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synced 2025-02-20 00:47:40 +00:00
* enable unit tests with JDK11 This enables unit tests with openjdk11, splitting up the build into stages to have it fail faster The integration test docker image still uses openjdk8, so there is little reason to run those tests with JDK11 yet * remove stages
273 lines
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273 lines
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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
language: java
sudo: true
dist: xenial
- openjdk8
- $HOME/.m2
- DOCKER_IP= # for integration tests
- MVN="mvn -B"
- > # Various options to make execution of maven goals faster (e.g., mvn install)
- MAVEN_SKIP_TESTS="-DskipTests -Djacoco.skip=true"
# Add various options to make 'mvn install' fast and skip javascript compile (-Ddruid.console.skip=true) since it is not
# needed. Depending on network speeds, "mvn -q install" may take longer than the default 10 minute timeout to print any
# output. To compensate, use travis_wait to extend the timeout.
install: MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx3000m' travis_wait 15 ${MVN} clean install -q -ff ${MAVEN_SKIP} ${MAVEN_SKIP_TESTS} -T1C
- name: "animal sniffer checks"
script: ${MVN} animal-sniffer:check --fail-at-end
- name: "checkstyle"
script: ${MVN} checkstyle:checkstyle --fail-at-end
- name: "enforcer checks"
script: ${MVN} enforcer:enforce --fail-at-end
- name: "forbidden api checks"
script: ${MVN} forbiddenapis:check forbiddenapis:testCheck --fail-at-end
- name: "pmd checks"
script: ${MVN} pmd:check --fail-at-end # TODO: consider adding pmd:cpd-check
- name: "spotbugs checks"
script: ${MVN} spotbugs:check --fail-at-end -pl '!benchmarks'
- name: "license checks"
install: skip
before_script: &setup_generate_license
- sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-setuptools -y
- pip3 install wheel # install wheel first explicitly
- pip3 install pyyaml
- >
${MVN} apache-rat:check -Prat --fail-at-end
# Generate dependency reports and checks they are valid. When running on Travis CI, 2 cores are available
# (https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/reference/overview/#virtualisation-environment-vs-operating-system).
- mkdir -p target
- distribution/bin/generate-license-dependency-reports.py . target --clean-maven-artifact-transfer --parallel 2
- distribution/bin/generate-license.py licenses/APACHE2 licenses.yaml LICENSES.BINARY --dependency-reports target/license-reports
- &compile_strict
name: "(openjdk8) strict compilation"
install: skip
# Strict compilation requires more than 2 GB
script: >
MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx3000m' ${MVN} clean -Pstrict compile test-compile --fail-at-end
-pl '!benchmarks' ${MAVEN_SKIP} ${MAVEN_SKIP_TESTS}
- &package
name: "(openjdk8) packaging check"
install: skip
before_script: *setup_generate_license
script: >
MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx3000m' ${MVN} clean install -Pdist -Pbundle-contrib-exts --fail-at-end
-pl '!benchmarks' ${MAVEN_SKIP} ${MAVEN_SKIP_TESTS} -Ddruid.console.skip=false -T1C
- <<: *package
name: "(openjdk11) packaging check"
jdk: openjdk11
- &test_processing_module
name: "(openjdk8) processing module test"
env: &processing_env
- MAVEN_PROJECTS='processing'
before_script: &setup_java_test
script: &run_java_test
# Set MAVEN_OPTS for Surefire launcher. Skip remoteresources to avoid intermittent connection timeouts when
# resolving the SIGAR dependency.
- >
MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx800m' ${MVN} test -pl ${MAVEN_PROJECTS}
${MAVEN_SKIP} -Dremoteresources.skip=true
- sh -c "dmesg | egrep -i '(oom|out of memory|kill process|killed).*' -C 1 || exit 0"
- free -m
after_success: &upload_java_unit_test_coverage
- ${MVN} -pl ${MAVEN_PROJECTS} jacoco:report
# retry in case of network error
- travis_retry curl -o codecov.sh -s https://codecov.io/bash
- travis_retry bash codecov.sh -X gcov
- <<: *test_processing_module
name: "(openjdk11) processing module test"
jdk: openjdk11
- &test_processing_module_sqlcompat
name: "(openjdk8) processing module test (SQL Compatibility)"
