Add and RELEASENOTES for 2.8.2 release.
(cherry picked from commit 3793d2b9cfdae97a534a6eb6e38e84e2f00c2b83)
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
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# "Apache Hadoop" Changelog
## Release 2.8.2 - 2017-10-19
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| [HADOOP-14174]( | Set default ADLS access token provider type to ClientCredential | Major | fs/adl | John Zhuge | John Zhuge |
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| [HDFS-7764]( | DirectoryScanner shouldn't abort the scan if one directory had an error | Major | datanode | Rakesh R | Rakesh R |
| [HDFS-7541]( | Upgrade Domains in HDFS | Major | . | Ming Ma | Ming Ma |
| [HDFS-10683]( | Make class Token$PrivateToken private | Minor | . | John Zhuge | John Zhuge |
| [HADOOP-13688]( | Stop bundling HTML source code in javadoc JARs | Major | build | Andrew Wang | Andrew Wang |
| [HADOOP-13737]( | Cleanup DiskChecker interface | Major | util | Arpit Agarwal | Arpit Agarwal |
| [HADOOP-13496]( | Include file lengths in Mismatch in length error for distcp | Minor | . | Ted Yu | Ted Yu |
| [HDFS-10534]( | NameNode WebUI should display DataNode usage histogram | Major | namenode, ui | Zhe Zhang | Kai Sasaki |
| [HADOOP-14050]( | Add process name to kms process | Minor | kms, scripts | Rushabh S Shah | Rushabh S Shah |
| [HDFS-11390]( | Add process name to httpfs process | Minor | httpfs, scripts | John Zhuge | Weiwei Yang |
| [HDFS-11333]( | Print a user friendly error message when plugins are not found | Minor | namenode | Wei-Chiu Chuang | Wei-Chiu Chuang |
| [HDFS-11466]( | Change dfs.namenode.write-lock-reporting-threshold-ms default from 1000ms to 5000ms | Major | namenode | Andrew Wang | Andrew Wang |
| [HDFS-11432]( | Federation : Support fully qualified path for Quota/Snapshot/cacheadmin/cryptoadmin commands | Major | federation | Brahma Reddy Battula | Brahma Reddy Battula |
| [HADOOP-14169]( | Implement listStatusIterator, listLocatedStatus for ViewFs | Minor | viewfs | Erik Krogen | Erik Krogen |
| [HADOOP-14233]( | Delay construction of PreCondition.check failure message in Configuration#set | Major | . | Jonathan Eagles | Jonathan Eagles |
| [HADOOP-14240]( | Configuration#get return value optimization | Major | . | Jonathan Eagles | Jonathan Eagles |
| [YARN-6339]( | Improve performance for createAndGetApplicationReport | Major | . | yunjiong zhao | yunjiong zhao |
| [HDFS-9705]( | Refine the behaviour of getFileChecksum when length = 0 | Minor | . | Kai Zheng | SammiChen |
| [HDFS-11628]( | Clarify the behavior of HDFS Mover in documentation | Major | documentation | Xiaobing Zhou | Xiaobing Zhou |
| [HADOOP-14104]( | Client should always ask namenode for kms provider path. | Major | kms | Rushabh S Shah | Rushabh S Shah |
| [HADOOP-14276]( | Add a nanosecond API to Time/Timer/FakeTimer | Minor | util | Erik Krogen | Erik Krogen |
| [HDFS-11558]( | BPServiceActor thread name is too long | Minor | datanode | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze | Xiaobing Zhou |
| [HDFS-11648]( | Lazy construct the IIP pathname | Major | . | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [HDFS-11634]( | Optimize BlockIterator when iterating starts in the middle. | Major | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
| [HDFS-11384]( | Add option for balancer to disperse getBlocks calls to avoid NameNode's rpc.CallQueueLength spike | Major | balancer & mover | yunjiong zhao | Konstantin Shvachko |
| [YARN-6457]( | Allow custom SSL configuration to be supplied in WebApps | Major | webapp, yarn | Sanjay M Pujare | Sanjay M Pujare |
| [HDFS-11641]( | Reduce cost of audit logging by using FileStatus instead of HdfsFileStatus | Major | hdfs | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [YARN-6493]( | Print requested node partition in assignContainer logs | Major | . | Jonathan Hung | Jonathan Hung |
| [HDFS-11891]( | DU#refresh should print the path of the directory when an exception is caught | Minor | . | Chen Liang | Chen Liang |
| [HADOOP-14440]( | Add metrics for connections dropped | Major | . | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [HDFS-11861]( | ipc.Client.Connection#sendRpcRequest should log request name | Trivial | ipc | John Zhuge | John Zhuge |
| [HDFS-11345]( | Document the configuration key for FSNamesystem lock fairness | Minor | documentation, namenode | Zhe Zhang | Erik Krogen |
| [YARN-6738]( | LevelDBCacheTimelineStore should reuse ObjectMapper instances | Major | timelineserver | Zoltan Haindrich | Zoltan Haindrich |
| [HADOOP-14515]( | Specifically configure zookeeper-related log levels in KMS log4j | Major | kms | Xiao Chen | Xiao Chen |
| [HDFS-11881]( | NameNode consumes a lot of memory for snapshot diff report generation | Major | hdfs, snapshots | Manoj Govindassamy | Manoj Govindassamy |
| [HDFS-12042]( | Lazy initialize AbstractINodeDiffList#diffs for snapshots to reduce memory consumption | Major | . | Misha Dmitriev | Misha Dmitriev |
| [HDFS-12078]( | Add time unit to the description of property dfs.namenode.stale.datanode.interval in hdfs-default.xml | Minor | documentation, hdfs | Weiwei Yang | Weiwei Yang |
| [HADOOP-14629]( | Improve exception checking in FileContext related JUnit tests | Major | fs, test | Andras Bokor | Andras Bokor |
| [HDFS-12137]( | DN dataset lock should be fair | Critical | datanode | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [HADOOP-14659]( | UGI getShortUserName does not need to search the Subject | Major | common | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [YARN-6768]( | Improve performance of yarn api record toString and fromString | Major | . | Jonathan Eagles | Jonathan Eagles |
