YARN-2694. Ensure only single node label specified in ResourceRequest. Contributed by Wangda Tan
(cherry picked from commit c1957fef29b07fea70938e971b30532a1e131fd0) (cherry picked from commit 3ddafaa7c854dcf21ecc790c276927e7c869e62c)
This commit is contained in:
@ -186,6 +186,9 @@ Release 2.6.1 - UNRELEASED
YARN-3099. Capacity Scheduler LeafQueue/ParentQueue should use ResourceUsage
to track used-resources-by-label.(Wangda Tan via jianhe)
YARN-2694. Ensure only single node label specified in ResourceRequest.
(Wangda Tan via jianhe)
Release 2.6.0 - 2014-11-18
@ -253,7 +253,10 @@ public static boolean isAnyLocation(String hostName) {
* Get node-label-expression for this Resource Request. If this is set, all
* containers allocated to satisfy this resource-request will be only on those
* nodes that satisfy this node-label-expression
* nodes that satisfy this node-label-expression.
* Please note that node label expression now can only take effect when the
* resource request has resourceName = ANY
* @return node-label-expression
@ -262,15 +265,15 @@ public static boolean isAnyLocation(String hostName) {
public abstract String getNodeLabelExpression();
* Set node label expression of this resource request. Now only
* support AND(&&), in the future will provide support for OR(||), NOT(!).
* Set node label expression of this resource request. Now only support
* specifying a single node label. In the future we will support more complex
* node label expression specification like AND(&&), OR(||), etc.
* Examples:
* - GPU && LARGE_MEM, ask for node has label GPU and LARGE_MEM together
* - "" (empty) means ask for node doesn't have label on it, this is default
* behavior
* Any please note that node label expression now can only take effect when
* the resource request has resourceName = ANY
* @param nodelabelExpression node-label-expression of this ResourceRequest
* @param nodelabelExpression
* node-label-expression of this ResourceRequest
@ -169,7 +169,8 @@ public ContainerRequest(Resource capability, String[] nodes,
* If true, containers for this request may be assigned on hosts
* and racks other than the ones explicitly requested.
* @param nodeLabelsExpression
* Set node labels to allocate resource
* Set node labels to allocate resource, now we only support
* asking for only a single node label
public ContainerRequest(Resource capability, String[] nodes,
String[] racks, Priority priority, boolean relaxLocality,
@ -422,6 +422,8 @@ public synchronized void addContainerRequest(T req) {
checkLocalityRelaxationConflict(req.getPriority(), dedupedRacks, true);
checkLocalityRelaxationConflict(req.getPriority(), inferredRacks,
// check if the node label expression specified is valid
if (req.getNodes() != null) {
HashSet<String> dedupedNodes = new HashSet<String>(req.getNodes());
@ -587,6 +589,37 @@ private void checkLocalityRelaxationConflict(Priority priority,
* Valid if a node label expression specified on container request is valid or
* not
* @param containerRequest
private void checkNodeLabelExpression(T containerRequest) {
String exp = containerRequest.getNodeLabelExpression();
if (null == exp || exp.isEmpty()) {
// Don't support specifying >= 2 node labels in a node label expression now
if (exp.contains("&&") || exp.contains("||")) {
throw new InvalidContainerRequestException(
"Cannot specify more than two node labels"
+ " in a single node label expression");
// Don't allow specify node label against ANY request
if ((containerRequest.getRacks() != null &&
(containerRequest.getNodes() != null &&
(!containerRequest.getNodes().isEmpty()))) {
throw new InvalidContainerRequestException(
"Cannot specify node label with rack and node");
private void addResourceRequestToAsk(ResourceRequest remoteRequest) {
// This code looks weird but is needed because of the following scenario.
