YARN-10904. Investigate: Remove unnecessary fields from AbstractCSQueue (#3551) contributed by Szilard Nemeth
This commit is contained in:
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public void setEntitlement(String nodeLabel, QueueEntitlement entitlement)
setCapacity(nodeLabel, capacity);
* getQueueCapacities().getCapacity(nodeLabel));
// note: we currently set maxCapacity to capacity
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.capacity;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Private;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException;
@ -37,7 +36,6 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceInformation;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnRuntimeException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.factories.RecordFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.factory.providers.RecordFactoryProvider;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.security.AccessRequest;
@ -77,28 +75,24 @@
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import static org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.capacity.CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.DOT;
import static org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.capacity.CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.ROOT;
import static org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.capacity.CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.UNDEFINED;
public abstract class AbstractCSQueue implements CSQueue {
private static final Logger LOG =
protected final QueueAllocationSettings queueAllocationSettings;
volatile CSQueue parent;
protected final QueuePath queuePath;
final String queueName;
private final String queuePath;
protected QueueNodeLabelsSettings queueNodeLabelsSettings;
private volatile QueueAppLifetimeAndLimitSettings queueAppLifetimeSettings;
private CSQueuePreemptionSettings preemptionSettings;
final Resource minimumAllocation;
volatile Resource maximumAllocation;
private volatile QueueState state = null;
protected final PrivilegedEntity queueEntity;
final ResourceCalculator resourceCalculator;
Set<String> accessibleLabels;
protected Set<String> configuredNodeLabels;
Set<String> resourceTypes;
final RMNodeLabelsManager labelManager;
String defaultLabelExpression;
private String multiNodeSortingPolicyName = null;
Map<AccessType, AccessControlList> acls =
@ -109,17 +103,6 @@ public abstract class AbstractCSQueue implements CSQueue {
// used-capacity/abs-used-capacity/capacity/abs-capacity,
// etc.
QueueCapacities queueCapacities;
// -1 indicates lifetime is disabled
private volatile long maxApplicationLifetime = -1;
private volatile long defaultApplicationLifetime = -1;
// Indicates if this queue's default lifetime was set by a config property,
// either at this level or anywhere in the queue's hierarchy.
private volatile boolean defaultAppLifetimeWasSpecifiedInConfig = false;
private CSQueuePreemption preemptionSettings;
CSQueueUsageTracker usageTracker;
public enum CapacityConfigType {
@ -145,7 +128,6 @@ public enum CapacityConfigType {
volatile Priority priority = Priority.newInstance(0);
private UserWeights userWeights = UserWeights.createEmpty();
private int maxParallelApps;
// is it a dynamic queue?
private boolean dynamicQueue = false;
@ -158,12 +140,10 @@ public AbstractCSQueue(CapacitySchedulerContext cs,
public AbstractCSQueue(CapacitySchedulerContext cs,
CapacitySchedulerConfiguration configuration, String queueName,
CSQueue parent, CSQueue old) {
this.labelManager = cs.getRMContext().getNodeLabelManager();
this.parent = parent;
this.queueName = queueName;
this.queuePath = ((parent == null) ? "" : (parent.getQueuePath() + "."))
+ this.queueName;
this.queuePath = createQueuePath(parent, queueName);
this.queueName = queuePath.getLeafName();
this.resourceCalculator = cs.getResourceCalculator();
this.activitiesManager = cs.getActivitiesManager();
@ -174,7 +154,7 @@ public AbstractCSQueue(CapacitySchedulerContext cs,
cs.getConfiguration().getEnableUserMetrics(), configuration);
usageTracker = new CSQueueUsageTracker(metrics);
this.csContext = cs;
this.minimumAllocation = csContext.getMinimumResourceCapability();
this.queueAllocationSettings = new QueueAllocationSettings(csContext);
queueEntity = new PrivilegedEntity(EntityType.QUEUE, getQueuePath());
queueCapacities = new QueueCapacities(parent == null);
ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
@ -182,6 +162,13 @@ public AbstractCSQueue(CapacitySchedulerContext cs,
writeLock = lock.writeLock();
private static QueuePath createQueuePath(CSQueue parent, String queueName) {
if (parent == null) {
return new QueuePath(null, queueName);
return new QueuePath(parent.getQueuePath(), queueName);
protected void setupConfigurableCapacities() {
@ -190,12 +177,12 @@ protected void setupConfigurableCapacities() {
protected void setupConfigurableCapacities(
CapacitySchedulerConfiguration configuration) {
CSQueueUtils.loadCapacitiesByLabelsFromConf(getQueuePath(), queueCapacities,
configuration, configuredNodeLabels);
configuration, this.queueNodeLabelsSettings.getConfiguredNodeLabels());
public String getQueuePath() {
return queuePath;
return queuePath.getFullPath();
@ -249,7 +236,7 @@ public CSQueueMetrics getMetrics() {
public String getQueueShortName() {
return queueName;
return queuePath.getLeafName();
@ -257,11 +244,6 @@ public String getQueueName() {
return queueName;
public PrivilegedEntity getPrivilegedEntity() {
return queueEntity;
public CSQueue getParent() {
return parent;
@ -272,8 +254,13 @@ public void setParent(CSQueue newParentQueue) {
this.parent = newParentQueue;
