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< h5 > HDFS< / h5 >
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< h5 > MapReduce< / h5 >
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< a href = "../../../hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core/MapReduceTutorial.html" > Tutorial< / a >
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< a href = "../../../hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core/MapredCommands.html" > Commands Reference< / a >
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< a href = "../../../hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core/MapReduce_Compatibility_Hadoop1_Hadoop2.html" > Compatibility with 1.x< / a >
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< a href = "../../../hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core/EncryptedShuffle.html" > Encrypted Shuffle< / a >
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< a href = "../../../hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core/PluggableShuffleAndPluggableSort.html" > Pluggable Shuffle/Sort< / a >
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< a href = "../../../hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core/SharedCacheSupport.html" > Support for YARN Shared Cache< / a >
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< h5 > MapReduce REST APIs< / h5 >
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< h5 > YARN< / h5 >
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< h5 > YARN REST APIs< / h5 >
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< a href = "../../../hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/WebServicesIntro.html" > Introduction< / a >
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< a href = "../../../hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/TimelineServer.html#Timeline_Server_REST_API_v1" > Timeline Server< / a >
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< h5 > YARN Service< / h5 >
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< a href = "../../../hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/yarn-service/Overview.html" > Overview< / a >
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< a href = "../../../hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/yarn-service/QuickStart.html" > QuickStart< / a >
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< h5 > Hadoop Compatible File Systems< / h5 >
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< h5 > Tools< / h5 >
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< h5 > Configuration< / h5 >
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< a href = "../../../hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-common/core-default.xml" > core-default.xml< / a >
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< h1 > < code > FileSystem.openFile()< / code > /< code > FileContext.openFile()< / code > < / h1 >
< p > This is a method provided by both FileSystem and FileContext for advanced file opening options and, where implemented, an asynchrounous/lazy opening of a file.< / p >
< p > Creates a builder to open a file, supporting options both standard and filesystem specific. The return value of the < code > build()< / code > call is a < code > Future< FSDataInputStream> < / code > , which must be waited on. The file opening may be asynchronous, and it may actually be postponed (including permission/existence checks) until reads are actually performed.< / p >
< p > This API call was added to < code > FileSystem< / code > and < code > FileContext< / code > in Hadoop 3.3.0; it was tuned in Hadoop 3.3.1 as follows.< / p >
< ul >
< li > Added < code > opt(key, long)< / code > and < code > must(key, long)< / code > .< / li >
< li > Declared that < code > withFileStatus(null)< / code > is allowed.< / li >
< li > Declared that < code > withFileStatus(status)< / code > only checks the filename of the path, not the full path. This is needed to support passthrough/mounted filesystems.< / li >
< li > Added standard option keys.< / li >
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< h3 > < a name = "FutureDataInputStreamBuilder_openFile.28Path_path.29" > < / a > < a name = "openfile_path_" > < / a > < code > FutureDataInputStreamBuilder openFile(Path path)< / code > < / h3 >
< p > Creates a < a href = "fsdatainputstreambuilder.html" > < code > FutureDataInputStreamBuilder< / code > < / a > to construct a operation to open the file at < code > path< / code > for reading.< / p >
< p > When < code > build()< / code > is invoked on the returned < code > FutureDataInputStreamBuilder< / code > instance, the builder parameters are verified and < code > FileSystem.openFileWithOptions(Path, OpenFileParameters)< / code > or < code > AbstractFileSystem.openFileWithOptions(Path, OpenFileParameters)< / code > invoked.< / p >
< p > These protected methods returns a < code > CompletableFuture< FSDataInputStream> < / code > which, when its < code > get()< / code > method is called, either returns an input stream of the contents of opened file, or raises an exception.< / p >
< p > The base implementation of the < code > FileSystem.openFileWithOptions(PathHandle, OpenFileParameters)< / code > ultimately invokes < code > FileSystem.open(Path, int)< / code > .< / p >
< p > Thus the chain < code > FileSystem.openFile(path).build().get()< / code > has the same preconditions and postconditions as < code > FileSystem.open(Path p, int bufferSize)< / code > < / p >
< p > However, there is one difference which implementations are free to take advantage of:< / p >
< p > The returned stream MAY implement a lazy open where file non-existence or access permission failures may not surface until the first < code > read()< / code > of the actual data.< / p >
< p > This saves network IO on object stores.< / p >
< p > The < code > openFile()< / code > operation MAY check the state of the filesystem during its invocation, but as the state of the filesystem may change between this call and the actual < code > build()< / code > and < code > get()< / code > operations, this file-specific preconditions (file exists, file is readable, etc) MUST NOT be checked here.< / p >
< p > FileSystem implementations which do not implement < code > open(Path, int)< / code > MAY postpone raising an < code > UnsupportedOperationException< / code > until either the < code > FutureDataInputStreamBuilder.build()< / code > or the subsequent < code > get()< / code > call, else they MAY fail fast in the < code > openFile()< / code > call.< / p >
< p > Consult < a href = "fsdatainputstreambuilder.html" > < code > FutureDataInputStreamBuilder< / code > < / a > for details on how to use the builder, and for standard options which may be passed in.< / p > < / section > < section >
< h3 > < a name = "FutureDataInputStreamBuilder_openFile.28PathHandle.29" > < / a > < a name = "openfile_pathhandle_" > < / a > < code > FutureDataInputStreamBuilder openFile(PathHandle)< / code > < / h3 >
< p > Creates a < a href = "fsdatainputstreambuilder.html" > < code > FutureDataInputStreamBuilder< / code > < / a > to construct a operation to open the file identified by the given < code > PathHandle< / code > for reading.< / p >
< p > If implemented by a filesystem, the semantics of < a href = "#openfile_path_" > < code > openFile(Path)< / code > < / a > Thus the chain < code > openFile(pathhandle).build().get()< / code > has the same preconditions and postconditions as < code > open(Pathhandle, int)< / code > < / p >
< p > FileSystem implementations which do not implement < code > open(PathHandle handle, int bufferSize)< / code > MAY postpone raising an < code > UnsupportedOperationException< / code > until either the < code > FutureDataInputStreamBuilder.build()< / code > or the subsequent < code > get()< / code > call, else they MAY fail fast in the < code > openFile(PathHandle)< / code > call.< / p >
< p > The base implementation raises this exception in the < code > build()< / code > operation; other implementations SHOULD copy this.< / p > < / section > < section >
< h3 > < a name = "Implementors_notes" > < / a > Implementors notes< / h3 >
< p > The base implementation of < code > openFileWithOptions()< / code > actually executes the < code > open(path)< / code > operation synchronously, yet still returns the result or any failures in the < code > CompletableFuture< > < / code > , so as to provide a consistent lifecycle across all filesystems.< / p >
< p > Any filesystem client where the time to open a file may be significant SHOULD execute it asynchronously by submitting the operation in some executor/thread pool. This is particularly recommended for object stores and other filesystems likely to be accessed over long-haul connections.< / p >
< p > Arbitrary filesystem-specific options MAY be supported; these MUST be prefixed with either the filesystem schema, e.g. < code > hdfs.< / code > or in the < code > fs.SCHEMA< / code > format as normal configuration settings < code > fs.hdfs< / code > . The latter style allows the same configuration option to be used for both filesystem configuration and file-specific configuration.< / p >
< p > It SHOULD be possible to always open a file without specifying any options, so as to present a consistent model to users. However, an implementation MAY opt to require one or more mandatory options to be set.< / p >
< p > The returned stream may perform “ lazy” evaluation of file access. This is relevant for object stores where the probes for existence are expensive, and, even with an asynchronous open, may be considered needless.< / p > < / section > < / section >
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