@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
*** Settings ***
Documentation Smoketest Ozone GDPR Feature
Library OperatingSystem
Library BuiltIn
Library String
Resource ../commonlib.robot
Suite Setup Generate volume
*** Variables ***
${volume} generated
*** Keywords ***
Generate volume
${random} = Generate Random String 5 [LOWER]
Set Suite Variable ${volume} ${random}
*** Test Cases ***
Test GDPR disabled
Test GDPR(disabled) without explicit options ${volume}
Test GDPR --enforcegdpr=true
Test GDPR with --enforcegdpr=true ${volume}
Test GDPR -g=true
Test GDPR with -g=true ${volume}
Test GDPR -g=false
Test GDPR with -g=false ${volume}
*** Keywords ***
Test GDPR(disabled) without explicit options
[arguments] ${volume}
Execute ozone sh volume create /${volume} --quota 100TB
Execute ozone sh bucket create /${volume}/mybucket1
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket info /${volume}/mybucket1 | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.name=="mybucket1") | .metadata | .gdprEnabled'
Should Be Equal ${result} null
Execute ozone sh key put /${volume}/mybucket1/mykey /opt/hadoop/NOTICE.txt
Execute rm -f NOTICE.txt.1
${result} = Execute ozone sh key info /${volume}/mybucket1/mykey | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.name=="mykey") | .metadata | .gdprEnabled'
Should Be Equal ${result} null
Execute ozone sh key delete /${volume}/mybucket1/mykey
Test GDPR with --enforcegdpr=true
[arguments] ${volume}
Execute ozone sh bucket create --enforcegdpr=true /${volume}/mybucket2
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket info /${volume}/mybucket2 | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.name=="mybucket2") | .metadata | .gdprEnabled'
Should Be Equal ${result} true
Execute ozone sh key put /${volume}/mybucket2/mykey /opt/hadoop/NOTICE.txt
Execute rm -f NOTICE.txt.1
${result} = Execute ozone sh key info /${volume}/mybucket2/mykey | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.name=="mykey") | .metadata | .gdprEnabled'
Should Be Equal ${result} true
Execute ozone sh key delete /${volume}/mybucket2/mykey
Test GDPR with -g=true
[arguments] ${volume}
Execute ozone sh bucket create -g=true /${volume}/mybucket3
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket info /${volume}/mybucket3 | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.name=="mybucket3") | .metadata | .gdprEnabled'
Should Be Equal ${result} true
Execute ozone sh key put /${volume}/mybucket3/mykey /opt/hadoop/NOTICE.txt
Execute rm -f NOTICE.txt.1
${result} = Execute ozone sh key info /${volume}/mybucket3/mykey | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.name=="mykey") | .metadata | .gdprEnabled'
Should Be Equal ${result} true
Execute ozone sh key delete /${volume}/mybucket3/mykey
Test GDPR with -g=false
[arguments] ${volume}
Execute ozone sh bucket create /${volume}/mybucket4
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket info /${volume}/mybucket4 | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.name=="mybucket4") | .metadata | .gdprEnabled'
Should Be Equal ${result} null
Execute ozone sh key put /${volume}/mybucket4/mykey /opt/hadoop/NOTICE.txt
Execute rm -f NOTICE.txt.1
${result} = Execute ozone sh key info /${volume}/mybucket4/mykey | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.name=="mykey") | .metadata | .gdprEnabled'
Should Be Equal ${result} null
Execute ozone sh key delete /${volume}/mybucket4/mykey
Reference in New Issue