svn merge -c 1179169 from trunk for HDFS-2395.
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -730,6 +730,9 @@ Release 0.23.0 - Unreleased
HDFS-2368. Move SPNEGO conf properties from hdfs-default.xml to
hdfs-site.xml. (szetszwo)
HDFS-2395. Add a root element in the JSON responses of webhdfs.
HDFS-1458. Improve checkpoint performance by avoiding unnecessary image
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ public Response run() throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
case MKDIRS:
final boolean b = np.mkdirs(fullpath, permission.getFsPermission(), true);
final String js = JsonUtil.toJsonString(PutOpParam.Op.MKDIRS, b);
final String js = JsonUtil.toJsonString("boolean", b);
return Response.ok(js).type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build();
case RENAME:
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ public Response run() throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
if (s.isEmpty()) {
final boolean b = np.rename(fullpath, dstPath.getValue());
final String js = JsonUtil.toJsonString(PutOpParam.Op.RENAME, b);
final String js = JsonUtil.toJsonString("boolean", b);
return Response.ok(js).type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build();
} else {
np.rename(fullpath, dstPath.getValue(),
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ public Response run() throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
final boolean b = np.setReplication(fullpath, replication.getValue());
final String js = JsonUtil.toJsonString(PutOpParam.Op.SETREPLICATION, b);
final String js = JsonUtil.toJsonString("boolean", b);
return Response.ok(js).type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build();
@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ private static StreamingOutput getListingStream(final NamenodeProtocols np,
public void write(final OutputStream outstream) throws IOException {
final PrintStream out = new PrintStream(outstream);
out.println("{\"" + HdfsFileStatus[].class.getSimpleName() + "\":[");
final HdfsFileStatus[] partial = first.getPartialListing();
if (partial.length > 0) {
@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ public void write(final OutputStream outstream) throws IOException {
@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ public Response run() throws IOException {
case DELETE:
final boolean b = namenode.getRpcServer().delete(fullpath, recursive.getValue());
final String js = JsonUtil.toJsonString(DeleteOpParam.Op.DELETE, b);
final String js = JsonUtil.toJsonString("boolean", b);
return Response.ok(js).type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build();
@ -42,42 +42,29 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
import org.mortbay.util.ajax.JSON;
/** JSON Utilities */
public class JsonUtil {
private static class ThreadLocalMap extends ThreadLocal<Map<String, Object>> {
protected Map<String, Object> initialValue() {
return new TreeMap<String, Object>();
public Map<String, Object> get() {
final Map<String, Object> m = super.get();
return m;
private static final ThreadLocalMap jsonMap = new ThreadLocalMap();
private static final ThreadLocalMap tokenMap = new ThreadLocalMap();
private static final ThreadLocalMap datanodeInfoMap = new ThreadLocalMap();
private static final ThreadLocalMap extendedBlockMap = new ThreadLocalMap();
private static final ThreadLocalMap locatedBlockMap = new ThreadLocalMap();
private static final Object[] EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY = {};
private static final DatanodeInfo[] EMPTY_DATANODE_INFO_ARRAY = {};
/** Convert a token object to a Json string. */
public static String toJsonString(final Token<? extends TokenIdentifier> token
) throws IOException {
return toJsonString(Token.class, toJsonMap(token));
private static Map<String, Object> toJsonMap(
final Token<? extends TokenIdentifier> token) throws IOException {
if (token == null) {
return null;
final Map<String, Object> m = tokenMap.get();
final Map<String, Object> m = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
m.put("urlString", token.encodeToUrlString());
return JSON.toString(m);
return m;
/** Convert a Json map to a Token. */
@ -96,46 +83,52 @@ public static Token<? extends TokenIdentifier> toToken(
/** Convert a Json map to a Token of DelegationTokenIdentifier. */
public static Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> toDelegationToken(
final Map<?, ?> m) throws IOException {
final Map<?, ?> json) throws IOException {
final Map<?, ?> m = (Map<?, ?>)json.get(Token.class.getSimpleName());
return (Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier>)toToken(m);
/** Convert a Json map to a Token of BlockTokenIdentifier. */
