HDFS-15427. Merged ListStatus with Fallback target filesystem and InternalDirViewFS. Contributed by Uma Maheswara Rao G.
(cherry picked from commit 7c02d1889bbeabc73c95a4c83f0cd204365ff410)
This commit is contained in:
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ protected abstract T getTargetFileSystem(URI uri)
throws UnsupportedFileSystemException, URISyntaxException, IOException;
protected abstract T getTargetFileSystem(INodeDir<T> dir)
throws URISyntaxException;
throws URISyntaxException, IOException;
protected abstract T getTargetFileSystem(String settings, URI[] mergeFsURIs)
throws UnsupportedFileSystemException, URISyntaxException, IOException;
@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ private boolean hasFallbackLink() {
return rootFallbackLink != null;
private INodeLink<T> getRootFallbackLink() {
protected INodeLink<T> getRootFallbackLink() {
return rootFallbackLink;
@ -288,8 +288,9 @@ protected FileSystem getTargetFileSystem(final URI uri)
protected FileSystem getTargetFileSystem(final INodeDir<FileSystem> dir)
throws URISyntaxException {
return new InternalDirOfViewFs(dir, creationTime, ugi, myUri, config);
throws URISyntaxException {
return new InternalDirOfViewFs(dir, creationTime, ugi, myUri, config,
@ -516,10 +517,10 @@ public void access(Path path, FsAction mode) throws AccessControlException,
* {@inheritDoc}
* Note: listStatus on root("/") considers listing from fallbackLink if
* available. If the same directory name is present in configured mount path
* as well as in fallback link, then only the configured mount path will be
* listed in the returned result.
* Note: listStatus considers listing from fallbackLink if available. If the
* same directory path is present in configured mount path as well as in
* fallback fs, then only the fallback path will be listed in the returned
* result except for link.
* If any of the the immediate children of the given path f is a symlink(mount
* link), the returned FileStatus object of that children would be represented
@ -1086,11 +1087,13 @@ static class InternalDirOfViewFs extends FileSystem {
final UserGroupInformation ugi; // the user/group of user who created mtable
final URI myUri;
private final boolean showMountLinksAsSymlinks;
private InodeTree<FileSystem> fsState;
public InternalDirOfViewFs(final InodeTree.INodeDir<FileSystem> dir,
final long cTime, final UserGroupInformation ugi, URI uri,
Configuration config) throws URISyntaxException {
Configuration config, InodeTree fsState) throws URISyntaxException {
myUri = uri;
this.fsState = fsState;
try {
initialize(myUri, config);
} catch (IOException e) {
@ -1186,7 +1189,8 @@ public FileStatus[] listStatus(Path f) throws AccessControlException,
FileNotFoundException, IOException {
FileStatus[] fallbackStatuses = listStatusForFallbackLink();
FileStatus[] result = new FileStatus[theInternalDir.getChildren().size()];
Set<FileStatus> linkStatuses = new HashSet<>();
Set<FileStatus> internalDirStatuses = new HashSet<>();
int i = 0;
for (Entry<String, INode<FileSystem>> iEntry :
theInternalDir.getChildren().entrySet()) {
@ -1199,11 +1203,10 @@ public FileStatus[] listStatus(Path f) throws AccessControlException,
// To maintain backward compatibility, with default option(showing
// mount links as symlinks), we will represent target link as
// symlink and rest other properties are belongs to mount link only.
