HADOOP-8193. Refactor FailoverController/HAAdmin code to add an abstract class for "target" services. Contributed by Todd Lipcon.
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/common/trunk@1304967 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -220,6 +220,9 @@ Release 0.23.3 - UNRELEASED
HADOOP-8163. Improve ActiveStandbyElector to provide hooks for
fencing old active. (todd)
HADOOP-8193. Refactor FailoverController/HAAdmin code to add an abstract
class for "target" services. (todd)
@ -19,11 +19,16 @@
import java.io.IOException;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
* Indicates that the operator has specified an invalid configuration
* for fencing methods.
class BadFencingConfigurationException extends IOException {
public class BadFencingConfigurationException extends IOException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public BadFencingConfigurationException(String msg) {
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
package org.apache.hadoop.ha;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
@ -51,21 +50,21 @@ public class FailoverController {
* allow it to become active, eg because it triggers a log roll
* so the standby can learn about new blocks and leave safemode.
* @param toSvc service to make active
* @param toSvcName name of service to make active
* @param target service to make active
* @param forceActive ignore toSvc if it reports that it is not ready
* @throws FailoverFailedException if we should avoid failover
private static void preFailoverChecks(HAServiceProtocol toSvc,
InetSocketAddress toSvcAddr,
private static void preFailoverChecks(HAServiceTarget target,
boolean forceActive)
throws FailoverFailedException {
HAServiceStatus toSvcStatus;
HAServiceProtocol toSvc;
try {
toSvc = target.getProxy();
toSvcStatus = toSvc.getServiceStatus();
} catch (IOException e) {
String msg = "Unable to get service state for " + toSvcAddr;
String msg = "Unable to get service state for " + target;
LOG.error(msg, e);
throw new FailoverFailedException(msg, e);
@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ private static void preFailoverChecks(HAServiceProtocol toSvc,
String notReadyReason = toSvcStatus.getNotReadyReason();
if (!forceActive) {
throw new FailoverFailedException(
toSvcAddr + " is not ready to become active: " +
target + " is not ready to become active: " +
} else {
LOG.warn("Service is not ready to become active, but forcing: " +
@ -103,44 +102,39 @@ private static void preFailoverChecks(HAServiceProtocol toSvc,
* then try to failback.
* @param fromSvc currently active service
* @param fromSvcAddr addr of the currently active service
* @param toSvc service to make active
* @param toSvcAddr addr of the service to make active
* @param fencer for fencing fromSvc
* @param forceFence to fence fromSvc even if not strictly necessary
* @param forceActive try to make toSvc active even if it is not ready
* @throws FailoverFailedException if the failover fails
public static void failover(HAServiceProtocol fromSvc,
InetSocketAddress fromSvcAddr,
HAServiceProtocol toSvc,
InetSocketAddress toSvcAddr,
NodeFencer fencer,
public static void failover(HAServiceTarget fromSvc,
HAServiceTarget toSvc,
boolean forceFence,
boolean forceActive)
throws FailoverFailedException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(fencer != null, "failover requires a fencer");
preFailoverChecks(toSvc, toSvcAddr, forceActive);
Preconditions.checkArgument(fromSvc.getFencer() != null,
"failover requires a fencer");
preFailoverChecks(toSvc, forceActive);
// Try to make fromSvc standby
boolean tryFence = true;
try {
// We should try to fence if we failed or it was forced
tryFence = forceFence ? true : false;
} catch (ServiceFailedException sfe) {
LOG.warn("Unable to make " + fromSvcAddr + " standby (" +
LOG.warn("Unable to make " + fromSvc + " standby (" +
sfe.getMessage() + ")");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
LOG.warn("Unable to make " + fromSvcAddr +
LOG.warn("Unable to make " + fromSvc +
" standby (unable to connect)", ioe);
// Fence fromSvc if it's required or forced by the user
if (tryFence) {
if (!fencer.fence(fromSvcAddr)) {
if (!fromSvc.getFencer().fence(fromSvc)) {
throw new FailoverFailedException("Unable to fence " +
fromSvcAddr + ". Fencing failed.");
fromSvc + ". Fencing failed.");
@ -148,14 +142,14 @@ public static void failover(HAServiceProtocol fromSvc,
boolean failed = false;
Throwable cause = null;
try {
} catch (ServiceFailedException sfe) {
LOG.error("Unable to make " + toSvcAddr + " active (" +
LOG.error("Unable to make " + toSvc + " active (" +
sfe.getMessage() + "). Failing back.");
failed = true;
cause = sfe;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
LOG.error("Unable to make " + toSvcAddr +
LOG.error("Unable to make " + toSvc +
" active (unable to connect). Failing back.", ioe);
failed = true;
cause = ioe;
@ -163,7 +157,7 @@ public static void failover(HAServiceProtocol fromSvc,
// We failed to make toSvc active
if (failed) {
String msg = "Unable to failover to " + toSvcAddr;
String msg = "Unable to failover to " + toSvc;
// Only try to failback if we didn't fence fromSvc
if (!tryFence) {
try {
@ -171,9 +165,9 @@ public static void failover(HAServiceProtocol fromSvc,
// become active, eg we timed out waiting for its response.