public PrivilegedEntity getPrivilegedEntity() {
return queueEntity;
public Set<String> getAccessibleNodeLabels() {
return accessibleLabels;
return queueNodeLabelsSettings.getAccessibleNodeLabels();
@ -331,7 +318,7 @@ void setMaxCapacity(String nodeLabel, float maximumCapacity) {
public String getDefaultNodeLabelExpression() {
return defaultLabelExpression;
return this.queueNodeLabelsSettings.getDefaultLabelExpression();
protected void setupQueueConfigs(Resource clusterResource,
@ -345,7 +332,8 @@ protected void setupQueueConfigs(Resource clusterResource,
// Collect and set the Node label configuration
this.queueNodeLabelsSettings = new QueueNodeLabelsSettings(configuration, parent,
getQueuePath(), csContext);
// Initialize the queue capacities
@ -363,7 +351,8 @@ protected void setupQueueConfigs(Resource clusterResource,
// Setup queue's maximumAllocation respecting the global
// and the queue settings
this.queueAllocationSettings.setupMaximumAllocation(configuration, getQueuePath(),
parent, csContext);
// Initialize the queue state based on previous state, configured state
// and its parent state
@ -378,14 +367,15 @@ protected void setupQueueConfigs(Resource clusterResource,
this.reservationsContinueLooking =
this.configuredCapacityVectors = csContext.getConfiguration()
.parseConfiguredResourceVector(queuePath, configuredNodeLabels);
// Update metrics
CSQueueUtils.updateQueueStatistics(resourceCalculator, clusterResource,
this, labelManager, null);
// Store preemption settings
this.preemptionSettings = new CSQueuePreemption(this, csContext, configuration);
this.preemptionSettings = new CSQueuePreemptionSettings(this, csContext, configuration);
this.priority = configuration.getQueuePriority(
@ -394,7 +384,8 @@ protected void setupQueueConfigs(Resource clusterResource,
// Setup application related limits
this.queueAppLifetimeSettings = new QueueAppLifetimeAndLimitSettings(configuration,
this, getQueuePath());
} finally {
@ -407,11 +398,11 @@ protected void setupQueueConfigs(Resource clusterResource,
protected void setDynamicQueueProperties(
CapacitySchedulerConfiguration configuration) {
// Set properties from parent template
if (getParent() instanceof ParentQueue) {
((ParentQueue) getParent()).getAutoCreatedQueueTemplate()
if (parent instanceof ParentQueue) {
((ParentQueue) parent).getAutoCreatedQueueTemplate()
.setTemplateEntriesForChild(configuration, getQueuePath());
String parentTemplate = String.format("%s.%s", getParent().getQueuePath(),
String parentTemplate = String.format("%s.%s", parent.getQueuePath(),
parentTemplate = parentTemplate.substring(0, parentTemplate.lastIndexOf(
@ -421,135 +412,7 @@ protected void setDynamicQueueProperties(
if (parentNodeLabels != null && parentNodeLabels.size() > 1) {
.setLabelsByQueue(queuePath, new HashSet<>(parentNodeLabels));
private void initializeNodeLabels(
CapacitySchedulerConfiguration configuration) throws IOException {
// Collect and store labels
this.accessibleLabels =
this.defaultLabelExpression =
// Inherit labels from parent if not set
if (this.accessibleLabels == null && parent != null) {
this.accessibleLabels = parent.getAccessibleNodeLabels();
// If the accessible labels is not null and the queue has a parent with a
// similar set of labels copy the defaultNodeLabelExpression from the parent
if (this.accessibleLabels != null && parent != null
&& this.defaultLabelExpression == null &&
this.accessibleLabels.containsAll(parent.getAccessibleNodeLabels())) {
this.defaultLabelExpression = parent.getDefaultNodeLabelExpression();
if (csContext.getCapacitySchedulerQueueManager() != null
&& csContext.getCapacitySchedulerQueueManager()
.getConfiguredNodeLabels() != null) {
if (getQueuePath().equals(ROOT)) {
this.configuredNodeLabels = csContext.getCapacitySchedulerQueueManager()
} else {
this.configuredNodeLabels = csContext.getCapacitySchedulerQueueManager()
} else {
// Fallback to suboptimal but correct logic
this.configuredNodeLabels = csContext.getConfiguration()
// Validate the initialized settings
private void validateNodeLabels() throws IOException {
// Check if labels of this queue is a subset of parent queue, only do this
// when the queue in question is not root
if (parent != null && parent.getParent() != null) {
if (parent.getAccessibleNodeLabels() != null && !parent
.getAccessibleNodeLabels().contains(RMNodeLabelsManager.ANY)) {
// if parent isn't "*", child shouldn't be "*" too
if (this.getAccessibleNodeLabels().contains(
RMNodeLabelsManager.ANY)) {
throw new IOException("Parent's accessible queue is not ANY(*), "
+ "but child's accessible queue is *");
} else{
Set<String> diff = Sets.difference(this.getAccessibleNodeLabels(),
if (!diff.isEmpty()) {
throw new IOException(
"Some labels of child queue is not a subset "
+ "of parent queue, these labels=[" + StringUtils
.join(diff, ",") + "]");
private void setupApplicationLimits(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration configuration) {
// Store max parallel apps property
this.maxParallelApps = configuration.getMaxParallelAppsForQueue(getQueuePath());
maxApplicationLifetime = getInheritedMaxAppLifetime(this, configuration);
defaultApplicationLifetime =
getInheritedDefaultAppLifetime(this, configuration,
private void setupMaximumAllocation(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration csConf) {
String myQueuePath = getQueuePath();
/* YARN-10869: When using AutoCreatedLeafQueues, the passed configuration
* object is a cloned one containing only the template configs
* (see ManagedParentQueue#getLeafQueueConfigs). To ensure that the actual
* cluster maximum allocation is fetched the original config object should
* be used.