public static Token<BlockTokenIdentifier> toBlockToken(
private static Token<BlockTokenIdentifier> toBlockToken(
final Map<?, ?> m) throws IOException {
return (Token<BlockTokenIdentifier>)toToken(m);
/** Convert an exception object to a Json string. */
public static String toJsonString(final Exception e) {
final Map<String, Object> m = jsonMap.get();
final Map<String, Object> m = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
m.put("className", e.getClass().getName());
m.put("message", e.getMessage());
return JSON.toString(m);
return toJsonString(RemoteException.class, m);
/** Convert a Json map to a RemoteException. */
public static RemoteException toRemoteException(final Map<String, Object> m) {
public static RemoteException toRemoteException(final Map<?, ?> json) {
final Map<?, ?> m = (Map<?, ?>)json.get(RemoteException.class.getSimpleName());
final String className = (String)m.get("className");
final String message = (String)m.get("message");
return new RemoteException(className, message);
private static String toJsonString(final Class<?> clazz, final Object value) {
return toJsonString(clazz.getSimpleName(), value);
/** Convert a key-value pair to a Json string. */
public static String toJsonString(final Object key, final Object value) {
final Map<String, Object> m = jsonMap.get();
m.put(key instanceof String ? (String) key : key.toString(), value);
public static String toJsonString(final String key, final Object value) {
final Map<String, Object> m = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
m.put(key, value);
return JSON.toString(m);
/** Convert a FsPermission object to a string. */
public static String toString(final FsPermission permission) {
private static String toString(final FsPermission permission) {
return String.format("%o", permission.toShort());
/** Convert a string to a FsPermission object. */
public static FsPermission toFsPermission(final String s) {
private static FsPermission toFsPermission(final String s) {
return new FsPermission(Short.parseShort(s, 8));
@ -144,7 +137,7 @@ public static String toJsonString(final HdfsFileStatus status) {
if (status == null) {
return null;
} else {
final Map<String, Object> m = jsonMap.get();
final Map<String, Object> m = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
m.put("localName", status.getLocalName());
m.put("isDir", status.isDir());
m.put("isSymlink", status.isSymlink());
@ -160,21 +153,17 @@ public static String toJsonString(final HdfsFileStatus status) {
m.put("modificationTime", status.getModificationTime());
m.put("blockSize", status.getBlockSize());
m.put("replication", status.getReplication());
return JSON.toString(m);
return toJsonString(HdfsFileStatus.class, m);
static Map<String, Object> parse(String jsonString) {
return (Map<String, Object>) JSON.parse(jsonString);
/** Convert a Json map to a HdfsFileStatus object. */
public static HdfsFileStatus toFileStatus(final Map<String, Object> m) {
if (m == null) {
public static HdfsFileStatus toFileStatus(final Map<?, ?> json) {
if (json == null) {
return null;
final Map<?, ?> m = (Map<?, ?>)json.get(HdfsFileStatus.class.getSimpleName());
final String localName = (String) m.get("localName");
final boolean isDir = (Boolean) m.get("isDir");
final boolean isSymlink = (Boolean) m.get("isSymlink");
@ -194,22 +183,22 @@ public static HdfsFileStatus toFileStatus(final Map<String, Object> m) {
symlink, DFSUtil.string2Bytes(localName));
/** Convert a LocatedBlock to a Json string. */
public static String toJsonString(final ExtendedBlock extendedblock) {
/** Convert an ExtendedBlock to a Json map. */
private static Map<String, Object> toJsonMap(final ExtendedBlock extendedblock) {
if (extendedblock == null) {
return null;
final Map<String, Object> m = extendedBlockMap.get();
final Map<String, Object> m = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
m.put("blockPoolId", extendedblock.getBlockPoolId());
m.put("blockId", extendedblock.getBlockId());
m.put("numBytes", extendedblock.getNumBytes());
m.put("generationStamp", extendedblock.getGenerationStamp());
return JSON.toString(m);
return m;
/** Convert a Json map to an ExtendedBlock object. */
public static ExtendedBlock toExtendedBlock(final Map<?, ?> m) {
private static ExtendedBlock toExtendedBlock(final Map<?, ?> m) {
if (m == null) {
return null;
@ -221,13 +210,13 @@ public static ExtendedBlock toExtendedBlock(final Map<?, ?> m) {
return new ExtendedBlock(blockPoolId, blockId, numBytes, generationStamp);
/** Convert a DatanodeInfo to a Json string. */
public static String toJsonString(final DatanodeInfo datanodeinfo) {
/** Convert a DatanodeInfo to a Json map. */
private static Map<String, Object> toJsonMap(final DatanodeInfo datanodeinfo) {