result[i++] =
new FileStatus(0, false, 0, 0, creationTime, creationTime,
PERMISSION_555, ugi.getShortUserName(),
ugi.getPrimaryGroupName(), link.getTargetLink(),
ugi.getPrimaryGroupName(), link.getTargetLink(), path));
@ -1219,11 +1222,12 @@ public FileStatus[] listStatus(Path f) throws AccessControlException,
FileStatus status =
.getMyFs().getFileStatus(new Path(linkedPath));
result[i++] = new FileStatus(status.getLen(), status.isDirectory(),
status.getReplication(), status.getBlockSize(),
status.getModificationTime(), status.getAccessTime(),
status.getPermission(), status.getOwner(), status.getGroup(),
null, path);
new FileStatus(status.getLen(), status.isDirectory(),
status.getReplication(), status.getBlockSize(),
status.getModificationTime(), status.getAccessTime(),
status.getPermission(), status.getOwner(),
status.getGroup(), null, path));
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
LOG.warn("Cannot get one of the children's(" + path
+ ") target path(" + link.getTargetFileSystem().getUri()
@ -1231,51 +1235,58 @@ public FileStatus[] listStatus(Path f) throws AccessControlException,
throw ex;
} else {
result[i++] =
new FileStatus(0, true, 0, 0, creationTime, creationTime,
PERMISSION_555, ugi.getShortUserName(),
ugi.getPrimaryGroupName(), path);
ugi.getPrimaryGroupName(), path));
FileStatus[] internalDirStatusesMergedWithFallBack = internalDirStatuses
.toArray(new FileStatus[internalDirStatuses.size()]);
if (fallbackStatuses.length > 0) {
return consolidateFileStatuses(fallbackStatuses, result);
} else {
return result;
internalDirStatusesMergedWithFallBack =
merge(fallbackStatuses, internalDirStatusesMergedWithFallBack);
// Links will always have precedence than internalDir or fallback paths.
return merge(linkStatuses.toArray(new FileStatus[linkStatuses.size()]),
private FileStatus[] consolidateFileStatuses(FileStatus[] fallbackStatuses,
FileStatus[] mountPointStatuses) {
private FileStatus[] merge(FileStatus[] toStatuses,
FileStatus[] fromStatuses) {
ArrayList<FileStatus> result = new ArrayList<>();
Set<String> pathSet = new HashSet<>();
for (FileStatus status : mountPointStatuses) {
for (FileStatus status : toStatuses) {
for (FileStatus status : fallbackStatuses) {
for (FileStatus status : fromStatuses) {
if (!pathSet.contains(status.getPath().getName())) {
return result.toArray(new FileStatus[0]);
return result.toArray(new FileStatus[result.size()]);
private FileStatus[] listStatusForFallbackLink() throws IOException {
if (theInternalDir.isRoot() &&
theInternalDir.getFallbackLink() != null) {
FileSystem linkedFs =
// Fallback link is only applicable for root
FileStatus[] statuses = linkedFs.listStatus(new Path("/"));
for (FileStatus status : statuses) {
// Fix the path back to viewfs scheme
new Path(myUri.toString(), status.getPath().getName()));
if (this.fsState.getRootFallbackLink() != null) {
FileSystem linkedFallbackFs =
Path p = Path.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority(
new Path(theInternalDir.fullPath));
if (theInternalDir.isRoot() || linkedFallbackFs.exists(p)) {
FileStatus[] statuses = linkedFallbackFs.listStatus(p);
for (FileStatus status : statuses) {
// Fix the path back to viewfs scheme
Path pathFromConfiguredFallbackRoot =
new Path(p, status.getPath().getName());
new Path(myUri.toString(), pathFromConfiguredFallbackRoot));
return statuses;
return statuses;
} else {
return new FileStatus[0];
return new FileStatus[0];
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileAlreadyExistsException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileChecksum;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FsConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FsServerDefaults;
@ -236,7 +237,8 @@ protected AbstractFileSystem getTargetFileSystem(final URI uri)
protected AbstractFileSystem getTargetFileSystem(
final INodeDir<AbstractFileSystem> dir) throws URISyntaxException {
return new InternalDirOfViewFs(dir, creationTime, ugi, getUri());
return new InternalDirOfViewFs(dir, creationTime, ugi, getUri(), this,
@ -455,6 +457,11 @@ public LocatedFileStatus getViewFsFileStatus(LocatedFileStatus stat,
* {@inheritDoc}
* Note: listStatus considers listing from fallbackLink if available. If the
* same directory path is present in configured mount path as well as in
* fallback fs, then only the fallback path will be listed in the returned
* result except for link.