| [YARN-5892]( | Support user-specific minimum user limit percentage in Capacity Scheduler | Major | capacityscheduler | Eric Payne | Eric Payne |
| [YARN-6917]( | Queue path is recomputed from scratch on every allocation | Minor | capacityscheduler | Jason Lowe | Eric Payne |
| [HDFS-12301]( | NN File Browser UI: Navigate to a path when enter is pressed | Trivial | ui | Ravi Prakash | Ravi Prakash |
| [HADOOP-14251]( | Credential provider should handle property key deprecation | Critical | security | John Zhuge | John Zhuge |
| [MAPREDUCE-6937]( | Backport MAPREDUCE-6870 to branch-2 while preserving compatibility | Major | . | Zhe Zhang | Peter Bacsko |
| [YARN-5547]( | NMLeveldbStateStore should be more tolerant of unknown keys | Major | nodemanager | Jason Lowe | Ajith S |
| [YARN-6930]( | Admins should be able to explicitly enable specific LinuxContainerRuntime in the NodeManager | Major | nodemanager | Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli | Shane Kumpf |
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| [YARN-524]( | TestYarnVersionInfo failing if generated properties doesn't include an SVN URL | Minor | api | Steve Loughran | Steve Loughran |
| [YARN-1471]( | The SLS simulator is not running the preemption policy for CapacityScheduler | Minor | . | Carlo Curino | Carlo Curino |
| [HADOOP-11703]( | git should ignore .DS\_Store files on Mac OS X | Major | . | Abin Shahab | Abin Shahab |
| [YARN-4612]( | Fix rumen and scheduler load simulator handle killed tasks properly | Major | . | Ming Ma | Ming Ma |
| [YARN-4594]( | container-executor fails to remove directory tree when chmod required | Major | nodemanager | Colin P. McCabe | Colin P. McCabe |
| [YARN-4731]( | container-executor should not follow symlinks in recursive\_unlink\_children | Blocker | . | Bibin A Chundatt | Colin P. McCabe |
| [YARN-4812]( | TestFairScheduler#testContinuousScheduling fails intermittently | Major | fairscheduler | Karthik Kambatla | Karthik Kambatla |
| [YARN-4927]( | TestRMHA#testTransitionedToActiveRefreshFail fails with FairScheduler | Major | test | Karthik Kambatla | Bibin A Chundatt |
| [YARN-4562]( | YARN WebApp ignores the configuration passed to it for keystore settings | Major | . | Sergey Shelukhin | Sergey Shelukhin |
| [HDFS-9276]( | Failed to Update HDFS Delegation Token for long running application in HA mode | Major | fs, ha, security | Liangliang Gu | Liangliang Gu |
| [YARN-5333]( | Some recovered apps are put into default queue when RM HA | Major | . | Jun Gong | Jun Gong |
| [HADOOP-13437]( | KMS should reload whitelist and default key ACLs when hot-reloading | Major | kms | Xiao Chen | Xiao Chen |
| [HDFS-8312]( | Trash does not descent into child directories to check for permissions | Critical | fs, security | Eric Yang | Weiwei Yang |
| [YARN-5920]( | Fix deadlock in TestRMHA.testTransitionedToStandbyShouldNotHang | Major | test | Rohith Sharma K S | Varun Saxena |
| [HADOOP-13867]( | FilterFileSystem should override rename(.., options) to take effect of Rename options called via FilterFileSystem implementations | Major | . | Vinayakumar B | Vinayakumar B |
| [HADOOP-13508]( | FsPermission string constructor does not recognize sticky bit | Major | . | Atul Sikaria | Atul Sikaria |
| [YARN-5988]( | RM unable to start in secure setup | Blocker | . | Ajith S | Ajith S |
| [YARN-6054]( | TimelineServer fails to start when some LevelDb state files are missing. | Critical | . | Ravi Prakash | Ravi Prakash |
| [HADOOP-13928]( | TestAdlFileContextMainOperationsLive.testGetFileContext1 runtime error | Major | fs/adl, test | John Zhuge | John Zhuge |
| [HADOOP-13976]( | Path globbing does not match newlines | Major | . | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [HDFS-11316]( | TestDataNodeVolumeFailure#testUnderReplicationAfterVolFailure fails in trunk | Minor | . | Yiqun Lin | Yiqun Lin |
| [HADOOP-14044]( | Synchronization issue in delegation token cancel functionality | Major | . | Hrishikesh Gadre | Hrishikesh Gadre |
| [HDFS-11377]( | Balancer hung due to no available mover threads | Major | balancer & mover | yunjiong zhao | yunjiong zhao |
| [YARN-6031]( | Application recovery has failed when node label feature is turned off during RM recovery | Minor | scheduler | Ying Zhang | Ying Zhang |
| [YARN-6137]( | Yarn client implicitly invoke ATS client which accesses HDFS | Major | . | Yesha Vora | Li Lu |
| [HADOOP-13433]( | Race in UGI.reloginFromKeytab | Major | security | Duo Zhang | Duo Zhang |
| [HADOOP-13119]( | Add ability to secure log servlet using proxy users | Major | . | Jeffrey E Rodriguez | Yuanbo Liu |
| [HADOOP-14058]( | Fix NativeS3FileSystemContractBaseTest#testDirWithDifferentMarkersWorks | Minor | fs/s3, test | Akira Ajisaka | Yiqun Lin |
| [HDFS-11084]( | Add a regression test for sticky bit support of OIV ReverseXML processor | Major | tools | Wei-Chiu Chuang | Wei-Chiu Chuang |
| [HDFS-11391]( | Numeric usernames do no work with WebHDFS FS (write access) | Major | webhdfs | Pierre Villard | Pierre Villard |
| [HDFS-11177]( | 'storagepolicies -getStoragePolicy' command should accept URI based path. | Major | shell | Surendra Singh Lilhore | Surendra Singh Lilhore |
| [HDFS-11404]( | Increase timeout on TestShortCircuitLocalRead.testDeprecatedGetBlockLocalPathInfoRpc | Major | . | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [HADOOP-14114]( | S3A can no longer handle unencoded + in URIs | Minor | fs/s3 | Sean Mackrory | Sean Mackrory |
| [MAPREDUCE-6841]( | Fix dead link in MapReduce tutorial document | Minor | documentation | Akira Ajisaka | Victor Nee |