// Unconditionally force fromSvc to become active since it
// was previously active when we initiated failover.
failover(toSvc, toSvcAddr, fromSvc, fromSvcAddr, fencer, true, true);
failover(toSvc, fromSvc, true, true);
} catch (FailoverFailedException ffe) {
msg += ". Failback to " + fromSvcAddr +
msg += ". Failback to " + fromSvc +
" failed (" + ffe.getMessage() + ")";
@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
package org.apache.hadoop.ha;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable;
@ -62,6 +60,6 @@ public interface FenceMethod {
* @throws BadFencingConfigurationException if the configuration was
* determined to be invalid only at runtime
public boolean tryFence(InetSocketAddress serviceAddr, String args)
public boolean tryFence(HAServiceTarget target, String args)
throws BadFencingConfigurationException;
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
@ -28,11 +27,8 @@
import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.protocolPB.HAServiceProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB;
import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner;
@ -77,6 +73,8 @@ public abstract class HAAdmin extends Configured implements Tool {
protected PrintStream errOut = System.err;
PrintStream out = System.out;
protected abstract HAServiceTarget resolveTarget(String string);
protected String getUsageString() {
return "Usage: HAAdmin";
@ -109,7 +107,7 @@ private int transitionToActive(final String[] argv)
return -1;
HAServiceProtocol proto = getProtocol(argv[1]);
HAServiceProtocol proto = resolveTarget(argv[1]).getProxy();
return 0;
@ -122,14 +120,13 @@ private int transitionToStandby(final String[] argv)
return -1;
HAServiceProtocol proto = getProtocol(argv[1]);
HAServiceProtocol proto = resolveTarget(argv[1]).getProxy();
return 0;
private int failover(final String[] argv)
throws IOException, ServiceFailedException {
Configuration conf = getConf();
boolean forceFence = false;
boolean forceActive = false;
@ -162,29 +159,12 @@ private int failover(final String[] argv)
return -1;
NodeFencer fencer;
HAServiceTarget fromNode = resolveTarget(args[0]);
HAServiceTarget toNode = resolveTarget(args[1]);
try {
fencer = NodeFencer.create(conf);
} catch (BadFencingConfigurationException bfce) {
errOut.println("failover: incorrect fencing configuration: " +
return -1;
if (fencer == null) {
errOut.println("failover: no fencer configured");
return -1;
InetSocketAddress addr1 =
InetSocketAddress addr2 =
HAServiceProtocol proto1 = getProtocol(args[0]);
HAServiceProtocol proto2 = getProtocol(args[1]);
try {
FailoverController.failover(proto1, addr1, proto2, addr2,
fencer, forceFence, forceActive);
FailoverController.failover(fromNode, toNode,
forceFence, forceActive);
out.println("Failover from "+args[0]+" to "+args[1]+" successful");
} catch (FailoverFailedException ffe) {
errOut.println("Failover failed: " + ffe.getLocalizedMessage());
@ -201,7 +181,7 @@ private int checkHealth(final String[] argv)
return -1;
HAServiceProtocol proto = getProtocol(argv[1]);
HAServiceProtocol proto = resolveTarget(argv[1]).getProxy();
try {
} catch (HealthCheckFailedException e) {
@ -219,7 +199,7 @@ private int getServiceState(final String[] argv)
return -1;
HAServiceProtocol proto = getProtocol(argv[1]);
HAServiceProtocol proto = resolveTarget(argv[1]).getProxy();
return 0;
@ -232,16 +212,6 @@ protected String getServiceAddr(String serviceId) {
return serviceId;
* Return a proxy to the specified target service.
protected HAServiceProtocol getProtocol(String serviceId)
throws IOException {
String serviceAddr = getServiceAddr(serviceId);
InetSocketAddress addr = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(serviceAddr);
return new HAServiceProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB(addr, getConf());
public int run(String[] argv) throws Exception {
try {
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.ha;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.protocolPB.HAServiceProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB;
* Represents a target of the client side HA administration commands.
public abstract class HAServiceTarget {
* @return the IPC address of the target node.
public abstract InetSocketAddress getAddress();
* @return a Fencer implementation configured for this target node
public abstract NodeFencer getFencer();
* @throws BadFencingConfigurationException if the fencing configuration
* appears to be invalid. This is divorced from the above
* {@link #getFencer()} method so that the configuration can be checked
* during the pre-flight phase of failover.
public abstract void checkFencingConfigured()
throws BadFencingConfigurationException;
* @return a proxy to connect to the target HA Service.
public HAServiceProtocol getProxy(Configuration conf, int timeoutMs)
throws IOException {
Configuration confCopy = new Configuration(conf);
// Lower the timeout so we quickly fail to connect
confCopy.setInt(CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.IPC_CLIENT_CONNECT_MAX_RETRIES_KEY, 1);
return new HAServiceProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB(
confCopy, null, timeoutMs);
* @return a proxy to connect to the target HA Service.
