YARN-6366. Refactor the NodeManager DeletionService to support additional DeletionTask types. Contributed by Shane Kumpf.
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,11 +21,8 @@
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
@ -38,86 +35,141 @@
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Private;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.UnsupportedFileSystemException;
import org.apache.hadoop.service.AbstractService;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.concurrent.HadoopScheduledThreadPoolExecutor;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.proto.YarnServerNodemanagerRecoveryProtos.DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.executor.DeletionAsUserContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.api.impl.pb.NMProtoUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.recovery.DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.DeletionTask;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.recovery.NMNullStateStoreService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.recovery.NMStateStoreService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.recovery.NMStateStoreService.RecoveredDeletionServiceState;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder;
public class DeletionService extends AbstractService {
static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DeletionService.class);
private int debugDelay;
private final ContainerExecutor exec;
private ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor sched;
private static final FileContext lfs = getLfs();
private final NMStateStoreService stateStore;
private AtomicInteger nextTaskId = new AtomicInteger(0);
static final FileContext getLfs() {
try {
return FileContext.getLocalFSFileContext();
} catch (UnsupportedFileSystemException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DeletionService.class);
private int debugDelay;
private final ContainerExecutor containerExecutor;
private final NMStateStoreService stateStore;
private ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor sched;
private AtomicInteger nextTaskId = new AtomicInteger(0);
public DeletionService(ContainerExecutor exec) {
this(exec, new NMNullStateStoreService());
public DeletionService(ContainerExecutor exec,
public DeletionService(ContainerExecutor containerExecutor,
NMStateStoreService stateStore) {
this.exec = exec;
this.containerExecutor = containerExecutor;
this.debugDelay = 0;
this.stateStore = stateStore;
* Delete the path(s) as this user.
* @param user The user to delete as, or the JVM user if null
* @param subDir the sub directory name
* @param baseDirs the base directories which contains the subDir's
public void delete(String user, Path subDir, Path... baseDirs) {
// TODO if parent owned by NM, rename within parent inline
public int getDebugDelay() {
return debugDelay;
public ContainerExecutor getContainerExecutor() {
return containerExecutor;
public NMStateStoreService getStateStore() {
return stateStore;
public void delete(DeletionTask deletionTask) {
if (debugDelay != -1) {
List<Path> baseDirList = null;
if (baseDirs != null && baseDirs.length != 0) {
baseDirList = Arrays.asList(baseDirs);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
String msg = String.format("Scheduling DeletionTask (delay %d) : %s",
debugDelay, deletionTask.toString());
FileDeletionTask task =
new FileDeletionTask(this, user, subDir, baseDirList);
sched.schedule(task, debugDelay, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
sched.schedule(deletionTask, debugDelay, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public void scheduleFileDeletionTask(FileDeletionTask fileDeletionTask) {
if (debugDelay != -1) {
sched.schedule(fileDeletionTask, debugDelay, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
private void recover(NMStateStoreService.RecoveredDeletionServiceState state)
throws IOException {
List<DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto> taskProtos = state.getTasks();
Map<Integer, DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo> idToInfoMap =
new HashMap<>(taskProtos.size());
Set<Integer> successorTasks = new HashSet<>();
for (DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto proto : taskProtos) {
DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo info =
NMProtoUtils.convertProtoToDeletionTaskRecoveryInfo(proto, this);
idToInfoMap.put(info.getTask().getTaskId(), info);
nextTaskId.set(Math.max(nextTaskId.get(), info.getTask().getTaskId()));
// restore the task dependencies and schedule the deletion tasks that
// have no predecessors
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo info : idToInfoMap.values()) {
for (Integer successorId : info.getSuccessorTaskIds()){
DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo successor = idToInfoMap.get(successorId);
if (successor != null) {
} else {
LOG.error("Unable to locate dependency task for deletion task "
+ info.getTask().getTaskId());
if (!successorTasks.contains(info.getTask().getTaskId())) {
long msecTilDeletion = info.getDeletionTimestamp() - now;
sched.schedule(info.getTask(), msecTilDeletion, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
private int generateTaskId() {
// get the next ID but avoid an invalid ID
int taskId = nextTaskId.incrementAndGet();
while (taskId == DeletionTask.INVALID_TASK_ID) {
taskId = nextTaskId.incrementAndGet();
return taskId;
private void recordDeletionTaskInStateStore(DeletionTask task) {
if (!stateStore.canRecover()) {
// optimize the case where we aren't really recording
if (task.getTaskId() != DeletionTask.INVALID_TASK_ID) {
return; // task already recorded
// store successors first to ensure task IDs have been generated for them
DeletionTask[] successors = task.getSuccessorTasks();
for (DeletionTask successor : successors) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to store deletion task " + task.getTaskId(), e);
protected void serviceInit(Configuration conf) throws Exception {
ThreadFactory tf = new ThreadFactoryBuilder()
.setNameFormat("DeletionService #%d")
.setNameFormat("DeletionService #%d")
if (conf != null) {
sched = new HadoopScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(
debugDelay = conf.getInt(YarnConfiguration.DEBUG_NM_DELETE_DELAY_SEC, 0);
} else {
sched = new HadoopScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(
@ -132,15 +184,14 @@ protected void serviceInit(Configuration conf) throws Exception {
protected void serviceStop() throws Exception {
public void serviceStop() throws Exception {
if (sched != null) {
boolean terminated = false;
try {
terminated = sched.awaitTermination(10, SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (terminated != true) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) { }
if (!terminated) {
@ -156,343 +207,4 @@ protected void serviceStop() throws Exception {
public boolean isTerminated() {
return getServiceState() == STATE.STOPPED && sched.isTerminated();
public static class FileDeletionTask implements Runnable {
public static final int INVALID_TASK_ID = -1;
private int taskId;
private final String user;
private final Path subDir;
private final List<Path> baseDirs;
private final AtomicInteger numberOfPendingPredecessorTasks;
private final Set<FileDeletionTask> successorTaskSet;
private final DeletionService delService;
// By default all tasks will start as success=true; however if any of
// the dependent task fails then it will be marked as false in
// fileDeletionTaskFinished().
