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# "Apache Hadoop" Changelog
## Release 2.9.1 - 2018-04-16
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| [HDFS-12883]( | RBF: Document Router and State Store metrics | Major | documentation | Yiqun Lin | Yiqun Lin |
| [HDFS-12895]( | RBF: Add ACL support for mount table | Major | . | Yiqun Lin | Yiqun Lin |
| [YARN-7190]( | Ensure only NM classpath in 2.x gets TSv2 related hbase jars, not the user classpath | Major | timelineclient, timelinereader, timelineserver | Vrushali C | Varun Saxena |
| [HDFS-13099]( | RBF: Use the ZooKeeper as the default State Store | Minor | documentation | Yiqun Lin | Yiqun Lin |
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| [HDFS-13083]( | RBF: Fix doc error setting up client | Major | federation | tartarus | tartarus |
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| [HADOOP-12756]( | Incorporate Aliyun OSS file system implementation | Major | fs, fs/oss | shimingfei | mingfei.shi |
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| [HADOOP-14872]( | CryptoInputStream should implement unbuffer | Major | fs, security | John Zhuge | John Zhuge |
| [HADOOP-14964]( | AliyunOSS: backport Aliyun OSS module to branch-2 | Major | fs/oss | Genmao Yu | SammiChen |
| [YARN-6851]( | Capacity Scheduler: document configs for controlling # containers allowed to be allocated per node heartbeat | Minor | . | Wei Yan | Wei Yan |
| [YARN-7495]( | Improve robustness of the AggregatedLogDeletionService | Major | log-aggregation | Jonathan Eagles | Jonathan Eagles |
| [YARN-7611]( | Node manager web UI should display container type in containers page | Major | nodemanager, webapp | Weiwei Yang | Weiwei Yang |
| [HADOOP-15056]( | Fix TestUnbuffer#testUnbufferException failure | Minor | test | Jack Bearden | Jack Bearden |
| [HADOOP-15012]( | Add readahead, dropbehind, and unbuffer to StreamCapabilities | Major | fs | John Zhuge | John Zhuge |
| [HADOOP-15104]( | AliyunOSS: change the default value of max error retry | Major | fs/oss | wujinhu | wujinhu |
| [YARN-7642]( | Add test case to verify context update after container promotion or demotion with or without auto update | Minor | nodemanager | Weiwei Yang | Weiwei Yang |
| [HADOOP-15111]( | AliyunOSS: backport HADOOP-14993 to branch-2 | Major | fs/oss | Genmao Yu | Genmao Yu |
| [HDFS-9023]( | When NN is not able to identify DN for replication, reason behind it can be logged | Critical | hdfs-client, namenode | Surendra Singh Lilhore | Xiao Chen |
| [YARN-7678]( | Ability to enable logging of container memory stats | Major | nodemanager | Jim Brennan | Jim Brennan |
| [HDFS-12945]( | Switch to ClientProtocol instead of NamenodeProtocols in NamenodeWebHdfsMethods | Minor | . | Wei Yan | Wei Yan |
| [YARN-7590]( | Improve container-executor validation check | Major | security, yarn | Eric Yang | Eric Yang |
| [HADOOP-15189]( | backport HADOOP-15039 to branch-2 and branch-3 | Blocker | . | Genmao Yu | Genmao Yu |
| [HADOOP-15212]( | Add independent secret manager method for logging expired tokens | Major | security | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [YARN-7728]( | Expose container preemptions related information in Capacity Scheduler queue metrics | Major | . | Eric Payne | Eric Payne |
| [MAPREDUCE-7048]( | Uber AM can crash due to unknown task in statusUpdate | Major | mr-am | Peter Bacsko | Peter Bacsko |
| [HADOOP-13972]( | ADLS to support per-store configuration | Major | fs/adl | John Zhuge | Sharad Sonker |
| [YARN-7813]( | Capacity Scheduler Intra-queue Preemption should be configurable for each queue | Major | capacity scheduler, scheduler preemption | Eric Payne | Eric Payne |