if (datanodeinfo == null) {
return null;
final Map<String, Object> m = datanodeInfoMap.get();
final Map<String, Object> m = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
m.put("name", datanodeinfo.getName());
m.put("storageID", datanodeinfo.getStorageID());
m.put("infoPort", datanodeinfo.getInfoPort());
@ -243,11 +232,11 @@ public static String toJsonString(final DatanodeInfo datanodeinfo) {
m.put("networkLocation", datanodeinfo.getNetworkLocation());
m.put("hostName", datanodeinfo.getHostName());
m.put("adminState", datanodeinfo.getAdminState().name());
return JSON.toString(m);
return m;
/** Convert a Json map to an DatanodeInfo object. */
public static DatanodeInfo toDatanodeInfo(final Map<?, ?> m) {
private static DatanodeInfo toDatanodeInfo(final Map<?, ?> m) {
if (m == null) {
return null;
@ -269,25 +258,23 @@ public static DatanodeInfo toDatanodeInfo(final Map<?, ?> m) {
/** Convert a DatanodeInfo[] to a Json string. */
public static String toJsonString(final DatanodeInfo[] array
) throws IOException {
/** Convert a DatanodeInfo[] to a Json array. */
private static Object[] toJsonArray(final DatanodeInfo[] array) {
if (array == null) {
return null;
} else if (array.length == 0) {
return "[]";
} else {
final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder().append('[').append(
for(int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
b.append(", ").append(toJsonString(array[i]));
final Object[] a = new Object[array.length];
for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
a[i] = toJsonMap(array[i]);
return b.append(']').toString();
return a;
/** Convert an Object[] to a DatanodeInfo[]. */
public static DatanodeInfo[] toDatanodeInfoArray(final Object[] objects) {
private static DatanodeInfo[] toDatanodeInfoArray(final Object[] objects) {
if (objects == null) {
return null;
} else if (objects.length == 0) {
@ -295,66 +282,63 @@ public static DatanodeInfo[] toDatanodeInfoArray(final Object[] objects) {
} else {
final DatanodeInfo[] array = new DatanodeInfo[objects.length];
for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = (DatanodeInfo)toDatanodeInfo((Map<?, ?>) objects[i]);
array[i] = toDatanodeInfo((Map<?, ?>) objects[i]);
return array;
/** Convert a LocatedBlock to a Json string. */
public static String toJsonString(final LocatedBlock locatedblock
/** Convert a LocatedBlock to a Json map. */
private static Map<String, Object> toJsonMap(final LocatedBlock locatedblock
) throws IOException {
if (locatedblock == null) {
return null;
final Map<String, Object> m = locatedBlockMap.get();
m.put("blockToken", toJsonString(locatedblock.getBlockToken()));
final Map<String, Object> m = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
m.put("blockToken", toJsonMap(locatedblock.getBlockToken()));
m.put("isCorrupt", locatedblock.isCorrupt());
m.put("startOffset", locatedblock.getStartOffset());
m.put("block", toJsonString(locatedblock.getBlock()));
m.put("locations", toJsonString(locatedblock.getLocations()));
return JSON.toString(m);
m.put("block", toJsonMap(locatedblock.getBlock()));
m.put("locations", toJsonArray(locatedblock.getLocations()));
return m;
/** Convert a Json map to LocatedBlock. */
public static LocatedBlock toLocatedBlock(final Map<?, ?> m) throws IOException {
private static LocatedBlock toLocatedBlock(final Map<?, ?> m) throws IOException {
if (m == null) {
return null;
final ExtendedBlock b = toExtendedBlock((Map<?, ?>)JSON.parse((String)m.get("block")));
final ExtendedBlock b = toExtendedBlock((Map<?, ?>)m.get("block"));
final DatanodeInfo[] locations = toDatanodeInfoArray(
final long startOffset = (Long)m.get("startOffset");
final boolean isCorrupt = (Boolean)m.get("isCorrupt");
final LocatedBlock locatedblock = new LocatedBlock(b, locations, startOffset, isCorrupt);
locatedblock.setBlockToken(toBlockToken((Map<?, ?>)JSON.parse((String)m.get("blockToken"))));
locatedblock.setBlockToken(toBlockToken((Map<?, ?>)m.get("blockToken")));
return locatedblock;
/** Convert a LocatedBlock[] to a Json string. */
public static String toJsonString(final List<LocatedBlock> array
/** Convert a LocatedBlock[] to a Json array. */
private static Object[] toJsonArray(final List<LocatedBlock> array
) throws IOException {
if (array == null) {
return null;
} else if (array.size() == 0) {
return "[]";
} else {
final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder().append('[').append(
for(int i = 1; i < array.size(); i++) {
b.append(",\n ").append(toJsonString(array.get(i)));
final Object[] a = new Object[array.size()];
for(int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {
a[i] = toJsonMap(array.get(0));
return b.append(']').toString();
return a;
/** Convert an Object[] to a List of LocatedBlock.