Resource clusterMax = ResourceUtils
Resource queueMax = csConf.getQueueMaximumAllocation(myQueuePath);
maximumAllocation = Resources.clone(
parent == null ? clusterMax : parent.getMaximumAllocation());
String errMsg =
"Queue maximum allocation cannot be larger than the cluster setting"
+ " for queue " + myQueuePath
+ " max allocation per queue: %s"
+ " cluster setting: " + clusterMax;
if (queueMax == Resources.none()) {
// Handle backward compatibility
long queueMemory = csConf.getQueueMaximumAllocationMb(myQueuePath);
int queueVcores = csConf.getQueueMaximumAllocationVcores(myQueuePath);
if (queueMemory != UNDEFINED) {
if (queueVcores != UNDEFINED) {
if ((queueMemory != UNDEFINED && queueMemory > clusterMax.getMemorySize()
|| (queueVcores != UNDEFINED
&& queueVcores > clusterMax.getVirtualCores()))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format(errMsg, maximumAllocation));
} else {
// Queue level maximum-allocation can't be larger than cluster setting
for (ResourceInformation ri : queueMax.getResources()) {
if (ri.compareTo(clusterMax.getResourceInformation(ri.getName())) > 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(errMsg, queueMax));
maximumAllocation.setResourceInformation(ri.getName(), ri);
.setLabelsByQueue(getQueuePath(), new HashSet<>(parentNodeLabels));
@ -557,7 +420,7 @@ private void setupMaximumAllocation(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration csConf) {
private UserWeights getUserWeightsFromHierarchy(
CapacitySchedulerConfiguration configuration) {
UserWeights unionInheritedWeights = UserWeights.createEmpty();
CSQueue parentQ = getParent();
CSQueue parentQ = parent;
if (parentQ != null) {
// Inherit all of parent's userWeights
@ -589,12 +452,12 @@ protected boolean checkConfigTypeIsAbsoluteResource(String queuePath,
protected void updateCapacityConfigType() {
this.capacityConfigType = CapacityConfigType.NONE;
for (String label : configuredNodeLabels) {
for (String label : queueNodeLabelsSettings.getConfiguredNodeLabels()) {
LOG.debug("capacityConfigType is '{}' for queue {}",
capacityConfigType, getQueuePath());
CapacityConfigType localType = checkConfigTypeIsAbsoluteResource(
queuePath, label) ? CapacityConfigType.ABSOLUTE_RESOURCE
getQueuePath(), label) ? CapacityConfigType.ABSOLUTE_RESOURCE
: CapacityConfigType.PERCENTAGE;
if (this.capacityConfigType.equals(CapacityConfigType.NONE)) {
@ -608,12 +471,13 @@ protected void updateCapacityConfigType() {
protected void updateConfigurableResourceLimits(Resource clusterResource) {
for (String label : configuredNodeLabels) {
final Resource minResource = getMinimumAbsoluteResource(queuePath, label);
Resource maxResource = getMaximumAbsoluteResource(queuePath, label);
for (String label : queueNodeLabelsSettings.getConfiguredNodeLabels()) {
final Resource minResource = getMinimumAbsoluteResource(getQueuePath(), label);
Resource maxResource = getMaximumAbsoluteResource(getQueuePath(), label);
if (parent != null) {
final Resource parentMax = parent.getQueueResourceQuotas().getConfiguredMaxResource(label);
final Resource parentMax = parent.getQueueResourceQuotas()
validateMinResourceIsNotGreaterThanMaxResource(maxResource, parentMax, clusterResource,
"Max resource configuration "
+ maxResource + " is greater than parents max value:"
@ -654,7 +518,7 @@ private void validateMinResourceIsNotGreaterThanMaxResource(Resource minResource
private void validateAbsoluteVsPercentageCapacityConfig(
CapacityConfigType localType) {
if (!queuePath.equals("root")
if (!getQueuePath().equals("root")
&& !this.capacityConfigType.equals(localType)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Queue '" + getQueuePath()
+ "' should use either percentage based capacity"
@ -677,7 +541,7 @@ public Resource getEffectiveCapacity(String label) {
public Resource getEffectiveCapacityDown(String label, Resource factor) {
return Resources.normalizeDown(resourceCalculator,
@ -690,7 +554,7 @@ public Resource getEffectiveMaxCapacity(String label) {
public Resource getEffectiveMaxCapacityDown(String label, Resource factor) {
return Resources.normalizeDown(resourceCalculator,
@ -729,7 +593,7 @@ private void initializeQueueState(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration configuration)
&& parentState != QueueState.RUNNING) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The parent queue:" + parent.getQueuePath()
+ " cannot be STOPPED as the child queue:" + queuePath
+ " cannot be STOPPED as the child queue:" + getQueuePath()
+ " is in RUNNING state.");
} else {
@ -760,20 +624,20 @@ protected QueueInfo getQueueInfo() {
// TODO, improve this
QueueInfo queueInfo = recordFactory.newRecordInstance(QueueInfo.class);
return queueInfo;
@ -839,12 +703,12 @@ public Map<String, QueueConfigurations> getQueueConfigurations() {
public Resource getMaximumAllocation() {
return maximumAllocation;
return queueAllocationSettings.getMaximumAllocation();
public Resource getMinimumAllocation() {
return minimumAllocation;
return queueAllocationSettings.getMinimumAllocation();
void allocateResource(Resource clusterResource,
@ -897,8 +761,7 @@ public boolean getPreemptionDisabled() {
public boolean getIntraQueuePreemptionDisabled() {
return preemptionSettings.isIntraQueuePreemptionDisabledInHierarchy() ||
return preemptionSettings.getIntraQueuePreemptionDisabled();
@ -926,76 +789,6 @@ public ReentrantReadWriteLock.ReadLock getReadLock() {
return readLock;
private long getInheritedMaxAppLifetime(CSQueue q,
CapacitySchedulerConfiguration conf) {
CSQueue parentQ = q.getParent();
long maxAppLifetime = conf.getMaximumLifetimePerQueue(q.getQueuePath());
// If q is the root queue, then get max app lifetime from conf.
if (parentQ == null) {
return maxAppLifetime;
// If this is not the root queue, get this queue's max app lifetime
// from the conf. The parent's max app lifetime will be used if it's
// not set for this queue.
// A value of 0 will override the parent's value and means no max lifetime.
// A negative value means that the parent's max should be used.
long parentsMaxAppLifetime = getParent().getMaximumApplicationLifetime();
return (maxAppLifetime >= 0) ? maxAppLifetime : parentsMaxAppLifetime;
private long getInheritedDefaultAppLifetime(CSQueue q,
CapacitySchedulerConfiguration conf, long myMaxAppLifetime) {
CSQueue parentQ = q.getParent();
long defaultAppLifetime = conf.getDefaultLifetimePerQueue(getQueuePath());
defaultAppLifetimeWasSpecifiedInConfig =
(defaultAppLifetime >= 0
|| (parentQ != null &&
// If q is the root queue, then get default app lifetime from conf.
if (parentQ == null) {
return defaultAppLifetime;
// If this is not the root queue, get the parent's default app lifetime. The
// parent's default app lifetime will be used if not set for this queue.
long parentsDefaultAppLifetime =
// Negative value indicates default lifetime was not set at this level.