* If any of the the immediate children of the given path f is a symlink(mount
* link), the returned FileStatus object of that children would be represented
* as a symlink. It will not be resolved to the target path and will not get
@ -873,15 +880,20 @@ static class InternalDirOfViewFs extends AbstractFileSystem {
final long creationTime; // of the the mount table
final UserGroupInformation ugi; // the user/group of user who created mtable
final URI myUri; // the URI of the outer ViewFs
private InodeTree<AbstractFileSystem> fsState;
private Configuration conf;
public InternalDirOfViewFs(final InodeTree.INodeDir<AbstractFileSystem> dir,
final long cTime, final UserGroupInformation ugi, final URI uri)
final long cTime, final UserGroupInformation ugi, final URI uri,
InodeTree fsState, Configuration conf)
throws URISyntaxException {
super(FsConstants.VIEWFS_URI, FsConstants.VIEWFS_SCHEME, false, -1);
theInternalDir = dir;
creationTime = cTime;
this.ugi = ugi;
myUri = uri;
this.fsState = fsState;
this.conf = conf;
static private void checkPathIsSlash(final Path f) throws IOException {
@ -1008,7 +1020,8 @@ public int getUriDefaultPort() {
public FileStatus[] listStatus(final Path f) throws IOException {
FileStatus[] fallbackStatuses = listStatusForFallbackLink();
FileStatus[] result = new FileStatus[theInternalDir.getChildren().size()];
Set<FileStatus> linkStatuses = new HashSet<>();
Set<FileStatus> internalDirStatuses = new HashSet<>();
int i = 0;
for (Entry<String, INode<AbstractFileSystem>> iEntry :
theInternalDir.getChildren().entrySet()) {
@ -1022,11 +1035,10 @@ public FileStatus[] listStatus(final Path f) throws IOException {
// To maintain backward compatibility, with default option(showing
// mount links as symlinks), we will represent target link as
// symlink and rest other properties are belongs to mount link only.
result[i++] =
new FileStatus(0, false, 0, 0, creationTime, creationTime,
PERMISSION_555, ugi.getShortUserName(),
ugi.getPrimaryGroupName(), link.getTargetLink(),
ugi.getPrimaryGroupName(), link.getTargetLink(), path));
@ -1042,11 +1054,12 @@ public FileStatus[] listStatus(final Path f) throws IOException {
FileStatus status =
((ChRootedFs) link.getTargetFileSystem()).getMyFs()
.getFileStatus(new Path(linkedPath));
result[i++] = new FileStatus(status.getLen(), status.isDirectory(),
status.getReplication(), status.getBlockSize(),
status.getModificationTime(), status.getAccessTime(),
status.getPermission(), status.getOwner(), status.getGroup(),
null, path);
new FileStatus(status.getLen(), status.isDirectory(),
status.getReplication(), status.getBlockSize(),
status.getModificationTime(), status.getAccessTime(),
status.getPermission(), status.getOwner(),
status.getGroup(), null, path));
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
LOG.warn("Cannot get one of the children's(" + path
+ ") target path(" + link.getTargetFileSystem().getUri()
@ -1054,51 +1067,62 @@ public FileStatus[] listStatus(final Path f) throws IOException {
throw ex;
} else {
result[i++] =
new FileStatus(0, true, 0, 0, creationTime, creationTime,
PERMISSION_555, ugi.getShortUserName(),
ugi.getGroupNames()[0], path);
ugi.getPrimaryGroupName(), path));
FileStatus[] internalDirStatusesMergedWithFallBack = internalDirStatuses
.toArray(new FileStatus[internalDirStatuses.size()]);
if (fallbackStatuses.length > 0) {
return consolidateFileStatuses(fallbackStatuses, result);
} else {
return result;
internalDirStatusesMergedWithFallBack =
merge(fallbackStatuses, internalDirStatusesMergedWithFallBack);
// Links will always have precedence than internalDir or fallback paths.