* @throws IOException */
public static List<LocatedBlock> toLocatedBlockList(final Object[] objects
/** Convert an Object[] to a List of LocatedBlock. */
private static List<LocatedBlock> toLocatedBlockList(final Object[] objects
) throws IOException {
if (objects == null) {
return null;
@ -363,7 +347,7 @@ public static List<LocatedBlock> toLocatedBlockList(final Object[] objects
} else {
final List<LocatedBlock> list = new ArrayList<LocatedBlock>(objects.length);
for(int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
list.add((LocatedBlock)toLocatedBlock((Map<?, ?>)objects[i]));
list.add(toLocatedBlock((Map<?, ?>)objects[i]));
return list;
@ -376,58 +360,58 @@ public static String toJsonString(final LocatedBlocks locatedblocks
return null;
final Map<String, Object> m = jsonMap.get();
final Map<String, Object> m = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
m.put("fileLength", locatedblocks.getFileLength());
m.put("isUnderConstruction", locatedblocks.isUnderConstruction());
m.put("locatedBlocks", toJsonString(locatedblocks.getLocatedBlocks()));
m.put("lastLocatedBlock", toJsonString(locatedblocks.getLastLocatedBlock()));
m.put("locatedBlocks", toJsonArray(locatedblocks.getLocatedBlocks()));
m.put("lastLocatedBlock", toJsonMap(locatedblocks.getLastLocatedBlock()));
m.put("isLastBlockComplete", locatedblocks.isLastBlockComplete());
return JSON.toString(m);
return toJsonString(LocatedBlocks.class, m);
/** Convert a Json map to LocatedBlock. */
public static LocatedBlocks toLocatedBlocks(final Map<String, Object> m
public static LocatedBlocks toLocatedBlocks(final Map<?, ?> json
) throws IOException {
if (m == null) {
if (json == null) {
return null;
final Map<?, ?> m = (Map<?, ?>)json.get(LocatedBlocks.class.getSimpleName());
final long fileLength = (Long)m.get("fileLength");
final boolean isUnderConstruction = (Boolean)m.get("isUnderConstruction");
final List<LocatedBlock> locatedBlocks = toLocatedBlockList(
(Object[])JSON.parse((String) m.get("locatedBlocks")));
final LocatedBlock lastLocatedBlock = toLocatedBlock(
(Map<?, ?>)JSON.parse((String)m.get("lastLocatedBlock")));
(Map<?, ?>)m.get("lastLocatedBlock"));
final boolean isLastBlockComplete = (Boolean)m.get("isLastBlockComplete");
return new LocatedBlocks(fileLength, isUnderConstruction, locatedBlocks,
lastLocatedBlock, isLastBlockComplete);
/** Convert a ContentSummary to a Json string. */
public static String toJsonString(final ContentSummary contentsummary
) throws IOException {
public static String toJsonString(final ContentSummary contentsummary) {
if (contentsummary == null) {
return null;
final Map<String, Object> m = jsonMap.get();
final Map<String, Object> m = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
m.put("length", contentsummary.getLength());
m.put("fileCount", contentsummary.getFileCount());
m.put("directoryCount", contentsummary.getDirectoryCount());
m.put("quota", contentsummary.getQuota());
m.put("spaceConsumed", contentsummary.getSpaceConsumed());
m.put("spaceQuota", contentsummary.getSpaceQuota());
return JSON.toString(m);
return toJsonString(ContentSummary.class, m);
/** Convert a Json map to a ContentSummary. */
public static ContentSummary toContentSummary(final Map<String, Object> m
) throws IOException {
if (m == null) {
public static ContentSummary toContentSummary(final Map<?, ?> json) {
if (json == null) {
return null;
final Map<?, ?> m = (Map<?, ?>)json.get(ContentSummary.class.getSimpleName());
final long length = (Long)m.get("length");
final long fileCount = (Long)m.get("fileCount");
final long directoryCount = (Long)m.get("directoryCount");
@ -440,36 +424,51 @@ public static ContentSummary toContentSummary(final Map<String, Object> m
/** Convert a MD5MD5CRC32FileChecksum to a Json string. */
public static String toJsonString(final MD5MD5CRC32FileChecksum checksum
) throws IOException {
public static String toJsonString(final MD5MD5CRC32FileChecksum checksum) {
if (checksum == null) {
return null;
final Map<String, Object> m = jsonMap.get();
final byte[] bytes = checksum.getBytes();
final DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
final int bytesPerCRC = in.readInt();
final long crcPerBlock = in.readLong();
final MD5Hash md5 =;
m.put("bytesPerCRC", bytesPerCRC);
m.put("crcPerBlock", crcPerBlock);
m.put("md5", "" + md5);
return JSON.toString(m);
final Map<String, Object> m = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