// A ResourceRequest is removed from the remoteRequestTable. A 0 container
@ -641,7 +674,9 @@ private void addResourceRequestToAsk(ResourceRequest remoteRequest) {
if (ResourceRequest.ANY.equals(resourceName)) {
// Note this down for next interaction with ResourceManager
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.api.protocolrecords.ReplaceLabelsOnNodeRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.ConverterUtils;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
@ -99,8 +100,11 @@ public class RMAdminCLI extends HAAdmin {
new UsageInfo("[label1,label2,label3] (label splitted by \",\")",
"remove from cluster node labels"))
new UsageInfo("[node1:port,label1,label2 node2:port,label1,label2]",
"replace labels on nodes"))
new UsageInfo(
"[node1[:port]=label1,label2 node2[:port]=label1,label2]",
"replace labels on nodes"
+ " (please note that we do not support specifying multiple"
+ " labels on a single host for now.)"))
new UsageInfo("", "Directly access node label store, "
+ "with this option, all node label related operations"
@ -377,8 +381,7 @@ private int removeFromClusterNodeLabels(String args) throws IOException,
return 0;
private Map<NodeId, Set<String>> buildNodeLabelsFromStr(String args)
throws IOException {
private Map<NodeId, Set<String>> buildNodeLabelsFromStr(String args) {
Map<NodeId, Set<String>> map = new HashMap<NodeId, Set<String>>();
for (String nodeToLabels : args.split("[ \n]")) {
@ -390,9 +393,8 @@ private Map<NodeId, Set<String>> buildNodeLabelsFromStr(String args)
String[] splits = nodeToLabels.split(",");
String nodeIdStr = splits[0];
if (nodeIdStr.trim().isEmpty()) {
throw new IOException("node name cannot be empty");
"node name cannot be empty");
NodeId nodeId = ConverterUtils.toNodeIdWithDefaultPort(nodeIdStr);
map.put(nodeId, new HashSet<String>());
@ -402,6 +404,11 @@ private Map<NodeId, Set<String>> buildNodeLabelsFromStr(String args)
int nLabels = map.get(nodeId).size();
Preconditions.checkArgument(nLabels <= 1, "%d labels specified on host=%s"
+ ", please note that we do not support specifying multiple"
+ " labels on a single host for now.", nLabels, nodeIdStr);
return map;
@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl;
import com.google.common.base.Supplier;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
@ -40,7 +38,6 @@
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.Credentials;
@ -75,6 +72,7 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.ClientRMProxy;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.AMRMClient;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.AMRMClient.ContainerRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.InvalidContainerRequestException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.NMTokenCache;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.YarnClient;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
@ -89,6 +87,7 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.Records;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
@ -96,6 +95,8 @@
import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer;
import org.mortbay.log.Log;
import com.google.common.base.Supplier;
public class TestAMRMClient {
static Configuration conf = null;
static MiniYARNCluster yarnCluster = null;
@ -148,7 +149,6 @@ public static void setup() throws Exception {
racks = new String[]{ rack };
public void startApp() throws Exception {
// submit new app
@ -678,21 +678,57 @@ public void testAskWithNodeLabels() {
AMRMClientImpl<ContainerRequest> client =
new AMRMClientImpl<ContainerRequest>();
// add x, y to ANY
// add exp=x to ANY
client.addContainerRequest(new ContainerRequest(Resource.newInstance(1024,
1), null, null, Priority.UNDEFINED, true, "x && y"));
1), null, null, Priority.UNDEFINED, true, "x"));
Assert.assertEquals(1, client.ask.size());
Assert.assertEquals("x && y", client.ask.iterator().next()
Assert.assertEquals("x", client.ask.iterator().next()
// add x, y and a, b to ANY, only a, b should be kept
// add exp=x then add exp=a to ANY in same priority, only exp=a should kept
client.addContainerRequest(new ContainerRequest(Resource.newInstance(1024,
1), null, null, Priority.UNDEFINED, true, "x && y"));
1), null, null, Priority.UNDEFINED, true, "x"));
client.addContainerRequest(new ContainerRequest(Resource.newInstance(1024,
1), null, null, Priority.UNDEFINED, true, "a && b"));
1), null, null, Priority.UNDEFINED, true, "a"));
Assert.assertEquals(1, client.ask.size());
Assert.assertEquals("a && b", client.ask.iterator().next()
Assert.assertEquals("a", client.ask.iterator().next()
