HADOOP-17227. S3A Marker Tool tuning (#2254)

Contributed by Steve Loughran.
This commit is contained in:
Steve Loughran 2020-09-04 14:58:03 +01:00
parent 1b9109d237
commit 38354006f8
6 changed files with 393 additions and 108 deletions

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@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DurationFormatUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
@ -758,8 +759,8 @@ public int run(String[] args, PrintStream out) throws Exception {
static class Destroy extends S3GuardTool {
public static final String NAME = "destroy";
public static final String PURPOSE = "destroy Metadata Store data "
public static final String PURPOSE = "destroy the Metadata Store including its"
+ " contents" + DATA_IN_S3_IS_PRESERVED;
private static final String USAGE = NAME + " [OPTIONS] [s3a://BUCKET]\n" +
"\t" + PURPOSE + "\n\n" +
"Common options:\n" +
@ -1252,7 +1253,7 @@ public static class BucketInfo extends S3GuardTool {
public static final String IS_MARKER_AWARE =
"The S3A connector is compatible with buckets where"
"\tThe S3A connector is compatible with buckets where"
+ " directory markers are not deleted";
public BucketInfo(Configuration conf) {
@ -1328,8 +1329,9 @@ public int run(String[] args, PrintStream out)
authMode = conf.getBoolean(METADATASTORE_AUTHORITATIVE, false);
final long ttl = conf.getTimeDuration(METADATASTORE_METADATA_TTL,
println(out, "\tMetadata time to live: %s=%s milliseconds",
println(out, "\tMetadata time to live: (set in %s) = %s",
printStoreDiagnostics(out, store);
} else {
println(out, "Filesystem %s is not using S3Guard", fsUri);
@ -1463,10 +1465,18 @@ public int run(String[] args, PrintStream out)
private void processMarkerOption(final PrintStream out,
final S3AFileSystem fs,
final String marker) {
println(out, "%nSecurity");
DirectoryPolicy markerPolicy = fs.getDirectoryMarkerPolicy();
String desc = markerPolicy.describe();
println(out, "%nThe directory marker policy is \"%s\"%n", desc);
println(out, "\tThe directory marker policy is \"%s\"", desc);
String pols = DirectoryPolicyImpl.availablePolicies()
.collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
println(out, "\tAvailable Policies: %s", pols);
printOption(out, "\tAuthoritative paths",
DirectoryPolicy.MarkerPolicy mp = markerPolicy.getMarkerPolicy();
String desiredMarker = marker == null
@ -1478,12 +1488,6 @@ private void processMarkerOption(final PrintStream out,
// simple awareness test -provides a way to validate compatibility
// on the command line
println(out, IS_MARKER_AWARE);
String pols = DirectoryPolicyImpl.availablePolicies()
.collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
println(out, "Available Policies: %s", pols);
} else {
// compare with current policy
if (!optionName.equalsIgnoreCase(desiredMarker)) {