public final HAServiceProtocol getProxy() throws IOException {
return getProxy(new Configuration(), 0); // default conf, timeout
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
package org.apache.hadoop.ha;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
@ -91,14 +90,14 @@ public static NodeFencer create(Configuration conf)
return new NodeFencer(conf);
public boolean fence(InetSocketAddress serviceAddr) {
public boolean fence(HAServiceTarget fromSvc) {
LOG.info("====== Beginning Service Fencing Process... ======");
int i = 0;
for (FenceMethodWithArg method : methods) {
LOG.info("Trying method " + (++i) + "/" + methods.size() +": " + method);
try {
if (method.method.tryFence(serviceAddr, method.arg)) {
if (method.method.tryFence(fromSvc, method.arg)) {
LOG.info("====== Fencing successful by method " + method + " ======");
return true;
@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ public void checkArgs(String args) throws BadFencingConfigurationException {
public boolean tryFence(InetSocketAddress serviceAddr, String cmd) {
public boolean tryFence(HAServiceTarget target, String cmd) {
InetSocketAddress serviceAddr = target.getAddress();
List<String> cmdList = Arrays.asList(cmd.split("\\s+"));
// Create arg list with service as the first argument
@ -79,10 +79,11 @@ public void checkArgs(String argStr) throws BadFencingConfigurationException {
public boolean tryFence(InetSocketAddress serviceAddr, String argsStr)
public boolean tryFence(HAServiceTarget target, String argsStr)
throws BadFencingConfigurationException {
Args args = new Args(argsStr);
InetSocketAddress serviceAddr = target.getAddress();
String host = serviceAddr.getHostName();
Session session;
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.ha;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.HAServiceProtocol.HAServiceState;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
* Test-only implementation of {@link HAServiceTarget}, which returns
* a mock implementation.
class DummyHAService extends HAServiceTarget {
HAServiceState state;
HAServiceProtocol proxy;
NodeFencer fencer;
InetSocketAddress address;
DummyHAService(HAServiceState state, InetSocketAddress address) {
this.state = state;
this.proxy = makeMock();
this.fencer = Mockito.mock(NodeFencer.class);
this.address = address;
private HAServiceProtocol makeMock() {
return Mockito.spy(new HAServiceProtocol() {
public void monitorHealth() throws HealthCheckFailedException,
AccessControlException, IOException {
public void transitionToActive() throws ServiceFailedException,
AccessControlException, IOException {
state = HAServiceState.ACTIVE;
public void transitionToStandby() throws ServiceFailedException,
AccessControlException, IOException {
state = HAServiceState.STANDBY;
public HAServiceStatus getServiceStatus() throws IOException {
HAServiceStatus ret = new HAServiceStatus(state);
if (state == HAServiceState.STANDBY) {
return ret;
public InetSocketAddress getAddress() {
return address;
public HAServiceProtocol getProxy(Configuration conf, int timeout)
throws IOException {
return proxy;
public NodeFencer getFencer() {
return fencer;
public void checkFencingConfigured() throws BadFencingConfigurationException {
@ -24,124 +24,85 @@
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.HAServiceProtocol.HAServiceState;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.protocolPB.HAServiceProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.TestNodeFencer.AlwaysSucceedFencer;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.TestNodeFencer.AlwaysFailFencer;
import static org.apache.hadoop.ha.TestNodeFencer.setupFencer;
import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
import org.mockito.internal.stubbing.answers.ThrowsException;
import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class TestFailoverController {
private InetSocketAddress svc1Addr = new InetSocketAddress("svc1", 1234);
private InetSocketAddress svc2Addr = new InetSocketAddress("svc2", 5678);
private InetSocketAddress svc2Addr = new InetSocketAddress("svc2", 5678);
private class DummyService implements HAServiceProtocol {
HAServiceState state;
HAServiceStatus STATE_NOT_READY = new HAServiceStatus(HAServiceState.STANDBY)
.setNotReadyToBecomeActive("injected not ready");
DummyService(HAServiceState state) {
this.state = state;
public void monitorHealth() throws HealthCheckFailedException, IOException {
// Do nothing
public void transitionToActive() throws ServiceFailedException, IOException {
state = HAServiceState.ACTIVE;
public void transitionToStandby() throws ServiceFailedException, IOException {
state = HAServiceState.STANDBY;
public HAServiceStatus getServiceStatus() throws IOException {
HAServiceStatus ret = new HAServiceStatus(state);
if (state == HAServiceState.STANDBY) {
return ret;
private HAServiceState getServiceState() {
return state;
public void testFailoverAndFailback() throws Exception {
DummyService svc1 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE);
DummyService svc2 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.STANDBY);
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
DummyHAService svc1 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1Addr);
DummyHAService svc2 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2Addr);
svc1.fencer = svc2.fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
AlwaysSucceedFencer.fenceCalled = 0;
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc1Addr, svc2, svc2Addr, fencer, false, false);
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc2, false, false);
assertEquals(0, TestNodeFencer.AlwaysSucceedFencer.fenceCalled);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc1.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc2.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc1.state);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc2.state);
AlwaysSucceedFencer.fenceCalled = 0;
FailoverController.failover(svc2, svc2Addr, svc1, svc1Addr, fencer, false, false);
FailoverController.failover(svc2, svc1, false, false);
assertEquals(0, TestNodeFencer.AlwaysSucceedFencer.fenceCalled);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1.state);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2.state);
public void testFailoverFromStandbyToStandby() throws Exception {
DummyService svc1 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.STANDBY);
DummyService svc2 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.STANDBY);
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
DummyHAService svc1 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc1Addr);
DummyHAService svc2 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2Addr);
svc1.fencer = svc2.fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc1Addr, svc2, svc2Addr, fencer, false, false);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc1.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc2.getServiceState());
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc2, false, false);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc1.state);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc2.state);