| [HDFS-11187]( | Optimize disk access for last partial chunk checksum of Finalized replica | Major | datanode | Wei-Chiu Chuang | Gabor Bota |
| [HADOOP-15279]( | increase maven heap size recommendations | Minor | build, documentation, test | Allen Wittenauer | Allen Wittenauer |
| [HDFS-12884]( | BlockUnderConstructionFeature.truncateBlock should be of type BlockInfo | Major | namenode | Konstantin Shvachko | chencan |
| [HADOOP-15334]( | Upgrade Maven surefire plugin | Major | build | Arpit Agarwal | Arpit Agarwal |
| [YARN-7623]( | Fix the CapacityScheduler Queue configuration documentation | Major | . | Arun Suresh | Jonathan Hung |
| [HDFS-13314]( | NameNode should optionally exit if it detects FsImage corruption | Major | namenode | Arpit Agarwal | Arpit Agarwal |
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| [HADOOP-13723]( | AliyunOSSInputStream#read() should update read bytes stat correctly | Major | tools | Mingliang Liu | Mingliang Liu |
| [HADOOP-14045]( | Aliyun OSS documentation missing from website | Major | documentation, fs/oss | Andrew Wang | Yiqun Lin |
| [HADOOP-14458]( | Add missing imports to | Trivial | fs/oss, test | Mingliang Liu | Mingliang Liu |
| [HADOOP-14466]( | Remove useless document from | Minor | documentation | Akira Ajisaka | Chen Liang |
| [HDFS-12318]( | Fix IOException condition for openInfo in DFSInputStream | Major | . | legend | legend |
| [HDFS-12614]( | FSPermissionChecker#getINodeAttrs() throws NPE when INodeAttributesProvider configured | Major | . | Manoj Govindassamy | Manoj Govindassamy |
| [HDFS-12788]( | Reset the upload button when file upload fails | Critical | ui, webhdfs | Brahma Reddy Battula | Brahma Reddy Battula |
| [YARN-7388]( | TestAMRestart should be scheduler agnostic | Major | . | Haibo Chen | Haibo Chen |
| [HDFS-12705]( | WebHdfsFileSystem exceptions should retain the caused by exception | Major | hdfs | Daryn Sharp | Hanisha Koneru |
| [YARN-7361]( | Improve the docker container runtime documentation | Major | . | Shane Kumpf | Shane Kumpf |
| [YARN-7469]( | Capacity Scheduler Intra-queue preemption: User can starve if newest app is exactly at user limit | Major | capacity scheduler, yarn | Eric Payne | Eric Payne |
| [YARN-7489]( | ConcurrentModificationException in RMAppImpl#getRMAppMetrics | Major | capacityscheduler | Tao Yang | Tao Yang |
| [YARN-7525]( | Incorrect query parameters in cluster nodes REST API document | Minor | documentation | Tao Yang | Tao Yang |
| [HADOOP-15045]( | ISA-L build options are documented in branch-2 | Major | build, documentation | Akira Ajisaka | Akira Ajisaka |
| [YARN-7390]( | All reservation related test cases failed when TestYarnClient runs against Fair Scheduler. | Major | fairscheduler, reservation system | Yufei Gu | Yufei Gu |
| [HDFS-12754]( | Lease renewal can hit a deadlock | Major | . | Kuhu Shukla | Kuhu Shukla |
| [HDFS-12832]( | INode.getFullPathName may throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException lead to NameNode exit | Critical | namenode | DENG FEI | Konstantin Shvachko |
| [HDFS-11754]( | Make FsServerDefaults cache configurable. | Minor | . | Rushabh S Shah | Mikhail Erofeev |
| [YARN-7509]( | AsyncScheduleThread and ResourceCommitterService are still running after RM is transitioned to standby | Critical | . | Tao Yang | Tao Yang |
| [YARN-7558]( | "yarn logs" command fails to get logs for running containers if UI authentication is enabled. | Critical | . | Namit Maheshwari | Xuan Gong |
| [HDFS-12638]( | Delete copy-on-truncate block along with the original block, when deleting a file being truncated | Blocker | hdfs | Jiandan Yang | Konstantin Shvachko |