// add exp=x to ANY, rack and node, only resource request has ANY resource
// name will be assigned the label expression
// add exp=x then add exp=a to ANY in same priority, only exp=a should kept
client.addContainerRequest(new ContainerRequest(Resource.newInstance(1024,
1), null, null, Priority.UNDEFINED, true,
Assert.assertEquals(1, client.ask.size());
for (ResourceRequest req : client.ask) {
if (ResourceRequest.ANY.equals(req.getResourceName())) {
Assert.assertEquals("y", req.getNodeLabelExpression());
} else {
private void verifyAddRequestFailed(AMRMClient<ContainerRequest> client,
ContainerRequest request) {
try {
} catch (InvalidContainerRequestException e) {
public void testAskWithInvalidNodeLabels() {
AMRMClientImpl<ContainerRequest> client =
new AMRMClientImpl<ContainerRequest>();
// specified exp with more than one node labels
new ContainerRequest(Resource.newInstance(1024, 1), null, null,
Priority.UNDEFINED, true, "x && y"));
private void testAllocation(final AMRMClientImpl<ContainerRequest> amClient)
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ public void testReplaceLabelsOnNode() throws Exception {
// Successfully replace labels
dummyNodeLabelsManager.addToCluserNodeLabels(ImmutableSet.of("x", "y"));
String[] args =
{ "-replaceLabelsOnNode", "node1,x,y node2,y",
{ "-replaceLabelsOnNode", "node1,x node2,y",
"-directlyAccessNodeLabelStore" };
assertEquals(0, rmAdminCLI.run(args));
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ public void testReplaceLabelsOnNodeWithPort() throws Exception {
// Successfully replace labels
dummyNodeLabelsManager.addToCluserNodeLabels(ImmutableSet.of("x", "y"));
String[] args =
{ "-replaceLabelsOnNode", "node1:8000,x,y node2:8000,y",
{ "-replaceLabelsOnNode", "node1:8000,x node2:8000,y",
"-directlyAccessNodeLabelStore" };
assertEquals(0, rmAdminCLI.run(args));
@ -503,6 +503,16 @@ public void testReplaceLabelsOnNodeWithPort() throws Exception {
NodeId.newInstance("node2", 8000)));
public void testReplaceMultipleLabelsOnSingleNode() throws Exception {
// Successfully replace labels
dummyNodeLabelsManager.addToCluserNodeLabels(ImmutableSet.of("x", "y"));
String[] args =
{ "-replaceLabelsOnNode", "node1,x,y",
"-directlyAccessNodeLabelStore" };
assertTrue(0 != rmAdminCLI.run(args));
private void testError(String[] args, String template,
ByteArrayOutputStream data, int resultCode) throws Exception {
assertEquals(resultCode, rmAdminCLI.run(args));
@ -43,11 +43,12 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.event.AsyncDispatcher;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.event.Dispatcher;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.event.EventHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnRuntimeException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.nodelabels.event.StoreNewClusterNodeLabels;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.nodelabels.event.NodeLabelsStoreEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.nodelabels.event.NodeLabelsStoreEventType;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.nodelabels.event.RemoveClusterNodeLabels;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.nodelabels.event.StoreNewClusterNodeLabels;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.nodelabels.event.UpdateNodeToLabelsMappingsEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources;
@ -287,14 +288,35 @@ protected void checkAddLabelsToNode(
// check all labels being added existed
Set<String> knownLabels = labelCollections.keySet();
for (Entry<NodeId, Set<String>> entry : addedLabelsToNode.entrySet()) {
if (!knownLabels.containsAll(entry.getValue())) {
NodeId nodeId = entry.getKey();
Set<String> labels = entry.getValue();
if (!knownLabels.containsAll(labels)) {
String msg =
"Not all labels being added contained by known "
+ "label collections, please check" + ", added labels=["
+ StringUtils.join(entry.getValue(), ",") + "]";
+ StringUtils.join(labels, ",") + "]";
throw new IOException(msg);
// In YARN-2694, we temporarily disable user add more than 1 labels on a
// same host
if (!labels.isEmpty()) {
Set<String> newLabels = new HashSet<String>(getLabelsByNode(nodeId));
// we don't allow number of labels on a node > 1 after added labels
if (newLabels.size() > 1) {
String msg =
"%d labels specified on host=%s after add labels to node"
+ ", please note that we do not support specifying multiple"
+ " labels on a single host for now.",
newLabels.size(), nodeId.getHost());
throw new IOException(msg);
@ -537,11 +559,24 @@ protected void checkReplaceLabelsOnNode(