| [MAPREDUCE-6753]( | Variable in byte printed directly in mapreduce client | Major | client | Nemo Chen | Kai Sasaki |
| [YARN-6263]( | NMTokenSecretManagerInRM.createAndGetNMToken is not thread safe | Major | yarn | Haibo Chen | Haibo Chen |
| [HADOOP-14026]( | invalid docker image name | Major | build | Gergő Pásztor | Gergő Pásztor |
| [HDFS-11441]( | Add escaping to error message in KMS web UI | Minor | security | Aaron T. Myers | Aaron T. Myers |
| [MAPREDUCE-6855]( | Specify charset when create String in CredentialsTestJob | Minor | . | Akira Ajisaka | Kai Sasaki |
| [YARN-6165]( | Intra-queue preemption occurs even when preemption is turned off for a specific queue. | Major | capacity scheduler, scheduler preemption | Eric Payne | Eric Payne |
| [YARN-6310]( | OutputStreams in AggregatedLogFormat.LogWriter can be left open upon exceptions | Major | yarn | Haibo Chen | Haibo Chen |
| [YARN-6321]( | TestResources test timeouts are too aggressive | Major | test | Jason Lowe | Eric Badger |
| [HDFS-11512]( | Increase timeout on TestShortCircuitLocalRead#testSkipWithVerifyChecksum | Minor | . | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [HDFS-11499]( | Decommissioning stuck because of failing recovery | Major | hdfs, namenode | Lukas Majercak | Lukas Majercak |
| [HDFS-11395]( | RequestHedgingProxyProvider#RequestHedgingInvocationHandler hides the Exception thrown from NameNode | Major | ha | Nanda kumar | Nanda kumar |
| [YARN-4051]( | ContainerKillEvent lost when container is still recovering and application finishes | Critical | nodemanager | sandflee | sandflee |
| [YARN-6217]( | TestLocalCacheDirectoryManager test timeout is too aggressive | Major | test | Jason Lowe | Miklos Szegedi |
| [HDFS-11132]( | Allow AccessControlException in contract tests when getFileStatus on subdirectory of existing files | Major | fs/adl, test | Vishwajeet Dusane | Vishwajeet Dusane |
| [HADOOP-14204]( | S3A multipart commit failing, "UnsupportedOperationException at java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableList.sort" | Critical | fs/s3 | Steve Loughran | Steve Loughran |
| [HADOOP-14205]( | No FileSystem for scheme: adl | Major | fs/adl | John Zhuge | John Zhuge |
| [HDFS-11561]( | HttpFS doc errors | Trivial | documentation, httpfs, test | Yuanbo Liu | Yuanbo Liu |
| [HADOOP-9631]( | ViewFs should use underlying FileSystem's server side defaults | Major | fs, viewfs | Lohit Vijayarenu | Erik Krogen |
| [HADOOP-14214]( | DomainSocketWatcher::add()/delete() should not self interrupt while looping await() | Critical | hdfs-client | Mingliang Liu | Mingliang Liu |
| [HADOOP-14195]( | CredentialProviderFactory$getProviders is not thread-safe | Major | security | Vihang Karajgaonkar | Vihang Karajgaonkar |
| [HADOOP-14211]( | FilterFs and ChRootedFs are too aggressive about enforcing "authorityNeeded" | Major | viewfs | Erik Krogen | Erik Krogen |
| [MAPREDUCE-6866]( | Fix getNumMapTasks() documentation in JobConf | Minor | documentation | Joe Mészáros | Joe Mészáros |
| [MAPREDUCE-6868]( | License check for jdiff output files should be ignored | Major | build | Akira Ajisaka | Akira Ajisaka |
| [HDFS-10506]( | OIV's ReverseXML processor cannot reconstruct some snapshot details | Major | tools | Colin P. McCabe | Akira Ajisaka |
| [HDFS-11486]( | Client close() should not fail fast if the last block is being decommissioned | Major | . | Wei-Chiu Chuang | Wei-Chiu Chuang |
| [YARN-6359]( | TestRM#testApplicationKillAtAcceptedState fails rarely due to race condition | Major | test | Robert Kanter | Robert Kanter |
| [YARN-5368]( | Memory leak in timeline server | Critical | timelineserver | Wataru Yukawa | Jonathan Eagles |
| [HADOOP-14247]( | FileContextMainOperationsBaseTest should clean up test root path | Minor | fs, test | Mingliang Liu | Mingliang Liu |
| [YARN-6352]( | Header injections are possible in application proxy servlet | Major | resourcemanager, security | Naganarasimha G R | Naganarasimha G R |
| [MAPREDUCE-6873]( | MR Job Submission Fails if MR framework application path not on defaultFS | Minor | mrv2 | Erik Krogen | Erik Krogen |
| [HADOOP-14256]( | [S3A DOC] Correct the format for "Seoul" example | Minor | documentation, fs/s3 | Brahma Reddy Battula | Brahma Reddy Battula |
| [MAPREDUCE-6850]( | Shuffle Handler keep-alive connections are closed from the server side | Major | . | Jonathan Eagles | Jonathan Eagles |
| [HDFS-11592]( | Closing a file has a wasteful preconditions in NameNode | Major | namenode | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [YARN-6354]( | LeveldbRMStateStore can parse invalid keys when recovering reservations | Major | resourcemanager | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [HADOOP-14268]( | Fix markdown itemization in hadoop-aws documents | Minor | documentation, fs/s3 | Akira Ajisaka | Akira Ajisaka |
| [YARN-6436]( | TestSchedulingPolicy#testParseSchedulingPolicy timeout is too low | Major | test | Jason Lowe | Eric Badger |
| [YARN-6420]( | RM startup failure due to wrong order in nodelabel editlog | Critical | . | Bibin A Chundatt | Bibin A Chundatt |
| [YARN-6403]( | Invalid local resource request can raise NPE and make NM exit | Major | nodemanager | Tao Yang | Tao Yang |
| [HDFS-11538]( | Move ClientProtocol HA proxies into hadoop-hdfs-client | Blocker | hdfs-client | Andrew Wang | Huafeng Wang |
| [YARN-6437]( | TestSignalContainer#testSignalRequestDeliveryToNM fails intermittently | Major | test | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [HDFS-11629]( | Revert HDFS-11431 hadoop-hdfs-client JAR does not include ConfiguredFailoverProxyProvider. | Major | . | Andrew Wang | Andrew Wang |