| [MAPREDUCE-5124]( | AM lacks flow control for task events | Major | mr-am | Jason Lowe | Peter Bacsko |
| [YARN-7455]( | quote\_and\_append\_arg can overflow buffer | Major | nodemanager | Jason Lowe | Jim Brennan |
| [HADOOP-14985]( | Remove subversion related code from | Minor | build | Akira Ajisaka | Ajay Kumar |
| [HDFS-12889]( | Router UI is missing robots.txt file | Major | . | Bharat Viswanadham | Bharat Viswanadham |
| [HDFS-11576]( | Block recovery will fail indefinitely if recovery time \> heartbeat interval | Critical | datanode, hdfs, namenode | Lukas Majercak | Lukas Majercak |
| [YARN-7607]( | Remove the trailing duplicated timestamp in container diagnostics message | Minor | nodemanager | Weiwei Yang | Weiwei Yang |
| [HADOOP-15080]( | Aliyun OSS: update oss sdk from 2.8.1 to 2.8.3 to remove its dependency on Cat-x "json-lib" | Blocker | fs/oss | Chris Douglas | SammiChen |
| [YARN-7591]( | NPE in async-scheduling mode of CapacityScheduler | Critical | capacityscheduler | Tao Yang | Tao Yang |
| [YARN-7608]( | Incorrect sTarget column causing DataTable warning on RM application and scheduler web page | Major | resourcemanager, webapp | Weiwei Yang | Gergely Novák |
| [HDFS-12833]( | Distcp : Update the usage of delete option for dependency with update and overwrite option | Minor | distcp, hdfs | Harshakiran Reddy | usharani |
| [YARN-7647]( | NM print inappropriate error log when node-labels is enabled | Minor | . | Yang Wang | Yang Wang |
| [HDFS-12907]( | Allow read-only access to reserved raw for non-superusers | Major | namenode | Daryn Sharp | Rushabh S Shah |
| [HDFS-12881]( | Output streams closed with IOUtils suppressing write errors | Major | . | Jason Lowe | Ajay Kumar |
| [YARN-7595]( | Container launching code suppresses close exceptions after writes | Major | nodemanager | Jason Lowe | Jim Brennan |
| [HADOOP-15085]( | Output streams closed with IOUtils suppressing write errors | Major | . | Jason Lowe | Jim Brennan |
| [YARN-7661]( | NodeManager metrics return wrong value after update node resource | Major | . | Yang Wang | Yang Wang |
| [HDFS-12347]( | TestBalancerRPCDelay#testBalancerRPCDelay fails very frequently | Critical | test | Xiao Chen | Bharat Viswanadham |
| [YARN-7542]( | Fix issue that causes some Running Opportunistic Containers to be recovered as PAUSED | Major | . | Arun Suresh | Sampada Dehankar |
| [HADOOP-15143]( | NPE due to Invalid KerberosTicket in UGI | Major | . | Jitendra Nath Pandey | Mukul Kumar Singh |
| [YARN-7692]( | Skip validating priority acls while recovering applications | Blocker | resourcemanager | Charan Hebri | Sunil G |
| [MAPREDUCE-7028]( | Concurrent task progress updates causing NPE in Application Master | Blocker | mr-am | Gergo Repas | Gergo Repas |
| [YARN-7619]( | Max AM Resource value in Capacity Scheduler UI has to be refreshed for every user | Major | capacity scheduler, yarn | Eric Payne | Eric Payne |
| [YARN-7699]( | queueUsagePercentage is coming as INF for getApp REST api call | Major | webapp | Sunil G | Sunil G |
| [YARN-7508]( | NPE in FiCaSchedulerApp when debug log enabled in async-scheduling mode | Major | capacityscheduler | Tao Yang | Tao Yang |
| [YARN-7663]( | RMAppImpl:Invalid event: START at KILLED | Minor | resourcemanager | lujie | lujie |
| [YARN-6948]( | Invalid event: ATTEMPT\_ADDED at FINAL\_SAVING | Minor | yarn | lujie | lujie |
| [YARN-7735]( | Fix typo in YARN documentation | Minor | documentation | Takanobu Asanuma | Takanobu Asanuma |
| [YARN-7727]( | Incorrect log levels in few logs with QueuePriorityContainerCandidateSelector | Minor | yarn | Prabhu Joseph | Prabhu Joseph |