return merge(linkStatuses.toArray(new FileStatus[linkStatuses.size()]),
private FileStatus[] consolidateFileStatuses(FileStatus[] fallbackStatuses,
FileStatus[] mountPointStatuses) {
private FileStatus[] merge(FileStatus[] toStatuses,
FileStatus[] fromStatuses) {
ArrayList<FileStatus> result = new ArrayList<>();
Set<String> pathSet = new HashSet<>();
for (FileStatus status : mountPointStatuses) {
for (FileStatus status : toStatuses) {
for (FileStatus status : fallbackStatuses) {
for (FileStatus status : fromStatuses) {
if (!pathSet.contains(status.getPath().getName())) {
return result.toArray(new FileStatus[0]);
return result.toArray(new FileStatus[result.size()]);
private FileStatus[] listStatusForFallbackLink() throws IOException {
if (theInternalDir.isRoot() &&
theInternalDir.getFallbackLink() != null) {
AbstractFileSystem linkedFs =
// Fallback link is only applicable for root
FileStatus[] statuses = linkedFs.listStatus(new Path("/"));
for (FileStatus status : statuses) {
// Fix the path back to viewfs scheme
new Path(myUri.toString(), status.getPath().getName()));
if (fsState.getRootFallbackLink() != null) {
AbstractFileSystem linkedFallbackFs =
Path p = Path.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority(
new Path(theInternalDir.fullPath));
if (theInternalDir.isRoot() || FileContext
.getFileContext(linkedFallbackFs, conf).util().exists(p)) {
// Fallback link is only applicable for root
FileStatus[] statuses = linkedFallbackFs.listStatus(p);
for (FileStatus status : statuses) {
// Fix the path back to viewfs scheme
Path pathFromConfiguredFallbackRoot =
new Path(p, status.getPath().getName());
new Path(myUri.toString(), pathFromConfiguredFallbackRoot));
return statuses;
return statuses;
} else {
return new FileStatus[0];
return new FileStatus[0];
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
package org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystemTestHelper;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FsConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSCluster;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSNNTopology;
@ -343,8 +345,8 @@ public void testListingWithFallbackLinkWithSameMountDirectories()
assertTrue("The same directory name in fallback link should be shaded",
afterFallback.size() == 1);
assertEquals("The same directory name in fallback link should be shaded",
1, afterFallback.size());
Path[] fallbackArray = new Path[afterFallback.size()];
// Only user1 should be listed as fallback link
Path expected = new Path(viewFsUri.toString(), "user1");
@ -359,4 +361,249 @@ public void testListingWithFallbackLinkWithSameMountDirectories()
* Tests ListStatus on non-link parent with fallback configured.
* =============================Example.======================================
* ===== Fallback path tree =============== Mount Path Tree ==================
* ===========================================================================
* * / ***** / *****************
* * / ***** / *****************
* * user1 ***** user1 *****************
* * / ***** / *****************
* * hive ***** hive *****************
* * / \ ***** / *****************
* * warehouse warehouse1 ***** warehouse *****************
* * (-rwxr--r--) ***** (-r-xr--r--) *****************
* * / ***** / *****************
* * partition-0 ***** partition-0 *****************
* ===========================================================================
* ===========================================================================
* *** ls /user1/hive *********
* *** viewfs://default/user1/hive/warehouse (-rwxr--r--) *********
* *** viewfs://default/user1/hive/warehouse1 *********
* ===========================================================================
public void testListingWithFallbackLinkWithSameMountDirectoryTree()
throws Exception {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.setBoolean(Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_MOUNT_LINKS_AS_SYMLINKS, false);
ConfigUtil.addLink(conf, "/user1/hive/warehouse/partition-0",
new Path(targetTestRoot.toString()).toUri());
// Creating multiple directories path under the fallback directory.