private boolean success;
private FileDeletionTask(DeletionService delService, String user,
Path subDir, List<Path> baseDirs) {
this(INVALID_TASK_ID, delService, user, subDir, baseDirs);
private FileDeletionTask(int taskId, DeletionService delService,
String user, Path subDir, List<Path> baseDirs) {
this.taskId = taskId;
this.delService = delService;
this.user = user;
this.subDir = subDir;
this.baseDirs = baseDirs;
this.successorTaskSet = new HashSet<FileDeletionTask>();
this.numberOfPendingPredecessorTasks = new AtomicInteger(0);
success = true;
* increments and returns pending predecessor task count
public int incrementAndGetPendingPredecessorTasks() {
return numberOfPendingPredecessorTasks.incrementAndGet();
* decrements and returns pending predecessor task count
public int decrementAndGetPendingPredecessorTasks() {
return numberOfPendingPredecessorTasks.decrementAndGet();
public String getUser() {
return this.user;
public Path getSubDir() {
return this.subDir;
public List<Path> getBaseDirs() {
return this.baseDirs;
public synchronized void setSuccess(boolean success) {
this.success = success;
public synchronized boolean getSucess() {
return this.success;
public synchronized FileDeletionTask[] getSuccessorTasks() {
FileDeletionTask[] successors =
new FileDeletionTask[successorTaskSet.size()];
return successorTaskSet.toArray(successors);
public void run() {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
boolean error = false;
if (null == user) {
if (baseDirs == null || baseDirs.size() == 0) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("NM deleting absolute path : " + subDir);
try {
lfs.delete(subDir, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
error = true;
LOG.warn("Failed to delete " + subDir);
} else {
for (Path baseDir : baseDirs) {
Path del = subDir == null? baseDir : new Path(baseDir, subDir);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("NM deleting path : " + del);
try {
lfs.delete(del, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
error = true;
LOG.warn("Failed to delete " + subDir);
} else {
try {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
"Deleting path: [" + subDir + "] as user: [" + user + "]");
if (baseDirs == null || baseDirs.size() == 0) {
delService.exec.deleteAsUser(new DeletionAsUserContext.Builder()
} else {
delService.exec.deleteAsUser(new DeletionAsUserContext.Builder()
.setBasedirs(baseDirs.toArray(new Path[0]))
} catch (IOException e) {
error = true;
LOG.warn("Failed to delete as user " + user, e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
error = true;
LOG.warn("Failed to delete as user " + user, e);
if (error) {
public String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("\nFileDeletionTask : ");
sb.append(" user : ").append(this.user);
sb.append(" subDir : ").append(
subDir == null ? "null" : subDir.toString());
sb.append(" baseDir : ");
if (baseDirs == null || baseDirs.size() == 0) {
} else {
for (Path baseDir : baseDirs) {
return sb.toString();
* If there is a task dependency between say tasks 1,2,3 such that
* task2 and task3 can be started only after task1 then we should define
* task2 and task3 as successor tasks for task1.
* Note:- Task dependency should be defined prior to
* @param successorTask
public synchronized void addFileDeletionTaskDependency(
FileDeletionTask successorTask) {
if (successorTaskSet.add(successorTask)) {
* This is called when
* 1) Current file deletion task ran and finished.
* 2) This can be even directly called by predecessor task if one of the
* dependent tasks of it has failed marking its success = false.
private synchronized void fileDeletionTaskFinished() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to remove deletion task " + taskId
+ " from state store", e);
Iterator<FileDeletionTask> successorTaskI =
while (successorTaskI.hasNext()) {
FileDeletionTask successorTask = successorTaskI.next();
if (!success) {
int count = successorTask.decrementAndGetPendingPredecessorTasks();
if (count == 0) {
if (successorTask.getSucess()) {
} else {
* Helper method to create file deletion task. To be used only if we need
* a way to define dependencies between deletion tasks.
* @param user user on whose behalf this task is suppose to run
* @param subDir sub directory as required in
* {@link DeletionService#delete(String, Path, Path...)}
* @param baseDirs base directories as required in
* {@link DeletionService#delete(String, Path, Path...)}
public FileDeletionTask createFileDeletionTask(String user, Path subDir,
Path[] baseDirs) {
return new FileDeletionTask(this, user, subDir, Arrays.asList(baseDirs));
private void recover(RecoveredDeletionServiceState state)
throws IOException {
List<DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto> taskProtos = state.getTasks();
Map<Integer, DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo> idToInfoMap =
new HashMap<Integer, DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo>(taskProtos.size());
Set<Integer> successorTasks = new HashSet<Integer>();
for (DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto proto : taskProtos) {
DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo info = parseTaskProto(proto);
idToInfoMap.put(info.task.taskId, info);
nextTaskId.set(Math.max(nextTaskId.get(), info.task.taskId));
// restore the task dependencies and schedule the deletion tasks that
// have no predecessors
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo info : idToInfoMap.values()) {
for (Integer successorId : info.successorTaskIds){
DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo successor = idToInfoMap.get(successorId);
if (successor != null) {
} else {
LOG.error("Unable to locate dependency task for deletion task "
+ info.task.taskId + " at " + info.task.getSubDir());
if (!successorTasks.contains(info.task.taskId)) {
long msecTilDeletion = info.deletionTimestamp - now;
sched.schedule(info.task, msecTilDeletion, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
private DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo parseTaskProto(
DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto proto) throws IOException {
int taskId = proto.getId();
String user = proto.hasUser() ? proto.getUser() : null;
Path subdir = null;
List<Path> basePaths = null;
if (proto.hasSubdir()) {
subdir = new Path(proto.getSubdir());
List<String> basedirs = proto.getBasedirsList();
if (basedirs != null && basedirs.size() > 0) {
basePaths = new ArrayList<Path>(basedirs.size());
for (String basedir : basedirs) {
basePaths.add(new Path(basedir));
FileDeletionTask task = new FileDeletionTask(taskId, this, user,
subdir, basePaths);
return new DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo(task,
private int generateTaskId() {
// get the next ID but avoid an invalid ID
int taskId = nextTaskId.incrementAndGet();
while (taskId == FileDeletionTask.INVALID_TASK_ID) {
taskId = nextTaskId.incrementAndGet();
return taskId;
private void recordDeletionTaskInStateStore(FileDeletionTask task) {
if (!stateStore.canRecover()) {
// optimize the case where we aren't really recording
if (task.taskId != FileDeletionTask.INVALID_TASK_ID) {
return; // task already recorded
task.taskId = generateTaskId();
FileDeletionTask[] successors = task.getSuccessorTasks();
// store successors first to ensure task IDs have been generated for them
for (FileDeletionTask successor : successors) {
DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto.Builder builder =
if (task.getUser() != null) {
if (task.getSubDir() != null) {
builder.setDeletionTime(System.currentTimeMillis() +
TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(debugDelay, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
if (task.getBaseDirs() != null) {
for (Path dir : task.getBaseDirs()) {
for (FileDeletionTask successor : successors) {
try {
stateStore.storeDeletionTask(task.taskId, builder.build());
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to store deletion task " + task.taskId + " for "
+ task.getSubDir(), e);
private static class DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo {
FileDeletionTask task;
List<Integer> successorTaskIds;
long deletionTimestamp;
public DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo(FileDeletionTask task,
List<Integer> successorTaskIds, long deletionTimestamp) {
this.task = task;
this.successorTaskIds = successorTaskIds;
this.deletionTimestamp = deletionTimestamp;
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.api.impl.pb;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.proto.YarnServerNodemanagerRecoveryProtos.DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.DeletionService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.recovery.DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.DeletionTask;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.DeletionTaskType;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.FileDeletionTask;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Utilities for converting from PB representations.
public final class NMProtoUtils {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(NMProtoUtils.class);
private NMProtoUtils() { }
* Convert the Protobuf representation into a {@link DeletionTask}.