| [HDFS-11915]( | Sync rbw dir on the first hsync() to avoid file lost on power failure | Critical | . | Kanaka Kumar Avvaru | Vinayakumar B |
| [HDFS-9049]( | Make Datanode Netty reverse proxy port to be configurable | Major | datanode | Vinayakumar B | Vinayakumar B |
| [HADOOP-15150]( | in FsShell, UGI params should be overidden through env vars(-D arg) | Major | . | Brahma Reddy Battula | Brahma Reddy Battula |
| [HADOOP-15181]( | Typo in | Trivial | documentation | Masahiro Tanaka | Masahiro Tanaka |
| [YARN-7737]( | prelaunch.err file not found exception on container failure | Major | . | Jonathan Hung | Keqiu Hu |
| [HDFS-13063]( | Fix the incorrect spelling in | Trivial | documentation | Jianfei Jiang | Jianfei Jiang |
| [YARN-7102]( | NM heartbeat stuck when responseId overflows MAX\_INT | Critical | . | Botong Huang | Botong Huang |
| [HADOOP-15151]( | MapFile.fix creates a wrong index file in case of block-compressed data file. | Major | common | Grigori Rybkine | Grigori Rybkine |
| [MAPREDUCE-7020]( | Task timeout in uber mode can crash AM | Major | mr-am | Akira Ajisaka | Peter Bacsko |
| [YARN-7698]( | A misleading variable's name in ApplicationAttemptEventDispatcher | Minor | resourcemanager | Jinjiang Ling | Jinjiang Ling |
| [HDFS-13100]( | Handle IllegalArgumentException when GETSERVERDEFAULTS is not implemented in webhdfs. | Critical | hdfs, webhdfs | Yongjun Zhang | Yongjun Zhang |
| [YARN-6868]( | Add test scope to certain entries in hadoop-yarn-server-resourcemanager pom.xml | Major | yarn | Ray Chiang | Ray Chiang |
| [YARN-7849]( | TestMiniYarnClusterNodeUtilization#testUpdateNodeUtilization fails due to heartbeat sync error | Major | test | Jason Lowe | Botong Huang |
| [YARN-7801]( | AmFilterInitializer should addFilter after fill all parameters | Critical | . | Sumana Sathish | Wangda Tan |
| [YARN-7890]( | NPE during container relaunch | Major | . | Billie Rinaldi | Jason Lowe |
| [HDFS-12935]( | Get ambiguous result for DFSAdmin command in HA mode when only one namenode is up | Major | tools | Jianfei Jiang | Jianfei Jiang |
| [HDFS-13120]( | Snapshot diff could be corrupted after concat | Major | namenode, snapshots | Xiaoyu Yao | Xiaoyu Yao |
| [HDFS-10453]( | ReplicationMonitor thread could stuck for long time due to the race between replication and delete of same file in a large cluster. | Major | namenode | He Xiaoqiao | He Xiaoqiao |
| [HDFS-8693]( | refreshNamenodes does not support adding a new standby to a running DN | Critical | datanode, ha | Jian Fang | Ajith S |
| [MAPREDUCE-7052]( | TestFixedLengthInputFormat#testFormatCompressedIn is flaky | Major | client, test | Peter Bacsko | Peter Bacsko |
| [HDFS-13112]( | Token expiration edits may cause log corruption or deadlock | Critical | namenode | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp |
| [MAPREDUCE-7053]( | Timed out tasks can fail to produce thread dump | Major | . | Jason Lowe | Jason Lowe |
| [HADOOP-15206]( | BZip2 drops and duplicates records when input split size is small | Major | . | Aki Tanaka | Aki Tanaka |
| [YARN-7947]( | Capacity Scheduler intra-queue preemption can NPE for non-schedulable apps | Major | capacity scheduler, scheduler preemption | Eric Payne | Eric Payne |
| [YARN-7945]( | Java Doc error in UnmanagedAMPoolManager for branch-2 | Major | . | Rohith Sharma K S | Botong Huang |
| [HADOOP-14903]( | Add json-smart explicitly to pom.xml | Major | common | Ray Chiang | Ray Chiang |
| [HDFS-12781]( | After Datanode down, In Namenode UI Datanode tab is throwing warning message. | Major | datanode | Harshakiran Reddy | Brahma Reddy Battula |