public void testFailoverFromActiveToActive() throws Exception {
DummyService svc1 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE);
DummyService svc2 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE);
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
DummyHAService svc1 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1Addr);
DummyHAService svc2 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc2Addr);
svc1.fencer = svc2.fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
try {
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc1Addr, svc2, svc2Addr, fencer, false, false);
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc2, false, false);
fail("Can't failover to an already active service");
} catch (FailoverFailedException ffe) {
// Expected
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc2.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1.state);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc2.state);
public void testFailoverWithoutPermission() throws Exception {
DummyService svc1 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE) {
public HAServiceStatus getServiceStatus() throws IOException {
throw new AccessControlException("Access denied");
DummyService svc2 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.STANDBY) {
public HAServiceStatus getServiceStatus() throws IOException {
throw new AccessControlException("Access denied");
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
DummyHAService svc1 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1Addr);
Mockito.doThrow(new AccessControlException("Access denied"))
DummyHAService svc2 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2Addr);
Mockito.doThrow(new AccessControlException("Access denied"))
svc1.fencer = svc2.fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
try {
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc1Addr, svc2, svc2Addr, fencer, false, false);
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc2, false, false);
fail("Can't failover when access is denied");
} catch (FailoverFailedException ffe) {
assertTrue(ffe.getCause().getMessage().contains("Access denied"));
@ -151,19 +112,13 @@ public HAServiceStatus getServiceStatus() throws IOException {
public void testFailoverToUnreadyService() throws Exception {
DummyService svc1 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE);
DummyService svc2 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.STANDBY) {
public HAServiceStatus getServiceStatus() throws IOException {
HAServiceStatus ret = new HAServiceStatus(HAServiceState.STANDBY);
ret.setNotReadyToBecomeActive("injected not ready");
return ret;
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
DummyHAService svc1 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1Addr);
DummyHAService svc2 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2Addr);
svc1.fencer = svc2.fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
try {
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc1Addr, svc2, svc2Addr, fencer, false, false);
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc2, false, false);
fail("Can't failover to a service that's not ready");
} catch (FailoverFailedException ffe) {
// Expected
@ -172,95 +127,88 @@ public HAServiceStatus getServiceStatus() throws IOException {
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1.state);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2.state);
// Forcing it means we ignore readyToBecomeActive
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc1Addr, svc2, svc2Addr, fencer, false, true);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc1.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc2.getServiceState());
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc2, false, true);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc1.state);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc2.state);
public void testFailoverToUnhealthyServiceFailsAndFailsback() throws Exception {
DummyService svc1 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE);
DummyService svc2 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.STANDBY) {
public void monitorHealth() throws HealthCheckFailedException {
throw new HealthCheckFailedException("Failed!");
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
DummyHAService svc1 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1Addr);
DummyHAService svc2 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2Addr);
Mockito.doThrow(new HealthCheckFailedException("Failed!"))
svc1.fencer = svc2.fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
try {
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc1Addr, svc2, svc2Addr, fencer, false, false);
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc2, false, false);
fail("Failover to unhealthy service");
} catch (FailoverFailedException ffe) {
// Expected
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1.state);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2.state);
public void testFailoverFromFaultyServiceSucceeds() throws Exception {
DummyService svc1 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE) {
public void transitionToStandby() throws ServiceFailedException {
throw new ServiceFailedException("Failed!");
DummyService svc2 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.STANDBY);
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
DummyHAService svc1 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1Addr);
Mockito.doThrow(new ServiceFailedException("Failed!"))
DummyHAService svc2 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2Addr);
svc1.fencer = svc2.fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
AlwaysSucceedFencer.fenceCalled = 0;
try {
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc1Addr, svc2, svc2Addr, fencer, false, false);
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc2, false, false);
} catch (FailoverFailedException ffe) {
fail("Faulty active prevented failover");
// svc1 still thinks it's active, that's OK, it was fenced
assertEquals(1, AlwaysSucceedFencer.fenceCalled);
assertEquals("svc1:1234", AlwaysSucceedFencer.fencedSvc);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc2.getServiceState());
assertSame(svc1, AlwaysSucceedFencer.fencedSvc);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1.state);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc2.state);
public void testFailoverFromFaultyServiceFencingFailure() throws Exception {
DummyService svc1 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE) {
public void transitionToStandby() throws ServiceFailedException {
throw new ServiceFailedException("Failed!");
DummyService svc2 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.STANDBY);
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysFailFencer.class.getName());
DummyHAService svc1 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1Addr);
Mockito.doThrow(new ServiceFailedException("Failed!"))