* @param proto the Protobuf representation for the DeletionTask
* @param deletionService the {@link DeletionService}
* @return the converted {@link DeletionTask}
public static DeletionTask convertProtoToDeletionTask(
DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto proto, DeletionService deletionService) {
int taskId = proto.getId();
if (proto.hasTaskType() && proto.getTaskType() != null) {
if (proto.getTaskType().equals(DeletionTaskType.FILE.name())) {
LOG.debug("Converting recovered FileDeletionTask");
return convertProtoToFileDeletionTask(proto, deletionService, taskId);
LOG.debug("Unable to get task type, trying FileDeletionTask");
return convertProtoToFileDeletionTask(proto, deletionService, taskId);
* Convert the Protobuf representation into the {@link FileDeletionTask}.
* @param proto the Protobuf representation of the {@link FileDeletionTask}
* @param deletionService the {@link DeletionService}.
* @param taskId the ID of the {@link DeletionTask}.
* @return the populated {@link FileDeletionTask}.
public static FileDeletionTask convertProtoToFileDeletionTask(
DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto proto, DeletionService deletionService,
int taskId) {
String user = proto.hasUser() ? proto.getUser() : null;
Path subdir = null;
if (proto.hasSubdir()) {
subdir = new Path(proto.getSubdir());
List<Path> basePaths = null;
List<String> basedirs = proto.getBasedirsList();
if (basedirs != null && basedirs.size() > 0) {
basePaths = new ArrayList<>(basedirs.size());
for (String basedir : basedirs) {
basePaths.add(new Path(basedir));
return new FileDeletionTask(taskId, deletionService, user, subdir,
* Convert the Protobuf representation to the {@link DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo}
* representation.
* @param proto the Protobuf representation of the {@link DeletionTask}
* @param deletionService the {@link DeletionService}
* @return the populated {@link DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo}
public static DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo convertProtoToDeletionTaskRecoveryInfo(
DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto proto, DeletionService deletionService) {
DeletionTask deletionTask =
NMProtoUtils.convertProtoToDeletionTask(proto, deletionService);
List<Integer> successorTaskIds = new ArrayList<>();
if (proto.getSuccessorIdsList() != null &&
!proto.getSuccessorIdsList().isEmpty()) {
successorTaskIds = proto.getSuccessorIdsList();
long deletionTimestamp = proto.getDeletionTime();
return new DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo(deletionTask, successorTaskIds,
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Package containing classes for working with Protobuf.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.api.impl.pb;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.recovery;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.DeletionTask;
import java.util.List;
* Encapsulates the recovery info needed to recover a DeletionTask from the NM
* state store.
public class DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo {
private DeletionTask task;
private List<Integer> successorTaskIds;
private long deletionTimestamp;
* Information needed for recovering the DeletionTask.
* @param task the DeletionTask
* @param successorTaskIds the dependent DeletionTasks.
* @param deletionTimestamp the scheduled times of deletion.
public DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo(DeletionTask task,
List<Integer> successorTaskIds, long deletionTimestamp) {
this.task = task;
this.successorTaskIds = successorTaskIds;
this.deletionTimestamp = deletionTimestamp;
* Return the recovered DeletionTask.
* @return the recovered DeletionTask.
public DeletionTask getTask() {
return task;
* Return all of the dependent DeletionTasks.
* @return the dependent DeletionTasks.
public List<Integer> getSuccessorTaskIds() {
return successorTaskIds;
* Return the deletion timestamp.
* @return the deletion timestamp.
public long getDeletionTimestamp() {
return deletionTimestamp;
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Package containing classes for recovering DeletionTasks.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.recovery;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.proto.YarnServerNodemanagerRecoveryProtos.DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.DeletionService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.recovery.NMStateStoreService;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* DeletionTasks are supplied to the {@link DeletionService} for deletion.
public abstract class DeletionTask implements Runnable {
static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DeletionTask.class);
public static final int INVALID_TASK_ID = -1;
private int taskId;
private String user;
private DeletionTaskType deletionTaskType;
private DeletionService deletionService;
private final AtomicInteger numberOfPendingPredecessorTasks;
private final Set<DeletionTask> successorTaskSet;
// By default all tasks will start as success=true; however if any of
// the dependent task fails then it will be marked as false in
// deletionTaskFinished().
private boolean success;
* Deletion task with taskId and default values.
* @param taskId the ID of the task, if previously set.
* @param deletionService the {@link DeletionService}.
* @param user the user associated with the delete.
* @param deletionTaskType the {@link DeletionTaskType}.
public DeletionTask(int taskId, DeletionService deletionService, String user,
DeletionTaskType deletionTaskType) {
this(taskId, deletionService, user, new AtomicInteger(0),
new HashSet<DeletionTask>(), deletionTaskType);
* Deletion task with taskId and user supplied values.
* @param taskId the ID of the task, if previously set.
* @param deletionService the {@link DeletionService}.
* @param user the user associated with the delete.
* @param numberOfPendingPredecessorTasks Number of pending tasks.
* @param successorTaskSet the list of successor DeletionTasks
* @param deletionTaskType the {@link DeletionTaskType}.
public DeletionTask(int taskId, DeletionService deletionService, String user,
AtomicInteger numberOfPendingPredecessorTasks,
Set<DeletionTask> successorTaskSet, DeletionTaskType deletionTaskType) {
this.taskId = taskId;
this.deletionService = deletionService;
this.user = user;
this.numberOfPendingPredecessorTasks = numberOfPendingPredecessorTasks;
this.successorTaskSet = successorTaskSet;
this.deletionTaskType = deletionTaskType;
success = true;
* Get the taskId for the DeletionTask.
* @return the taskId.
public int getTaskId() {
return taskId;
* Set the taskId for the DeletionTask.
* @param taskId the taskId.
public void setTaskId(int taskId) {
this.taskId = taskId;
* The the user assoicated with the DeletionTask.
* @return the user name.
public String getUser() {
return user;
* Get the {@link DeletionService} for this DeletionTask.
* @return the {@link DeletionService}.
public DeletionService getDeletionService() {
return deletionService;
* Get the {@link DeletionTaskType} for this DeletionTask.
* @return the {@link DeletionTaskType}.
public DeletionTaskType getDeletionTaskType() {
return deletionTaskType;
* Set the DeletionTask run status.
* @param success the status of the running DeletionTask.
public synchronized void setSuccess(boolean success) {
this.success = success;
* Return the DeletionTask run status.
* @return the status of the running DeletionTask.
public synchronized boolean getSucess() {
return this.success;
* Return the list of successor tasks for the DeletionTask.
* @return the list of successor tasks.
public synchronized DeletionTask[] getSuccessorTasks() {
DeletionTask[] successors = new DeletionTask[successorTaskSet.size()];
return successorTaskSet.toArray(successors);
* Convert the DeletionTask to the Protobuf representation for storing in the
* state store and recovery.
* @return the protobuf representation of the DeletionTask.
public abstract DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto convertDeletionTaskToProto();
* Add a dependent DeletionTask.
* If there is a task dependency between say tasks 1,2,3 such that
* task2 and task3 can be started only after task1 then we should define
* task2 and task3 as successor tasks for task1.
* Note:- Task dependency should be defined prior to calling delete.
* @param successorTask the DeletionTask the depends on this DeletionTask.
public synchronized void addDeletionTaskDependency(
DeletionTask successorTask) {
if (successorTaskSet.add(successorTask)) {
* Increments and returns pending predecessor task count.