| [HDFS-12070]( | Failed block recovery leaves files open indefinitely and at risk for data loss | Major | . | Daryn Sharp | Kihwal Lee |
| [HADOOP-15251]( | Backport HADOOP-13514 (surefire upgrade) to branch-2 | Major | test | Chris Douglas | Chris Douglas |
| [HADOOP-15275]( | Incorrect javadoc for return type of RetryPolicy#shouldRetry | Minor | documentation | Nanda kumar | Nanda kumar |
| [YARN-7511]( | NPE in ContainerLocalizer when localization failed for running container | Major | nodemanager | Tao Yang | Tao Yang |
| [MAPREDUCE-7023]( | TestHadoopArchiveLogs.testCheckFilesAndSeedApps fails on rerun | Minor | test | Gergely Novák | Gergely Novák |
| [HADOOP-15283]( | Upgrade from findbugs 3.0.1 to spotbugs 3.1.2 in branch-2 to fix docker image build | Major | . | Xiao Chen | Akira Ajisaka |
| [YARN-7736]( | Fix itemization in YARN federation document | Minor | documentation | Akira Ajisaka | Sen Zhao |
| [HDFS-13164]( | File not closed if streamer fail with DSQuotaExceededException | Major | hdfs-client | Xiao Chen | Xiao Chen |
| [HDFS-13109]( | Support fully qualified hdfs path in EZ commands | Major | hdfs | Hanisha Koneru | Hanisha Koneru |
| [MAPREDUCE-6930]( | and mapreduce.reduce.cpu.vcores are both present twice in mapred-default.xml | Major | mrv2 | Daniel Templeton | Sen Zhao |
| [HDFS-12156]( | TestFSImage fails without -Pnative | Major | test | Akira Ajisaka | Akira Ajisaka |
| [HADOOP-15308]( | TestConfiguration fails on Windows because of paths | Major | . | Íñigo Goiri | Xiao Liang |
| [YARN-7636]( | Re-reservation count may overflow when cluster resource exhausted for a long time | Major | capacityscheduler | Tao Yang | Tao Yang |
| [HDFS-12886]( | Ignore minReplication for block recovery | Major | hdfs, namenode | Lukas Majercak | Lukas Majercak |
| [HDFS-13296]( | GenericTestUtils generates paths with drive letter in Windows and fail webhdfs related test cases | Major | . | Xiao Liang | Xiao Liang |
| [HDFS-13268]( | TestWebHdfsFileContextMainOperations fails on Windows | Major | . | Íñigo Goiri | Xiao Liang |
| [YARN-8054]( | Improve robustness of the LocalDirsHandlerService MonitoringTimerTask thread | Major | . | Jonathan Eagles | Jonathan Eagles |
| [YARN-7873]( | Revert YARN-6078 | Blocker | . | Billie Rinaldi | Billie Rinaldi |
| [HDFS-13195]( | DataNode conf page cannot display the current value after reconfig | Minor | datanode | maobaolong | maobaolong |
| [HADOOP-15320]( | Remove customized getFileBlockLocations for hadoop-azure and hadoop-azure-datalake | Major | fs/adl, fs/azure | shanyu zhao | shanyu zhao |
| [HADOOP-12862]( | LDAP Group Mapping over SSL can not specify trust store | Major | . | Wei-Chiu Chuang | Wei-Chiu Chuang |
| [HDFS-13427]( | Fix the section titles of transparent encryption document | Minor | documentation | Akira Ajisaka | Akira Ajisaka |
### TESTS:
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| [HADOOP-14696]( | parallel tests don't work for Windows | Minor | test | Allen Wittenauer | Allen Wittenauer |
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| [HADOOP-13481]( | User end documents for Aliyun OSS FileSystem | Minor | fs, fs/oss | Genmao Yu | Genmao Yu |
| [HADOOP-13591]( | Unit test failure in TestOSSContractGetFileStatus and TestOSSContractRootDir | Major | fs, fs/oss | Genmao Yu | Genmao Yu |
| [HADOOP-13624]( | Rename TestAliyunOSSContractDispCp | Major | fs, fs/oss | Kai Zheng | Genmao Yu |
| [HADOOP-14065]( | AliyunOSS: oss directory filestatus should use meta time | Major | fs/oss | Fei Hui | Fei Hui |