DummyHAService svc2 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2Addr);
svc1.fencer = svc2.fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysFailFencer.class.getName());
AlwaysFailFencer.fenceCalled = 0;
try {
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc1Addr, svc2, svc2Addr, fencer, false, false);
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc2, false, false);
fail("Failed over even though fencing failed");
} catch (FailoverFailedException ffe) {
// Expected
assertEquals(1, AlwaysFailFencer.fenceCalled);
assertEquals("svc1:1234", AlwaysFailFencer.fencedSvc);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2.getServiceState());
assertSame(svc1, AlwaysFailFencer.fencedSvc);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1.state);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2.state);
public void testFencingFailureDuringFailover() throws Exception {
DummyService svc1 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE);
DummyService svc2 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.STANDBY);
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysFailFencer.class.getName());
DummyHAService svc1 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1Addr);
DummyHAService svc2 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2Addr);
svc1.fencer = svc2.fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysFailFencer.class.getName());
AlwaysFailFencer.fenceCalled = 0;
try {
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc1Addr, svc2, svc2Addr, fencer, true, false);
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc2, true, false);
fail("Failed over even though fencing requested and failed");
} catch (FailoverFailedException ffe) {
// Expected
@ -269,90 +217,83 @@ public void testFencingFailureDuringFailover() throws Exception {
// If fencing was requested and it failed we don't try to make
// svc2 active anyway, and we don't failback to svc1.
assertEquals(1, AlwaysFailFencer.fenceCalled);
assertEquals("svc1:1234", AlwaysFailFencer.fencedSvc);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc1.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2.getServiceState());
assertSame(svc1, AlwaysFailFencer.fencedSvc);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc1.state);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2.state);
private HAServiceProtocol getProtocol(String target)
throws IOException {
InetSocketAddress addr = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(target);
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// Lower the timeout so we quickly fail to connect
conf.setInt(CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.IPC_CLIENT_CONNECT_MAX_RETRIES_KEY, 1);
return new HAServiceProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB(addr, conf);
public void testFailoverFromNonExistantServiceWithFencer() throws Exception {
HAServiceProtocol svc1 = getProtocol("localhost:1234");
DummyService svc2 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.STANDBY);
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
DummyHAService svc1 = spy(new DummyHAService(null, svc1Addr));
// Getting a proxy to a dead server will throw IOException on call,
// not on creation of the proxy.
HAServiceProtocol errorThrowingProxy = Mockito.mock(HAServiceProtocol.class,
new ThrowsException(new IOException("Could not connect to host")));
DummyHAService svc2 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2Addr);
svc1.fencer = svc2.fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
try {
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc1Addr, svc2, svc2Addr, fencer, false, false);
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc2, false, false);
} catch (FailoverFailedException ffe) {
fail("Non-existant active prevented failover");
// Don't check svc1 because we can't reach it, but that's OK, it's been fenced.
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc2.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc2.state);
public void testFailoverToNonExistantServiceFails() throws Exception {
DummyService svc1 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE);
HAServiceProtocol svc2 = getProtocol("localhost:1234");
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
DummyHAService svc1 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1Addr);
DummyHAService svc2 = spy(new DummyHAService(null, svc2Addr));
Mockito.doThrow(new IOException("Failed to connect"))
svc1.fencer = svc2.fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
try {
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc1Addr, svc2, svc2Addr, fencer, false, false);
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc2, false, false);
fail("Failed over to a non-existant standby");
} catch (FailoverFailedException ffe) {
// Expected
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1.state);
public void testFailoverToFaultyServiceFailsbackOK() throws Exception {
DummyService svc1 = spy(new DummyService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE));
DummyService svc2 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.STANDBY) {
public void transitionToActive() throws ServiceFailedException {
throw new ServiceFailedException("Failed!");
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
DummyHAService svc1 = spy(new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1Addr));
DummyHAService svc2 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2Addr);
Mockito.doThrow(new ServiceFailedException("Failed!"))
svc1.fencer = svc2.fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
try {
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc1Addr, svc2, svc2Addr, fencer, false, false);
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc2, false, false);
fail("Failover to already active service");
} catch (FailoverFailedException ffe) {
// Expected
// svc1 went standby then back to active
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1.state);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2.state);
public void testWeDontFailbackIfActiveWasFenced() throws Exception {
DummyService svc1 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE);
DummyService svc2 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.STANDBY) {
public void transitionToActive() throws ServiceFailedException {
throw new ServiceFailedException("Failed!");
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
DummyHAService svc1 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1Addr);
DummyHAService svc2 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2Addr);
Mockito.doThrow(new ServiceFailedException("Failed!"))
svc1.fencer = svc2.fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
try {
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc1Addr, svc2, svc2Addr, fencer, true, false);
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc2, true, false);
fail("Failed over to service that won't transition to active");
} catch (FailoverFailedException ffe) {
// Expected
@ -360,24 +301,21 @@ public void transitionToActive() throws ServiceFailedException {
// We failed to failover and did not failback because we fenced
// svc1 (we forced it), therefore svc1 and svc2 should be standby.
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc1.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc1.state);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2.state);
public void testWeFenceOnFailbackIfTransitionToActiveFails() throws Exception {
DummyService svc1 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE);
DummyService svc2 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.STANDBY) {
public void transitionToActive() throws ServiceFailedException, IOException {
throw new IOException("Failed!");
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
DummyHAService svc1 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1Addr);
DummyHAService svc2 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2Addr);
Mockito.doThrow(new ServiceFailedException("Failed!"))
svc1.fencer = svc2.fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
AlwaysSucceedFencer.fenceCalled = 0;
try {
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc1Addr, svc2, svc2Addr, fencer, false, false);
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc2, false, false);
fail("Failed over to service that won't transition to active");
} catch (FailoverFailedException ffe) {
// Expected
@ -386,25 +324,22 @@ public void transitionToActive() throws ServiceFailedException, IOException {
// We failed to failover. We did not fence svc1 because it cooperated
// and we didn't force it, so we failed back to svc1 and fenced svc2.