* @return the number of pending predecessor DeletionTasks.
public int incrementAndGetPendingPredecessorTasks() {
return numberOfPendingPredecessorTasks.incrementAndGet();
* Decrements and returns pending predecessor task count.
* @return the number of pending predecessor DeletionTasks.
public int decrementAndGetPendingPredecessorTasks() {
return numberOfPendingPredecessorTasks.decrementAndGet();
* Removes the DeletionTask from the state store and validates that successor
* tasks have been scheduled and completed.
* This is called when:
* 1) Current deletion task ran and finished.
* 2) When directly called by predecessor task if one of the
* dependent tasks of it has failed marking its success = false.
synchronized void deletionTaskFinished() {
try {
NMStateStoreService stateStore = deletionService.getStateStore();
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to remove deletion task " + taskId
+ " from state store", e);
Iterator<DeletionTask> successorTaskI = this.successorTaskSet.iterator();
while (successorTaskI.hasNext()) {
DeletionTask successorTask = successorTaskI.next();
if (!success) {
int count = successorTask.decrementAndGetPendingPredecessorTasks();
if (count == 0) {
if (successorTask.getSucess()) {
} else {
* Return the Protobuf builder with the base DeletionTask attributes.
* @return pre-populated Buidler with the base attributes.
DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto.Builder getBaseDeletionTaskProtoBuilder() {
DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto.Builder builder =
if (getUser() != null) {
builder.setDeletionTime(System.currentTimeMillis() +
for (DeletionTask successor : getSuccessorTasks()) {
return builder;
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task;
* Available types of {@link DeletionTask}s.
public enum DeletionTaskType {
@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.UnsupportedFileSystemException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.proto.YarnServerNodemanagerRecoveryProtos.DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.DeletionService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.executor.DeletionAsUserContext;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
* {@link DeletionTask} handling the removal of files (and directories).
public class FileDeletionTask extends DeletionTask implements Runnable {
private final Path subDir;
private final List<Path> baseDirs;
private static final FileContext lfs = getLfs();
private static FileContext getLfs() {
try {
return FileContext.getLocalFSFileContext();
} catch (UnsupportedFileSystemException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Construct a FileDeletionTask with the default INVALID_TASK_ID.
* @param deletionService the {@link DeletionService}.
* @param user the user deleting the file.
* @param subDir the subdirectory to delete.
* @param baseDirs the base directories containing the subdir.
public FileDeletionTask(DeletionService deletionService, String user,
Path subDir, List<Path> baseDirs) {
this(INVALID_TASK_ID, deletionService, user, subDir, baseDirs);
* Construct a FileDeletionTask with the default INVALID_TASK_ID.
* @param taskId the ID of the task, if previously set.
* @param deletionService the {@link DeletionService}.
* @param user the user deleting the file.
* @param subDir the subdirectory to delete.
* @param baseDirs the base directories containing the subdir.
public FileDeletionTask(int taskId, DeletionService deletionService,
String user, Path subDir, List<Path> baseDirs) {
super(taskId, deletionService, user, DeletionTaskType.FILE);
this.subDir = subDir;
this.baseDirs = baseDirs;
* Get the subdirectory to delete.
* @return the subDir for the FileDeletionTask.
public Path getSubDir() {
return this.subDir;
* Get the base directories containing the subdirectory.
* @return the base directories for the FileDeletionTask.
public List<Path> getBaseDirs() {
return this.baseDirs;
* Delete the specified file/directory as the specified user.
public void run() {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
String msg = String.format("Running DeletionTask : %s", toString());
boolean error = false;
if (null == getUser()) {
if (baseDirs == null || baseDirs.size() == 0) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("NM deleting absolute path : " + subDir);
try {
lfs.delete(subDir, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
error = true;
LOG.warn("Failed to delete " + subDir);
} else {
for (Path baseDir : baseDirs) {
Path del = subDir == null? baseDir : new Path(baseDir, subDir);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("NM deleting path : " + del);
try {
lfs.delete(del, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
error = true;
LOG.warn("Failed to delete " + subDir);
} else {
try {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
"Deleting path: [" + subDir + "] as user: [" + getUser() + "]");
if (baseDirs == null || baseDirs.size() == 0) {
new DeletionAsUserContext.Builder()
} else {
new DeletionAsUserContext.Builder()
.setBasedirs(baseDirs.toArray(new Path[0]))
} catch (IOException|InterruptedException e) {
error = true;
LOG.warn("Failed to delete as user " + getUser(), e);
if (error) {
* Convert the FileDeletionTask to a String representation.
* @return String representation of the FileDeletionTask.
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("FileDeletionTask :");
sb.append(" id : ").append(getTaskId());
sb.append(" user : ").append(getUser());
sb.append(" subDir : ").append(
subDir == null ? "null" : subDir.toString());
sb.append(" baseDir : ");
if (baseDirs == null || baseDirs.size() == 0) {
} else {
for (Path baseDir : baseDirs) {
return sb.toString().trim();
* Convert the FileDeletionTask to the Protobuf representation for storing
* in the state store and recovery.
* @return the protobuf representation of the FileDeletionTask.
public DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto convertDeletionTaskToProto() {
DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto.Builder builder =
if (getSubDir() != null) {
if (getBaseDirs() != null) {
for (Path dir : getBaseDirs()) {
return builder.build();
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Package containing DeletionTasks for use with the DeletionService.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.proto.YarnServerNodemanagerRecoveryProtos.LocalizedResourceProto;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.DeletionService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.LocalDirsHandlerService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.FileDeletionTask;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.localizer.event.ResourceEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.localizer.event.ResourceEventType;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.localizer.event.ResourceRecoveredEvent;
@ -113,9 +114,9 @@ public LocalResourcesTrackerImpl(String user, ApplicationId appId,
this.useLocalCacheDirectoryManager = useLocalCacheDirectoryManager;
if (this.useLocalCacheDirectoryManager) {
directoryManagers =
new ConcurrentHashMap<Path, LocalCacheDirectoryManager>();
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
inProgressLocalResourcesMap =
new ConcurrentHashMap<LocalResourceRequest, Path>();
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
this.conf = conf;
this.stateStore = stateStore;
@ -393,7 +394,9 @@ public boolean remove(LocalizedResource rem, DeletionService delService) {
return false;
} else { // ResourceState is LOCALIZED or INIT
if (ResourceState.LOCALIZED.equals(rsrc.getState())) {
delService.delete(getUser(), getPathToDelete(rsrc.getLocalPath()));
FileDeletionTask deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(delService,
getUser(), getPathToDelete(rsrc.getLocalPath()), null);
LOG.info("Removed " + rsrc.getLocalPath() + " from localized cache");
@ -488,7 +491,9 @@ public Path getPathForLocalization(LocalResourceRequest req,
LOG.warn("Directory " + uniquePath + " already exists, " +
"try next one.");
if (delService != null) {
delService.delete(getUser(), uniquePath);
FileDeletionTask deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(delService,
getUser(), uniquePath, null);
@ -95,7 +95,6 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.ContainerExecutor;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.Context;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.DeletionService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.DeletionService.FileDeletionTask;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.DirectoryCollection.DirsChangeListener;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.LocalDirsHandlerService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.api.LocalizationProtocol;
@ -113,6 +112,7 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.ContainerEventType;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.ContainerResourceFailedEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.ContainerState;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.FileDeletionTask;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.localizer.LocalCacheCleaner.LocalCacheCleanerStats;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.localizer.event.ApplicationLocalizationEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.localizer.event.ContainerLocalizationCleanupEvent;
@ -604,7 +604,9 @@ private void handleCleanupContainerResources(
private void submitDirForDeletion(String userName, Path dir) {
try {
delService.delete(userName, dir, new Path[] {});
FileDeletionTask deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(delService, userName,
dir, null);
} catch (UnsupportedFileSystemException ue) {
LOG.warn("Local dir " + dir + " is an unsupported filesystem", ue);
} catch (IOException ie) {
@ -1234,10 +1236,13 @@ public void run() {
if (!paths.isEmpty()) {
null, paths.toArray(new Path[paths.size()]));
FileDeletionTask deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(delService,
context.getUser(), null, paths);
delService.delete(null, nmPrivateCTokensPath, new Path[] {});
FileDeletionTask deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(delService, null,
nmPrivateCTokensPath, null);
@ -1456,7 +1461,9 @@ private void deleteAppLogDir(FileContext fs, DeletionService del,
String appName = fileStatus.getPath().getName();
if (appName.matches("^application_\\d+_\\d+_DEL_\\d+$")) {
LOG.info("delete app log dir," + appName);
del.delete(null, fileStatus.getPath());
FileDeletionTask deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(del, null,
fileStatus.getPath(), null);
@ -1516,7 +1523,9 @@ private void deleteLocalDir(FileContext lfs, DeletionService del,
.matches(".*" + ContainerLocalizer.FILECACHE + "_DEL_.*")) {
del.delete(null, status.getPath(), new Path[] {});
FileDeletionTask deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(del, null,
status.getPath(), null);
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Do nothing, just give the warning
@ -1530,24 +1539,25 @@ private void deleteLocalDir(FileContext lfs, DeletionService del,
private void cleanUpFilesPerUserDir(FileContext lfs, DeletionService del,
Path userDirPath) throws IOException {
RemoteIterator<FileStatus> userDirStatus = lfs.listStatus(userDirPath);
FileDeletionTask dependentDeletionTask =
del.createFileDeletionTask(null, userDirPath, new Path[] {});
FileDeletionTask dependentDeletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(del, null,
userDirPath, new ArrayList<Path>());
if (userDirStatus != null && userDirStatus.hasNext()) {
List<FileDeletionTask> deletionTasks = new ArrayList<FileDeletionTask>();
while (userDirStatus.hasNext()) {
FileStatus status = userDirStatus.next();
String owner = status.getOwner();
FileDeletionTask deletionTask =
del.createFileDeletionTask(owner, null,
new Path[] { status.getPath() });
List<Path> pathList = new ArrayList<>();
FileDeletionTask deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(del, owner, null,
for (FileDeletionTask task : deletionTasks) {
} else {
@ -69,6 +69,8 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.LocalDirsHandlerService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.application.ApplicationEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.application.ApplicationEventType;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.DeletionTask;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.FileDeletionTask;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.ConverterUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.Records;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.Times;
@ -258,19 +260,7 @@ private void uploadLogsForContainers(boolean appFinished) {
if (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) {
Credentials systemCredentials =
if (systemCredentials != null) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Adding new framework-token for " + appId
+ " for log-aggregation: " + systemCredentials.getAllTokens()
+ "; userUgi=" + userUgi);
// this will replace old token
// Create a set of Containers whose logs will be uploaded in this cycle.
// It includes:
@ -332,9 +322,12 @@ private void uploadLogsForContainers(boolean appFinished) {
if (uploadedFilePathsInThisCycle.size() > 0) {
uploadedLogsInThisCycle = true;
this.delService.delete(this.userUgi.getShortUserName(), null,
.toArray(new Path[uploadedFilePathsInThisCycle.size()]));
List<Path> uploadedFilePathsInThisCycleList = new ArrayList<>();
DeletionTask deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(delService,
this.userUgi.getShortUserName(), null,
// This container is finished, and all its logs have been uploaded,
@ -352,11 +345,7 @@ private void uploadLogsForContainers(boolean appFinished) {
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
final Path renamedPath = this.rollingMonitorInterval <= 0
? remoteNodeLogFileForApp : new Path(
remoteNodeLogFileForApp.getName() + "_"
+ currentTime);
final Path renamedPath = getRenamedPath(currentTime);
final boolean rename = uploadedLogsInThisCycle;
try {
@ -396,6 +385,28 @@ public Object run() throws Exception {
private Path getRenamedPath(long currentTime) {
return this.rollingMonitorInterval <= 0 ? remoteNodeLogFileForApp
: new Path(remoteNodeLogFileForApp.getParent(),
remoteNodeLogFileForApp.getName() + "_" + currentTime);
private void addCredentials() {
if (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) {
Credentials systemCredentials =
if (systemCredentials != null) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Adding new framework-token for " + appId
+ " for log-aggregation: " + systemCredentials.getAllTokens()
+ "; userUgi=" + userUgi);
// this will replace old token
protected LogWriter createLogWriter() {
return new LogWriter();
@ -561,8 +572,11 @@ private void doAppLogAggregationPostCleanUp() {
if (localAppLogDirs.size() > 0) {
this.delService.delete(this.userUgi.getShortUserName(), null,
localAppLogDirs.toArray(new Path[localAppLogDirs.size()]));
List<Path> localAppLogDirsList = new ArrayList<>();
DeletionTask deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(delService,
this.userUgi.getShortUserName(), null, localAppLogDirsList);
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.LocalDirsHandlerService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.application.ApplicationEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.application.ApplicationEventType;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.FileDeletionTask;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.loghandler.event.LogHandlerAppFinishedEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.loghandler.event.LogHandlerAppStartedEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.loghandler.event.LogHandlerEvent;