// If default lifetime was not set at this level, calculate it based on
// parent's default lifetime or current queue's max lifetime.
if (defaultAppLifetime < 0) {
// If default lifetime was not set at this level but was set somewhere in
// the parent's hierarchy, set default lifetime to parent queue's default
// only if parent queue's lifetime is less than current queue's max
// lifetime. Otherwise, use current queue's max lifetime value for its
// default lifetime.
if (defaultAppLifetimeWasSpecifiedInConfig) {
defaultAppLifetime =
Math.min(parentsDefaultAppLifetime, myMaxAppLifetime);
} else {
// Default app lifetime value was not set anywhere in this queue's
// hierarchy. Use current queue's max lifetime as its default.
defaultAppLifetime = myMaxAppLifetime;
} // else if >= 0, default lifetime was set at this level. Just use it.
if (myMaxAppLifetime > 0 &&
defaultAppLifetime > myMaxAppLifetime) {
throw new YarnRuntimeException(
"Default lifetime " + defaultAppLifetime
+ " can't exceed maximum lifetime " + myMaxAppLifetime);
if (defaultAppLifetime <= 0) {
defaultAppLifetime = myMaxAppLifetime;
return defaultAppLifetime;
private Resource getCurrentLimitResource(String nodePartition,
Resource clusterResource, ResourceLimits currentResourceLimits,
SchedulingMode schedulingMode) {
@ -1201,25 +994,6 @@ boolean hasPendingResourceRequest(String nodePartition,
usageTracker.getQueueUsage(), nodePartition, cluster, schedulingMode);
public boolean accessibleToPartition(String nodePartition) {
// if queue's label is *, it can access any node
if (accessibleLabels != null
&& accessibleLabels.contains(RMNodeLabelsManager.ANY)) {
return true;
// any queue can access to a node without label
if (nodePartition == null
|| nodePartition.equals(RMNodeLabelsManager.NO_LABEL)) {
return true;
// a queue can access to a node only if it contains any label of the node
if (accessibleLabels != null && accessibleLabels.contains(nodePartition)) {
return true;
// sorry, you cannot access
return false;
public Priority getDefaultApplicationPriority() {
// TODO add dummy implementation
@ -1341,7 +1115,7 @@ public void activateQueue() throws YarnException {
LOG.info("The specified queue:" + getQueuePath()
+ " is already in the RUNNING state.");
} else {
CSQueue parentQueue = getParent();
CSQueue parentQueue = parent;
if (parentQueue == null || parentQueue.getState() == QueueState.RUNNING) {
} else {
@ -1384,8 +1158,8 @@ public void recoverDrainingState() {
LOG.info("Recover draining state for queue " + this.getQueuePath());
if (getParent() != null && getParent().getState() == QueueState.STOPPED) {
((AbstractCSQueue) getParent()).recoverDrainingState();
if (parent != null && parent.getState() == QueueState.STOPPED) {
((AbstractCSQueue) parent).recoverDrainingState();
} finally {
@ -1402,24 +1176,24 @@ public void setMultiNodeSortingPolicyName(String policyName) {
public long getMaximumApplicationLifetime() {
return maxApplicationLifetime;
return queueAppLifetimeSettings.getMaxApplicationLifetime();
public long getDefaultApplicationLifetime() {
return defaultApplicationLifetime;
return queueAppLifetimeSettings.getDefaultApplicationLifetime();
public boolean getDefaultAppLifetimeWasSpecifiedInConfig() {
return defaultAppLifetimeWasSpecifiedInConfig;
return queueAppLifetimeSettings.isDefaultAppLifetimeWasSpecifiedInConfig();
public void setMaxParallelApps(int maxParallelApps) {
this.maxParallelApps = maxParallelApps;
public int getMaxParallelApps() {
return maxParallelApps;
return this.queueAppLifetimeSettings.getMaxParallelApps();
abstract int getNumRunnableApps();
@ -1447,7 +1221,7 @@ private Resource createNormalizedMinResource(Resource minResource,
(long) (nResourceInformation.getValue() * ratio));
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Updating min resource for Queue: " + queuePath + " as " + ret
LOG.debug("Updating min resource for Queue: " + getQueuePath() + " as " + ret
.getResourceInformation(i) + ", Actual resource: "
+ nResourceInformation.getValue() + ", ratio: " + ratio);
@ -1513,7 +1287,7 @@ void deriveCapacityFromAbsoluteConfigurations(String label,
void updateEffectiveResources(Resource clusterResource) {
for (String label : configuredNodeLabels) {
for (String label : queueNodeLabelsSettings.getConfiguredNodeLabels()) {
Resource resourceByLabel = labelManager.getResourceByLabel(label,
Resource newEffectiveMinResource;
@ -1549,7 +1323,7 @@ void updateEffectiveResources(Resource clusterResource) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Updating queue:" + queuePath
LOG.debug("Updating queue:" + getQueuePath()
+ " with effective minimum resource=" + newEffectiveMinResource
+ "and effective maximum resource="
+ newEffectiveMaxResource);
@ -18,13 +18,13 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
public class CSQueuePreemption {
public class CSQueuePreemptionSettings {
private final boolean preemptionDisabled;
// Indicates if the in-queue preemption setting is ever disabled within the
// hierarchy of this queue.
private final boolean intraQueuePreemptionDisabledInHierarchy;
public CSQueuePreemption(
public CSQueuePreemptionSettings(
CSQueue queue,
CapacitySchedulerContext csContext,
CapacitySchedulerConfiguration configuration) {
@ -109,6 +109,10 @@ private boolean isIntraQueueHierarchyPreemptionDisabled(CSQueue q,
public boolean getIntraQueuePreemptionDisabled() {
return intraQueuePreemptionDisabledInHierarchy || preemptionDisabled;
public boolean isIntraQueuePreemptionDisabledInHierarchy() {
return intraQueuePreemptionDisabledInHierarchy;
@ -215,15 +215,14 @@ protected void setupQueueConfigs(Resource clusterResource,
priorityAcls = conf.getPriorityAcls(getQueuePath(),
if (!SchedulerUtils.checkQueueLabelExpression(this.accessibleLabels,
this.defaultLabelExpression, null)) {
Set<String> accessibleNodeLabels = this.queueNodeLabelsSettings.getAccessibleNodeLabels();
if (!SchedulerUtils.checkQueueLabelExpression(accessibleNodeLabels,
this.queueNodeLabelsSettings.getDefaultLabelExpression(), null)) {
throw new IOException(
"Invalid default label expression of " + " queue=" + getQueuePath()
+ " doesn't have permission to access all labels "
+ "in default label expression. labelExpression of resource request="
+ (this.defaultLabelExpression == null ?
