Eric Yang
YARN-8293. Removed "User Name for service" for deploying secure YARN service.
Contributed by Sunil G
2018-05-17 17:06:58 -04:00
Jian He
YARN-7827. Stop and Delete Yarn Service from RM UI fails with HTTP ERROR 404. Contributed by Sunil G
2018-02-08 21:32:40 -08:00
Rohith Sharma K S
YARN-7753. [UI2] Application logs has to be pulled from ATS 1.5 instead of ATS2. Contributed by Sunil G.
2018-01-19 15:48:16 +05:30
Sunil G
YARN-7445. Render Applications and Services page with filters in new YARN UI. Contributed by Vasudevan Skm.
2017-11-13 19:41:49 +05:30
Jian He
YARN-7331. Change in few metrics in new YARN UI related to native-services. Contributed by Sunil G
2017-11-06 13:30:20 -08:00
Sunil G
YARN-6398. Support to add native-service specific details in new YARN UI. Contributed by Akhil PB.
2017-11-06 13:30:07 -08:00
Sunil G
YARN-6419. Support to launch new native-service from new YARN UI. Contributed by Akhil PB.
2017-11-06 13:30:06 -08:00
Akira Ajisaka
YARN-6943. Update Yarn to YARN in documentation. Contributed by Chetna Chaudhari.
2017-10-04 07:01:54 +09:00
Sunil G
YARN-5705. Show timeline data from ATS v2 in new web UI. Contributed by Akhil PB.
2017-05-21 18:09:13 +05:30
YARN-5785. [YARN-3368] Accessing applications and containers list from Node page is throwing few exceptions in console. (Akhil P B and Sreenath Somarajapuram via Sunil G)
2016-11-06 13:13:31 -08:00
Wangda Tan
YARN-5698. [YARN-3368] Launch new YARN UI under hadoop web app port. (Sunil G via wangda)
2016-11-06 13:13:31 -08:00
Wangda Tan
YARN-4515. [YARN-3368] Support hosting web UI framework inside YARN RM. (Sunil G via wangda)
YARN-5000. [YARN-3368] App attempt page is not loading when timeline server is not started (Sunil G via wangda)
YARN-5038. [YARN-3368] Application and Container pages shows wrong values when RM is stopped. (Sunil G via wangda)
2016-11-06 13:13:31 -08:00
Wangda Tan
YARN-4514. [YARN-3368] Cleanup hardcoded configurations, such as RM/ATS addresses. (Sunil G via wangda)
2016-11-06 13:13:31 -08:00
Wangda Tan
YARN-4849. [YARN-3368] cleanup code base, integrate web UI related build to mvn, and fix licenses. (wangda)
2016-11-06 13:13:31 -08:00