m.put("algorithm", checksum.getAlgorithmName());
m.put("length", checksum.getLength());
m.put("bytes", StringUtils.byteToHexString(checksum.getBytes()));
return toJsonString(MD5MD5CRC32FileChecksum.class, m);
/** Convert a Json map to a MD5MD5CRC32FileChecksum. */
public static MD5MD5CRC32FileChecksum toMD5MD5CRC32FileChecksum(
final Map<String, Object> m) throws IOException {
if (m == null) {
final Map<?, ?> json) throws IOException {
if (json == null) {
return null;
final int bytesPerCRC = (int)(long)(Long)m.get("bytesPerCRC");
final long crcPerBlock = (Long)m.get("crcPerBlock");
final String md5 = (String)m.get("md5");
final Map<?, ?> m = (Map<?, ?>)json.get(
final String algorithm = (String)m.get("algorithm");
final int length = (int)(long)(Long)m.get("length");
final byte[] bytes = StringUtils.hexStringToByte((String)m.get("bytes"));
return new MD5MD5CRC32FileChecksum(bytesPerCRC, crcPerBlock,
new MD5Hash(md5));
final DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
final int bytesPerCRC = in.readInt();
final long crcPerBlock = in.readLong();
final MD5Hash md5 =;
final MD5MD5CRC32FileChecksum checksum = new MD5MD5CRC32FileChecksum(
bytesPerCRC, crcPerBlock, md5);
//check algorithm name
final String alg = "MD5-of-" + crcPerBlock + "MD5-of-" + bytesPerCRC + "CRC32";
if (!alg.equals(algorithm)) {
throw new IOException("Algorithm not matched: algorithm=" + algorithm
+ ", crcPerBlock=" + crcPerBlock
+ ", bytesPerCRC=" + bytesPerCRC);
//check length
if (length != checksum.getLength()) {
throw new IOException("Length not matched: length=" + length
+ ", checksum.getLength()=" + checksum.getLength());
return checksum;
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ public boolean mkdirs(Path f, FsPermission permission) throws IOException {
final HttpOpParam.Op op = PutOpParam.Op.MKDIRS;
final Map<String, Object> json = run(op, f,
new PermissionParam(applyUMask(permission)));
return (Boolean)json.get(op.toString());
return (Boolean)json.get("boolean");
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ public boolean rename(final Path src, final Path dst) throws IOException {
final HttpOpParam.Op op = PutOpParam.Op.RENAME;
final Map<String, Object> json = run(op, src,
new DstPathParam(makeQualified(dst).toUri().getPath()));
return (Boolean)json.get(op.toString());
return (Boolean)json.get("boolean");
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ public boolean setReplication(final Path p, final short replication
final HttpOpParam.Op op = PutOpParam.Op.SETREPLICATION;
final Map<String, Object> json = run(op, p,
new ReplicationParam(replication));
return (Boolean)json.get(op.toString());
return (Boolean)json.get("boolean");
@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ public FSDataOutputStream append(final Path f, final int bufferSize,
public boolean delete(Path f, boolean recursive) throws IOException {
final HttpOpParam.Op op = DeleteOpParam.Op.DELETE;
final Map<String, Object> json = run(op, f, new RecursiveParam(recursive));
return (Boolean)json.get(op.toString());
return (Boolean)json.get("boolean");
@ -403,7 +403,9 @@ public FileStatus[] listStatus(final Path f) throws IOException {
final HttpOpParam.Op op = GetOpParam.Op.LISTSTATUS;
final Object[] array = run(op, f);
final Map<?, ?> json = run(op, f);
final Object[] array = (Object[])json.get(
//convert FileStatus
final FileStatus[] statuses = new FileStatus[array.length];
@ -17,14 +17,16 @@
package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.web;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsFileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.web.JsonUtil;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mortbay.util.ajax.JSON;
public class TestJsonUtil {
static FileStatus toFileStatus(HdfsFileStatus f, String parent) {
@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ public void testHdfsFileStatus() {
System.out.println("fstatus = " + fstatus);
final String json = JsonUtil.toJsonString(status);
System.out.println("json = " + json.replace(",", ",\n "));
final HdfsFileStatus s2 = JsonUtil.toFileStatus(JsonUtil.parse(json));
final HdfsFileStatus s2 = JsonUtil.toFileStatus((Map<?, ?>)JSON.parse(json));
final FileStatus fs2 = toFileStatus(s2, parent);
System.out.println("s2 = " + s2);
System.out.println("fs2 = " + fs2);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user