Add 2.8.3 Releasenotes and Changes.
(cherry picked from commit 7bdd324028a263cff51ce094107c6492f2b54869)
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# "Apache Hadoop" Changelog
## Release 2.8.3 - 2017-12-05
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| [HADOOP-13588]( | ConfServlet should respect Accept request header | Major | conf | Weiwei Yang | Weiwei Yang |
| [HADOOP-14260]( | Configuration.dumpConfiguration should redact sensitive information | Major | conf, security | Vihang Karajgaonkar | John Zhuge |
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| [HADOOP-13933]( | Add haadmin -getAllServiceState option to get the HA state of all the NameNodes/ResourceManagers | Major | tools | Surendra Singh Lilhore | Surendra Singh Lilhore |
| [HDFS-10480]( | Add an admin command to list currently open files | Major | . | Kihwal Lee | Manoj Govindassamy |
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| [HADOOP-13628]( | Support to retrieve specific property from configuration via REST API | Major | conf | Weiwei Yang | Weiwei Yang |
| [HDFS-12143]( | Improve performance of getting and removing inode features | Major | namenode | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [HDFS-12171]( | Reduce IIP object allocations for inode lookup | Major | namenode | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [HADOOP-14455]( | ViewFileSystem#rename should support be supported within same nameservice with different mountpoints | Major | viewfs | Brahma Reddy Battula | Brahma Reddy Battula |
| [HADOOP-14627]( | Support MSI and DeviceCode token provider in ADLS | Major | fs/adl | Atul Sikaria | Atul Sikaria |
| [YARN-7037]( | Optimize data transfer with zero-copy approach for containerlogs REST API in NMWebServices | Major | nodemanager | Tao Yang | Tao Yang |
| [HADOOP-14827]( | Allow StopWatch to accept a Timer parameter for tests | Minor | common, test | Erik Krogen | Erik Krogen |
| [HDFS-12131]( | Add some of the FSNamesystem JMX values as metrics | Minor | hdfs, namenode | Erik Krogen | Erik Krogen |
| [HADOOP-14844]( | Remove requirement to specify TenantGuid for MSI Token Provider | Major | fs/adl | Atul Sikaria | Atul Sikaria |
| [HADOOP-14864]( | FSDataInputStream#unbuffer UOE should include stream class name | Minor | fs | John Zhuge | Bharat Viswanadham |
| [HDFS-12441]( | Suppress UnresolvedPathException in namenode log | Minor | . | Kihwal Lee | Kihwal Lee |
| [MAPREDUCE-6958]( | Shuffle audit logger should log size of shuffle transfer | Minor | . | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [HDFS-12420]( | Add an option to disallow 'namenode format -force' | Major | . | Ajay Kumar | Ajay Kumar |
| [HADOOP-14521]( | KMS client needs retry logic | Major | . | Rushabh S Shah | Rushabh S Shah |
| [HDFS-12603]( | Enable async edit logging by default | Major | namenode | Andrew Wang | Andrew Wang |
| [HDFS-12642]( | Log block and datanode details in BlockRecoveryWorker | Major | datanode | Xiao Chen | Xiao Chen |
| [HADOOP-14880]( | [KMS] Document&test missing KMS client side configs | Minor | . | Wei-Chiu Chuang | Gabor Bota |
| [HDFS-12619]( | Do not catch and throw unchecked exceptions if IBRs fail to process | Minor | namenode | Wei-Chiu Chuang | Wei-Chiu Chuang |
| [YARN-4163]( | Audit getQueueInfo and getApplications calls | Major | . | Chang Li | Chang Li |
| [MAPREDUCE-6975]( | Logging task counters | Major | task | Prabhu Joseph | Prabhu Joseph |
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| [YARN-5444]( | Fix failing unit tests in TestLinuxContainerExecutorWithMocks | Major | nodemanager | Yufei Gu | Yufei Gu |
| [MAPREDUCE-6808]( | Log map attempts as part of shuffle handler audit log | Major | . | Jonathan Eagles | Gergő Pásztor |
| [HADOOP-14578]( | Bind IPC connections to kerberos UPN host for proxy users | Major | ipc | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [HADOOP-14677]( | mvn clean compile fails | Major | build | Andras Bokor | Andras Bokor |
| [HADOOP-14702]( | Fix formatting issue and regression caused by conversion from APT to Markdown | Minor | documentation | Doris Gu | Doris Gu |
| [YARN-6965]( | Duplicate instantiation in FairSchedulerQueueInfo | Minor | fairscheduler | Masahiro Tanaka | Masahiro Tanaka |