@ -247,8 +248,10 @@ public void run() {
new ApplicationEvent(this.applicationId,
if (localAppLogDirs.size() > 0) {
NonAggregatingLogHandler.this.delService.delete(user, null,
(Path[]) localAppLogDirs.toArray(new Path[localAppLogDirs.size()]));
FileDeletionTask deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(
NonAggregatingLogHandler.this.delService, user, null,
try {
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ message DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto {
optional int64 deletionTime = 4;
repeated string basedirs = 5;
repeated int32 successorIds = 6;
optional string taskType = 7;
message LocalizedResourceProto {
@ -33,13 +33,14 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.UnsupportedFileSystemException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.DeletionService.FileDeletionTask;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.FileDeletionTask;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.executor.DeletionAsUserContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.recovery.NMMemoryStateStoreService;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
public class TestDeletionService {
private static final FileContext lfs = getLfs();
@ -123,8 +124,9 @@ public void testAbsDelete() throws Exception {
try {
for (Path p : dirs) {
del.delete((Long.parseLong(p.getName()) % 2) == 0 ? null : "dingo",
p, null);
FileDeletionTask deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(del,
(Long.parseLong(p.getName()) % 2) == 0 ? null : "dingo", p, null);
int msecToWait = 20 * 1000;
@ -159,8 +161,10 @@ public void testRelativeDelete() throws Exception {
for (Path p : content) {
assertTrue(lfs.util().exists(new Path(baseDirs.get(0), p)));
del.delete((Long.parseLong(p.getName()) % 2) == 0 ? null : "dingo",
p, baseDirs.toArray(new Path[4]));
FileDeletionTask deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(del,
(Long.parseLong(p.getName()) % 2) == 0 ? null : "dingo", p,
int msecToWait = 20 * 1000;
@ -196,8 +200,9 @@ public void testNoDelete() throws Exception {
for (Path p : dirs) {
del.delete((Long.parseLong(p.getName()) % 2) == 0 ? null : "dingo", p,
FileDeletionTask deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(del,
(Long.parseLong(p.getName()) % 2) == 0 ? null : "dingo", p, null);
int msecToWait = 20 * 1000;
for (Path p : dirs) {
@ -220,7 +225,9 @@ public void testStopWithDelayedTasks() throws Exception {
try {
del.delete("dingo", new Path("/does/not/exist"));
FileDeletionTask deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(del, "dingo",
new Path("/does/not/exist"), null);
} finally {
@ -249,16 +256,18 @@ public void testFileDeletionTaskDependency() throws Exception {
List<Path> subDirs = buildDirs(r, dirs.get(0), 2);
FileDeletionTask dependentDeletionTask =
del.createFileDeletionTask(null, dirs.get(0), new Path[] {});
new FileDeletionTask(del, null, dirs.get(0), new ArrayList<Path>());
List<FileDeletionTask> deletionTasks = new ArrayList<FileDeletionTask>();
for (Path subDir : subDirs) {
List<Path> subDirList = new ArrayList<>();
FileDeletionTask deletionTask =
del.createFileDeletionTask(null, null, new Path[] { subDir });
new FileDeletionTask(del, null, dirs.get(0), subDirList);
for (FileDeletionTask task : deletionTasks) {
int msecToWait = 20 * 1000;
@ -274,19 +283,21 @@ public void testFileDeletionTaskDependency() throws Exception {
subDirs = buildDirs(r, dirs.get(1), 2);
subDirs.add(new Path(dirs.get(1), "absentFile"));
dependentDeletionTask =
del.createFileDeletionTask(null, dirs.get(1), new Path[] {});
dependentDeletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(del, null, dirs.get(1),
new ArrayList<Path>());
deletionTasks = new ArrayList<FileDeletionTask>();
for (Path subDir : subDirs) {
FileDeletionTask deletionTask =
del.createFileDeletionTask(null, null, new Path[] { subDir });
List<Path> subDirList = new ArrayList<>();
FileDeletionTask deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(del, null, null,
// marking one of the tasks as a failure.
for (FileDeletionTask task : deletionTasks) {
msecToWait = 20 * 1000;
@ -327,8 +338,10 @@ public void testRecovery() throws Exception {
for (Path p : content) {
assertTrue(lfs.util().exists(new Path(baseDirs.get(0), p)));
del.delete((Long.parseLong(p.getName()) % 2) == 0 ? null : "dingo",
p, baseDirs.toArray(new Path[4]));
FileDeletionTask deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(del,
(Long.parseLong(p.getName()) % 2) == 0 ? null : "dingo", p,
// restart the deletion service
@ -341,8 +354,10 @@ public void testRecovery() throws Exception {
// verify paths are still eventually deleted
int msecToWait = 10 * 1000;
for (Path p : baseDirs) {
System.out.println("TEST Basedir: " + p.getName());
for (Path q : content) {
Path fp = new Path(p, q);
System.out.println("TEST Path: " + fp.toString());
while (msecToWait > 0 && lfs.util().exists(fp)) {
msecToWait -= 100;
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.argThat;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.isNull;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
@ -28,6 +27,7 @@
import java.io.IOException;
import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
@ -58,19 +58,17 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.event.Dispatcher;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.security.NMTokenIdentifier;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.DeletionService.FileDeletionTask;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.TestContainerManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.Container;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.ContainerState;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.FileDeletionMatcher;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.localizer.ContainerLocalizer;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.localizer.ResourceLocalizationService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.ConverterUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.Records;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.ArgumentMatcher;
public class TestNodeManagerReboot {
@ -196,18 +194,17 @@ public Void run() throws YarnException, IOException {
verify(delService, times(1)).delete(
(String) isNull(),
argThat(new PathInclude(ResourceLocalizationService.NM_PRIVATE_DIR
+ "_DEL_")));
verify(delService, times(1)).delete((String) isNull(),
argThat(new PathInclude(ContainerLocalizer.FILECACHE + "_DEL_")));
verify(delService, times(1)).scheduleFileDeletionTask(
argThat(new FileDeletionInclude(user, null,
new String[] { destinationFile })));
verify(delService, times(1)).scheduleFileDeletionTask(
argThat(new FileDeletionInclude(null, ContainerLocalizer.USERCACHE
+ "_DEL_", new String[] {})));
verify(delService, times(1)).delete(argThat(new FileDeletionMatcher(
delService, null,
new Path(ResourceLocalizationService.NM_PRIVATE_DIR + "_DEL_"), null)));
verify(delService, times(1)).delete(argThat(new FileDeletionMatcher(
delService, null, new Path(ContainerLocalizer.FILECACHE + "_DEL_"),
verify(delService, times(1)).delete(argThat(new FileDeletionMatcher(
delService, user, null, Arrays.asList(new Path(destinationFile)))));
verify(delService, times(1)).delete(argThat(new FileDeletionMatcher(
delService, null, new Path(ContainerLocalizer.USERCACHE + "_DEL_"),
new ArrayList<Path>())));
// restart the NodeManager again
// this time usercache directory should be empty
@ -329,72 +326,4 @@ private YarnConfiguration createNMConfig() throws IOException {
return conf;
class PathInclude extends ArgumentMatcher<Path> {
final String part;
PathInclude(String part) {
this.part = part;
public boolean matches(Object o) {
return ((Path) o).getName().indexOf(part) != -1;
class FileDeletionInclude extends ArgumentMatcher<FileDeletionTask> {
final String user;
final String subDirIncludes;
final String[] baseDirIncludes;
public FileDeletionInclude(String user, String subDirIncludes,
String [] baseDirIncludes) {
this.user = user;
this.subDirIncludes = subDirIncludes;
this.baseDirIncludes = baseDirIncludes;
public boolean matches(Object o) {
FileDeletionTask fd = (FileDeletionTask)o;
if (fd.getUser() == null && user != null) {
return false;
} else if (fd.getUser() != null && user == null) {
return false;
} else if (fd.getUser() != null && user != null) {
return fd.getUser().equals(user);
if (!comparePaths(fd.getSubDir(), subDirIncludes)) {
return false;
if (baseDirIncludes == null && fd.getBaseDirs() != null) {
return false;
} else if (baseDirIncludes != null && fd.getBaseDirs() == null ) {
return false;
} else if (baseDirIncludes != null && fd.getBaseDirs() != null) {
if (baseDirIncludes.length != fd.getBaseDirs().size()) {
return false;
for (int i =0 ; i < baseDirIncludes.length; i++) {
if (!comparePaths(fd.getBaseDirs().get(i), baseDirIncludes[i])) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean comparePaths(Path p1, String p2) {
if (p1 == null && p2 != null){
return false;
} else if (p1 != null && p2 == null) {
return false;
} else if (p1 != null && p2 != null ){
return p1.toUri().getPath().contains(p2.toString());
return true;
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.api.impl.pb;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.proto.YarnServerNodemanagerRecoveryProtos.DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.DeletionService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.recovery.DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.DeletionTask;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.DeletionTaskType;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.FileDeletionTask;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
* Test conversion to {@link DeletionTask}.