env: *processing_env
before_script: *setup_java_test
script: &run_java_sql_compat_test
# Set MAVEN_OPTS for Surefire launcher. Skip remoteresources to avoid intermittent connection timeouts when
# resolving the SIGAR dependency.
- >
MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx800m' ${MVN} test -pl ${MAVEN_PROJECTS} -Ddruid.generic.useDefaultValueForNull=false
${MAVEN_SKIP} -Dremoteresources.skip=true
- sh -c "dmesg | egrep -i '(oom|out of memory|kill process|killed).*' -C 1 || exit 0"
- free -m
after_success: *upload_java_unit_test_coverage
- <<: *test_processing_module_sqlcompat
name: "(openjdk11) processing module test (SQL Compatibility)"
jdk: openjdk11
- &test_indexing_module
name: "(openjdk8) indexing modules test"
env: &indexing_env
- MAVEN_PROJECTS='indexing-hadoop,indexing-service,extensions-core/kafka-indexing-service,extensions-core/kinesis-indexing-service'
before_script: *setup_java_test
script: *run_java_test
after_success: *upload_java_unit_test_coverage
- <<: *test_indexing_module
name: "(openjdk11) indexing modules test"
jdk: openjdk11
- &test_indexing_module_sqlcompat
name: "(openjdk8) indexing modules test (SQL Compatibility)"
env: *indexing_env
before_script: *setup_java_test
script: *run_java_sql_compat_test
after_success: *upload_java_unit_test_coverage
- <<: *test_indexing_module_sqlcompat
name: "(openjdk11) indexing modules test (SQL Compatibility)"
jdk: openjdk11
- &test_server_module
name: "(openjdk8) server module test"
env: &server_env
before_script: *setup_java_test
script: *run_java_test
after_success: *upload_java_unit_test_coverage
- <<: *test_server_module
name: "(openjdk11) server module test"
jdk: openjdk11
- &test_server_module_sqlcompat
name: "(openjdk8) server module test (SQL Compatibility)"
env: *server_env
before_script: *setup_java_test
script: *run_java_sql_compat_test
after_success: *upload_java_unit_test_coverage
- <<: *test_server_module_sqlcompat
name: "(openjdk11) server module test (SQL Compatibility)"
jdk: openjdk11
- &test_modules
name: "(openjdk8) other modules test"
env: &other_env
- MAVEN_PROJECTS='!processing,!indexing-hadoop,!indexing-service,!extensions-core/kafka-indexing-service,!extensions-core/kinesis-indexing-service,!server,!web-console'
before_script: *setup_java_test
script: *run_java_test
after_success: *upload_java_unit_test_coverage
- <<: *test_modules
name: "(openjdk11) other modules test"
jdk: openjdk11
- &test_modules_sqlcompat
name: "(openjdk8) other modules test (SQL Compatibility)"
env: *other_env
before_script: *setup_java_test
script: *run_java_sql_compat_test
after_success: *upload_java_unit_test_coverage
- <<: *test_modules_sqlcompat
name: "(openjdk11) other modules test (SQL Compatibility)"
jdk: openjdk11
- &test_webconsole
name: "web console"
install: skip
- ${MVN} test -pl 'web-console'
- (cd web-console && travis_retry npm run codecov) # retry in case of network error
- name: "docs"
install: (cd website && npm install)
script: (cd website && npm run lint)
- &integration_batch_index
name: "batch index integration test"
services: &integration_test_services
- docker
env: TESTNG_GROUPS='-Dgroups=batch-index'
script: &run_integration_test
- ${MVN} verify -pl integration-tests -P integration-tests ${TESTNG_GROUPS} ${MAVEN_SKIP}
after_failure: &integration_test_diags
- for v in ~/shared/logs/*.log ; do
echo $v logtail ======================== ; tail -100 $v ;
- for v in broker middlemanager overlord router coordinator historical ; do
echo $v dmesg ======================== ;
docker exec -it druid-$v sh -c 'dmesg | tail -3' ;
- &integration_kafka_index
name: "kafka index integration test"
services: *integration_test_services
env: TESTNG_GROUPS='-Dgroups=kafka-index'
script: *run_integration_test
after_failure: *integration_test_diags
- &integration_query
name: "query integration test"
services: *integration_test_services
env: TESTNG_GROUPS='-Dgroups=query'
script: *run_integration_test
after_failure: *integration_test_diags
- &integration_realtime_index
name: "realtime index integration test"
services: *integration_test_services
env: TESTNG_GROUPS='-Dgroups=realtime-index'
script: *run_integration_test
after_failure: *integration_test_diags
- &integration_tests
name: "other integration test"
services: *integration_test_services
env: TESTNG_GROUPS='-DexcludedGroups=batch-index,kafka-index,query,realtime-index'
script: *run_integration_test
after_failure: *integration_test_diags