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synced 2025-03-09 02:54:17 +00:00
* enables to launch a fake broker based on test resources (druidtest uri) * could record queries into new testfiles during usage * instead of re-purpose Calcite's Hook migrates to use DruidHook which we can add further keys * added a quidem-ut module which could be the place for tests which could iteract with modules/etc
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2255 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
~ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
~ or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
~ distributed with this work for additional information
~ regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
~ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
~ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
~ with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
~ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
~ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
~ KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
~ specific language governing permissions and limitations
~ under the License.
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
<description>Druid - A Distributed Column Store</description>
<name>Apache License, Version 2.0</name>
<name>Apache Druid Committers</name>
<name>Apache Druid developers list</name>
<!-- when updating apache ranger, verify the usage of aws-bundle-sdk vs aws-logs-sdk
and update as needed in extensions-core/druid-ranger-security/pm.xml -->
The base calcite parser was copied into the project; when updating Calcite run dev/upgrade-calcite-parser to adopt upstream changes
<!-- mockito-inline artifact was removed in mockito 5.3 (mockito 5.x is required for Java >17),
however it is required in some cases when running against mockito 4.x (mockito 4.x is required for Java <11.
We use the following property to pick the proper artifact based on Java version (see pre-java-11 profile) -->
<!-- When upgrading ZK, edit docs and integration tests as well (integration-tests/docker-base/setup.sh) -->
<jdk.strong.encapsulation.argLine><!-- empty placeholder --></jdk.strong.encapsulation.argLine>
<jdk.security.manager.allow.argLine><!-- empty placeholder --></jdk.security.manager.allow.argLine>
<repoOrgName>Maven Central Repository</repoOrgName>
<!-- Allow the handful of flaky tests with transient failures to pass. -->
<!-- Using -DskipTests or -P skip-tests will skip both the unit tests and
the "new" integration tests. To skip just the unit tests (but run the
new integration tests by setting the required profile), use -DskipUTs=true.
<!-- NetBeans has a problem when we use late binding with @ in the surefire arg line.
Therefore we set this empty property here.
ref: https://github.com/mapstruct/mapstruct/pull/1241
<jacocoArgLine />
<!-- used to enable continuous profiling of jdk17 unit tests in github actions -->
<!-- Core cloud functionality -->
<!-- Core extensions -->
<!-- Community extensions -->
<!-- distribution packaging -->
<!-- Revised integration tests -->
<!-- Only used by core, but moved to root for parallel build dependency resolution -->
<!-- Compile Scope -->
<!-- transitive dependency of testng
this would be resolved by updating
testng to 7.8.0 -->
<!-- transitive dependency of kafka-clients and kubernetes client
this should get resolved with the update of above depdendencies -->
<!-- transitive dependency of kafka-clientorg.apache.calcite:calcite-testkit
and kafka-protobuf-provider
this should get resolved with the update of above depdendencies -->
<!-- Transitive dependency of kubernetes-client-java in kubernetes-extension,
schema-repo in avro-extensions, and com.google.caliper:caliper in druid-server
and direct dependency of druid-ranger
<!-- Transitive dependency of kubernetes-client java and docker-java-core
in kubernetes-extensions and it-integration tests -->
<!-- Transitive dependency of hive-common in druid-kerberos, druid-ranger-security and
druid-iceberg-extension -->
<!-- This is not slf4j's version because of performance concerns
Please make sure to do performance tests before switching this to slf4j
Users wishing to use slf4j's solution are encouraged to also use
More info at