// Note svc2 still thinks it's active, that's OK, we fenced it.
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1.state);
assertEquals(1, AlwaysSucceedFencer.fenceCalled);
assertEquals("svc2:5678", AlwaysSucceedFencer.fencedSvc);
assertSame(svc2, AlwaysSucceedFencer.fencedSvc);
public void testFailureToFenceOnFailbackFailsTheFailback() throws Exception {
DummyService svc1 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE);
DummyService svc2 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.STANDBY) {
public void transitionToActive() throws ServiceFailedException, IOException {
throw new IOException("Failed!");
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysFailFencer.class.getName());
DummyHAService svc1 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1Addr);
DummyHAService svc2 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2Addr);
Mockito.doThrow(new IOException("Failed!"))
svc1.fencer = svc2.fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysFailFencer.class.getName());
AlwaysFailFencer.fenceCalled = 0;
try {
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc1Addr, svc2, svc2Addr, fencer, false, false);
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc2, false, false);
fail("Failed over to service that won't transition to active");
} catch (FailoverFailedException ffe) {
// Expected
@ -413,35 +348,30 @@ public void transitionToActive() throws ServiceFailedException, IOException {
// We did not fence svc1 because it cooperated and we didn't force it,
// we failed to failover so we fenced svc2, we failed to fence svc2
// so we did not failback to svc1, ie it's still standby.
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc1.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc1.state);
assertEquals(1, AlwaysFailFencer.fenceCalled);
assertEquals("svc2:5678", AlwaysFailFencer.fencedSvc);
assertSame(svc2, AlwaysFailFencer.fencedSvc);
public void testFailbackToFaultyServiceFails() throws Exception {
DummyService svc1 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE) {
public void transitionToActive() throws ServiceFailedException {
throw new ServiceFailedException("Failed!");
DummyService svc2 = new DummyService(HAServiceState.STANDBY) {
public void transitionToActive() throws ServiceFailedException {
throw new ServiceFailedException("Failed!");
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
DummyHAService svc1 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, svc1Addr);
Mockito.doThrow(new ServiceFailedException("Failed!"))
DummyHAService svc2 = new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2Addr);
Mockito.doThrow(new ServiceFailedException("Failed!"))
svc1.fencer = svc2.fencer = setupFencer(AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName());
try {
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc1Addr, svc2, svc2Addr, fencer, false, false);
FailoverController.failover(svc1, svc2, false, false);
fail("Failover to already active service");
} catch (FailoverFailedException ffe) {
// Expected
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc1.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2.getServiceState());
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc1.state);
assertEquals(HAServiceState.STANDBY, svc2.state);
@ -22,14 +22,15 @@
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.HAServiceProtocol.HAServiceState;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
import com.google.common.base.Charsets;
import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
@ -40,15 +41,14 @@ public class TestHAAdmin {
private HAAdmin tool;
private ByteArrayOutputStream errOutBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
private String errOutput;
private HAServiceProtocol mockProtocol;
public void setup() throws IOException {
mockProtocol = Mockito.mock(HAServiceProtocol.class);
tool = new HAAdmin() {
protected HAServiceProtocol getProtocol(String target) throws IOException {
return mockProtocol;
protected HAServiceTarget resolveTarget(String target) {
return new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.STANDBY,
new InetSocketAddress("dummy", 12345));
tool.setConf(new Configuration());
@ -26,26 +26,35 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
public class TestNodeFencer {
private HAServiceTarget MOCK_TARGET;
public void clearMockState() {
AlwaysSucceedFencer.fenceCalled = 0;
AlwaysFailFencer.fenceCalled = 0;
MOCK_TARGET = Mockito.mock(HAServiceTarget.class);
Mockito.doReturn("my mock").when(MOCK_TARGET).toString();
Mockito.doReturn(new InetSocketAddress("host", 1234))
public void testSingleFencer() throws BadFencingConfigurationException {
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer(
AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName() + "(foo)");
assertTrue(fencer.fence(new InetSocketAddress("host", 1234)));
assertEquals(1, AlwaysSucceedFencer.fenceCalled);
assertEquals("host:1234", AlwaysSucceedFencer.fencedSvc);
assertSame(MOCK_TARGET, AlwaysSucceedFencer.fencedSvc);
assertEquals("foo", AlwaysSucceedFencer.callArgs.get(0));
@ -54,7 +63,7 @@ public void testMultipleFencers() throws BadFencingConfigurationException {
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer(
AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName() + "(foo)\n" +
AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName() + "(bar)\n");
assertTrue(fencer.fence(new InetSocketAddress("host", 1234)));
// Only one call, since the first fencer succeeds
assertEquals(1, AlwaysSucceedFencer.fenceCalled);