"" :
this.defaultLabelExpression) + ". Queue labels=" + (
+ getDefaultNodeLabelExpressionStr() + ". Queue labels=" + (
getAccessibleNodeLabels() == null ?
"" :
@ -238,8 +237,10 @@ protected void setupQueueConfigs(Resource clusterResource,
// re-init this since max allocation could have changed
this.minimumAllocationFactor = Resources.ratio(resourceCalculator,
Resources.subtract(maximumAllocation, minimumAllocation),
StringBuilder aclsString = new StringBuilder();
for (Map.Entry<AccessType, AccessControlList> e : acls.entrySet()) {
@ -247,10 +248,9 @@ protected void setupQueueConfigs(Resource clusterResource,
StringBuilder labelStrBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (accessibleLabels != null) {
for (String s : accessibleLabels) {
if (accessibleNodeLabels != null) {
for (String nodeLabel : accessibleNodeLabels) {
@ -297,7 +297,8 @@ protected void setupQueueConfigs(Resource clusterResource,
+ "minimumAllocationFactor = " + minimumAllocationFactor
+ " [= (float)(maximumAllocationMemory - minimumAllocationMemory) / "
+ "maximumAllocationMemory ]" + "\n" + "maximumAllocation = "
+ maximumAllocation + " [= configuredMaxAllocation ]" + "\n"
+ queueAllocationSettings.getMaximumAllocation() +
" [= configuredMaxAllocation ]" + "\n"
+ "numContainers = " + usageTracker.getNumContainers()
+ " [= currentNumContainers ]" + "\n" + "state = " + getState()
+ " [= configuredState ]" + "\n" + "acls = " + aclsString
@ -318,6 +319,11 @@ protected void setupQueueConfigs(Resource clusterResource,
private String getDefaultNodeLabelExpressionStr() {
String defaultLabelExpression = queueNodeLabelsSettings.getDefaultLabelExpression();
return defaultLabelExpression == null ? "" : defaultLabelExpression;
* Used only by tests.
@ -602,7 +608,7 @@ public void submitApplicationAttempt(FiCaSchedulerApp application,
usageTracker.getMetrics().submitAppAttempt(userName, unmanagedAM);
getParent().submitApplicationAttempt(application, userName);
parent.submitApplicationAttempt(application, userName);
@ -616,10 +622,10 @@ public void submitApplication(ApplicationId applicationId, String userName,
// Inform the parent queue
try {
getParent().submitApplication(applicationId, userName, queue);
parent.submitApplication(applicationId, userName, queue);
} catch (AccessControlException ace) {
LOG.info("Failed to submit application to parent-queue: " +
getParent().getQueuePath(), ace);
parent.getQueuePath(), ace);
throw ace;
@ -664,10 +670,10 @@ public void validateSubmitApplication(ApplicationId applicationId,
try {
getParent().validateSubmitApplication(applicationId, userName, queue);
parent.validateSubmitApplication(applicationId, userName, queue);
} catch (AccessControlException ace) {
LOG.info("Failed to submit application to parent-queue: " +
getParent().getQueuePath(), ace);
parent.getQueuePath(), ace);
throw ace;
@ -714,6 +720,8 @@ public Resource getUserAMResourceLimitPerPartition(
Resource queuePartitionResource = getEffectiveCapacity(nodePartition);
Resource minimumAllocation = queueAllocationSettings.getMinimumAllocation();
Resource userAMLimit = Resources.multiplyAndNormalizeUp(
resourceCalculator, queuePartitionResource,
@ -800,7 +808,7 @@ public Resource calculateAndGetAMResourceLimitPerPartition(
Resource amResouceLimit = Resources.multiplyAndNormalizeUp(
resourceCalculator, queuePartitionUsableResource, amResourcePercent,
usageTracker.getMetrics().setAMResouceLimit(nodePartition, amResouceLimit);
usageTracker.getQueueUsage().setAMLimit(nodePartition, amResouceLimit);
@ -987,14 +995,14 @@ public void finishApplication(ApplicationId application, String user) {
// Inform the parent queue
getParent().finishApplication(application, user);
parent.finishApplication(application, user);
public void finishApplicationAttempt(FiCaSchedulerApp application, String queue) {
// Careful! Locking order is important!
