HDFS-15051. RBF: Impose directory level permissions for Mount entries. Contributed by Xiaoqiao He.
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import java.util.List;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.federation.router.RouterAdminServer;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.federation.router.RouterPermissionChecker;
@ -61,24 +62,69 @@ public class MountTableStoreImpl extends MountTableStore {
* Whether a mount table entry can be accessed by the current context.
* @param src mount entry being accessed
* @param action type of action being performed on the mount entry
* @throws AccessControlException if mount table cannot be accessed
private void checkMountTableEntryPermission(String src, FsAction action)
throws IOException {
final MountTable partial = MountTable.newInstance();
final Query<MountTable> query = new Query<>(partial);
final MountTable entry = getDriver().get(getRecordClass(), query);
if (entry != null) {
RouterPermissionChecker pc = RouterAdminServer.getPermissionChecker();
if (pc != null) {
pc.checkPermission(entry, action);
* Check parent path permission recursively. It needs WRITE permission
* of the nearest parent entry and other EXECUTE permission.
* @param src mount entry being checked
* @throws AccessControlException if mount table cannot be accessed
private void checkMountTablePermission(final String src) throws IOException {
String parent = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf(Path.SEPARATOR));
checkMountTableEntryPermission(parent, FsAction.WRITE);
while (!parent.isEmpty()) {
parent = parent.substring(0, parent.lastIndexOf(Path.SEPARATOR));
checkMountTableEntryPermission(parent, FsAction.EXECUTE);
* When add mount table entry, it needs WRITE permission of the nearest parent
* entry if exist, and EXECUTE permission of other ancestor entries.
* @param request add mount table entry request
* @return add mount table entry response
* @throws IOException if mount table cannot be accessed
public AddMountTableEntryResponse addMountTableEntry(
AddMountTableEntryRequest request) throws IOException {
MountTable mountTable = request.getEntry();
if (mountTable != null) {
RouterPermissionChecker pc = RouterAdminServer.getPermissionChecker();
if (pc != null) {
pc.checkPermission(mountTable, FsAction.WRITE);
final String src = mountTable.getSourcePath();
boolean status = getDriver().put(mountTable, false, true);
AddMountTableEntryResponse response =
return response;
} else {
AddMountTableEntryResponse response =
return response;
boolean status = getDriver().put(mountTable, false, true);
AddMountTableEntryResponse response =
return response;
@ -86,19 +132,21 @@ public class MountTableStoreImpl extends MountTableStore {
UpdateMountTableEntryRequest request) throws IOException {
MountTable mountTable = request.getEntry();
if (mountTable != null) {
RouterPermissionChecker pc = RouterAdminServer.getPermissionChecker();
if (pc != null) {
pc.checkPermission(mountTable, FsAction.WRITE);
final String srcPath = mountTable.getSourcePath();
checkMountTableEntryPermission(srcPath, FsAction.WRITE);
boolean status = getDriver().put(mountTable, true, true);
UpdateMountTableEntryResponse response =
return response;
} else {
UpdateMountTableEntryResponse response =
return response;
boolean status = getDriver().put(mountTable, true, true);
UpdateMountTableEntryResponse response =
return response;
@ -519,6 +519,187 @@ public class TestRouterAdminCLI {
assertEquals((short) 0755, mountTable.getMode().toShort());
public void testUpdateMountTableWithoutPermission() throws Exception {
UserGroupInformation superUser = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
String superUserName = superUser.getShortUserName();
// re-set system out for testing
System.setOut(new PrintStream(out));
try {
stateStore.loadCache(MountTableStoreImpl.class, true);
// add mount table using super user.
String[] argv = new String[]{"-add", "/testpath3-1", "ns0", "/testdir3-1",
"-owner", superUserName, "-group", superUserName, "-mode", "755"};
assertEquals(0, ToolRunner.run(admin, argv));
UserGroupInformation remoteUser = UserGroupInformation
stateStore.loadCache(MountTableStoreImpl.class, true);
// update mount table using normal user
argv = new String[]{"-update", "/testpath3-1", "ns0", "/testdir3-2",
"-owner", TEST_USER, "-group", TEST_USER, "-mode", "777"};
assertEquals("Normal user update mount table which created by " +
"superuser unexpected.", -1, ToolRunner.run(admin, argv));
} finally {
// set back login user
public void testOperateMountTableWithGroupPermission() throws Exception {
UserGroupInformation superUser = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
// re-set system out for testing
System.setOut(new PrintStream(out));
try {
String testUserA = "test-user-a";
String testUserB = "test-user-b";
String testUserC = "test-user-c";
String testUserD = "test-user-d";
String testGroup = "test-group";
stateStore.loadCache(MountTableStoreImpl.class, true);
// add mount point with usera.