| [HADOOP-13996]( | Fix some release build issues | Blocker | build | Andrew Wang | Andrew Wang |
| [HDFS-11608]( | HDFS write crashed with block size greater than 2 GB | Critical | hdfs-client | Xiaobing Zhou | Xiaobing Zhou |
| [YARN-6288]( | Exceptions during aggregated log writes are mishandled | Critical | log-aggregation | Akira Ajisaka | Akira Ajisaka |
| [HADOOP-14066]( | VersionInfo should be marked as public API | Critical | common | Thejas M Nair | Akira Ajisaka |
| [HADOOP-14293]( | Initialize FakeTimer with a less trivial value | Major | test | Andrew Wang | Andrew Wang |
| [YARN-6461]( | TestRMAdminCLI has very low test timeouts | Major | test | Jason Lowe | Eric Badger |
| [HDFS-11163]( | Mover should move the file blocks to default storage once policy is unset | Major | balancer & mover | Surendra Singh Lilhore | Surendra Singh Lilhore |
| [YARN-6450]( | TestContainerManagerWithLCE requires override for each new test added to ContainerManagerTest | Major | test | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [YARN-3760]( | FSDataOutputStream leak in AggregatedLogFormat.LogWriter.close() | Critical | nodemanager | Daryn Sharp | Haibo Chen |
| [YARN-5994]( | TestCapacityScheduler.testAMLimitUsage fails intermittently | Major | . | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [YARN-6480]( | Timeout is too aggressive for TestAMRestart.testPreemptedAMRestartOnRMRestart | Major | . | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [HADOOP-14311]( | Add python2.7-dev to Dockerfile | Major | . | Allen Wittenauer | Allen Wittenauer |
| [YARN-6304]( | Skip rm.transitionToActive call to RM if RM is already active. | Major | resourcemanager | Rohith Sharma K S | Rohith Sharma K S |
| [HDFS-11615]( | FSNamesystemLock metrics can be inaccurate due to millisecond precision | Major | hdfs | Erik Krogen | Erik Krogen |
| [HADOOP-14318]( | Remove non-existent setfattr command option from | Minor | documentation | Doris Gu | Doris Gu |
| [HADOOP-14315]( | Python example in the rack awareness document doesn't work due to bad indentation | Minor | documentation | Kengo Seki | Kengo Seki |
| [HDFS-11689]( | New exception thrown by DFSClient#isHDFSEncryptionEnabled broke hacky hive code | Major | . | Yongjun Zhang | Yongjun Zhang |
| [HDFS-11691]( | Add a proper scheme to the datanode links in NN web UI | Major | . | Kihwal Lee | Kihwal Lee |
| [HADOOP-14341]( | Support multi-line value for ssl.server.exclude.cipher.list | Major | . | John Zhuge | John Zhuge |
| [YARN-5617]( | AMs only intended to run one attempt can be run more than once | Major | resourcemanager | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [HADOOP-14346]( | CryptoOutputStream throws IOException on flush() if stream is closed | Major | . | Pierre Lacave | Pierre Lacave |
| [HDFS-11709]( | StandbyCheckpointer should handle an non-existing legacyOivImageDir gracefully | Critical | ha, namenode | Zhe Zhang | Erik Krogen |
| [YARN-5894]( | fixed license warning caused by de.ruedigermoeller:fst:jar:2.24 | Blocker | yarn | Haibo Chen | Haibo Chen |
| [HADOOP-14320]( | TestIPC.testIpcWithReaderQueuing fails intermittently | Major | . | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [YARN-6536]( | TestAMRMClient.testAMRMClientWithSaslEncryption fails intermittently | Major | . | Eric Badger | Jason Lowe |
| [HDFS-11609]( | Some blocks can be permanently lost if nodes are decommissioned while dead | Blocker | namenode | Kihwal Lee | Kihwal Lee |
| [HDFS-8498]( | Blocks can be committed with wrong size | Critical | hdfs-client | Daryn Sharp | Jing Zhao |
| [HDFS-11714]( | Newly added NN storage directory won't get initialized and cause space exhaustion | Critical | . | Kihwal Lee | Kihwal Lee |
| [HADOOP-14371]( | License error in | Major | . | hu xiaodong | hu xiaodong |
| [HADOOP-14369]( | NetworkTopology calls expensive toString() when logging | Major | . | Íñigo Goiri | Íñigo Goiri |
| [HADOOP-14306]( | TestLocalFileSystem tests have very low timeouts | Major | . | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [HADOOP-14372]( | TestSymlinkLocalFS timeouts are too low | Major | . | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [HADOOP-14207]( | "dfsadmin -refreshCallQueue" fails with DecayRpcScheduler | Blocker | rpc-server | Surendra Singh Lilhore | Surendra Singh Lilhore |
| [HDFS-11702]( | Remove indefinite caching of key provider uri in DFSClient | Major | hdfs-client | Rushabh S Shah | Rushabh S Shah |
| [HADOOP-14374]( | License error in | Major | . | lixinglong | lixinglong |
| [HADOOP-14100]( | Upgrade Jsch jar to latest version to fix vulnerability in old versions | Critical | . | Vinayakumar B | Vinayakumar B |
| [HADOOP-14377]( | Increase Common test timeouts from 1 second to 10 seconds | Major | . | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [HADOOP-14373]( | License error In org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.util.Servers | Major | . | hu xiaodong | hu xiaodong |
| [YARN-6552]( | Increase YARN test timeouts from 1 second to 10 seconds | Major | . | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [MAPREDUCE-6882]( | Increase MapReduce test timeouts from 1 second to 10 seconds | Major | . | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [HADOOP-14405]( | Fix performance regression due to incorrect use of DataChecksum | Major | native, performance | LiXin Ge | LiXin Ge |
| [HDFS-11745]( | Increase HDFS test timeouts from 1 second to 10 seconds | Major | . | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [HDFS-11755]( | Underconstruction blocks can be considered missing | Major | . | Nathan Roberts | Nathan Roberts |