public class TestNMProtoUtils {
public void testConvertProtoToDeletionTask() throws Exception {
DeletionService deletionService = mock(DeletionService.class);
DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto.Builder protoBuilder =
int id = 0;
DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto proto = protoBuilder.build();
DeletionTask deletionTask =
NMProtoUtils.convertProtoToDeletionTask(proto, deletionService);
assertEquals(DeletionTaskType.FILE, deletionTask.getDeletionTaskType());
assertEquals(id, deletionTask.getTaskId());
public void testConvertProtoToFileDeletionTask() throws Exception {
DeletionService deletionService = mock(DeletionService.class);
int id = 0;
String user = "user";
Path subdir = new Path("subdir");
Path basedir = new Path("basedir");
DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto.Builder protoBuilder =
DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto proto = protoBuilder.build();
DeletionTask deletionTask =
NMProtoUtils.convertProtoToFileDeletionTask(proto, deletionService, id);
assertEquals(id, deletionTask.getTaskId());
assertEquals(subdir, ((FileDeletionTask) deletionTask).getSubDir());
((FileDeletionTask) deletionTask).getBaseDirs().get(0));
public void testConvertProtoToDeletionTaskRecoveryInfo() throws Exception {
long delTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
List<Integer> successorTaskIds = Arrays.asList(1);
DeletionTask deletionTask = mock(DeletionTask.class);
DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo info =
new DeletionTaskRecoveryInfo(deletionTask, successorTaskIds, delTime);
assertEquals(deletionTask, info.getTask());
assertEquals(successorTaskIds, info.getSuccessorTaskIds());
assertEquals(delTime, info.getDeletionTimestamp());
@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.application.Application;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.application.ApplicationState;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.Container;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.DeletionTask;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.executor.DeletionAsUserContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.metrics.NodeManagerMetrics;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.recovery.NMNullStateStoreService;
@ -260,10 +261,10 @@ protected NMTokenIdentifier selectNMTokenIdentifier(
protected DeletionService createDeletionService() {
return new DeletionService(exec) {
public void delete(String user, Path subDir, Path... baseDirs) {
public void delete(DeletionTask deletionTask) {
// Don't do any deletions.
LOG.info("Psuedo delete: user - " + user + ", subDir - " + subDir
+ ", baseDirs - " + Arrays.asList(baseDirs));
LOG.info("Psuedo delete: user - " + user
+ ", type - " + deletionTask.getDeletionTaskType());
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.DeletionService;
import org.mockito.ArgumentMatcher;
import java.util.List;
* ArgumentMatcher to check the arguments of the {@link FileDeletionTask}.
public class FileDeletionMatcher extends ArgumentMatcher<FileDeletionTask> {
private final DeletionService delService;
private final String user;
private final Path subDirIncludes;
private final List<Path> baseDirIncludes;
public FileDeletionMatcher(DeletionService delService, String user,
Path subDirIncludes, List<Path> baseDirIncludes) {
this.delService = delService;
this.user = user;
this.subDirIncludes = subDirIncludes;
this.baseDirIncludes = baseDirIncludes;
public boolean matches(Object o) {
FileDeletionTask fd = (FileDeletionTask) o;
if (fd.getUser() == null && user != null) {
return false;
} else if (fd.getUser() != null && user == null) {
return false;
} else if (fd.getUser() != null && user != null) {
return fd.getUser().equals(user);
if (!comparePaths(fd.getSubDir(), subDirIncludes.getName())) {
return false;
if (baseDirIncludes == null && fd.getBaseDirs() != null) {
return false;
} else if (baseDirIncludes != null && fd.getBaseDirs() == null) {
return false;
} else if (baseDirIncludes != null && fd.getBaseDirs() != null) {
if (baseDirIncludes.size() != fd.getBaseDirs().size()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < baseDirIncludes.size(); i++) {
if (!comparePaths(fd.getBaseDirs().get(i),
baseDirIncludes.get(i).getName())) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean comparePaths(Path p1, String p2) {
if (p1 == null && p2 != null) {
return false;
} else if (p1 != null && p2 == null) {
return false;
} else if (p1 != null && p2 != null) {
return p1.toUri().getPath().contains(p2.toString());
return true;
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.proto.YarnServerNodemanagerRecoveryProtos.DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.DeletionService;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
* Test the attributes of the {@link FileDeletionTask} class.
public class TestFileDeletionTask {
private static final int ID = 0;
private static final String USER = "user";
private static final Path SUBDIR = new Path("subdir");
private static final Path BASEDIR = new Path("basedir");
private List<Path> baseDirs = new ArrayList<>();
private DeletionService deletionService;
private FileDeletionTask deletionTask;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
deletionService = mock(DeletionService.class);
deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(ID, deletionService, USER, SUBDIR,
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void testGetUser() throws Exception {
assertEquals(USER, deletionTask.getUser());
public void testGetSubDir() throws Exception {
assertEquals(SUBDIR, deletionTask.getSubDir());
public void testGetBaseDirs() throws Exception {
assertEquals(1, deletionTask.getBaseDirs().size());
assertEquals(baseDirs, deletionTask.getBaseDirs());
public void testConvertDeletionTaskToProto() throws Exception {
DeletionServiceDeleteTaskProto proto =
assertEquals(ID, proto.getId());
assertEquals(USER, proto.getUser());
assertEquals(SUBDIR, new Path(proto.getSubdir()));
assertEquals(BASEDIR, new Path(proto.getBasedirs(0)));
assertEquals(1, proto.getBasedirsCount());
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.localizer;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.any;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.argThat;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.isA;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
@ -54,6 +55,7 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.ContainerEventType;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.ContainerResourceFailedEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.ContainerResourceLocalizedEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.FileDeletionMatcher;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.localizer.event.LocalizerEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.localizer.event.LocalizerEventType;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.localizer.event.LocalizerResourceRequestEvent;
@ -823,7 +825,8 @@ public void testGetPathForLocalization() throws Exception {
Path rPath = tracker.getPathForLocalization(req1, base_path,
verify(delService, times(1)).delete(eq(user), eq(conflictPath));
verify(delService, times(1)).delete(argThat(new FileDeletionMatcher(
delService, user, conflictPath, null)));
} finally {
lfs.delete(base_path, true);
if (dispatcher != null) {
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
import static org.mockito.Matchers.argThat;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.isA;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.isNull;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.doAnswer;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.doReturn;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
@ -68,6 +67,7 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Options;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.ContainerState;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.FileDeletionMatcher;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.executor.LocalizerStartContext;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
@ -1066,7 +1066,8 @@ public boolean matches(Object o) {
verify(containerBus, times(3)).handle(argThat(matchesContainerLoc));
// Verify deletion of localization token.