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.UnknownStoreException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl.DirMarkerTracker;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl.DirectoryPolicy;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl.DirectoryPolicyImpl;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl.StoreContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.s3guard.S3GuardTool;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.shell.CommandFormat;
@ -113,9 +114,14 @@ public final class MarkerTool extends S3GuardTool {
public static final String CLEAN = "-" + OPT_CLEAN;
* Expected number of markers to find: {@value}.
* Min number of markers to find: {@value}.
public static final String OPT_EXPECTED = "expected";
public static final String OPT_MIN = "min";
* Max number of markers to find: {@value}.
public static final String OPT_MAX = "max";
* Name of a file to save the list of markers to: {@value}.
@ -151,13 +157,21 @@ public final class MarkerTool extends S3GuardTool {
public static final int UNLIMITED_LISTING = 0;
* Constant to use when there is no minimum number of
* markers: {@value}.
public static final int UNLIMITED_MIN_MARKERS = -1;
* Usage string: {@value}.
private static final String USAGE = MARKERS
+ " (-" + OPT_AUDIT
+ " | -" + OPT_CLEAN + ")"
+ " [-" + OPT_EXPECTED + " <count>]"
+ " [-" + OPT_MIN + " <count>]"
+ " [-" + OPT_MAX + " <count>]"
+ " [-" + OPT_OUT + " <filename>]"
+ " [-" + OPT_LIMIT + " <limit>]"
+ " [-" + OPT_NONAUTH + "]"
@ -195,7 +209,8 @@ public MarkerTool(final Configuration conf) {
CommandFormat format = getCommandFormat();
@ -231,8 +246,7 @@ public int run(final String[] args, final PrintStream stream)
if (parsedArgs.size() != 1) {
println(out, "Supplied arguments: ["
+ parsedArgs.stream()
.collect(Collectors.joining(", "))
+ String.join(", ", parsedArgs)
+ "]");
throw new ExitUtil.ExitException(EXIT_USAGE,
String.format(E_ARGUMENTS, parsedArgs.size()));
@ -241,12 +255,11 @@ public int run(final String[] args, final PrintStream stream)
CommandFormat command = getCommandFormat();
verbose = command.getOpt(VERBOSE);
// How many markers are expected?
int expected = 0;
String value = command.getOptValue(OPT_EXPECTED);
if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
expected = Integer.parseInt(value);
// minimum number of markers expected
int expectedMin = getOptValue(OPT_MIN, 0);
// max number of markers allowed
int expectedMax = getOptValue(OPT_MAX, 0);
// determine the action
boolean audit = command.getOpt(OPT_AUDIT);
@ -258,11 +271,7 @@ public int run(final String[] args, final PrintStream stream)
throw new ExitUtil.ExitException(EXIT_USAGE,
"Exactly one of " + AUDIT + " and " + CLEAN);
value = command.getOptValue(OPT_LIMIT);
if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
limit = Integer.parseInt(value);
int limit = getOptValue(OPT_LIMIT, UNLIMITED_LISTING);
final String dir = parsedArgs.get(0);
Path path = new Path(dir);
URI uri = path.toUri();
@ -271,13 +280,17 @@ public int run(final String[] args, final PrintStream stream)
path = new Path(path, "/");
FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(getConf());
boolean nonAuth = command.getOpt(OPT_NONAUTH);
ScanResult result = execute(
new ScanArgsBuilder()
if (verbose) {
@ -300,30 +313,43 @@ public int run(final String[] args, final PrintStream stream)
IOUtils.writeLines(surplus, "\n", writer);
return result.exitCode;
return result.finish();
* Get the value of an option, or the default if the option
* is unset/empty.
* @param option option key
* @param defVal default
* @return the value to use
private int getOptValue(String option, int defVal) {
CommandFormat command = getCommandFormat();
String value = command.getOptValue(option);
if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new ExitUtil.ExitException(EXIT_USAGE,
String.format("Argument for %s is not a number: %s",
option, value));
} else {
return defVal;
* Execute the scan/purge.
* @param sourceFS source FS; must be or wrap an S3A FS.
* @param path path to scan.
* @param doPurge purge?
* @param expectedMarkerCount expected marker count
* @param limit limit of files to scan; -1 for 'unlimited'
* @param nonAuth consider only markers in nonauth paths as errors
* @return scan+purge result.
* @param scanArgs@return scan+purge result.
* @throws IOException failure
ScanResult execute(
final FileSystem sourceFS,
final Path path,
final boolean doPurge,
final int expectedMarkerCount,
final int limit,
final boolean nonAuth)
ScanResult execute(final ScanArgs scanArgs)
throws IOException {
S3AFileSystem fs = bindFilesystem(sourceFS);
S3AFileSystem fs = bindFilesystem(scanArgs.getSourceFS());
// extract the callbacks needed for the rest of the work
storeContext = fs.createStoreContext();
@ -344,6 +370,7 @@ ScanResult execute(
println(out, "Authoritative path list is \"%s\"", authPath);
// qualify the path