<!-- override the transitive dependency from com.opencsv:opensv:4.6 to version 1.9.3 to address CVE-2014-0114 -->
<!-- Uses Netty 4.1.x -->
<!-- caliper ships a very old asm version which can cause issues during testing -->
<!-- exclude older byte-buddy until assertj-core depends on 1.14+ for Java 21 -->
<!-- GCP -->
<!-- GCE -->
<!-- testng ships guice 4.2, which requires a newer version of guava -->
<!-- Ignore initialization classes, these are tested by the integration tests. -->
<!-- Ignore cli tools -->
<!-- Ignore generated code -->
<exclude>org/apache/druid/math/expr/antlr/Expr*</exclude> <!-- core -->
<exclude>org/apache/druid/**/generated/*Benchmark*</exclude> <!-- benchmarks -->
<exclude>org/apache/druid/data/input/influx/InfluxLineProtocol*</exclude> <!-- extensions-contrib/influx-extensions -->
<!-- Ignore non-production code -->
<exclude>org/apache/druid/benchmark/**/*</exclude> <!-- benchmarks -->
<exclude>org/apache/druid/**/*Benchmark*</exclude> <!-- benchmarks -->
<exclude>org/apache/druid/testing/**/*</exclude> <!-- integration-tests -->
<!-- The "new" ITs put the test classes into the above testing package. However,
the "old" version has them sprinked through the module tree. Remove the following
once the old version is retired. -->
<!-- Exceptions -->
<!-- overwrite dependency on spotbugs if you want to specify the version of spotbugs -->
<linkXRef>false</linkXRef> <!-- prevent "Unable to locate Source XRef to link to" warning -->
This will automatically choose the right
signatures based on 'maven.compiler.target':
<!-- Check jdk-system-out only for production code, but not in test code -->
<!-- Some of our code uses sun.* classes directly, which are not part of
the JDK signature (although they are there anyway). -->
<!-- ignore java reflection polymorphic api signatures -->
<!--LGPL licenced library-->
<Build-Jdk>${java.version} (${java.vendor} ${java.vm.version})</Build-Jdk>
<Build-OS>${os.name} ${os.arch} ${os.version}</Build-OS>
<projectName>Apache Druid</projectName>
<skipSystemScope>true</skipSystemScope> <!-- avoid error when processing jdk.tools:jdk.tools:jar:1.8:system -->
<!-- For node analysis info, see https://github.com/jeremylong/DependencyCheck/issues/2482#issuecomment-603755623 -->
<nodeAnalyzerEnabled>false</nodeAnalyzerEnabled> <!-- plugin author (jeremylong) recommends to disable, since this analyzer is retired -->
<phase>none</phase> <!-- TODO: Consider enabling so part of dev flow instead of just CI -->
<!-- locale settings must be set on the command line before startup -->
<!-- set default options -->
<!-- Bump up memory from 1.5 GB to 2 GB. This is particularly needed for JDK 17 where
we have jfr profiler enabled which adds additional memory pressure. -->
-Daws.region=us-east-1 <!-- required for s3-related unit tests -->
<!--@TODO After fixing https://github.com/apache/druid/issues/4964 remove this parameter-->
<!-- Skip the tests which Surefire runs. Surefire runs the unit tests,
while its sister plugin, Failsafe, runs the "new" ITs. -->
<!-- our tests are very verbose, let's keep the volume down -->
<forkNode implementation="org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.extensions.SurefireForkNodeFactory"/>
<!-- Surefire default is to exclude static inner classes; which may lead to the ignore of static inner classes
https://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-surefire-plugin/test-mojo.html#excludes -->
<!-- jdk8 started linting javadocs by default; ours are not fully compliant -->
<!-- HadoopFsWrapper javadocs cannot be generated due to missing annotations -->
<!-- mockito 5.x dropped support for Java 8, but is necessary to test against Java >17 -->
<!-- mockito-inline was removed in mockito 5.3, but is necessary when running against mockito 4.x for Java 8 -->
<!-- required for system-rules with Java >= 18 https://github.com/stefanbirkner/system-rules/issues/85 -->
<!-- this option is only available starting in Java 12 -->
<!-- Strong encapsulation parameters -->
<!-- When updating this list, update all four locations: -->
<!-- 2) docs/operations/java.md, "Strong encapsulation" section -->
<!-- 3) pom.xml, jdk.strong.encapsulation.argLine (here) -->
<!-- 4) examples/bin/run-java script -->
<!-- required for DataSketches Memory -->
<!-- required for NativeIO#getfd -->