removeApplicationAttempt(application, application.getUser());
getParent().finishApplicationAttempt(application, queue);
parent.finishApplicationAttempt(application, queue);
private void removeApplicationAttempt(
@ -1165,9 +1173,9 @@ public CSAssignment assignContainers(Resource clusterResource,
// if our queue cannot access this node, just return
if (schedulingMode == SchedulingMode.RESPECT_PARTITION_EXCLUSIVITY
&& !accessibleToPartition(candidates.getPartition())) {
&& !queueNodeLabelsSettings.isAccessibleToPartition(candidates.getPartition())) {
ActivitiesLogger.QUEUE.recordQueueActivity(activitiesManager, node,
getParent().getQueuePath(), getQueuePath(), ActivityState.REJECTED,
parent.getQueuePath(), getQueuePath(), ActivityState.REJECTED,
return CSAssignment.NULL_ASSIGNMENT;
@ -1183,7 +1191,7 @@ public CSAssignment assignContainers(Resource clusterResource,
ActivitiesLogger.QUEUE.recordQueueActivity(activitiesManager, node,
getParent().getQueuePath(), getQueuePath(), ActivityState.SKIPPED,
parent.getQueuePath(), getQueuePath(), ActivityState.SKIPPED,
return CSAssignment.NULL_ASSIGNMENT;
@ -1211,7 +1219,7 @@ public CSAssignment assignContainers(Resource clusterResource,
activitiesManager, node, application, application.getPriority(),
ActivitiesLogger.QUEUE.recordQueueActivity(activitiesManager, node,
getParent().getQueuePath(), getQueuePath(),
parent.getQueuePath(), getQueuePath(),
return CSAssignment.NULL_ASSIGNMENT;
@ -1280,7 +1288,7 @@ public CSAssignment assignContainers(Resource clusterResource,
if (Resources.greaterThan(resourceCalculator, clusterResource, assigned,
Resources.none())) {
ActivitiesLogger.QUEUE.recordQueueActivity(activitiesManager, node,
getParent().getQueuePath(), getQueuePath(),
parent.getQueuePath(), getQueuePath(),
ActivityState.ACCEPTED, ActivityDiagnosticConstant.EMPTY);
return assignment;
} else if (assignment.getSkippedType()
@ -1292,7 +1300,7 @@ public CSAssignment assignContainers(Resource clusterResource,
} else if (assignment.getSkippedType()
== CSAssignment.SkippedType.QUEUE_LIMIT) {
ActivitiesLogger.QUEUE.recordQueueActivity(activitiesManager, node,
getParent().getQueuePath(), getQueuePath(), ActivityState.REJECTED,
parent.getQueuePath(), getQueuePath(), ActivityState.REJECTED,
() -> ActivityDiagnosticConstant.QUEUE_DO_NOT_HAVE_ENOUGH_HEADROOM
+ " from " + application.getApplicationId());
return assignment;
@ -1300,7 +1308,7 @@ public CSAssignment assignContainers(Resource clusterResource,
// If we don't allocate anything, and it is not skipped by application,
// we will return to respect FIFO of applications
ActivitiesLogger.QUEUE.recordQueueActivity(activitiesManager, node,
getParent().getQueuePath(), getQueuePath(), ActivityState.SKIPPED,
parent.getQueuePath(), getQueuePath(), ActivityState.SKIPPED,
activitiesManager, application.getApplicationId(),
@ -1309,7 +1317,7 @@ public CSAssignment assignContainers(Resource clusterResource,
ActivitiesLogger.QUEUE.recordQueueActivity(activitiesManager, node,
getParent().getQueuePath(), getQueuePath(), ActivityState.SKIPPED,
parent.getQueuePath(), getQueuePath(), ActivityState.SKIPPED,
return CSAssignment.NULL_ASSIGNMENT;
@ -1516,7 +1524,8 @@ private Resource getHeadroom(User user,
// Normalize it before return
headroom =
Resources.roundDown(resourceCalculator, headroom, minimumAllocation);
Resources.roundDown(resourceCalculator, headroom,
//headroom = min (unused resourcelimit of a label, calculated headroom )
Resource clusterPartitionResource =
@ -1795,7 +1804,7 @@ public void completedContainer(Resource clusterResource,
if (removed) {
// Inform the parent queue _outside_ of the leaf-queue lock
getParent().completedContainer(clusterResource, application, node,
parent.completedContainer(clusterResource, application, node,
rmContainer, null, event, this, sortQueues);
@ -1922,7 +1931,7 @@ private void updateCurrentResourceLimits(
this.cachedResourceLimitsForHeadroom =
new ResourceLimits(currentResourceLimits.getLimit());
Resource queueMaxResource = getEffectiveMaxCapacityDown(
RMNodeLabelsManager.NO_LABEL, minimumAllocation);
RMNodeLabelsManager.NO_LABEL, queueAllocationSettings.getMinimumAllocation());
resourceCalculator, clusterResource, queueMaxResource,
@ -2033,7 +2042,7 @@ public void recoverContainer(Resource clusterResource,
getParent().recoverContainer(clusterResource, attempt, rmContainer);
parent.recoverContainer(clusterResource, attempt, rmContainer);
@ -2161,7 +2170,7 @@ public void attachContainer(Resource clusterResource,
+ " absoluteUsedCapacity=" + getAbsoluteUsedCapacity() + " used="
+ usageTracker.getQueueUsage().getUsed() + " cluster=" + clusterResource);
// Inform the parent queue
getParent().attachContainer(clusterResource, application, rmContainer);
parent.attachContainer(clusterResource, application, rmContainer);
@ -2181,7 +2190,7 @@ public void detachContainer(Resource clusterResource,
+ " absoluteUsedCapacity=" + getAbsoluteUsedCapacity() + " used="
+ usageTracker.getQueueUsage().getUsed() + " cluster=" + clusterResource);
// Inform the parent queue
getParent().detachContainer(clusterResource, application, rmContainer);
parent.detachContainer(clusterResource, application, rmContainer);
@ -2341,7 +2350,7 @@ void updateMaximumApplications(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration conf) {
!= CapacityConfigType.ABSOLUTE_RESOURCE) {
maxAppsForQueue = baseMaxApplications;
} else {
for (String label : configuredNodeLabels) {
for (String label : queueNodeLabelsSettings.getConfiguredNodeLabels()) {
int maxApplicationsByLabel = (int) (baseMaxApplications
* queueCapacities.getAbsoluteCapacity(label));
if (maxApplicationsByLabel > maxAppsForQueue) {
@ -169,10 +169,9 @@ protected void setupQueueConfigs(Resource clusterResource,
StringBuilder labelStrBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (accessibleLabels != null) {
for (String s : accessibleLabels) {
if (queueNodeLabelsSettings.getAccessibleNodeLabels() != null) {
for (String nodeLabel : queueNodeLabelsSettings.getAccessibleNodeLabels()) {
@ -757,7 +756,7 @@ public void submitApplication(ApplicationId applicationId, String user,
try {
parent.submitApplication(applicationId, user, queue);
} catch (AccessControlException ace) {
LOG.info("Failed to submit application to parent-queue: " +
LOG.info("Failed to submit application to parent-queue: " +
parent.getQueuePath(), ace);
removeApplication(applicationId, user);
throw ace;
@ -846,7 +845,7 @@ private void removeApplication(ApplicationId applicationId,
private String getParentName() {
return getParent() != null ? getParent().getQueuePath() : "";
return parent != null ? parent.getQueuePath() : "";
@ -857,7 +856,7 @@ public CSAssignment assignContainers(Resource clusterResource,
// if our queue cannot access this node, just return
if (schedulingMode == SchedulingMode.RESPECT_PARTITION_EXCLUSIVITY
&& !accessibleToPartition(candidates.getPartition())) {
&& !queueNodeLabelsSettings.isAccessibleToPartition(candidates.getPartition())) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Do logging every 1 sec to avoid excessive logging.