// check all labels being added existed
Set<String> knownLabels = labelCollections.keySet();
for (Entry<NodeId, Set<String>> entry : replaceLabelsToNode.entrySet()) {
if (!knownLabels.containsAll(entry.getValue())) {
NodeId nodeId = entry.getKey();
Set<String> labels = entry.getValue();
// As in YARN-2694, we disable user add more than 1 labels on a same host
if (labels.size() > 1) {
String msg = String.format("%d labels specified on host=%s"
+ ", please note that we do not support specifying multiple"
+ " labels on a single host for now.", labels.size(),
throw new IOException(msg);
if (!knownLabels.containsAll(labels)) {
String msg =
"Not all labels being replaced contained by known "
+ "label collections, please check" + ", new labels=["
+ StringUtils.join(entry.getValue(), ",") + "]";
+ StringUtils.join(labels, ",") + "]";
throw new IOException(msg);
@ -221,19 +221,17 @@ public void testAddReplaceRemoveLabelsOnNodes() throws Exception {
ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("n1"), CommonNodeLabelsManager.EMPTY_STRING_SET));
// add label on node
mgr.addLabelsToNode(ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("n1"), toSet("p1"),
toNodeId("n2"), toSet("p2")));
mgr.addLabelsToNode(ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("n1"), toSet("p1")));
ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("n1"), toSet("p1"), toNodeId("n2"),
toSet("p2", "p3"), toNodeId("n3"), toSet("p3")));
toSet("p3"), toNodeId("n3"), toSet("p3")));
ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("n1"), toSet("p1"), toNodeId("n2"),
toSet("p2", "p3")));
ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("n1"), toSet("p1")));
// remove labels on node
mgr.removeLabelsFromNode(ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("n1"), toSet("p1"),
toNodeId("n2"), toSet("p2", "p3"), toNodeId("n3"), toSet("p3")));
toNodeId("n2"), toSet("p3"), toNodeId("n3"), toSet("p3")));
Assert.assertEquals(0, mgr.getNodeLabels().size());
assertMapEquals(mgr.lastNodeToLabels, ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("n1"),
CommonNodeLabelsManager.EMPTY_STRING_SET, toNodeId("n2"),
@ -270,10 +268,10 @@ public void testTrimLabelsWhenAddRemoveNodeLabels() throws IOException {
@Test(timeout = 5000)
public void testTrimLabelsWhenModifyLabelsOnNodes() throws IOException {
mgr.addToCluserNodeLabels(toSet(" p1", "p2"));
mgr.addLabelsToNode(ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("n1"), toSet("p1 ", "p2")));
mgr.addLabelsToNode(ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("n1"), toSet("p1 ")));
ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("n1"), toSet("p1", "p2")));
ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("n1"), toSet("p1")));
mgr.replaceLabelsOnNode(ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("n1"), toSet(" p2")));
@ -281,4 +279,37 @@ public void testTrimLabelsWhenModifyLabelsOnNodes() throws IOException {
mgr.removeLabelsFromNode(ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("n1"), toSet(" p2 ")));
@Test(timeout = 5000)
public void testNoMoreThanOneLabelExistedInOneHost() throws IOException {
boolean failed = false;
// As in YARN-2694, we temporarily disable no more than one label existed in
// one host
mgr.addToCluserNodeLabels(toSet("p1", "p2", "p3"));
try {
mgr.replaceLabelsOnNode(ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("n1"), toSet("p1", "p2")));
} catch (IOException e) {
failed = true;
Assert.assertTrue("Should failed when set > 1 labels on a host", failed);
try {
mgr.addLabelsToNode(ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("n1"), toSet("p1", "p2")));
} catch (IOException e) {
failed = true;
Assert.assertTrue("Should failed when add > 1 labels on a host", failed);
mgr.addLabelsToNode(ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("n1"), toSet("p1")));
// add a same label to a node, #labels in this node is still 1, shouldn't
// fail
mgr.addLabelsToNode(ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("n1"), toSet("p1")));
try {
mgr.addLabelsToNode(ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("n1"), toSet("p2")));
} catch (IOException e) {
failed = true;
Assert.assertTrue("Should failed when #labels > 1 on a host after add",
@ -488,10 +488,11 @@ public AllocateResponse allocate(AllocateRequest request)
RMApp app =
// set label expression for Resource Requests
// set label expression for Resource Requests if resourceName=ANY
ApplicationSubmissionContext asc = app.getApplicationSubmissionContext();
for (ResourceRequest req : ask) {
if (null == req.getNodeLabelExpression()) {