Path path = scanArgs.getPath();
Path target = path.makeQualified(fs.getUri(), new Path("/"));
// initial safety check: does the path exist?
try {
@ -360,10 +387,19 @@ ScanResult execute(
// the default filter policy is that all entries should be deleted
DirectoryPolicy filterPolicy = nonAuth
? activePolicy
: null;
ScanResult result = scan(target, doPurge, expectedMarkerCount, limit,
DirectoryPolicy filterPolicy;
if (scanArgs.isNonAuth()) {
filterPolicy = new DirectoryPolicyImpl(
} else {
filterPolicy = null;
ScanResult result = scan(target,
return result;
@ -378,6 +414,22 @@ public static final class ScanResult {
private int exitCode;
* Text to include if raising an exception.
private String exitText = "";
* Count of all markers found.
private int totalMarkerCount;
* Count of all markers found after excluding
* any from a [-nonauth] qualification.
private int filteredMarkerCount;
* The tracker.
@ -395,6 +447,9 @@ private ScanResult() {
public String toString() {
return "ScanResult{" +
"exitCode=" + exitCode +
", exitText=" + exitText +
", totalMarkerCount=" + totalMarkerCount +
", filteredMarkerCount=" + filteredMarkerCount +
", tracker=" + tracker +
", purgeSummary=" + purgeSummary +
@ -414,13 +469,34 @@ public DirMarkerTracker getTracker() {
public MarkerPurgeSummary getPurgeSummary() {
return purgeSummary;
public int getTotalMarkerCount() {
return totalMarkerCount;
public int getFilteredMarkerCount() {
return filteredMarkerCount;
* Throw an exception if the exit code is non-zero.
* @return 0 if everything is good.
* @throws ExitUtil.ExitException if code != 0
public int finish() throws ExitUtil.ExitException {
if (exitCode != 0) {
throw new ExitUtil.ExitException(exitCode, exitText);
return 0;
* Do the scan/purge.
* @param path path to scan.
* @param clean purge?
* @param expectedMarkerCount expected marker count
* @param doPurge purge rather than just scan/audit?
* @param minMarkerCount min marker count (ignored on purge)
* @param maxMarkerCount max marker count (ignored on purge)
* @param limit limit of files to scan; 0 for 'unlimited'
* @param filterPolicy filter policy on a nonauth scan; may be null
* @return result.
@ -430,8 +506,9 @@ public MarkerPurgeSummary getPurgeSummary() {
private ScanResult scan(
final Path path,
final boolean clean,
final int expectedMarkerCount,
final boolean doPurge,
final int minMarkerCount,
final int maxMarkerCount,
final int limit,
final DirectoryPolicy filterPolicy)
throws IOException, ExitUtil.ExitException {
@ -458,13 +535,16 @@ private ScanResult scan(
= tracker.getSurplusMarkers();
Map<Path, DirMarkerTracker.Marker> leafMarkers
= tracker.getLeafMarkers();
int surplus = surplusMarkers.size();
if (surplus == 0) {
// determine marker count
int markerCount = surplusMarkers.size();
result.totalMarkerCount = markerCount;
result.filteredMarkerCount = markerCount;
if (markerCount == 0) {
println(out, "No surplus directory markers were found under %s", path);
} else {
println(out, "Found %d surplus directory marker%s under %s",
for (Path markers : surplusMarkers.keySet()) {
@ -482,9 +562,9 @@ private ScanResult scan(
println(out, "These are required to indicate empty directories");
if (clean) {
if (doPurge) {
// clean: remove the markers, do not worry about their
// presence when reporting success/failiure
// presence when reporting success/failure
int deletePageSize = storeContext.getConfiguration()
@ -503,28 +583,45 @@ private ScanResult scan(
allowed.forEach(p -> println(out, p.toString()));
// recalculate the marker size
surplus = surplusMarkers.size();
markerCount = surplusMarkers.size();
result.filteredMarkerCount = markerCount;
if (surplus > expectedMarkerCount) {
if (markerCount < minMarkerCount || markerCount > maxMarkerCount) {
// failure
if (expectedMarkerCount > 0) {
println(out, "Expected %d marker%s", expectedMarkerCount,
println(out, "Surplus markers were found -failing audit");
result.exitCode = EXIT_NOT_ACCEPTABLE;
return failScan(result, EXIT_NOT_ACCEPTABLE,
"Marker count %d out of range "
+ "[%d - %d]",
markerCount, minMarkerCount, maxMarkerCount);
// now one little check for whether a limit was reached.
if (!completed) {
println(out, "Listing limit reached before completing the scan");
result.exitCode = EXIT_INTERRUPTED;
failScan(result, EXIT_INTERRUPTED,
"Listing limit (%d) reached before completing the scan", limit);
return result;
* Fail the scan; print the formatted error and update the result.
* @param result result to update
* @param code Exit code
* @param message Error message
* @param args arguments for the error message
* @return scan result
private ScanResult failScan(
ScanResult result,
int code,
String message,
Object...args) {
String text = String.format(message, args);
result.exitCode = code;
result.exitText = text;
return result;
* Suffix for plurals.
* @param size size to generate a suffix for
@ -587,7 +684,7 @@ private boolean scanDirectoryTree(