<!-- required for Guice -->
<!-- required for metrics -->
<!-- required for certain EqualsVerifier tests (not required in production) -->
<!-- prefer release instead of source/target in JDK 9 and above -->
<arg>-Xplugin:ErrorProne -XepExcludedPaths:.*/target/generated-(test-)?sources/.* -XepDisableWarningsInGeneratedCode -Xep:ClassCanBeStatic:ERROR -Xep:PreconditionsInvalidPlaceholder:ERROR -Xep:MissingOverride:ERROR -Xep:DefaultCharset:ERROR -Xep:QualifierOrScopeOnInjectMethod:ERROR -Xep:AssistedInjectAndInjectOnSameConstructor -Xep:AutoFactoryAtInject -Xep:ClassName -Xep:ComparisonContractViolated -Xep:DepAnn -Xep:EmptyIf -Xep:InjectInvalidTargetingOnScopingAnnotation -Xep:InjectMoreThanOneQualifier -Xep:InjectScopeAnnotationOnInterfaceOrAbstractClass -Xep:InjectScopeOrQualifierAnnotationRetention -Xep:InjectedConstructorAnnotations -Xep:InsecureCryptoUsage -Xep:JavaxInjectOnFinalField -Xep:LongLiteralLowerCaseSuffix -Xep:NoAllocation -Xep:NonRuntimeAnnotation -Xep:NumericEquality -Xep:ProtoStringFieldReferenceEquality -Xep:CheckedExceptionNotThrown:ERROR</arg>
<!-- Error Prone requires exemptions for Java >= 16, see https://errorprone.info/docs/installation#maven -->
<configuration combine.self="override">
<!-- locale settings must be set on the command line before startup -->
<!-- set heap size to work around https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/3396 -->
-Xmx768m -Duser.language=en -Duser.country=US -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
-Duser.timezone=UTC -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.LogManager
-Daws.region=us-east-1 <!-- required for s3-related unit tests -->
<!--@TODO After fixing https://github.com/apache/druid/issues/4964 remove this parameter-->
<!-- our tests are very verbose, let's keep the volume down -->
<!-- Run Apache Rat license checks in a separate profile, because during local builds it doesn't skip files
that are not checked into Git -->
<license implementation="org.apache.rat.analysis.license.SimplePatternBasedLicense">
<licenseFamilyName>MIT JQuery</licenseFamilyName>
<notes />
<pattern>Copyright 2005, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors</pattern>
<pattern>Copyright 2012 jQuery Foundation and other contributors; Licensed MIT</pattern>
<pattern>jQuery Foundation, Inc. | jquery.org/license</pattern>
<license implementation="org.apache.rat.analysis.license.SimplePatternBasedLicense">
<notes />
<pattern>Underscore is freely distributable under the MIT license</pattern>
<license implementation="org.apache.rat.analysis.license.SimplePatternBasedLicense">
<licenseFamilyCategory>Allan Jardine</licenseFamilyCategory>
<licenseFamilyName>Allan Jardine</licenseFamilyName>
<notes />
<pattern>Copyright 2009 Allan Jardine. All Rights Reserved</pattern>
<license implementation="org.apache.rat.analysis.license.SimplePatternBasedLicense">
<licenseFamilyCategory>Allan Jardine</licenseFamilyCategory>
<licenseFamilyName>Allan Jardine</licenseFamilyName>
<notes />
<pattern>Copyright 2009 Allan Jardine. All Rights Reserved</pattern>
<pattern>Copyright 2008-2011 Allan Jardine</pattern>
<pattern>GPL v2 or BSD 3 point style</pattern>
<licenseFamily implementation="org.apache.rat.license.SimpleLicenseFamily">
<familyName>MIT JQuery</familyName>
<licenseFamily implementation="org.apache.rat.license.SimpleLicenseFamily">
<licenseFamily implementation="org.apache.rat.license.SimpleLicenseFamily">
<familyName>Allan Jardine</familyName>
<exclude>**/test/resources/**/*</exclude> <!-- test data for "old" ITs. -->
<exclude>**/docker/client_tls/*</exclude> <!-- generated files for "old" ITs. -->
<exclude>resources/data/**/*</exclude> <!-- test data for "new" ITs. -->
<exclude>**/*.pmd</exclude> <!-- Artifact of maven-pmd-plugin -->
<exclude>**/*.pmdruleset.xml</exclude> <!-- Artifact of maven-pmd-plugin -->
<exclude>**/.settings/**/*</exclude> <!-- Eclipse -->
<exclude>**/.classpath</exclude> <!-- Eclipse -->
<exclude>**/.project</exclude> <!-- Eclipse -->
<exclude>**/*.iq</exclude> <!-- quidem testfiles -->
<exclude>**/*.iq.out</exclude> <!-- quidem testfiles -->
<!-- Prevent the source-release-assembly execution defined in the Apache parent POM from running
so we can control it ourselves -->
<skipTests>true</skipTests> <!-- skips both UTs and ITs -->