| [HADOOP-13768]( | AliyunOSS: handle the failure in the batch delete operation `deleteDirs`. | Major | fs | Genmao Yu | Genmao Yu |
| [HADOOP-14069]( | AliyunOSS: listStatus returns wrong file info | Major | fs/oss | Fei Hui | Fei Hui |
| [HADOOP-13769]( | AliyunOSS: update oss sdk version | Major | fs, fs/oss | Genmao Yu | Genmao Yu |
| [HADOOP-14072]( | AliyunOSS: Failed to read from stream when seek beyond the download size | Major | fs/oss | Genmao Yu | Genmao Yu |
| [HADOOP-14192]( | Aliyun OSS FileSystem contract test should implement getTestBaseDir() | Major | fs/oss | Mingliang Liu | Mingliang Liu |
| [HADOOP-14194]( | Aliyun OSS should not use empty endpoint as default | Major | fs/oss | Mingliang Liu | Genmao Yu |
| [HADOOP-14787]( | AliyunOSS: Implement the `createNonRecursive` operator | Major | fs, fs/oss | Genmao Yu | Genmao Yu |
| [HADOOP-14649]( | Update aliyun-sdk-oss version to 2.8.1 | Major | fs/oss | Ray Chiang | Genmao Yu |
| [HADOOP-14799]( | Update nimbus-jose-jwt to 4.41.1 | Major | . | Ray Chiang | Ray Chiang |
| [HADOOP-14997]( | Add hadoop-aliyun as dependency of hadoop-cloud-storage | Minor | fs/oss | Genmao Yu | Genmao Yu |
| [HDFS-12801]( | RBF: Set MountTableResolver as default file resolver | Minor | . | Íñigo Goiri | Íñigo Goiri |
| [YARN-7430]( | Enable user re-mapping for Docker containers by default | Blocker | security, yarn | Eric Yang | Eric Yang |
| [YARN-6128]( | Add support for AMRMProxy HA | Major | amrmproxy, nodemanager | Subru Krishnan | Botong Huang |
| [HADOOP-15024]( | AliyunOSS: support user agent configuration and include that & Hadoop version information to oss server | Major | fs, fs/oss | SammiChen | SammiChen |
| [HDFS-12858]( | RBF: Add router admin commands usage in HDFS commands reference doc | Minor | documentation | Yiqun Lin | Yiqun Lin |
| [HDFS-12835]( | RBF: Fix Javadoc parameter errors | Minor | . | Wei Yan | Wei Yan |
| [YARN-7587]( | Skip dispatching opportunistic containers to nodes whose queue is already full | Major | . | Weiwei Yang | Weiwei Yang |
| [HDFS-12396]( | Webhdfs file system should get delegation token from kms provider. | Major | encryption, kms, webhdfs | Rushabh S Shah | Rushabh S Shah |
| [YARN-6704]( | Add support for work preserving NM restart when FederationInterceptor is enabled in AMRMProxyService | Major | . | Botong Huang | Botong Huang |
| [HDFS-12875]( | RBF: Complete logic for -readonly option of dfsrouteradmin add command | Major | . | Yiqun Lin | Íñigo Goiri |
| [YARN-7630]( | Fix AMRMToken rollover handling in AMRMProxy | Minor | . | Botong Huang | Botong Huang |
| [HDFS-12937]( | RBF: Add more unit tests for router admin commands | Major | test | Yiqun Lin | Yiqun Lin |
| [HDFS-12988]( | RBF: Mount table entries not properly updated in the local cache | Major | . | Íñigo Goiri | Íñigo Goiri |
| [HADOOP-15156]( | backport HADOOP-15086 rename fix to branch-2 | Major | fs/azure | Thomas Marquardt | Thomas Marquardt |
| [YARN-7716]( | metricsTimeStart and metricsTimeEnd should be all lower case in the doc | Major | timelinereader | Haibo Chen | Haibo Chen |
| [HDFS-12802]( | RBF: Control MountTableResolver cache size | Major | . | Íñigo Goiri | Íñigo Goiri |
| [HADOOP-15027]( | AliyunOSS: Support multi-thread pre-read to improve sequential read from Hadoop to Aliyun OSS performance | Major | fs/oss | wujinhu | wujinhu |
| [HDFS-13028]( | RBF: Fix spurious TestRouterRpc#testProxyGetStats | Minor | . | Íñigo Goiri | Íñigo Goiri |
| [YARN-5094]( | some YARN container events have timestamp of -1 | Critical | . | Sangjin Lee | Haibo Chen |
| [YARN-7782]( | Enable user re-mapping for Docker containers in yarn-default.xml | Blocker | security, yarn | Eric Yang | Eric Yang |