verify(delService).delete((String)isNull(), eq(localizationTokenPath));
verify(delService, times(1)).delete(argThat(new FileDeletionMatcher(
delService, null, localizationTokenPath, null)));
} finally {
@ -1340,8 +1341,8 @@ public boolean matches(Object o) {
// Verify if downloading resources were submitted for deletion.
verify(delService).delete(eq(user), (Path) eq(null),
argThat(new DownloadingPathsMatcher(paths)));
verify(delService, times(2)).delete(argThat(new FileDeletionMatcher(
delService, user, null, new ArrayList<>(paths))));
LocalResourcesTracker tracker = spyService.getLocalResourcesTracker(
LocalResourceVisibility.PRIVATE, "user0", appId);
@ -2753,15 +2754,19 @@ public void testFailedDirsResourceRelease() throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < containerLocalDirs.size(); ++i) {
if (i == 2) {
try {
verify(delService).delete(user, containerLocalDirs.get(i));
verify(delService).delete(null, nmLocalContainerDirs.get(i));
verify(delService, times(1)).delete(argThat(new FileDeletionMatcher(
delService, user, containerLocalDirs.get(i), null)));
verify(delService, times(1)).delete(argThat(new FileDeletionMatcher(
delService, null, nmLocalContainerDirs.get(i), null)));
Assert.fail("deletion attempts for invalid dirs");
} catch (Throwable e) {
} else {
verify(delService).delete(user, containerLocalDirs.get(i));
verify(delService).delete(null, nmLocalContainerDirs.get(i));
verify(delService, times(1)).delete(argThat(new FileDeletionMatcher(
delService, user, containerLocalDirs.get(i), null)));
verify(delService, times(1)).delete(argThat(new FileDeletionMatcher(
delService, null, nmLocalContainerDirs.get(i), null)));
@ -2802,15 +2807,19 @@ public boolean matches(Object o) {
for (int i = 0; i < containerLocalDirs.size(); ++i) {
if (i == 3) {
try {
verify(delService).delete(user, containerLocalDirs.get(i));
verify(delService).delete(null, nmLocalContainerDirs.get(i));
verify(delService, times(1)).delete(argThat(new FileDeletionMatcher(
delService, user, containerLocalDirs.get(i), null)));
verify(delService, times(1)).delete(argThat(new FileDeletionMatcher(
delService, null, nmLocalContainerDirs.get(i), null)));
Assert.fail("deletion attempts for invalid dirs");
} catch (Throwable e) {
} else {
verify(delService).delete(user, appLocalDirs.get(i));
verify(delService).delete(null, nmLocalAppDirs.get(i));
verify(delService, times(1)).delete(argThat(new FileDeletionMatcher(
delService, user, containerLocalDirs.get(i), null)));
verify(delService, times(1)).delete(argThat(new FileDeletionMatcher(
delService, null, nmLocalContainerDirs.get(i), null)));
@ -42,17 +42,16 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.DeletionService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.LocalDirsHandlerService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.NodeManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.FileDeletionTask;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.recovery.NMNullStateStoreService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.security.NMContainerTokenSecretManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.security.NMTokenSecretManagerInNM;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.security.ApplicationACLsManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.ConverterUtils;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor;
import org.mockito.Matchers;
import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock;
import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer;
@ -311,16 +310,18 @@ private static DeletionService createDeletionServiceWithExpectedFile2Delete(
public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocationOnMock) throws Throwable {
Set<String> paths = new HashSet<>();
Object[] args = invocationOnMock.getArguments();
for(int i = 2; i < args.length; i++) {
Path path = (Path) args[i];
Object[] tasks = invocationOnMock.getArguments();
for(int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
FileDeletionTask task = (FileDeletionTask) tasks[i];
for (Path path: task.getBaseDirs()) {
verifyFilesToDelete(expectedPathsForDeletion, paths);
return null;
any(String.class), any(Path.class), Matchers.<Path>anyVararg());
return deletionServiceWithExpectedFiles;
@ -120,6 +120,8 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.application.ApplicationEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.application.ApplicationEventType;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.Container;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.FileDeletionMatcher;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.FileDeletionTask;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.loghandler.TestNonAggregatingLogHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.loghandler.event.LogHandlerAppFinishedEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.loghandler.event.LogHandlerAppStartedEvent;
@ -218,8 +220,10 @@ private void verifyLocalFileDeletion(
// ensure filesystems were closed
verify(delSrvc).delete(eq(user), eq((Path) null),
eq(new Path(app1LogDir.getAbsolutePath())));
List<Path> dirList = new ArrayList<>();
dirList.add(new Path(app1LogDir.toURI()));
verify(delSrvc, times(2)).delete(argThat(new FileDeletionMatcher(
delSrvc, user, null, dirList)));
String containerIdStr = container11.toString();
File containerLogDir = new File(app1LogDir, containerIdStr);
@ -333,7 +337,9 @@ public void testNoLogsUploadedOnAppFinish() throws Exception {
// Aggregated logs should not be deleted if not uploaded.
verify(delSrvc, times(0)).delete(user, null);
FileDeletionTask deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(delSrvc, user, null,
verify(delSrvc, times(0)).delete(deletionTask);
@ -815,8 +821,9 @@ public void testLogAggregationCreateDirsFailsWithoutKillingNM()
assertEquals(0, logAggregationService.getNumAggregators());
// local log dir shouldn't be deleted given log aggregation cannot
// continue due to aggregated log dir creation failure on remoteFS.
verify(spyDelSrvc, never()).delete(eq(user), any(Path.class),
FileDeletionTask deletionTask = new FileDeletionTask(spyDelSrvc, user,
null, null);
verify(spyDelSrvc, never()).delete(deletionTask);
// make sure local log dir is not deleted in case log aggregation
@ -22,12 +22,14 @@
import static org.mockito.Matchers.any;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyLong;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.argThat;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.isA;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.doReturn;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.never;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import java.io.File;
@ -36,6 +38,7 @@
import java.io.NotSerializableException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
@ -66,6 +69,7 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.LocalDirsHandlerService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.application.ApplicationEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.application.ApplicationEventType;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.deletion.task.FileDeletionMatcher;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.loghandler.event.LogHandlerAppFinishedEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.loghandler.event.LogHandlerAppStartedEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.loghandler.event.LogHandlerContainerFinishedEvent;
@ -531,8 +535,8 @@ static void testDeletionServiceCall(DeletionService delService, String user,
boolean matched = false;
while (!matched && System.currentTimeMillis() < verifyStartTime + timeout) {
try {
verify(delService).delete(eq(user), (Path) eq(null),
Mockito.argThat(new DeletePathsMatcher(matchPaths)));
verify(delService, times(1)).delete(argThat(new FileDeletionMatcher(
delService, user, null, Arrays.asList(matchPaths))));
matched = true;
} catch (WantedButNotInvoked e) {
notInvokedException = e;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user