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synced 2025-03-07 01:39:28 +00:00
Fixes a few minor issues with scripts. - Add additional information around since it was confusing, and not clear that the number was the ID from github and not just the major version number. - Fix an issue where the milestone displayed in an output message was the milestone supplied as an argument, instead of the number of the milestone the PR is already tagged against in Github, from the sent request.
126 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable File
126 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import re
import requests
import subprocess
import sys
pr_number_pattern = r'\(#(\d+)\)'
backport_pattern = r'\[Backport[^\]]*\]'
def extract_pr_title_from_commit_message(commit_msg):
# Extract commit message except the pr number
commit_msg = re.sub(backport_pattern, '', commit_msg)
pr_num_pos = commit_msg.find("(#")
if pr_num_pos < 0:
pr_num_pos = len(commit_msg)
return commit_msg[:pr_num_pos].strip()
def extract_pr_numbers_from_commit_message(commit_msg):
extracted_numbers = re.findall(pr_number_pattern, commit_msg)
return extracted_numbers
def find_missing_backports(pr_jsons, release_pr_subjects, release_pr_numbers):
for pr in pr_jsons:
backport_found = False
for label in pr['labels']:
if label['name'] == 'Backport':
backport_found = True
pr_title_candidate = extract_pr_title_from_commit_message(pr['title'])
if pr_title_candidate in release_pr_subjects:
backport_found = True
if str(pr['number']) in release_pr_numbers:
backport_found = True
if backport_found == False:
print("Missing backport found for PR {}, url: {}".format(pr['number'], pr['html_url']))
def find_next_url(links):
for link in links:
link = link.strip()
if link.find("rel=\"next\"") >= 0:
match_result = re.match("<https.*>", link)
if match_result is None:
raise Exception("Next link[{}] is found but can't find url".format(link))
url_holder = match_result.group(0)
return url_holder[1:-1]
return None
if len(sys.argv) != 5:
sys.stderr.write('usage: program <github-username> <previous-release-branch> <current-release-branch> <milestone-number>\n')
sys.stderr.write(" e.g., program myusername 0.17.0 0.18.0 30")
sys.stderr.write(" e.g., The milestone number for Druid 30 is 56, since the milestone has the url https://github.com/apache/druid/milestone/56\n")
sys.stderr.write(" It is also necessary to set a GIT_TOKEN environment variable containing a personal access token.")
github_username = sys.argv[1]
previous_branch = sys.argv[2]
release_branch = sys.argv[3]
milestone_number = int(sys.argv[4])
master_branch = "master"
command = "git log {}..{} --oneline | tail -1".format(master_branch, previous_branch)
# Find the commit where the previous release branch was cut from master
previous_branch_first_commit = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).decode('UTF-8')
match_result = re.match("(\w+) .*", previous_branch_first_commit)
if match_result is None:
raise Exception("Can't find the first commit of the previous release.")
previous_branch_first_commit = match_result.group(1)
print("Previous branch: {}, first commit: {}".format(previous_branch, previous_branch_first_commit))
# Find all commits between that commit and the current release branch
command = "git log --pretty=tformat:%s {}..{}".format(previous_branch_first_commit, release_branch)
all_release_commits = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).decode('UTF-8')
release_pr_subjects = set()
release_pr_numbers = set()
for commit_msg in all_release_commits.splitlines():
title = extract_pr_title_from_commit_message(commit_msg)
pr_numbers = extract_pr_numbers_from_commit_message(commit_msg)
print("Number of release PR subjects: {}".format(len(release_pr_subjects)))
# Get all closed PRs and filter out with milestone
milestone_url = "https://api.github.com/repos/apache/druid/milestones/{}".format(milestone_number)
resp = requests.get(milestone_url, auth=(github_username, os.environ["GIT_TOKEN"])).json()
milestone_title = resp['title']
pr_items = []
page = 0
while True:
page = page + 1
pr_url = "https://api.github.com/search/issues?per_page=50&page={}&q=milestone:{}+type:pr+is:merged+is:closed+repo:apache/druid".format(page,milestone_title)
pr_resp = requests.get(pr_url, auth=(github_username, os.environ["GIT_TOKEN"])).json()
if pr_resp['incomplete_results']:
sys.stderr.write('This script cannot handle incomplete results')
if len(pr_resp['items']) < 50:
print("Total PRs for current milestone: {}".format(len(pr_items)))
print("Total expected count: {}".format(pr_resp['total_count']))
if pr_resp['total_count'] != len(pr_items):
sys.stderr.write('Expected PR count does not match with number of PRs fetched')
find_missing_backports(pr_items, release_pr_subjects, release_pr_numbers)