// "/user1/hive/warehouse/partition-0" directory already exists as
// configured mount point.
Path dir1 = new Path(targetTestRoot,
Path dir2 = new Path(targetTestRoot, "fallbackDir/user1/hive/warehouse1");
fsTarget.setPermission(new Path(targetTestRoot, "fallbackDir/user1/hive/"),
URI viewFsUri = new URI(FsConstants.VIEWFS_SCHEME,
Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_DEFAULT_MOUNT_TABLE, "/", null, null);
HashSet<Path> beforeFallback = new HashSet<>();
try (FileSystem vfs = FileSystem.get(viewFsUri, conf)) {
for (FileStatus stat : vfs
.listStatus(new Path(viewFsUri.toString(), "/user1/hive/"))) {
.addLinkFallback(conf, new Path(targetTestRoot, "fallbackDir").toUri());
try (FileSystem vfs = FileSystem.get(viewFsUri, conf)) {
HashSet<Path> afterFallback = new HashSet<>();
for (FileStatus stat : vfs
.listStatus(new Path(viewFsUri.toString(), "/user1/hive/"))) {
if (dir1.getName().equals(stat.getPath().getName())) {
// make sure fallback dir listed out with correct permissions, but not
// with link permissions.
assertEquals("The same directory name in fallback link should be shaded",
1, afterFallback.size());
* Tests ListStatus on link parent with fallback configured.
* =============================Example.======================================
* ===== Fallback path tree =============== Mount Path Tree ==================
* ===========================================================================
* * / ***** / **********
* * / ***** / **********
* * user1 ***** user1 **********
* * / ***** / **********
* * hive ***** hive **********
* * / \ ***** / **********
* * warehouse warehouse1 ***** warehouse **********
* * (-rwxr--r--) ***** (-r-xr--r--) **********
* * / ***** / **********
* * partition-0 ***** partition-0 ---> targetTestRoot **********
* * ***** (-r-xr--r--) (-rwxr--rw-) **********
* ===========================================================================
* ===========================================================================
* *** ls /user1/hive/warehouse **
* *** viewfs://default/user1/hive/warehouse/partition-0 (-rwxr--rw-) **
* ===========================================================================
public void testLSOnLinkParentWithFallbackLinkWithSameMountDirectoryTree()
throws Exception {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.setBoolean(Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_MOUNT_LINKS_AS_SYMLINKS, false);
ConfigUtil.addLink(conf, "/user1/hive/warehouse/partition-0",
new Path(targetTestRoot.toString()).toUri());
// Creating multiple directories path under the fallback directory.
// "/user1/hive/warehouse/partition-0" directory already exists as
// configured mount point.
Path dir1 = new Path(targetTestRoot,
Path dir2 = new Path(targetTestRoot, "fallbackDir/user1/hive/warehouse1");
fsTarget.setPermission(new Path(targetTestRoot,
fsTarget.setPermission(targetTestRoot, FsPermission.valueOf("-rwxr--rw-"));
URI viewFsUri = new URI(FsConstants.VIEWFS_SCHEME,
Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_DEFAULT_MOUNT_TABLE, "/", null, null);
HashSet<Path> beforeFallback = new HashSet<>();
try (FileSystem vfs = FileSystem.get(viewFsUri, conf)) {
for (FileStatus stat : vfs.listStatus(
new Path(viewFsUri.toString(), "/user1/hive/warehouse/"))) {
.addLinkFallback(conf, new Path(targetTestRoot, "fallbackDir").toUri());
try (FileSystem vfs = FileSystem.get(viewFsUri, conf)) {
HashSet<Path> afterFallback = new HashSet<>();
for (FileStatus stat : vfs.listStatus(
new Path(viewFsUri.toString(), "/user1/hive/warehouse/"))) {
if (dir1.getName().equals(stat.getPath().getName())) {
// make sure fallback dir listed out with correct permissions, but not
// with link permissions.
assertEquals("Just to make sure paths are same.", 0,
* Tests ListStatus on root with fallback configured.