| [YARN-5543]( | ResourceManager SchedulingMonitor could potentially terminate the preemption checker thread | Major | capacityscheduler, resourcemanager | Min Shen | Min Shen |
| [HDFS-11674]( | reserveSpaceForReplicas is not released if append request failed due to mirror down and replica recovered | Critical | datanode | Vinayakumar B | Vinayakumar B |
| [HADOOP-14376]( | Memory leak when reading a compressed file using the native library | Major | common, io | Eli Acherkan | Eli Acherkan |
| [HDFS-11818]( | TestBlockManager.testSufficientlyReplBlocksUsesNewRack fails intermittently | Major | . | Eric Badger | Nathan Roberts |
| [YARN-6598]( | History server getApplicationReport NPE when fetching report for pre-2.8 job | Blocker | timelineserver | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [YARN-6603]( | NPE in RMAppsBlock | Major | resourcemanager | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [HDFS-11833]( | HDFS architecture documentation describes outdated placement policy | Minor | . | dud | Chen Liang |
| [HADOOP-14412]( | HostsFileReader#getHostDetails is very expensive on large clusters | Major | util | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [YARN-6577]( | Remove unused ContainerLocalization classes | Minor | nodemanager | ZhangBing Lin | ZhangBing Lin |
| [YARN-6618]( | TestNMLeveldbStateStoreService#testCompactionCycle can fail if compaction occurs more than once | Minor | test | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [HDFS-11849]( | JournalNode startup failure exception should be logged in log file | Major | journal-node | Surendra Singh Lilhore | Surendra Singh Lilhore |
| [HDFS-11864]( | Document Metrics to track usage of memory for writes | Major | documentation | Brahma Reddy Battula | Yiqun Lin |
| [YARN-6615]( | AmIpFilter drops query parameters on redirect | Major | . | Wilfred Spiegelenburg | Wilfred Spiegelenburg |
| [HADOOP-14449]( | The ASF Header in and is not correct | Minor | common, documentation | ZhangBing Lin | ZhangBing Lin |
| [HADOOP-14166]( | Reset the DecayRpcScheduler AvgResponseTime metric to zero when queue is not used | Major | common | Surendra Singh Lilhore | Surendra Singh Lilhore |
| [HDFS-11661]( | GetContentSummary uses excessive amounts of memory | Blocker | namenode | Nathan Roberts | Wei-Chiu Chuang |
| [YARN-6141]( | ppc64le on Linux doesn't trigger \_\_linux get\_executable codepath | Major | nodemanager | Sonia Garudi | Ayappan |
| [HDFS-11445]( | FSCK shows overall health status as corrupt even one replica is corrupt | Critical | . | Brahma Reddy Battula | Brahma Reddy Battula |
| [YARN-6643]( | TestRMFailover fails rarely due to port conflict | Major | test | Robert Kanter | Robert Kanter |
| [HDFS-11817]( | A faulty node can cause a lease leak and NPE on accessing data | Critical | . | Kihwal Lee | Kihwal Lee |
| [YARN-6641]( | Non-public resource localization on a bad disk causes subsequent containers failure | Major | . | Kuhu Shukla | Kuhu Shukla |
| [HDFS-11078]( | Fix NPE in LazyPersistFileScrubber | Major | . | Íñigo Goiri | Íñigo Goiri |
| [HADOOP-14464]( | hadoop-aws doc header warning #5 line wrapped | Trivial | documentation, fs/s3 | John Zhuge | John Zhuge |
| [HDFS-5042]( | Completed files lost after power failure | Critical | . | Dave Latham | Vinayakumar B |
| [YARN-6649]( | RollingLevelDBTimelineServer throws RuntimeException if object decoding ever fails runtime exception | Critical | . | Jonathan Eagles | Jonathan Eagles |
| [HDFS-11893]( | Fix TestDFSShell.testMoveWithTargetPortEmpty failure. | Major | test | Konstantin Shvachko | Brahma Reddy Battula |
| [HDFS-11741]( | Long running balancer may fail due to expired DataEncryptionKey | Major | balancer & mover | Wei-Chiu Chuang | Wei-Chiu Chuang |
| [HDFS-11856]( | Ability to re-add Upgrading Nodes (remote) to pipeline for future pipeline updates | Major | hdfs-client, rolling upgrades | Vinayakumar B | Vinayakumar B |
| [HADOOP-14474]( | Use OpenJDK 7 instead of Oracle JDK 7 to avoid oracle-java7-installer failures | Major | build | Akira Ajisaka | Akira Ajisaka |
| [HDFS-10816]( | TestComputeInvalidateWork#testDatanodeReRegistration fails due to race between test and replication monitor | Major | . | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [HDFS-11932]( | BPServiceActor thread name is not correctly set | Major | hdfs | Chen Liang | Chen Liang |
| [HDFS-11708]( | Positional read will fail if replicas moved to different DNs after stream is opened | Critical | hdfs-client | Vinayakumar B | Vinayakumar B |
| [HDFS-11711]( | DN should not delete the block On "Too many open files" Exception | Critical | datanode | Brahma Reddy Battula | Brahma Reddy Battula |
| [MAPREDUCE-6676]( | NNBench should Throw IOException when rename and delete fails | Major | . | Brahma Reddy Battula | Brahma Reddy Battula |
| [HADOOP-14208]( | Fix typo in the top page in branch-2.8 | Trivial | common, documentation | Akira Ajisaka | Wenxin He |
| [HDFS-11945]( | Internal lease recovery may not be retried for a long time | Major | namenode | Kihwal Lee | Kihwal Lee |
| [HADOOP-14511]( | WritableRpcEngine.Invocation#toString NPE on null parameters | Minor | ipc | John Zhuge | John Zhuge |
| [HADOOP-14512]( | WASB atomic rename should not throw exception if the file is neither in src nor in dst when doing the rename | Major | fs/azure | Duo Xu | Duo Xu |
| [YARN-6585]( | RM fails to start when upgrading from 2.7 to 2.8 for clusters with node labels. | Blocker | . | Eric Payne | Sunil G |
| [HDFS-11967]( | TestJMXGet fails occasionally | Major | . | Arpit Agarwal | Arpit Agarwal |
| [YARN-6719]( | Fix findbugs warnings in | Major | . | Akira Ajisaka | Akira Ajisaka |