if (null == req.getNodeLabelExpression()
&& ResourceRequest.ANY.equals(req.getResourceName())) {
@ -262,6 +262,25 @@ public static void validateResourceRequest(ResourceRequest resReq,
String labelExp = resReq.getNodeLabelExpression();
// we don't allow specify label expression other than resourceName=ANY now
if (!ResourceRequest.ANY.equals(resReq.getResourceName())
&& labelExp != null && !labelExp.trim().isEmpty()) {
throw new InvalidResourceRequestException(
"Invailid resource request, queue=" + queueInfo.getQueueName()
+ " specified node label expression in a "
+ "resource request has resource name = "
+ resReq.getResourceName());
// we don't allow specify label expression with more than one node labels now
if (labelExp != null && labelExp.contains("&&")) {
throw new InvalidResourceRequestException(
"Invailid resource request, queue=" + queueInfo.getQueueName()
+ " specified more than one node label "
+ "in a node label expression, node label expression = "
+ labelExp);
if (labelExp != null && !labelExp.trim().isEmpty() && queueInfo != null) {
if (!checkQueueLabelExpression(queueInfo.getAccessibleNodeLabels(),
labelExp)) {
@ -165,12 +165,17 @@ public List<ResourceRequest> createReq(String[] hosts, int memory, int priority,
int containers, String labelExpression) throws Exception {
List<ResourceRequest> reqs = new ArrayList<ResourceRequest>();
for (String host : hosts) {
ResourceRequest hostReq = createResourceReq(host, memory, priority,
containers, labelExpression);
ResourceRequest rackReq = createResourceReq("/default-rack", memory,
priority, containers, labelExpression);
// only add host/rack request when asked host isn't ANY
if (!host.equals(ResourceRequest.ANY)) {
ResourceRequest hostReq =
createResourceReq(host, memory, priority, containers,
ResourceRequest rackReq =
createResourceReq("/default-rack", memory, priority, containers,
ResourceRequest offRackReq = createResourceReq(ResourceRequest.ANY, memory,
@ -206,16 +206,14 @@ public void testGetQueueResource() throws Exception {
* Node->Labels:
* host1 : red, blue
* host2 : blue, yellow
* host1 : red
* host2 : blue
* host3 : yellow
* host4 :
mgr.addToCluserNodeLabels(toSet("red", "blue", "yellow"));
toSet("red", "blue")));
toSet("blue", "yellow")));
mgr.replaceLabelsOnNode(ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("host1"), toSet("red")));
mgr.replaceLabelsOnNode(ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("host2"), toSet("blue")));
mgr.replaceLabelsOnNode(ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("host3"), toSet("yellow")));
// active two NM to n1, one large and one small
@ -243,31 +241,29 @@ public void testGetQueueResource() throws Exception {
// check resource
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 3),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q1", q1Label, clusterResource));
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 4),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q2", q2Label, clusterResource));
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 3),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q2", q2Label, clusterResource));
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 2),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q3", q3Label, clusterResource));
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 1),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q4", q4Label, clusterResource));
mgr.getQueueResource("Q5", q5Label, clusterResource));
mgr.removeLabelsFromNode(ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("host1"), toSet("red"),
toNodeId("host2"), toSet("blue", "yellow")));
mgr.addLabelsToNode(ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("host3"), toSet("red")));
mgr.removeLabelsFromNode(ImmutableMap.of(toNodeId("host2"), toSet("blue")));
* Check resource after changes some labels
* Node->Labels:
* host1 : blue (was: red, blue)
* host2 : (was: blue, yellow)
* host3 : red, yellow (was: yellow)
* host1 : red
* host2 : (was: blue)
* host3 : yellow
* host4 :
// check resource
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 4),
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 3),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q1", q1Label, clusterResource));
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 4),
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 3),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q2", q2Label, clusterResource));
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 3),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q3", q3Label, clusterResource));
