluster can be skipped.

Screenshots for debugging

e2e-tests/util/debug.ts:saveScreenshotIfError() is used to save a screenshot of the web console when the test fails. For example, if e2e-tests/tutorial-batch.spec.ts fails, it will create load-data-from-local-disk-error-screenshot.png.

Disabling headless mode

Disabling headless mode while running the tests can be helpful. This can be done via the DRUID_E2E_TEST_HEADLESS environment variable, which defaults to true.

Running against alternate web console

The environment variable DRUID_E2E_TEST_UNIFIED_CONSOLE_PORT can be used to target a web console running on a non-default port (i.e., not port 8888). For example, this environment variable can be used to target the development mode of the web console (started via npm start), which runs on port 18081.

Description of the directory structure

As part of this directory:

  • assets/ - The images (and other assets) used within the console
  • e2e-tests/ - End-to-end tests for the console
  • lib/ - A place where some overrides to the react-table stylus files live, this is outside of the normal SCSS build system.
  • public/ - The compiled destination for the files powering this console
  • script/ - Some helper bash scripts for running this console
  • src/ - This directory (together with lib) constitutes all the source code for this console

List of non SQL data reading APIs used

GET /status
GET /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor?full
POST /druid/indexer/v1/worker
GET /druid/indexer/v1/workers
GET /druid/indexer/v1/tasks
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/loadqueue?simple
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/config
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/datasources?includeUnused
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/rules
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/config/compaction
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/tiers