| [HADOOP-14540]( | Replace MRv1 specific terms in HostsFileReader | Minor | documentation | Akira Ajisaka | hu xiaodong |
| [HDFS-11995]( | HDFS Architecture documentation incorrectly describes writing to a local temporary file. | Minor | documentation | Chris Nauroth | Nanda kumar |
| [HDFS-11736]( | OIV tests should not write outside 'target' directory. | Major | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Yiqun Lin |
| [YARN-6713]( | Fix dead link in the Javadoc of | Minor | documentation | Akira Ajisaka | Weiwei Yang |
| [HADOOP-14533]( | Size of args cannot be less than zero in TraceAdmin#run as its linkedlist | Trivial | common, tracing | Weisen Han | Weisen Han |
| [HDFS-11960]( | Successfully closed files can stay under-replicated. | Critical | . | Kihwal Lee | Kihwal Lee |
| [HADOOP-14146]( | KerberosAuthenticationHandler should authenticate with SPN in AP-REQ | Major | security | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [YARN-6467]( | CSQueueMetrics needs to update the current metrics for default partition only | Major | capacity scheduler | Naganarasimha G R | Manikandan R |
| [HADOOP-14024]( | KMS JMX endpoint throws ClassNotFoundException | Critical | kms | Andrew Wang | John Zhuge |
| [YARN-6749]( | TestAppSchedulingInfo.testPriorityAccounting fails consistently | Major | . | Eric Badger | Naganarasimha G R |
| [MAPREDUCE-6905]( | Fix meaningless operations in TestDFSIO in some situation. | Major | tools/rumen | LiXin Ge | LiXin Ge |
| [MAPREDUCE-6909]( | LocalJobRunner fails when run on a node from multiple users | Blocker | client | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [HADOOP-13414]( | Hide Jetty Server version header in HTTP responses | Major | security | Vinayakumar B | Surendra Singh Lilhore |
| [HDFS-12089]( | Fix ambiguous NN retry log message | Major | webhdfs | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [MAPREDUCE-6911]( | TestMapreduceConfigFields.testCompareXmlAgainstConfigurationClass fails consistently | Major | . | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [YARN-6708]( | Nodemanager container crash after ext3 folder limit | Critical | . | Bibin A Chundatt | Bibin A Chundatt |
| [HADOOP-14563]( | LoadBalancingKMSClientProvider#warmUpEncryptedKeys swallows IOException | Major | . | Rushabh S Shah | Rushabh S Shah |
| [MAPREDUCE-6246]( | appending extra semicolon to query which is incompatible with DB2 | Major | mrv1, mrv2 | ramtin | Gergely Novák |
| [YARN-6428]( | Queue AM limit is not honored in CS always | Major | . | Bibin A Chundatt | Bibin A Chundatt |
| [YARN-6770]( | [Docs] A small mistake in the example of TimelineClient | Trivial | docs | Jinjiang Ling | Jinjiang Ling |
| [HADOOP-10829]( | Iteration on CredentialProviderFactory.serviceLoader is thread-unsafe | Major | security | Benoy Antony | Benoy Antony |
| [YARN-6809]( | Fix typo in | Trivial | documentation | Akira Ajisaka | Yeliang Cang |
| [MAPREDUCE-5621]( | doesn't have to execute mkdir and chown all the time | Minor | jobhistoryserver | Shinichi Yamashita | Shinichi Yamashita |
| [YARN-6797]( | TimelineWriter does not fully consume the POST response | Major | timelineclient | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [HDFS-11502]( | Datanode UI should display hostname based on JMX bean instead of window.location.hostname | Major | hdfs | Jeffrey E Rodriguez | Jeffrey E Rodriguez |
| [HADOOP-14646]( | FileContextMainOperationsBaseTest#testListStatusFilterWithSomeMatches never runs | Minor | test | Andras Bokor | Andras Bokor |
| [MAPREDUCE-6697]( | Concurrent task limits should only be applied when necessary | Major | mrv2 | Jason Lowe | Nathan Roberts |
| [YARN-6654]( | RollingLevelDBTimelineStore backwards incompatible after fst upgrade | Blocker | . | Jonathan Eagles | Jonathan Eagles |
| [YARN-6805]( | NPE in LinuxContainerExecutor due to null PrivilegedOperationException exit code | Major | nodemanager | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [YARN-3260]( | AM attempt fail to register before RM processes launch event | Critical | resourcemanager | Jason Lowe | Bibin A Chundatt |
| [HDFS-12140]( | Remove BPOfferService lock contention to get block pool id | Critical | datanode | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [HDFS-12112]( | TestBlockManager#testBlockManagerMachinesArray sometimes fails with NPE | Minor | . | Wei-Chiu Chuang | Wei-Chiu Chuang |
| [MAPREDUCE-6910]( | MapReduceTrackingUriPlugin can not return the right URI of history server with HTTPS | Major | jobhistoryserver | Lantao Jin | Lantao Jin |
| [HDFS-12158]( | Secondary Namenode's web interface lack configs for X-FRAME-OPTIONS protection | Major | namenode | Mukul Kumar Singh | Mukul Kumar Singh |
| [YARN-6837]( | Null LocalResource visibility or resource type can crash the nodemanager | Major | . | Jinjiang Ling | Jinjiang Ling |
| [HDFS-11472]( | Fix inconsistent replica size after a data pipeline failure | Critical | datanode | Wei-Chiu Chuang | Erik Krogen |
| [HDFS-12177]( | NameNode exits due to setting BlockPlacementPolicy loglevel to Debug | Major | block placement | Jiandan Yang | Jiandan Yang |
| [HDFS-11742]( | Improve balancer usability after HDFS-8818 | Blocker | . | Kihwal Lee | Kihwal Lee |
| [HDFS-11896]( | Non-dfsUsed will be doubled on dead node re-registration | Blocker | . | Brahma Reddy Battula | Brahma Reddy Battula |
| [YARN-5728]( | TestMiniYarnClusterNodeUtilization.testUpdateNodeUtilization timeout | Major | test | Akira Ajisaka | Akira Ajisaka |
| [YARN-6628]( | Unexpected jackson-core-2.2.3 dependency introduced | Blocker | timelineserver | Jason Lowe | Jonathan Eagles |