UserGroupInformation userA = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting(
testUserA, new String[] {testGroup});
String[] argv = new String[]{"-add", "/testpath4-1", "ns0", "/testdir4-1",
"-owner", testUserA, "-group", testGroup, "-mode", "775"};
assertEquals("Normal user can't add mount table unexpected.", 0,
ToolRunner.run(admin, argv));
stateStore.loadCache(MountTableStoreImpl.class, true);
// update mount point with userb which is same group with owner.
UserGroupInformation userB = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting(
testUserB, new String[] {testGroup});
argv = new String[]{"-update", "/testpath4-1", "ns0", "/testdir4-2",
"-owner", testUserA, "-group", testGroup, "-mode", "775"};
assertEquals("Another user in same group can't update mount table " +
"unexpected.", 0, ToolRunner.run(admin, argv));
stateStore.loadCache(MountTableStoreImpl.class, true);
// update mount point with userc which is not same group with owner.
UserGroupInformation userC = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting(
testUserC, new String[] {});
argv = new String[]{"-update", "/testpath4-1", "ns0", "/testdir4-3",
"-owner", testUserA, "-group", testGroup, "-mode", "775"};
assertEquals("Another user not in same group have no permission but " +
"update mount table successful unexpected.", -1,
ToolRunner.run(admin, argv));
stateStore.loadCache(MountTableStoreImpl.class, true);
// add mount point with userd but immediate parent of mount point
// does not exist.
UserGroupInformation userD = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting(
testUserD, new String[] {testGroup});
argv = new String[]{"-add", "/testpath4-1/foo/bar", "ns0",
"/testdir4-1/foo/bar", "-owner", testUserD, "-group", testGroup,
"-mode", "775"};
assertEquals("Normal user can't add mount table unexpected.", 0,
ToolRunner.run(admin, argv));
// test remove mount point with userc.
argv = new String[]{"-rm", "/testpath4-1"};
assertEquals(-1, ToolRunner.run(admin, argv));
// test remove mount point with userb.
assertEquals("Another user in same group can't remove mount table " +
"unexpected.", 0, ToolRunner.run(admin, argv));
} finally {
// set back login user
public void testOperateMountTableWithSuperUserPermission() throws Exception {
UserGroupInformation superUser = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
// re-set system out for testing
System.setOut(new PrintStream(out));
try {
String testUserA = "test-user-a";
String testGroup = "test-group";
stateStore.loadCache(MountTableStoreImpl.class, true);
// add mount point with usera.
UserGroupInformation userA = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting(
testUserA, new String[] {testGroup});
String[] argv = new String[]{"-add", "/testpath5-1", "ns0", "/testdir5-1",
"-owner", testUserA, "-group", testGroup, "-mode", "755"};
assertEquals(0, ToolRunner.run(admin, argv));
// test update mount point with super user.
stateStore.loadCache(MountTableStoreImpl.class, true);
argv = new String[]{"-update", "/testpath5-1", "ns0", "/testdir5-2",
"-owner", testUserA, "-group", testGroup, "-mode", "755"};
assertEquals("Super user can't update mount table unexpected.", 0,
ToolRunner.run(admin, argv));
// test remove mount point with super user.
argv = new String[]{"-rm", "/testpath5-1"};
assertEquals("Super user can't remove mount table unexpected.", 0,
ToolRunner.run(admin, argv));
} finally {
// set back login user
public void testAddMountTableIfParentExist() throws Exception {
UserGroupInformation superUser = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
// re-set system out for testing
System.setOut(new PrintStream(out));
try {
String testUserA = "test-user-a";
String testUserB = "test-user-b";
String testGroup = "test-group";
stateStore.loadCache(MountTableStoreImpl.class, true);
// add mount point with usera.
UserGroupInformation userA = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting(
testUserA, new String[] {testGroup});
String[] argv = new String[]{"-add", "/testpath6-1", "ns0", "/testdir6-1",
"-owner", testUserA, "-group", testGroup, "-mode", "755"};
assertEquals(0, ToolRunner.run(admin, argv));
// add mount point with userb will be success since the nearest parent
// does not exist but have other EXECUTE permission.
UserGroupInformation userB = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting(
testUserB, new String[] {testGroup});
argv = new String[]{"-add", "/testpath6-1/parent/foo", "ns0",
"/testdir6-1/parent/foo", "-owner", testUserA, "-group", testGroup,
"-mode", "755"};
assertEquals(0, ToolRunner.run(admin, argv));
// add mount point with userb will be failure since the nearest parent
// does exist but no WRITE permission.
argv = new String[]{"-add", "/testpath6-1/foo", "ns0",
"/testdir6-1/foo", "-owner", testUserA, "-group", testGroup,
"-mode", "755"};
assertEquals(-1, ToolRunner.run(admin, argv));
} finally {
// set back login user
public void testMountTablePermissions() throws Exception {
// re-set system out for testing
Reference in New Issue