| [HDFS-11738]( | Hedged pread takes more time when block moved from initial locations | Major | hdfs-client | Vinayakumar B | Vinayakumar B |
| [HDFS-12318]( | Fix IOException condition for openInfo in DFSInputStream | Major | . | legend | legend |
| [HDFS-12336]( | Listing encryption zones still fails when deleted EZ is not a direct child of snapshottable directory | Minor | encryption, hdfs | Wellington Chevreuil | Wellington Chevreuil |
| [MAPREDUCE-6931]( | Remove TestDFSIO "Total Throughput" calculation | Critical | benchmarks, test | Dennis Huo | Dennis Huo |
| [YARN-7116]( | CapacityScheduler Web UI: Queue's AM usage is always show on per-user's AM usage. | Major | capacity scheduler, webapp | Wangda Tan | Wangda Tan |
| [HADOOP-14824]( | Update ADLS SDK to 2.2.2 for MSI fix | Major | fs/adl | Atul Sikaria | Atul Sikaria |
| [YARN-7120]( | CapacitySchedulerPage NPE in "Aggregate scheduler counts" section | Minor | . | Eric Payne | Eric Payne |
| [YARN-7164]( | TestAMRMClientOnRMRestart fails sporadically with bind address in use | Major | test | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [HDFS-12369]( | Edit log corruption due to hard lease recovery of not-closed file which has snapshots | Major | namenode | Xiao Chen | Xiao Chen |
| [HADOOP-14867]( | Update HDFS Federation setup document, for incorrect property name for secondary name node http address | Major | . | Bharat Viswanadham | Bharat Viswanadham |
| [YARN-4727]( | Unable to override the $HADOOP\_CONF\_DIR env variable for container | Major | nodemanager | Terence Yim | Jason Lowe |
| [MAPREDUCE-6957]( | shuffle hangs after a node manager connection timeout | Major | mrv2 | Jooseong Kim | Jooseong Kim |
| [HDFS-12424]( | Datatable sorting on the Datanode Information page in the Namenode UI is broken | Major | . | Shawna Martell | Shawna Martell |
| [HDFS-12323]( | NameNode terminates after full GC thinking QJM unresponsive if full GC is much longer than timeout | Major | namenode, qjm | Erik Krogen | Erik Krogen |
| [MAPREDUCE-6960]( | Shuffle Handler prints disk error stack traces for every read failure. | Major | . | Kuhu Shukla | Kuhu Shukla |
| [HDFS-11799]( | Introduce a config to allow setting up write pipeline with fewer nodes than replication factor | Major | . | Yongjun Zhang | Brahma Reddy Battula |
| [YARN-6771]( | Use classloader inside configuration class to make new classes | Major | . | Jongyoul Lee | Jongyoul Lee |
| [HDFS-12526]( | FSDirectory should use Time.monotonicNow for durations | Minor | . | Chetna Chaudhari | Bharat Viswanadham |
| [HDFS-12371]( | "BlockVerificationFailures" and "BlocksVerified" show up as 0 in Datanode JMX | Major | metrics | Sai Nukavarapu | Hanisha Koneru |
| [MAPREDUCE-6966]( | DistSum should use Time.monotonicNow for measuring durations | Minor | . | Chetna Chaudhari | Chetna Chaudhari |
| [HDFS-12531]( | Fix conflict in the javadoc of in branch-2 | Minor | documentation | Akira Ajisaka | Bharat Viswanadham |
| [HDFS-12495]( | TestPendingInvalidateBlock#testPendingDeleteUnknownBlocks fails intermittently | Major | . | Eric Badger | Eric Badger |
| [HADOOP-14891]( | Remove references to Guava Objects.toStringHelper | Major | . | Jonathan Eagles | Jonathan Eagles |
| [HADOOP-14902]( | LoadGenerator#genFile write close timing is incorrectly calculated | Major | fs | Jason Lowe | Hanisha Koneru |
| [YARN-7084]( | TestSchedulingMonitor#testRMStarts fails sporadically | Major | . | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [YARN-7226]( | Whitelisted variables do not support delayed variable expansion | Major | nodemanager | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [YARN-7285]( | ContainerExecutor always launches with priorities due to yarn-default property | Minor | nodemanager | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [YARN-7245]( | Max AM Resource column in Active Users Info section of Capacity Scheduler UI page should be updated per-user | Major | capacity scheduler, yarn | Eric Payne | Eric Payne |
| [HADOOP-14912]( | FairCallQueue may defer servicing calls | Major | ipc | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [HDFS-12659]( | Update TestDeadDatanode#testNonDFSUsedONDeadNodeReReg to increase heartbeat recheck interval | Minor | . | Ajay Kumar | Ajay Kumar |