* Result of a call of {@link #purgeMarkers(DirMarkerTracker, int)};
* included in {@link ScanResult} so must share visibility.
static final class MarkerPurgeSummary {
public static final class MarkerPurgeSummary {
/** Number of markers deleted. */
private int markersDeleted;
@ -613,14 +710,26 @@ public String toString() {
* Count of markers deleted.
* @return a number, zero when prune==false.
int getMarkersDeleted() {
return markersDeleted;
* Count of bulk delete requests issued.
* @return count of calls made to S3.
int getDeleteRequests() {
return deleteRequests;
* Total duration of delete requests.
* @return a time interval in millis.
long getTotalDeleteRequestDuration() {
return totalDeleteRequestDuration;
@ -699,25 +808,181 @@ public void setVerbose(final boolean verbose) {
* Execute the marker tool, with no checks on return codes.
* @param sourceFS filesystem to use
* @param path path to scan
* @param doPurge should markers be purged
* @param expectedMarkers number of markers expected
* @param limit limit of files to scan; -1 for 'unlimited'
* @param nonAuth only use nonauth path count for failure rules
* @param scanArgs set of args for the scanner.
* @return the result
public static MarkerTool.ScanResult execMarkerTool(
final FileSystem sourceFS,
final Path path,
final boolean doPurge,
final int expectedMarkers,
final int limit, boolean nonAuth) throws IOException {
MarkerTool tool = new MarkerTool(sourceFS.getConf());
ScanArgs scanArgs) throws IOException {
MarkerTool tool = new MarkerTool(scanArgs.getSourceFS().getConf());
return tool.execute(sourceFS, path, doPurge,
expectedMarkers, limit, nonAuth);
return tool.execute(scanArgs);
* Arguments for the scan.
* <p></p>
* Uses a builder/argument object because too many arguments were
* being created and it was making maintenance harder.
public static final class ScanArgs {
/** Source FS; must be or wrap an S3A FS. */
private final FileSystem sourceFS;
/** Path to scan. */
private final Path path;
/** Purge? */
private final boolean doPurge;
/** Min marker count (ignored on purge). */
private final int minMarkerCount;
/** Max marker count (ignored on purge). */
private final int maxMarkerCount;
/** Limit of files to scan; 0 for 'unlimited'. */
private final int limit;
/** Consider only markers in nonauth paths as errors. */
private final boolean nonAuth;
* @param sourceFS source FS; must be or wrap an S3A FS.
* @param path path to scan.
* @param doPurge purge?
* @param minMarkerCount min marker count (ignored on purge)
* @param maxMarkerCount max marker count (ignored on purge)
* @param limit limit of files to scan; 0 for 'unlimited'
* @param nonAuth consider only markers in nonauth paths as errors
private ScanArgs(final FileSystem sourceFS,
final Path path,
final boolean doPurge,
final int minMarkerCount,
final int maxMarkerCount,
final int limit,
final boolean nonAuth) {
this.sourceFS = sourceFS;
this.path = path;
this.doPurge = doPurge;
this.minMarkerCount = minMarkerCount;
this.maxMarkerCount = maxMarkerCount;
this.limit = limit;
this.nonAuth = nonAuth;
FileSystem getSourceFS() {
return sourceFS;
Path getPath() {
return path;
boolean isDoPurge() {
return doPurge;
int getMinMarkerCount() {
return minMarkerCount;
int getMaxMarkerCount() {
return maxMarkerCount;
int getLimit() {
return limit;
boolean isNonAuth() {
return nonAuth;
* Builder of the scan arguments.
public static final class ScanArgsBuilder {
/** Source FS; must be or wrap an S3A FS. */
private FileSystem sourceFS;
/** Path to scan. */
private Path path;
/** Purge? */
private boolean doPurge = false;
/** Min marker count (ignored on purge). */
private int minMarkerCount = 0;
/** Max marker count (ignored on purge). */
private int maxMarkerCount = 0;
/** Limit of files to scan; 0 for 'unlimited'. */
private int limit = UNLIMITED_LISTING;
/** Consider only markers in nonauth paths as errors. */
private boolean nonAuth = false;
/** Source FS; must be or wrap an S3A FS. */
public ScanArgsBuilder withSourceFS(final FileSystem source) {
this.sourceFS = source;
return this;
/** Path to scan. */
public ScanArgsBuilder withPath(final Path p) {
this.path = p;
return this;
/** Purge? */
public ScanArgsBuilder withDoPurge(final boolean d) {
this.doPurge = d;
return this;
/** Min marker count (ignored on purge). */
public ScanArgsBuilder withMinMarkerCount(final int min) {
this.minMarkerCount = min;
return this;
/** Max marker count (ignored on purge). */
public ScanArgsBuilder withMaxMarkerCount(final int max) {
this.maxMarkerCount = max;
return this;
/** Limit of files to scan; 0 for 'unlimited'. */
public ScanArgsBuilder withLimit(final int l) {
this.limit = l;
return this;
/** Consider only markers in nonauth paths as errors. */
public ScanArgsBuilder withNonAuth(final boolean b) {
this.nonAuth = b;
return this;
* Build the actual argument instance.
* @return the arguments to pass in
public ScanArgs build() {
return new ScanArgs(sourceFS,