| [HDFS-12772]( | RBF: Federation Router State State Store internal API | Major | . | Íñigo Goiri | Íñigo Goiri |
| [HDFS-13042]( | RBF: Heartbeat Router State | Major | . | Íñigo Goiri | Íñigo Goiri |
| [HDFS-13049]( | RBF: Inconsistent Router OPTS config in branch-2 and branch-3 | Minor | . | Wei Yan | Wei Yan |
| [HDFS-12574]( | Add CryptoInputStream to WebHdfsFileSystem read call. | Major | encryption, kms, webhdfs | Rushabh S Shah | Rushabh S Shah |
| [HDFS-13044]( | RBF: Add a safe mode for the Router | Major | . | Íñigo Goiri | Íñigo Goiri |
| [HDFS-13043]( | RBF: Expose the state of the Routers in the federation | Major | . | Íñigo Goiri | Íñigo Goiri |
| [HDFS-13068]( | RBF: Add router admin option to manage safe mode | Major | . | Íñigo Goiri | Yiqun Lin |
| [HDFS-13119]( | RBF: Manage unavailable clusters | Major | . | Íñigo Goiri | Yiqun Lin |
| [HDFS-13187]( | RBF: Fix Routers information shown in the web UI | Minor | . | Wei Yan | Wei Yan |
| [HDFS-13184]( | RBF: Improve the unit test TestRouterRPCClientRetries | Minor | test | Yiqun Lin | Yiqun Lin |
| [HDFS-13199]( | RBF: Fix the hdfs router page missing label icon issue | Major | federation, hdfs | maobaolong | maobaolong |
| [HDFS-13214]( | RBF: Complete document of Router configuration | Major | . | Tao Jie | Yiqun Lin |
| [HDFS-13230]( | RBF: ConnectionManager's cleanup task will compare each pool's own active conns with its total conns | Minor | . | Wei Yan | Chao Sun |
| [HDFS-13233]( | RBF: MountTableResolver doesn't return the correct mount point of the given path | Major | hdfs | wangzhiyuan | wangzhiyuan |
| [HDFS-13212]( | RBF: Fix router location cache issue | Major | federation, hdfs | Weiwei Wu | Weiwei Wu |
| [HDFS-13232]( | RBF: ConnectionPool should return first usable connection | Minor | . | Wei Yan | Ekanth S |
| [HDFS-13240]( | RBF: Update some inaccurate document descriptions | Minor | . | Yiqun Lin | Yiqun Lin |
| [HDFS-11399]( | Many tests fails in Windows due to injecting disk failures | Major | . | Yiqun Lin | Yiqun Lin |
| [HDFS-13241]( | RBF: TestRouterSafemode failed if the port 8888 is in use | Major | hdfs, test | maobaolong | maobaolong |
| [HDFS-13253]( | RBF: Quota management incorrect parent-child relationship judgement | Major | . | Yiqun Lin | Yiqun Lin |
| [HDFS-13226]( | RBF: Throw the exception if mount table entry validated failed | Major | hdfs | maobaolong | maobaolong |
| [HDFS-12773]( | RBF: Improve State Store FS implementation | Major | . | Íñigo Goiri | Íñigo Goiri |
| [HDFS-13198]( | RBF: RouterHeartbeatService throws out CachedStateStore related exceptions when starting router | Minor | . | Wei Yan | Wei Yan |
| [HDFS-13224]( | RBF: Resolvers to support mount points across multiple subclusters | Major | . | Íñigo Goiri | Íñigo Goiri |
| [HADOOP-15262]( | AliyunOSS: move files under a directory in parallel when rename a directory | Major | fs/oss | wujinhu | wujinhu |
| [HDFS-13215]( | RBF: Move Router to its own module | Major | . | Íñigo Goiri | Wei Yan |
| [HDFS-13250]( | RBF: Router to manage requests across multiple subclusters | Major | . | Íñigo Goiri | Íñigo Goiri |
| [HDFS-13318]( | RBF: Fix FindBugs in hadoop-hdfs-rbf | Minor | . | Íñigo Goiri | Ekanth S |
| [HDFS-12792]( | RBF: Test Router-based federation using HDFSContract | Major | . | Íñigo Goiri | Íñigo Goiri |
| [HDFS-12512]( | RBF: Add WebHDFS | Major | fs | Íñigo Goiri | Wei Yan |
| [HDFS-13291]( | RBF: Implement available space based OrderResolver | Major | . | Yiqun Lin | Yiqun Lin |
| [HDFS-13204]( | RBF: Optimize name service safe mode icon | Minor | . | liuhongtong | liuhongtong |