@ -279,9 +275,9 @@ public void testGetQueueResource() throws Exception {
* Check resource after deactive/active some nodes
* Node->Labels:
* (deactived) host1 : blue
* (deactived) host1 : red
* host2 :
* (deactived and then actived) host3 : red, yellow
* (deactived and then actived) host3 : yellow
* host4 :
mgr.deactivateNode(NodeId.newInstance("host1", 1));
@ -289,7 +285,7 @@ public void testGetQueueResource() throws Exception {
mgr.activateNode(NodeId.newInstance("host3", 1), SMALL_RESOURCE);
// check resource
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 3),
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 2),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q1", q1Label, clusterResource));
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 3),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q2", q2Label, clusterResource));
@ -326,9 +322,9 @@ public void testGetQueueResource() throws Exception {
// check resource
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 2),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q1", q1Label, clusterResource));
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 3),
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 2),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q2", q2Label, clusterResource));
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 3),
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 2),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q3", q3Label, clusterResource));
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 2),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q4", q4Label, clusterResource));
@ -339,7 +335,7 @@ public void testGetQueueResource() throws Exception {
* Active NMs in nodes already have NM
* Node->Labels:
* host2 :
* host3 : red, yellow (3 NMs)
* host3 : yellow (3 NMs)
* host4 : (2 NMs)
mgr.activateNode(NodeId.newInstance("host3", 2), SMALL_RESOURCE);
@ -349,9 +345,9 @@ public void testGetQueueResource() throws Exception {
// check resource
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 3),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q1", q1Label, clusterResource));
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 6),
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 3),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q2", q2Label, clusterResource));
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 6),
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 3),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q3", q3Label, clusterResource));
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 3),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q4", q4Label, clusterResource));
@ -362,7 +358,7 @@ public void testGetQueueResource() throws Exception {
* Deactive NMs in nodes already have NMs
* Node->Labels:
* host2 :
* host3 : red, yellow (2 NMs)
* host3 : yellow (2 NMs)
* host4 : (0 NMs)
mgr.deactivateNode(NodeId.newInstance("host3", 3));
@ -372,9 +368,9 @@ public void testGetQueueResource() throws Exception {
// check resource
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 1),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q1", q1Label, clusterResource));
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 3),
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 1),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q2", q2Label, clusterResource));
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 3),
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 1),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q3", q3Label, clusterResource));
Assert.assertEquals(Resources.multiply(SMALL_RESOURCE, 1),
mgr.getQueueResource("Q4", q4Label, clusterResource));
@ -215,10 +215,6 @@ public void testValidateResourceRequestWithErrorLabelsPermission()
SchedulerUtils.normalizeAndvalidateRequest(resReq, maxResource, "queue",
resReq.setNodeLabelExpression("x && y");
SchedulerUtils.normalizeAndvalidateRequest(resReq, maxResource, "queue",
SchedulerUtils.normalizeAndvalidateRequest(resReq, maxResource, "queue",
@ -253,6 +249,8 @@ public void testValidateResourceRequestWithErrorLabelsPermission()
} catch (InvalidResourceRequestException e) {
// we don't allow specify more than two node labels in a single expression
// now
try {
// set queue accessible node labesl to [x, y]
@ -263,7 +261,7 @@ public void testValidateResourceRequestWithErrorLabelsPermission()
ResourceRequest resReq = BuilderUtils.newResourceRequest(
mock(Priority.class), ResourceRequest.ANY, resource, 1);