View File

@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ Syntax
> hadoop s3guard markers -verbose -nonauth
markers (-audit | -clean) [-expected <count>] [-out <filename>] [-limit <limit>] [-nonauth] [-verbose] <PATH>
markers (-audit | -clean) [-min <count>] [-max <count>] [-out <filename>] [-limit <limit>] [-nonauth] [-verbose] <PATH>
View and manipulate S3 directory markers
@ -377,7 +377,8 @@ markers (-audit | -clean) [-expected <count>] [-out <filename>] [-limit <limit>]
| `-audit` | Audit the path for surplus markers |
| `-clean` | Clean all surplus markers under a path |
| `-expected <count>]` | Expected number of markers to find (primarily for testing) |
| `-min <count>` | Minimum number of markers an audit must find (default: 0) |
| `-max <count>]` | Minimum number of markers an audit must find (default: 0) |
| `-limit <count>]` | Limit the number of objects to scan |
| `-nonauth` | Only consider markers in non-authoritative paths as errors |
| `-out <filename>` | Save a list of all markers found to the nominated file |
@ -489,7 +490,7 @@ The `markers clean` command will clean the directory tree of all surplus markers
The `-verbose` option prints more detail on the operation as well as some IO statistics
> hadoop s3guard markers -verbose -clean s3a://london/
> hadoop s3guard markers -clean -verbose s3a://london/
2020-08-05 18:33:25,303 [main] INFO impl.DirectoryPolicyImpl (DirectoryPolicyImpl.java:getDirectoryPolicy(143)) - Directory markers will be kept on authoritative paths
The directory marker policy of s3a://london is "Authoritative"

View File

@ -90,10 +90,23 @@ public void maybeAuditTestPath() {
&& !fs.getDirectoryMarkerPolicy()
&& fs.isDirectory(methodPath)) {
MarkerTool.ScanResult result = MarkerTool.execMarkerTool(fs,
methodPath, true, 0, UNLIMITED_LISTING, false);
assertEquals("Audit of " + methodPath + " failed: " + result,
MarkerTool.ScanResult result = MarkerTool.execMarkerTool(
new MarkerTool.ScanArgsBuilder()
final String resultStr = result.toString();
assertEquals("Audit of " + methodPath + " failed: "
+ resultStr,
0, result.getExitCode());
assertEquals("Marker Count under " + methodPath
+ " non-zero: " + resultStr,
0, result.getFilteredMarkerCount());
} catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) {
} catch (Exception e) {

View File

@ -309,11 +309,15 @@ public static MarkerTool.ScanResult markerTool(
final boolean nonAuth) throws IOException {
MarkerTool.ScanResult result = MarkerTool.execMarkerTool(
limit, nonAuth);
new MarkerTool.ScanArgsBuilder()
.describedAs("Exit code of marker(%s, %s, %d) -> %s",
path, doPurge, expectedMarkers, result)
@ -330,5 +334,4 @@ protected static String m(String s) {
return "-" + s;

View File

@ -259,7 +259,8 @@ public void testRunAuditWithExpectedMarkers() throws Throwable {
m(OPT_LIMIT), 0,
m(OPT_OUT), audit,
m(OPT_EXPECTED), expectedMarkersWithBaseDir,
m(OPT_MIN), expectedMarkersWithBaseDir,
m(OPT_MAX), expectedMarkersWithBaseDir,
expectMarkersInOutput(audit, expectedMarkersWithBaseDir);
@ -286,9 +287,6 @@ public void testRunLimitedAudit() throws Throwable {
m(OPT_LIMIT), 2,
@ -302,7 +300,8 @@ public void testRunLimitedLandsatAudit() throws Throwable {
describe("Audit a few thousand landsat objects");
final File audit = tempAuditFile();
m(OPT_LIMIT), 3000,
m(OPT_OUT), audit,