| [HDFS-12485]( | expunge may fail to remove trash from encryption zone | Major | . | Wei-Chiu Chuang | Wei-Chiu Chuang |
| [YARN-7333]( | container-executor fails to remove entries from a directory that is not writable or executable | Critical | . | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [HADOOP-14966]( | Handle JDK-8071638 for hadoop-common | Blocker | . | Bibin A Chundatt | Bibin A Chundatt |
| [HDFS-9914]( | Fix configurable WebhDFS connect/read timeout | Blocker | hdfs-client, webhdfs | Xiaoyu Yao | Xiaoyu Yao |
| [YARN-7244]( | ShuffleHandler is not aware of disks that are added | Major | . | Kuhu Shukla | Kuhu Shukla |
| [HADOOP-14990]( | Clean up jdiff xml files added for 2.8.2 release | Blocker | . | Subru Krishnan | Junping Du |
| [HADOOP-14919]( | BZip2 drops records when reading data in splits | Critical | . | Aki Tanaka | Jason Lowe |
| [YARN-7370]( | Preemption properties should be refreshable | Major | capacity scheduler, scheduler preemption | Eric Payne | Gergely Novák |
| [YARN-7361]( | Improve the docker container runtime documentation | Major | . | Shane Kumpf | Shane Kumpf |
| [YARN-7469]( | Capacity Scheduler Intra-queue preemption: User can starve if newest app is exactly at user limit | Major | capacity scheduler, yarn | Eric Payne | Eric Payne |
| [HADOOP-15047]( | Python is required for -Preleasedoc but not documented in branch-2.8 | Major | build, documentation | Akira Ajisaka | Bharat Viswanadham |
| [YARN-7496]( | CS Intra-queue preemption user-limit calculations are not in line with LeafQueue user-limit calculations | Major | . | Eric Payne | Eric Payne |
| [HDFS-12832]( | INode.getFullPathName may throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException lead to NameNode exit | Critical | namenode | DENG FEI | Konstantin Shvachko |
| [HDFS-12638]( | Delete copy-on-truncate block along with the original block, when deleting a file being truncated | Blocker | hdfs | Jiandan Yang | Konstantin Shvachko |
### TESTS:
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| [HADOOP-14678]( | AdlFilesystem#initialize swallows exception when getting user name | Minor | fs/adl | John Zhuge | John Zhuge |
| [HADOOP-14892]( | MetricsSystemImpl should use Time.monotonicNow for measuring durations | Minor | . | Chetna Chaudhari | Chetna Chaudhari |
| [HADOOP-14881]( | LoadGenerator should use Time.monotonicNow() to measure durations | Major | . | Chetna Chaudhari | Bharat Viswanadham |
| [HADOOP-14893]( | WritableRpcEngine should use Time.monotonicNow | Minor | . | Chetna Chaudhari | Chetna Chaudhari |
| [HDFS-12386]( | Add fsserver defaults call to WebhdfsFileSystem. | Minor | webhdfs | Rushabh S Shah | Rushabh S Shah |
### OTHER:
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# "Apache Hadoop" 2.8.3 Release Notes
These release notes cover new developer and user-facing incompatibilities, important issues, features, and major improvements.
* [HADOOP-13588]( | *Major* | **ConfServlet should respect Accept request header**
Conf HTTP service should set response's content type according to the Accept header in the request.
* [HADOOP-14260]( | *Major* | **Configuration.dumpConfiguration should redact sensitive information**
<!-- markdown -->
Configuration.dumpConfiguration no longer prints out the clear text values for the sensitive keys listed in ``. Callers can override the default list of sensitive keys either to redact more keys or print the clear text values for a few extra keys for debugging purpose.
* [HDFS-11799]( | *Major* | **Introduce a config to allow setting up write pipeline with fewer nodes than replication factor**
Added new configuration "dfs.client.block.write.replace-datanode-on-failure.min-replication".
The minimum number of replications that are needed to not to fail
the write pipeline if new datanodes can not be found to replace
failed datanodes (could be due to network failure) in the write pipeline.
If the number of the remaining datanodes in the write pipeline is greater
than or equal to this property value, continue writing to the remaining nodes.
Otherwise throw exception.
If this is set to 0, an exception will be thrown, when a replacement
can not be found.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user