| [YARN-5731]( | Preemption calculation is not accurate when reserved containers are present in queue. | Major | capacity scheduler | Sunil G | Wangda Tan |
| [HADOOP-14683]( | FileStatus.compareTo binary compatible issue | Blocker | . | Sergey Shelukhin | Akira Ajisaka |
| [YARN-6872]( | Ensure apps could run given NodeLabels are disabled post RM switchover/restart | Major | resourcemanager | Sunil G | Sunil G |
| [YARN-6846]( | Nodemanager can fail to fully delete application local directories when applications are killed | Critical | nodemanager | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [MAPREDUCE-6927]( | MR job should only set tracking url if history was successfully written | Major | . | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [YARN-6890]( | If UI is not secured, we allow user to kill other users' job even yarn cluster is secured. | Critical | . | Sumana Sathish | Junping Du |
| [HDFS-10326]( | Disable setting tcp socket send/receive buffers for write pipelines | Major | datanode, hdfs | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [HDFS-12157]( | Do fsyncDirectory(..) outside of FSDataset lock | Critical | datanode | Vinayakumar B | Vinayakumar B |
| [HDFS-12278]( | LeaseManager operations are inefficient in 2.8. | Blocker | namenode | Rushabh S Shah | Rushabh S Shah |
| [YARN-6987]( | Log app attempt during InvalidStateTransition | Major | . | Jonathan Eagles | Jonathan Eagles |
| [YARN-7020]( | TestAMRMProxy#testAMRMProxyTokenRenewal is flakey | Major | . | Robert Kanter | Robert Kanter |
| [YARN-2416]( | InvalidStateTransitonException in ResourceManager if AMLauncher does not receive response for startContainers() call in time | Critical | resourcemanager | Jian Fang | Jonathan Eagles |
| [YARN-7048]( | Fix tests faking kerberos to explicitly set ugi auth type | Major | yarn | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [HADOOP-14687]( | AuthenticatedURL will reuse bad/expired session cookies | Critical | common | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [YARN-6640]( | AM heartbeat stuck when responseId overflows MAX\_INT | Blocker | . | Botong Huang | Botong Huang |
| [HDFS-12319]( | DirectoryScanner will throw IllegalStateException when Multiple BP's are present | Blocker | . | Brahma Reddy Battula | Brahma Reddy Battula |
| [HDFS-12299]( | Race Between update pipeline and DN Re-Registration | Critical | . | Brahma Reddy Battula | Brahma Reddy Battula |
| [YARN-7052]( | RM SchedulingMonitor gives no indication why the spawned thread crashed. | Critical | yarn | Eric Payne | Eric Payne |
| [YARN-7087]( | NM failed to perform log aggregation due to absent container | Blocker | log-aggregation | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [YARN-7051]( | Avoid concurrent modification exception in FifoIntraQueuePreemptionPlugin | Critical | capacity scheduler, scheduler preemption, yarn | Eric Payne | Eric Payne |
| [HDFS-12364]( | [branch-2.8.2] Fix the Compile Error after HDFS-12299 | Blocker | hdfs | Jiandan Yang | Jiandan Yang |
| [YARN-7112]( | TestAMRMProxy is failing with invalid request | Major | . | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [YARN-7076]( | yarn application -list -appTypes \<appType\> is not working | Blocker | . | Jian He | Jian He |
| [MAPREDUCE-6641]( | TestTaskAttempt fails in trunk | Major | test | Tsuyoshi Ozawa | Haibo Chen |
| [YARN-7083]( | Log aggregation deletes/renames while file is open | Critical | nodemanager | Daryn Sharp | Jason Lowe |
| [HADOOP-14814]( | Fix incompatible API change on FsServerDefaults to HADOOP-14104 | Blocker | . | Junping Du | Junping Du |
| [YARN-7023]( | Incorrect ReservationId.compareTo() implementation | Minor | reservation system | Oleg Danilov | Oleg Danilov |
| [HADOOP-14842]( | Hadoop 2.8.2 release build process get stuck due to java issue | Blocker | build | Junping Du | Junping Du |
| [YARN-5195]( | RM intermittently crashed with NPE while handling APP\_ATTEMPT\_REMOVED event when async-scheduling enabled in CapacityScheduler | Major | resourcemanager | Karam Singh | sandflee |
| [YARN-7034]( | DefaultLinuxContainerRuntime and DockerLinuxContainerRuntime sends client environment variables to container-executor | Blocker | nodemanager | Miklos Szegedi | Miklos Szegedi |
| [YARN-7249]( | Fix CapacityScheduler NPE issue when a container preempted while the node is being removed | Blocker | . | Wangda Tan | Wangda Tan |
| [YARN-7325]( | Remove unused container variable in DockerLinuxContainerRuntime | Minor | nodemanager | Shane Kumpf | Shane Kumpf |
| [YARN-7246]( | Fix the default docker binary path | Blocker | nodemanager | Shane Kumpf | Shane Kumpf |
| [YARN-7333]( | container-executor fails to remove entries from a directory that is not writable or executable | Critical | . | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [YARN-7230]( | Document DockerContainerRuntime for branch-2.8 with proper scope and claim as an experimental feature | Blocker | documentation | Junping Du | Shane Kumpf |
| [HADOOP-14958]( | CLONE - Fix source-level compatibility after HADOOP-11252 | Blocker | . | Junping Du | Junping Du |
### TESTS:
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| [HDFS-9300]( | TestDirectoryScanner.testThrottle() is still a little flakey | Major | balancer & mover, test | Daniel Templeton | Daniel Templeton |
| [HADOOP-13178]( | TestShellBasedIdMapping.testStaticMapUpdate doesn't work on OS X | Major | test | Allen Wittenauer | Kai Sasaki |
| [YARN-5343]( | TestContinuousScheduling#testSortedNodes fails intermittently | Minor | . | sandflee | Yufei Gu |
| [MAPREDUCE-6831]( | Flaky test TestJobImpl.testKilledDuringKillAbort | Major | mrv2 | Peter Bacsko | Peter Bacsko |