| [HDFS-13352]( | RBF: Add xsl stylesheet for hdfs-rbf-default.xml | Major | documentation | Takanobu Asanuma | Takanobu Asanuma |
| [YARN-8010]( | Add config in FederationRMFailoverProxy to not bypass facade cache when failing over | Minor | . | Botong Huang | Botong Huang |
| [HDFS-13347]( | RBF: Cache datanode reports | Minor | . | Íñigo Goiri | Íñigo Goiri |
| [HDFS-13289]( | RBF: TestConnectionManager#testCleanup() test case need correction | Minor | . | Dibyendu Karmakar | Dibyendu Karmakar |
| [HDFS-13364]( | RBF: Support NamenodeProtocol in the Router | Major | . | Íñigo Goiri | Íñigo Goiri |
| [HADOOP-14651]( | Update okhttp version to 2.7.5 | Major | fs/adl | Ray Chiang | Ray Chiang |
| [HADOOP-14999]( | AliyunOSS: provide one asynchronous multi-part based uploading mechanism | Major | fs/oss | Genmao Yu | Genmao Yu |
### OTHER:
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
| [HADOOP-15149]( | CryptoOutputStream should implement StreamCapabilities | Major | fs | Mike Drob | Xiao Chen |
| [YARN-7691]( | Add Unit Tests for ContainersLauncher | Major | . | Sampada Dehankar | Sampada Dehankar |
| [HADOOP-15177]( | Update the release year to 2018 | Blocker | build | Akira Ajisaka | Bharat Viswanadham |
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# "Apache Hadoop" 2.9.1 Release Notes
These release notes cover new developer and user-facing incompatibilities, important issues, features, and major improvements.
* [HADOOP-12756]( | *Major* | **Incorporate Aliyun OSS file system implementation**
Aliyun OSS is widely used among China’s cloud users and this work implemented a new Hadoop compatible filesystem AliyunOSSFileSystem with oss scheme, similar to the s3a and azure support.
* [HADOOP-14964]( | *Major* | **AliyunOSS: backport Aliyun OSS module to branch-2**
Aliyun OSS is widely used among China’s cloud users and this work implemented a new Hadoop compatible filesystem AliyunOSSFileSystem with oss:// scheme, similar to the s3a and azure support.
* [HDFS-12883]( | *Major* | **RBF: Document Router and State Store metrics**
This JIRA makes following change:
Change Router metrics context from 'router' to 'dfs'.
* [HDFS-12895]( | *Major* | **RBF: Add ACL support for mount table**
Mount tables support ACL, The users won't be able to modify their own entries (we are assuming these old (no-permissions before) mount table with owner:superuser, group:supergroup, permission:755 as the default permissions). The fix way is login as superuser to modify these mount table entries.
* [YARN-7190]( | *Major* | **Ensure only NM classpath in 2.x gets TSv2 related hbase jars, not the user classpath**
Ensure only NM classpath in 2.x gets TSv2 related hbase jars, not the user classpath.
* [HADOOP-15156]( | *Major* | **backport HADOOP-15086 rename fix to branch-2**
[WASB] Fix Azure implementation of Filesystem.rename to ensure that at most one operation succeeds when there are multiple, concurrent rename operations targeting the same destination file.
* [HADOOP-15027]( | *Major* | **AliyunOSS: Support multi-thread pre-read to improve sequential read from Hadoop to Aliyun OSS performance**
Support multi-thread pre-read in AliyunOSSInputStream to improve the sequential read performance from Hadoop to Aliyun OSS.
* [HDFS-13083]( | *Major* | **RBF: Fix doc error setting up client**
Fix the document error of setting up HFDS Router Federation
* [HDFS-13099]( | *Minor* | **RBF: Use the ZooKeeper as the default State Store**
Change default State Store from local file to ZooKeeper. This will require additional zk address to be configured.
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Reference in New Issue