* =============================Example.=======================================
* ===== Fallback path tree =============== Mount Path Tree ==================
* ===========================================================================
* * / / ***** / ***
* * / / ***** / ***
* * user1 user2 ***** user1 ---> targetTestRoot ***
* *(-r-xr--r--) (-r-xr--r--) ***** (-rwxr--rw-) ***
* ===========================================================================
* ===========================================================================
* *** ls /user1/hive/warehouse **
* *** viewfs://default/user1(-rwxr--rw-) **
* *** viewfs://default/user2(-r-xr--r--) **
* ===========================================================================
public void testLSOnRootWithFallbackLinkWithSameMountDirectories()
throws Exception {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.setBoolean(Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_MOUNT_LINKS_AS_SYMLINKS, false);
.addLink(conf, "/user1", new Path(targetTestRoot.toString()).toUri());
// Creating multiple directories path under the fallback directory.
// "/user1" directory already exists as configured mount point.
Path dir1 = new Path(targetTestRoot, "fallbackDir/user1");
Path dir2 = new Path(targetTestRoot, "fallbackDir/user2");
fsTarget.mkdirs(dir2, FsPermission.valueOf("-rwxr--r--"));
fsTarget.setPermission(targetTestRoot, FsPermission.valueOf("-rwxr--rw-"));
URI viewFsUri = new URI(FsConstants.VIEWFS_SCHEME,
Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_DEFAULT_MOUNT_TABLE, "/", null, null);
HashSet<Path> beforeFallback = new HashSet<>();
try (FileSystem vfs = FileSystem.get(viewFsUri, conf)) {
for (FileStatus stat : vfs
.listStatus(new Path(viewFsUri.toString(), "/"))) {
.addLinkFallback(conf, new Path(targetTestRoot, "fallbackDir").toUri());
try (FileSystem vfs = FileSystem.get(viewFsUri, conf)) {
HashSet<Path> afterFallback = new HashSet<>();
for (FileStatus stat : vfs
.listStatus(new Path(viewFsUri.toString(), "/"))) {
if (dir1.getName().equals(stat.getPath().getName())) {
// make sure fallback dir listed out with correct permissions, but not
// with link permissions.
} else {
assertEquals("Path is: " + stat.getPath(),
FsPermission.valueOf("-rwxr--r--"), stat.getPermission());
assertEquals(1, afterFallback.size());
assertEquals("/user2 dir from fallback should be listed.", "user2",
public void testLSOnLinkParentWhereMountLinkMatchesWithAFileUnderFallback()
throws Exception {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.setBoolean(Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_MOUNT_LINKS_AS_SYMLINKS, true);
ConfigUtil.addLink(conf, "/user1/hive/warehouse/part-0",
new Path(targetTestRoot.toString()).toUri());
// Create a file path in fallback matching to the path of mount link.
Path file1 =
new Path(targetTestRoot, "fallbackDir/user1/hive/warehouse/part-0");
Path dir2 = new Path(targetTestRoot, "fallbackDir/user1/hive/warehouse1");
URI viewFsUri = new URI(FsConstants.VIEWFS_SCHEME,
Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_DEFAULT_MOUNT_TABLE, "/", null, null);
.addLinkFallback(conf, new Path(targetTestRoot, "fallbackDir").toUri());
try (FileSystem vfs = FileSystem.get(viewFsUri, conf)) {
for (FileStatus stat : vfs.listStatus(
new Path(viewFsUri.toString(), "/user1/hive/warehouse/"))) {
if (file1.getName().equals(stat.getPath().getName())) {
// Link represents as symlink.
Path fileUnderDir = new Path(stat.getPath(), "check");
assertTrue(vfs.mkdirs(fileUnderDir)); // Creating dir under target
.exists(new Path(targetTestRoot, fileUnderDir.getName())));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user