@ -1038,7 +1037,7 @@ private boolean canAssign(Resource clusterResource, FiCaSchedulerNode node) {
// 1) Node doesn't have reserved container
// 2) Node's available-resource + killable-resource should > 0
boolean accept = node.getReservedContainer() == null &&
Resources.fitsIn(resourceCalculator, minimumAllocation,
Resources.fitsIn(resourceCalculator, queueAllocationSettings.getMinimumAllocation(),
Resources.add(node.getUnallocatedResource(), node.getTotalKillableResources()));
if (!accept) {
ActivitiesLogger.QUEUE.recordQueueActivity(activitiesManager, node,
@ -1085,7 +1084,8 @@ private ResourceLimits getResourceLimitsOfChild(CSQueue child,
// Normalize before return
childLimit =
Resources.roundDown(resourceCalculator, childLimit, minimumAllocation);
Resources.roundDown(resourceCalculator, childLimit,
return new ResourceLimits(childLimit);
@ -1270,7 +1270,7 @@ public void updateClusterResource(Resource clusterResource,
// Update effective capacity in all parent queue.
for (String label : configuredNodeLabels) {
for (String label : queueNodeLabelsSettings.getConfiguredNodeLabels()) {
calculateEffectiveResourcesAndCapacity(label, clusterResource);
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.capacity;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceInformation;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.ResourceUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources;
import static org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.capacity.CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.UNDEFINED;
* This class determines minimum and maximum allocation settings based on the
* {@link CapacitySchedulerConfiguration} and other queue
* properties.
public class QueueAllocationSettings {
private final Resource minimumAllocation;
private Resource maximumAllocation;
public QueueAllocationSettings(CapacitySchedulerContext csContext) {
this.minimumAllocation = csContext.getMinimumResourceCapability();
void setupMaximumAllocation(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration csConf, String queuePath,
CSQueue parent, CapacitySchedulerContext csContext) {
/* YARN-10869: When using AutoCreatedLeafQueues, the passed configuration
* object is a cloned one containing only the template configs
* (see ManagedParentQueue#getLeafQueueConfigs). To ensure that the actual
* cluster maximum allocation is fetched the original config object should
* be used.
Resource clusterMax = ResourceUtils
Resource queueMax = csConf.getQueueMaximumAllocation(queuePath);
maximumAllocation = Resources.clone(
parent == null ? clusterMax : parent.getMaximumAllocation());
String errMsg =
"Queue maximum allocation cannot be larger than the cluster setting"
+ " for queue " + queuePath
+ " max allocation per queue: %s"
+ " cluster setting: " + clusterMax;
if (queueMax == Resources.none()) {
// Handle backward compatibility
long queueMemory = csConf.getQueueMaximumAllocationMb(queuePath);
int queueVcores = csConf.getQueueMaximumAllocationVcores(queuePath);
if (queueMemory != UNDEFINED) {
if (queueVcores != UNDEFINED) {
if ((queueMemory != UNDEFINED && queueMemory > clusterMax.getMemorySize()
|| (queueVcores != UNDEFINED
&& queueVcores > clusterMax.getVirtualCores()))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format(errMsg, maximumAllocation));
} else {
// Queue level maximum-allocation can't be larger than cluster setting
for (ResourceInformation ri : queueMax.getResources()) {
if (ri.compareTo(clusterMax.getResourceInformation(ri.getName())) > 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(errMsg, queueMax));
maximumAllocation.setResourceInformation(ri.getName(), ri);
public Resource getMinimumAllocation() {
return minimumAllocation;
public Resource getMaximumAllocation() {
return maximumAllocation;
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.capacity;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnRuntimeException;
* This class determines application lifetime and max parallel apps settings based on the
* {@link CapacitySchedulerConfiguration} and other queue
* properties.
public class QueueAppLifetimeAndLimitSettings {
// -1 indicates lifetime is disabled
private final long maxApplicationLifetime;
private final long defaultApplicationLifetime;
// Indicates if this queue's default lifetime was set by a config property,
// either at this level or anywhere in the queue's hierarchy.
private boolean defaultAppLifetimeWasSpecifiedInConfig = false;
private int maxParallelApps;
public QueueAppLifetimeAndLimitSettings(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration configuration,
AbstractCSQueue q, String queuePath) {
// Store max parallel apps property
this.maxParallelApps = configuration.getMaxParallelAppsForQueue(queuePath);
this.maxApplicationLifetime = getInheritedMaxAppLifetime(q, configuration);
this.defaultApplicationLifetime = setupInheritedDefaultAppLifetime(q, queuePath, configuration,
private long getInheritedMaxAppLifetime(CSQueue q, CapacitySchedulerConfiguration conf) {
CSQueue parentQ = q.getParent();
long maxAppLifetime = conf.getMaximumLifetimePerQueue(q.getQueuePath());
// If q is the root queue, then get max app lifetime from conf.
if (parentQ == null) {
return maxAppLifetime;
// If this is not the root queue, get this queue's max app lifetime
// from the conf. The parent's max app lifetime will be used if it's
// not set for this queue.
// A value of 0 will override the parent's value and means no max lifetime.
// A negative value means that the parent's max should be used.
long parentsMaxAppLifetime = parentQ.getMaximumApplicationLifetime();
return (maxAppLifetime >= 0) ? maxAppLifetime : parentsMaxAppLifetime;
private long setupInheritedDefaultAppLifetime(CSQueue q,
String queuePath, CapacitySchedulerConfiguration conf, long myMaxAppLifetime) {
CSQueue parentQ = q.getParent();
long defaultAppLifetime = conf.getDefaultLifetimePerQueue(queuePath);
defaultAppLifetimeWasSpecifiedInConfig =
(defaultAppLifetime >= 0
|| (parentQ != null &&
// If q is the root queue, then get default app lifetime from conf.
if (parentQ == null) {
return defaultAppLifetime;
// If this is not the root queue, get the parent's default app lifetime. The
// parent's default app lifetime will be used if not set for this queue.
long parentsDefaultAppLifetime = parentQ.getDefaultApplicationLifetime();
// Negative value indicates default lifetime was not set at this level.