resReq.setNodeLabelExpression("x && y && z");
resReq.setNodeLabelExpression("x && y");
SchedulerUtils.normalizeAndvalidateRequest(resReq, maxResource, "queue",
fail("Should fail");
@ -328,7 +326,7 @@ public void testValidateResourceRequestWithErrorLabelsPermission()
SchedulerUtils.normalizeAndvalidateRequest(resReq, maxResource, "queue",
resReq.setNodeLabelExpression("x && y && z");
SchedulerUtils.normalizeAndvalidateRequest(resReq, maxResource, "queue",
@ -337,7 +335,45 @@ public void testValidateResourceRequestWithErrorLabelsPermission()
} catch (InvalidResourceRequestException e) {
fail("Should be valid when request labels is empty");
fail("Should be valid when queue can access any labels");
// we don't allow resource name other than ANY and specify label
try {
// set queue accessible node labesl to [x, y]
queueAccessibleNodeLabels.addAll(Arrays.asList("x", "y"));
Resource resource = Resources.createResource(
ResourceRequest resReq = BuilderUtils.newResourceRequest(
mock(Priority.class), "rack", resource, 1);
SchedulerUtils.normalizeAndvalidateRequest(resReq, maxResource, "queue",
fail("Should fail");
} catch (InvalidResourceRequestException e) {
// we don't allow resource name other than ANY and specify label even if
// queue has accessible label = *
try {
// set queue accessible node labesl to *
Resource resource = Resources.createResource(
ResourceRequest resReq = BuilderUtils.newResourceRequest(
mock(Priority.class), "rack", resource, 1);
SchedulerUtils.normalizeAndvalidateRequest(resReq, maxResource, "queue",
fail("Should fail");
} catch (InvalidResourceRequestException e) {
@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ public void setUp() throws Exception {
@Test(timeout = 3000000)
public void testExcessReservationThanNodeManagerCapacity() throws Exception {
MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
@ -393,6 +394,7 @@ private void checkTaskContainersHost(ApplicationAttemptId attemptId,
private <E> Set<E> toSet(E... elements) {
Set<E> set = Sets.newHashSet(elements);
return set;
@ -449,7 +451,7 @@ private Configuration getComplexConfigurationWithQueueLabels(
return conf;
@Test(timeout = 300000)
@Test (timeout = 300000)
public void testContainerAllocationWithSingleUserLimits() throws Exception {
final RMNodeLabelsManager mgr = new MemoryRMNodeLabelsManager();
@ -470,7 +472,7 @@ public RMNodeLabelsManager createNodeLabelManager() {
MockNM nm1 = rm1.registerNode("h1:1234", 8000); // label = x
MockNM nm2 = rm1.registerNode("h2:1234", 8000); // label = y
rm1.registerNode("h2:1234", 8000); // label = y
MockNM nm3 = rm1.registerNode("h3:1234", 8000); // label = <empty>
// launch an app to queue a1 (label = x), and check all container will
@ -518,9 +520,9 @@ public void testContainerAllocateWithComplexLabels() throws Exception {
* Node structure:
* h1 : x
* h2 : x, y
* h2 : y
* h3 : y
* h4 : y, z
* h4 : z
* h5 : NO
* Total resource:
@ -540,9 +542,9 @@ public void testContainerAllocateWithComplexLabels() throws Exception {
// set node -> label
mgr.addToCluserNodeLabels(ImmutableSet.of("x", "y", "z"));
mgr.addLabelsToNode(ImmutableMap.of(NodeId.newInstance("h1", 0),
toSet("x"), NodeId.newInstance("h2", 0), toSet("x", "y"),
toSet("x"), NodeId.newInstance("h2", 0), toSet("y"),
NodeId.newInstance("h3", 0), toSet("y"), NodeId.newInstance("h4", 0),
toSet("y", "z"), NodeId.newInstance("h5", 0),
toSet("z"), NodeId.newInstance("h5", 0),
// inject node label manager
@ -568,12 +570,10 @@ public RMNodeLabelsManager createNodeLabelManager() {
RMApp app1 = rm1.submitApp(1024, "app", "user", null, "a1");
MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm1, nm1);
// request a container (label = x && y). can only allocate on nm2
am1.allocate("*", 1024, 1, new ArrayList<ContainerId>(), "x && y");
// request a container (label = y). can be allocated on nm2
am1.allocate("*", 1024, 1, new ArrayList<ContainerId>(), "y");
containerId =
ContainerId.newContainerId(am1.getApplicationAttemptId(), 2);
Assert.assertFalse(rm1.waitForState(nm1, containerId,
RMContainerState.ALLOCATED, 10 * 1000));
ContainerId.newContainerId(am1.getApplicationAttemptId(), 2L);
Assert.assertTrue(rm1.waitForState(nm2, containerId,
RMContainerState.ALLOCATED, 10 * 1000));
checkTaskContainersHost(am1.getApplicationAttemptId(), containerId, rm1,
@ -609,12 +609,10 @@ public RMNodeLabelsManager createNodeLabelManager() {
checkTaskContainersHost(am3.getApplicationAttemptId(), containerId, rm1,
// try to allocate container (request label = y && z) on nm3 (label = y) and
// nm4 (label = y,z). Will sucessfully allocate on nm4 only.