assertEquals("foo", AlwaysSucceedFencer.callArgs.get(0));
@ -68,12 +77,12 @@ public void testWhitespaceAndCommentsInConfig()
" # the next one will always fail\n" +
" " + AlwaysFailFencer.class.getName() + "(foo) # <- fails\n" +
AlwaysSucceedFencer.class.getName() + "(bar) \n");
assertTrue(fencer.fence(new InetSocketAddress("host", 1234)));
// One call to each, since top fencer fails
assertEquals(1, AlwaysFailFencer.fenceCalled);
assertEquals("host:1234", AlwaysFailFencer.fencedSvc);
assertSame(MOCK_TARGET, AlwaysFailFencer.fencedSvc);
assertEquals(1, AlwaysSucceedFencer.fenceCalled);
assertEquals("host:1234", AlwaysSucceedFencer.fencedSvc);
assertSame(MOCK_TARGET, AlwaysSucceedFencer.fencedSvc);
assertEquals("foo", AlwaysFailFencer.callArgs.get(0));
assertEquals("bar", AlwaysSucceedFencer.callArgs.get(0));
@ -82,41 +91,41 @@ public void testWhitespaceAndCommentsInConfig()
public void testArglessFencer() throws BadFencingConfigurationException {
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer(
assertTrue(fencer.fence(new InetSocketAddress("host", 1234)));
// One call to each, since top fencer fails
assertEquals(1, AlwaysSucceedFencer.fenceCalled);
assertEquals("host:1234", AlwaysSucceedFencer.fencedSvc);
assertSame(MOCK_TARGET, AlwaysSucceedFencer.fencedSvc);
assertEquals(null, AlwaysSucceedFencer.callArgs.get(0));
public void testShortNameShell() throws BadFencingConfigurationException {
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer("shell(true)");
assertTrue(fencer.fence(new InetSocketAddress("host", 1234)));
public void testShortNameSsh() throws BadFencingConfigurationException {
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer("sshfence");
assertFalse(fencer.fence(new InetSocketAddress("host", 1234)));
public void testShortNameSshWithUser() throws BadFencingConfigurationException {
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer("sshfence(user)");
assertFalse(fencer.fence(new InetSocketAddress("host", 1234)));
public void testShortNameSshWithPort() throws BadFencingConfigurationException {
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer("sshfence(:123)");
assertFalse(fencer.fence(new InetSocketAddress("host", 1234)));
public void testShortNameSshWithUserPort() throws BadFencingConfigurationException {
NodeFencer fencer = setupFencer("sshfence(user:123)");
assertFalse(fencer.fence(new InetSocketAddress("host", 1234)));
public static NodeFencer setupFencer(String confStr)
@ -133,12 +142,12 @@ public static NodeFencer setupFencer(String confStr)
public static class AlwaysSucceedFencer extends Configured
implements FenceMethod {
static int fenceCalled = 0;
static String fencedSvc;
static HAServiceTarget fencedSvc;
static List<String> callArgs = Lists.newArrayList();
public boolean tryFence(InetSocketAddress serviceAddr, String args) {
fencedSvc = serviceAddr.getHostName() + ":" + serviceAddr.getPort();
public boolean tryFence(HAServiceTarget target, String args) {
fencedSvc = target;
return true;
@ -155,12 +164,12 @@ public void checkArgs(String args) {
public static class AlwaysFailFencer extends Configured
implements FenceMethod {
static int fenceCalled = 0;
static String fencedSvc;
static HAServiceTarget fencedSvc;
static List<String> callArgs = Lists.newArrayList();
public boolean tryFence(InetSocketAddress serviceAddr, String args) {
fencedSvc = serviceAddr.getHostName() + ":" + serviceAddr.getPort();
public boolean tryFence(HAServiceTarget target, String args) {
fencedSvc = target;
return false;
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.HAServiceProtocol.HAServiceState;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
@ -32,6 +33,9 @@
public class TestShellCommandFencer {
private ShellCommandFencer fencer = createFencer();
private static final HAServiceTarget TEST_TARGET =
new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE,
new InetSocketAddress("host", 1234));
public static void setupLogSpy() {
@ -57,11 +61,10 @@ private static ShellCommandFencer createFencer() {
public void testBasicSuccessFailure() {
InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress("host", 1234);
assertTrue(fencer.tryFence(addr, "echo"));
assertFalse(fencer.tryFence(addr, "exit 1"));
assertTrue(fencer.tryFence(TEST_TARGET, "echo"));
assertFalse(fencer.tryFence(TEST_TARGET, "exit 1"));
// bad path should also fail
assertFalse(fencer.tryFence(addr, "xxxxxxxxxxxx"));
assertFalse(fencer.tryFence(TEST_TARGET, "xxxxxxxxxxxx"));
@ -98,8 +101,7 @@ public void testCheckParensNoArgs() {
public void testStdoutLogging() {
InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress("host", 1234);
assertTrue(fencer.tryFence(addr, "echo hello"));
assertTrue(fencer.tryFence(TEST_TARGET, "echo hello"));
Mockito.endsWith("echo hello: host:1234 hello"));
@ -110,8 +112,7 @@ public void testStdoutLogging() {
public void testStderrLogging() {
InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress("host", 1234);
assertTrue(fencer.tryFence(addr, "echo hello >&2"));
assertTrue(fencer.tryFence(TEST_TARGET, "echo hello >&2"));
Mockito.endsWith("echo hello >&2: host:1234 hello"));
@ -122,8 +123,7 @@ public void testStderrLogging() {
public void testConfAsEnvironment() {
InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress("host", 1234);
fencer.tryFence(addr, "echo $in_fencing_tests");
fencer.tryFence(TEST_TARGET, "echo $in_fencing_tests");
Mockito.endsWith("echo $in...ing_tests: host:1234 yessir"));
@ -136,8 +136,7 @@ public void testConfAsEnvironment() {
public void testSubprocessInputIsClosed() {
InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress("host", 1234);
assertFalse(fencer.tryFence(addr, "read"));
assertFalse(fencer.tryFence(TEST_TARGET, "read"));
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
import org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.HAServiceProtocol.HAServiceState;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.SshFenceByTcpPort.Args;
import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.junit.Assume;
@ -34,12 +35,25 @@ public class TestSshFenceByTcpPort {
private String TEST_FENCING_HOST = System.getProperty(
private static String TEST_FENCING_HOST = System.getProperty(
"test.TestSshFenceByTcpPort.host", "localhost");
private String TEST_FENCING_PORT = System.getProperty(
private static final String TEST_FENCING_PORT = System.getProperty(
"test.TestSshFenceByTcpPort.port", "8020");
private final String TEST_KEYFILE = System.getProperty(
private static final String TEST_KEYFILE = System.getProperty(
private static final InetSocketAddress TEST_ADDR =
new InetSocketAddress(TEST_FENCING_HOST,
private static final HAServiceTarget TEST_TARGET =
new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE, TEST_ADDR);
* Connect to Google's DNS server - not running ssh!
private static final HAServiceTarget UNFENCEABLE_TARGET =
new DummyHAService(HAServiceState.ACTIVE,
new InetSocketAddress("", 1234));
public void testFence() throws BadFencingConfigurationException {
@ -49,8 +63,7 @@ public void testFence() throws BadFencingConfigurationException {
SshFenceByTcpPort fence = new SshFenceByTcpPort();
new InetSocketAddress(TEST_FENCING_HOST,
@ -65,8 +78,7 @@ public void testConnectTimeout() throws BadFencingConfigurationException {
conf.setInt(SshFenceByTcpPort.CONF_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_KEY, 3000);
SshFenceByTcpPort fence = new SshFenceByTcpPort();
// Connect to Google's DNS server - not running ssh!
assertFalse(fence.tryFence(new InetSocketAddress("", 1234), ""));
assertFalse(fence.tryFence(UNFENCEABLE_TARGET, ""));
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeys;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.HAAdmin;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.HAServiceTarget;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.HdfsConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner;
@ -65,15 +65,9 @@ public void setConf(Configuration conf) {
* Try to map the given namenode ID to its service address.
protected String getServiceAddr(String nnId) {
protected HAServiceTarget resolveTarget(String nnId) {
HdfsConfiguration conf = (HdfsConfiguration)getConf();
String serviceAddr =
DFSUtil.getNamenodeServiceAddr(conf, nameserviceId, nnId);
if (serviceAddr == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unable to determine service address for namenode '" + nnId + "'");
return serviceAddr;
return new NNHAServiceTarget(conf, nameserviceId, nnId);
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.tools;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.BadFencingConfigurationException;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.HAServiceTarget;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.NodeFencer;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.HdfsConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNode;
import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetUtils;
* One of the NN NameNodes acting as the target of an administrative command
* (e.g. failover).
public class NNHAServiceTarget extends HAServiceTarget {
private final InetSocketAddress addr;
private NodeFencer fencer;
private BadFencingConfigurationException fenceConfigError;
public NNHAServiceTarget(HdfsConfiguration conf,
String nsId, String nnId) {
String serviceAddr =
DFSUtil.getNamenodeServiceAddr(conf, nsId, nnId);
if (serviceAddr == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unable to determine service address for namenode '" + nnId + "'");
this.addr = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(serviceAddr,
try {
this.fencer = NodeFencer.create(conf);
} catch (BadFencingConfigurationException e) {
this.fenceConfigError = e;
* @return the NN's IPC address.
public InetSocketAddress getAddress() {
return addr;
public void checkFencingConfigured() throws BadFencingConfigurationException {
if (fenceConfigError != null) {
throw fenceConfigError;
public NodeFencer getFencer() {
return fencer;
public String toString() {
return "NameNode at " + addr;
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.HAServiceProtocol;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.HAServiceProtocol.HAServiceState;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.HAServiceStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.HAServiceTarget;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.HealthCheckFailedException;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.NodeFencer;
@ -79,10 +80,18 @@ private HdfsConfiguration getHAConf() {
public void setup() throws IOException {
mockProtocol = Mockito.mock(HAServiceProtocol.class);
tool = new DFSHAAdmin() {
protected HAServiceProtocol getProtocol(String serviceId) throws IOException {
return mockProtocol;
protected HAServiceTarget resolveTarget(String nnId) {
HAServiceTarget target = super.resolveTarget(nnId);
HAServiceTarget spy = Mockito.spy(target);
// OVerride the target to return our mock protocol
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e); // mock setup doesn't really throw
return spy;
Reference in New Issue
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