// If default lifetime was not set at this level, calculate it based on
// parent's default lifetime or current queue's max lifetime.
if (defaultAppLifetime < 0) {
// If default lifetime was not set at this level but was set somewhere in
// the parent's hierarchy, set default lifetime to parent queue's default
// only if parent queue's lifetime is less than current queue's max
// lifetime. Otherwise, use current queue's max lifetime value for its
// default lifetime.
if (defaultAppLifetimeWasSpecifiedInConfig) {
defaultAppLifetime =
Math.min(parentsDefaultAppLifetime, myMaxAppLifetime);
} else {
// Default app lifetime value was not set anywhere in this queue's
// hierarchy. Use current queue's max lifetime as its default.
defaultAppLifetime = myMaxAppLifetime;
} // else if >= 0, default lifetime was set at this level. Just use it.
if (myMaxAppLifetime > 0 && defaultAppLifetime > myMaxAppLifetime) {
throw new YarnRuntimeException(
"Default lifetime " + defaultAppLifetime
+ " can't exceed maximum lifetime " + myMaxAppLifetime);
if (defaultAppLifetime <= 0) {
defaultAppLifetime = myMaxAppLifetime;
return defaultAppLifetime;
public int getMaxParallelApps() {
return maxParallelApps;
public void setMaxParallelApps(int maxParallelApps) {
this.maxParallelApps = maxParallelApps;
public long getMaxApplicationLifetime() {
return maxApplicationLifetime;
public long getDefaultApplicationLifetime() {
return defaultApplicationLifetime;
public boolean isDefaultAppLifetimeWasSpecifiedInConfig() {
return defaultAppLifetimeWasSpecifiedInConfig;
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.capacity;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Sets;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.nodelabels.RMNodeLabelsManager;
import static org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.capacity.CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.ROOT;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Set;
* This class determines accessible node labels, configured node labels and the default node
* label expression based on the {@link CapacitySchedulerConfiguration} object and other queue
* properties.
public class QueueNodeLabelsSettings {
private final CSQueue parent;
private final String queuePath;
private final CapacitySchedulerContext csContext;
private Set<String> accessibleLabels;
private Set<String> configuredNodeLabels;
private String defaultLabelExpression;
public QueueNodeLabelsSettings(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration configuration,
CSQueue parent,
String queuePath,
CapacitySchedulerContext csContext) throws IOException {
this.parent = parent;
this.queuePath = queuePath;
this.csContext = csContext;
private void initializeNodeLabels(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration configuration)
throws IOException {
private void initializeAccessibleLabels(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration configuration) {
this.accessibleLabels = configuration.getAccessibleNodeLabels(queuePath);
// Inherit labels from parent if not set
if (this.accessibleLabels == null && parent != null) {
this.accessibleLabels = parent.getAccessibleNodeLabels();
private void initializeDefaultLabelExpression(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration configuration) {
this.defaultLabelExpression = configuration.getDefaultNodeLabelExpression(queuePath);
// If the accessible labels is not null and the queue has a parent with a
// similar set of labels copy the defaultNodeLabelExpression from the parent
if (this.accessibleLabels != null && parent != null
&& this.defaultLabelExpression == null &&
this.accessibleLabels.containsAll(parent.getAccessibleNodeLabels())) {
this.defaultLabelExpression = parent.getDefaultNodeLabelExpression();
private void initializeConfiguredNodeLabels() {
if (csContext.getCapacitySchedulerQueueManager() != null
&& csContext.getCapacitySchedulerQueueManager().getConfiguredNodeLabels() != null) {
if (queuePath.equals(ROOT)) {
this.configuredNodeLabels = csContext.getCapacitySchedulerQueueManager()
} else {
this.configuredNodeLabels = csContext.getCapacitySchedulerQueueManager()
} else {
// Fallback to suboptimal but correct logic
this.configuredNodeLabels = csContext.getConfiguration().getConfiguredNodeLabels(queuePath);
private void validateNodeLabels() throws IOException {
// Check if labels of this queue is a subset of parent queue, only do this
// when the queue in question is not root
if (isNotRoot()) {
if (parent.getAccessibleNodeLabels() != null && !parent
.getAccessibleNodeLabels().contains(RMNodeLabelsManager.ANY)) {
// If parent isn't "*", child shouldn't be "*" too
if (this.getAccessibleNodeLabels().contains(RMNodeLabelsManager.ANY)) {
throw new IOException("Parent's accessible queue is not ANY(*), "
+ "but child's accessible queue is " + RMNodeLabelsManager.ANY);
} else {
Set<String> diff = Sets.difference(this.getAccessibleNodeLabels(),
if (!diff.isEmpty()) {
throw new IOException(String.format(
"Some labels of child queue is not a subset of parent queue, these labels=[%s]",
StringUtils.join(diff, ",")));
private boolean isNotRoot() {
return parent != null && parent.getParent() != null;
public boolean isAccessibleToPartition(String nodePartition) {
// if queue's label is *, it can access any node
if (accessibleLabels != null && accessibleLabels.contains(RMNodeLabelsManager.ANY)) {
return true;
// any queue can access to a node without label
if (nodePartition == null || nodePartition.equals(RMNodeLabelsManager.NO_LABEL)) {
return true;
// a queue can access to a node only if it contains any label of the node
if (accessibleLabels != null && accessibleLabels.contains(nodePartition)) {
return true;
// The partition cannot be accessed
return false;
public Set<String> getAccessibleNodeLabels() {
return accessibleLabels;
public Set<String> getConfiguredNodeLabels() {
return configuredNodeLabels;
public String getDefaultLabelExpression() {
return defaultLabelExpression;
@ -5261,7 +5261,7 @@ public void testRootHasAllNodeLabelsOfItsDescendants() throws IOException {
ParentQueue rootQueue = (ParentQueue) cs.getRootQueue();
Assert.assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet("", "test", "test2"),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user