am3.allocate("*", 1024, 1, new ArrayList<ContainerId>(), "y && z");
containerId = ContainerId.newContainerId(am3.getApplicationAttemptId(), 3);
Assert.assertFalse(rm1.waitForState(nm3, containerId,
RMContainerState.ALLOCATED, 10 * 1000));
// try to allocate container (request label = z) on nm4 (label = y,z).
// Will successfully allocate on nm4 only.
am3.allocate("*", 1024, 1, new ArrayList<ContainerId>(), "z");
containerId = ContainerId.newContainerId(am3.getApplicationAttemptId(), 3L);
Assert.assertTrue(rm1.waitForState(nm4, containerId,
RMContainerState.ALLOCATED, 10 * 1000));
checkTaskContainersHost(am3.getApplicationAttemptId(), containerId, rm1,
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ public void testNodeLabels() throws JSONException, Exception {
.queryParam("user.name", userName)
.entity("{\"nodeLabels\": [\"a\", \"b\"]}",
.entity("{\"nodeLabels\": [\"a\"]}",
LOG.info("posted node nodelabel");
@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ public void testNodeLabels() throws JSONException, Exception {
assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, response.getType());
json = response.getEntity(JSONObject.class);
jarr = json.getJSONArray("nodeLabels");
assertEquals(2, jarr.length());
assertEquals("a", json.getString("nodeLabels"));
// Replace
response =
@ -178,9 +178,10 @@ public void testNodeLabels() throws JSONException, Exception {
.queryParam("user.name", userName)
.entity("{\"nodeLabels\":\"a\"}", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
.entity("{\"nodeLabels\":\"b\"}", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
LOG.info("posted node nodelabel");
// Verify
response =
@ -189,13 +190,12 @@ public void testNodeLabels() throws JSONException, Exception {
assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, response.getType());
json = response.getEntity(JSONObject.class);
assertEquals("a", json.getString("nodeLabels"));
assertEquals("b", json.getString("nodeLabels"));
// Replace labels using node-to-labels
NodeToLabelsInfo ntli = new NodeToLabelsInfo();
NodeLabelsInfo nli = new NodeLabelsInfo();
ntli.getNodeToLabels().put("nid:0", nli);
response =
@ -214,9 +214,8 @@ public void testNodeLabels() throws JSONException, Exception {
assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, response.getType());
ntli = response.getEntity(NodeToLabelsInfo.class);
nli = ntli.getNodeToLabels().get("nid:0");
assertEquals(2, nli.getNodeLabels().size());
assertEquals(1, nli.getNodeLabels().size());
// Remove all
response =
@ -267,7 +266,7 @@ public void testNodeLabels() throws JSONException, Exception {
.queryParam("user.name", notUserName)
.entity("{\"nodeLabels\": [\"a\", \"b\"]}",
.entity("{\"nodeLabels\": [\"b\"]}",
// Verify
Reference in New Issue
Block a user