| [HDFS-11290]( | TestFSNameSystemMBean should wait until JMX cache is cleared | Major | test | Akira Ajisaka | Erik Krogen |
| [YARN-5349]( | TestWorkPreservingRMRestart#testUAMRecoveryOnRMWorkPreservingRestart fail intermittently | Minor | . | sandflee | Jason Lowe |
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| [HDFS-9754]( | Avoid unnecessary getBlockCollection calls in BlockManager | Major | namenode | Jing Zhao | Jing Zhao |
| [HADOOP-14032]( | Reduce fair call queue priority inversion | Major | ipc | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [HADOOP-14034]( | Allow ipc layer exceptions to selectively close connections | Major | ipc | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [HADOOP-14033]( | Reduce fair call queue lock contention | Major | ipc | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [HADOOP-14135]( | Remove URI parameter in AWSCredentialProvider constructors | Major | fs/s3 | Mingliang Liu | Mingliang Liu |
| [HADOOP-14196]( | Azure Data Lake doc is missing required config entry | Major | fs/adl | Atul Sikaria | Atul Sikaria |
| [HADOOP-14197]( | Fix ADLS doc for credential provider | Major | documentation, fs/adl | John Zhuge | John Zhuge |
| [HADOOP-14230]( | TestAdlFileSystemContractLive fails to clean up | Minor | fs/adl, test | John Zhuge | John Zhuge |
| [HADOOP-14038]( | Rename ADLS credential properties | Minor | fs/adl | John Zhuge | John Zhuge |
| [HADOOP-14321]( | Explicitly exclude S3A root dir ITests from parallel runs | Minor | fs/s3, test | Steve Loughran | Steve Loughran |
| [HADOOP-14241]( | Add ADLS sensitive config keys to default list | Minor | fs, fs/adl, security | John Zhuge | John Zhuge |
| [HADOOP-14349]( | Rename ADLS CONTRACT\_ENABLE\_KEY | Minor | fs/adl | Mingliang Liu | Mingliang Liu |
| [HDFS-9005]( | Provide configuration support for upgrade domain | Major | . | Ming Ma | Ming Ma |
| [HDFS-9016]( | Display upgrade domain information in fsck | Major | . | Ming Ma | Ming Ma |
| [HDFS-9922]( | Upgrade Domain placement policy status marks a good block in violation when there are decommissioned nodes | Minor | . | Chris Trezzo | Chris Trezzo |
| [HADOOP-14035]( | Reduce fair call queue backoff's impact on clients | Major | ipc | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [YARN-6682]( | Improve performance of AssignmentInformation datastructures | Major | . | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [YARN-6680]( | Avoid locking overhead for NO\_LABEL lookups | Major | resourcemanager | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [YARN-6681]( | Eliminate double-copy of child queues in canAssignToThisQueue | Major | resourcemanager | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [YARN-2113]( | Add cross-user preemption within CapacityScheduler's leaf-queue | Major | capacity scheduler | Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli | Sunil G |
| [YARN-6775]( | CapacityScheduler: Improvements to assignContainers, avoid unnecessary canAssignToUser/Queue calls | Major | capacityscheduler | Nathan Roberts | Nathan Roberts |
| [YARN-6988]( | container-executor fails for docker when command length \> 4096 B | Major | yarn | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [HDFS-12473]( | Change hosts JSON file format | Major | . | Ming Ma | Ming Ma |
### OTHER:
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| [HADOOP-14344]( | Revert HADOOP-13606 swift FS to add a service load metadata file | Major | . | John Zhuge | John Zhuge |
| [HDFS-11717]( | Add unit test for HDFS-11709 StandbyCheckpointer should handle non-existing legacyOivImageDir gracefully | Minor | ha, namenode | Erik Krogen | Erik Krogen |
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
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# "Apache Hadoop" 2.8.2 Release Notes
These release notes cover new developer and user-facing incompatibilities, important issues, features, and major improvements.
* [HDFS-8312]( | *Critical* | **Trash does not descent into child directories to check for permissions**
Permissions are now checked when moving a file to Trash.
* [HDFS-11499]( | *Major* | **Decommissioning stuck because of failing recovery**
Allow a block to complete if the number of replicas on live nodes, decommissioning nodes and nodes in maintenance mode satisfies minimum replication factor.
The fix prevents block recovery failure if replica of last block is being decommissioned. Vice versa, the decommissioning will be stuck, waiting for the last block to be completed. In addition, file close() operation will not fail due to last block being decommissioned.
* [HADOOP-14038]( | *Minor* | **Rename ADLS credential properties**
<!-- markdown -->
* Properties {{dfs.adls.*}} are renamed {{fs.adl.*}}
* Property {{adl.dfs.enable.client.latency.tracker}} is renamed {{adl.enable.client.latency.tracker}}
* Old properties are still supported
* [HADOOP-14174]( | *Major* | **Set default ADLS access token provider type to ClientCredential**
Switch the default ADLS access token provider type from Custom to ClientCredential.
* [HDFS-9016]( | *Major* | **Display upgrade domain information in fsck**
New fsck option "-upgradedomains" has been added to display upgrade domains of any block.
* [HDFS-11661]( | *Blocker* | **GetContentSummary uses excessive amounts of memory**
Reverted HDFS-10797 to fix a scalability regression brought by the commit.
* [HDFS-10326]( | *Major* | **Disable setting tcp socket send/receive buffers for write pipelines**
The size of the TCP socket buffers are no longer hardcoded by default. Instead the OS now will automatically tune the size for the buffer.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user