#!/usr/bin/env bash # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # SHELLDOC-IGNORE # # Override these to match Apache Hadoop's requirements personality_plugins "all,-ant,-gradle,-scalac,-scaladoc" ## @description Globals specific to this personality ## @audience private ## @stability evolving function personality_globals { # shellcheck disable=SC2034 BUILDTOOL=maven #shellcheck disable=SC2034 PATCH_BRANCH_DEFAULT=trunk #shellcheck disable=SC2034 PATCH_NAMING_RULE="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/HADOOP/How+To+Contribute" #shellcheck disable=SC2034 JIRA_ISSUE_RE='^(HADOOP|YARN|MAPREDUCE|HDFS)-[0-9]+$' #shellcheck disable=SC2034 GITHUB_REPO_DEFAULT="apache/hadoop" HADOOP_HOMEBREW_DIR=${HADOOP_HOMEBREW_DIR:-$(brew --prefix 2>/dev/null)} if [[ -z "${HADOOP_HOMEBREW_DIR}" ]]; then HADOOP_HOMEBREW_DIR=/usr/local fi } function personality_parse_args { declare i for i in "$@"; do case ${i} in --hadoop-isal-prefix=*) delete_parameter "${i}" ISAL_HOME=${i#*=} ;; --hadoop-openssl-prefix=*) delete_parameter "${i}" OPENSSL_HOME=${i#*=} ;; --hadoop-snappy-prefix=*) delete_parameter "${i}" SNAPPY_HOME=${i#*=} ;; esac done } ## @description Calculate the actual module ordering ## @audience private ## @stability evolving ## @param ordering function hadoop_order { declare ordering=$1 declare hadoopm if [[ ${ordering} = normal ]]; then hadoopm="${CHANGED_MODULES[*]}" elif [[ ${ordering} = union ]]; then hadoopm="${CHANGED_UNION_MODULES}" elif [[ ${ordering} = mvnsrc ]]; then hadoopm="${MAVEN_SRC_MODULES[*]}" elif [[ ${ordering} = mvnsrctest ]]; then hadoopm="${MAVEN_SRCTEST_MODULES[*]}" else hadoopm="${ordering}" fi echo "${hadoopm}" } ## @description Determine if it is safe to run parallel tests ## @audience private ## @stability evolving ## @param ordering function hadoop_test_parallel { if [[ -f "${BASEDIR}/pom.xml" ]]; then HADOOP_VERSION=$(grep '<version>' "${BASEDIR}/pom.xml" \ | head -1 \ | "${SED}" -e 's|^ *<version>||' -e 's|</version>.*$||' \ | cut -f1 -d- ) export HADOOP_VERSION else return 1 fi hmajor=${HADOOP_VERSION%%\.*} hmajorminor=${HADOOP_VERSION%\.*} hminor=${hmajorminor##*\.} # ... and just for reference #hmicro=${HADOOP_VERSION##*\.} # Apache Hadoop v2.8.0 was the first one to really # get working parallel unit tests if [[ ${hmajor} -lt 3 && ${hminor} -lt 8 ]]; then return 1 fi return 0 } ## @description Install extra modules for unit tests ## @audience private ## @stability evolving ## @param ordering function hadoop_unittest_prereqs { declare input=$1 declare mods declare need_common=0 declare building_common=0 declare module declare flags declare fn # prior to running unit tests, hdfs needs libhadoop.so built # if we're building root, then this extra work is moot #shellcheck disable=SC2086 mods=$(hadoop_order ${input}) for module in ${mods}; do if [[ ${module} = hadoop-hdfs-project* ]]; then need_common=1 elif [[ ${module} = hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common || ${module} = hadoop-common-project ]]; then building_common=1 elif [[ ${module} = . ]]; then return fi done # Windows builds *ALWAYS* need hadoop-common compiled case ${OSTYPE} in Windows_NT|CYGWIN*|MINGW*|MSYS*) need_common=1 ;; esac if [[ ${need_common} -eq 1 && ${building_common} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "unit test pre-reqs:" module="hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common" fn=$(module_file_fragment "${module}") flags="$(hadoop_native_flags) $(yarn_ui2_flag)" pushd "${BASEDIR}/${module}" >/dev/null || return 1 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 echo_and_redirect "${PATCH_DIR}/maven-unit-prereq-${fn}-install.txt" \ "${MAVEN}" "${MAVEN_ARGS[@]}" install -DskipTests ${flags} popd >/dev/null || return 1 fi } ## @description Calculate the flags/settings for yarn-ui v2 build ## @description based upon the OS ## @audience private ## @stability evolving function yarn_ui2_flag { if [[ ${BUILD_NATIVE} != true ]]; then return fi # Now it only tested on Linux/OSX, don't enable the profile on # windows until it get verified case ${OSTYPE} in Linux) # shellcheck disable=SC2086 echo -Pyarn-ui ;; Darwin) echo -Pyarn-ui ;; *) # Do nothing ;; esac } ## @description Calculate the flags/settings for native code ## @description based upon the OS ## @audience private ## @stability evolving function hadoop_native_flags { if [[ ${BUILD_NATIVE} != true ]]; then return fi declare -a args # Based upon HADOOP-11937 # # Some notes: # # - getting fuse to compile on anything but Linux # is always tricky. # - Darwin assumes homebrew is in use. # - HADOOP-12027 required for bzip2 on OS X. # - bzip2 is broken in lots of places # (the shared library is considered experimental) # e.g, HADOOP-12027 for OS X. so no -Drequire.bzip2 # args=("-Drequire.test.libhadoop") if [[ -d "${ISAL_HOME}/include" ]]; then args=("${args[@]}" "-Disal.prefix=${ISAL_HOME}") fi if [[ -d "${OPENSSL_HOME}/include" ]]; then args=("${args[@]}" "-Dopenssl.prefix=${OPENSSL_HOME}") elif [[ -d "${HADOOP_HOMEBREW_DIR}/opt/openssl/" ]]; then args=("${args[@]}" "-Dopenssl.prefix=${HADOOP_HOMEBREW_DIR}/opt/openssl/") fi if [[ -d "${SNAPPY_HOME}/include" ]]; then args=("${args[@]}" "-Dsnappy.prefix=${SNAPPY_HOME}") elif [[ -d "${HADOOP_HOMEBREW_DIR}/include/snappy.h" ]]; then args=("${args[@]}" "-Dsnappy.prefix=${HADOOP_HOMEBREW_DIR}/opt/snappy") fi case ${OSTYPE} in Linux) # shellcheck disable=SC2086 echo \ -Pnative \ -Drequire.fuse \ -Drequire.openssl \ -Drequire.snappy \ -Drequire.valgrind \ -Drequire.zstd \ "${args[@]}" ;; Darwin) echo \ "${args[@]}" \ -Pnative \ -Drequire.snappy \ -Drequire.openssl ;; Windows_NT|CYGWIN*|MINGW*|MSYS*) echo \ "${args[@]}" \ -Drequire.snappy -Drequire.openssl -Pnative-win ;; *) echo \ "${args[@]}" ;; esac } ## @description Queue up modules for this personality ## @audience private ## @stability evolving ## @param repostatus ## @param testtype function personality_modules { declare repostatus=$1 declare testtype=$2 declare extra="" declare ordering="normal" declare needflags=false declare foundbats=false declare flags declare fn declare i declare hadoopm yetus_debug "Personality: ${repostatus} ${testtype}" clear_personality_queue case ${testtype} in asflicense) # this is very fast and provides the full path if we do it from # the root of the source personality_enqueue_module . return ;; checkstyle) ordering="union" extra="-DskipTests" ;; compile) ordering="union" extra="-DskipTests" needflags=true # if something in common changed, we build the whole world if [[ "${CHANGED_MODULES[*]}" =~ hadoop-common ]]; then yetus_debug "hadoop personality: javac + hadoop-common = ordering set to . " ordering="." fi ;; distclean) ordering="." extra="-DskipTests" ;; javadoc) if [[ "${CHANGED_MODULES[*]}" =~ \. ]]; then ordering=. fi if [[ "${repostatus}" = patch && "${BUILDMODE}" = patch ]]; then echo "javadoc pre-reqs:" for i in hadoop-project \ hadoop-common-project/hadoop-annotations; do fn=$(module_file_fragment "${i}") pushd "${BASEDIR}/${i}" >/dev/null || return 1 echo "cd ${i}" echo_and_redirect "${PATCH_DIR}/maven-${fn}-install.txt" \ "${MAVEN}" "${MAVEN_ARGS[@]}" install popd >/dev/null || return 1 done fi extra="-Pdocs -DskipTests" ;; mvneclipse) if [[ "${CHANGED_MODULES[*]}" =~ \. ]]; then ordering=. fi ;; mvninstall) extra="-DskipTests" if [[ "${repostatus}" = branch || "${BUILDMODE}" = full ]]; then ordering=. fi ;; mvnsite) if [[ "${CHANGED_MODULES[*]}" =~ \. ]]; then ordering=. fi ;; unit) if [[ "${BUILDMODE}" = full ]]; then ordering=mvnsrc elif [[ "${CHANGED_MODULES[*]}" =~ \. ]]; then ordering=. fi if [[ ${TEST_PARALLEL} = "true" ]] ; then if hadoop_test_parallel; then extra="-Pparallel-tests" if [[ -n ${TEST_THREADS:-} ]]; then extra="${extra} -DtestsThreadCount=${TEST_THREADS}" fi fi fi needflags=true hadoop_unittest_prereqs "${ordering}" if ! verify_needed_test javac; then yetus_debug "hadoop: javac not requested" if ! verify_needed_test native; then yetus_debug "hadoop: native not requested" yetus_debug "hadoop: adding -DskipTests to unit test" extra="-DskipTests" fi fi for i in "${CHANGED_FILES[@]}"; do if [[ "${i}" =~ \.bats ]]; then foundbats=true fi done if ! verify_needed_test shellcheck && [[ ${foundbats} = false ]]; then yetus_debug "hadoop: NO shell code change detected; disabling shelltest profile" extra="${extra} -P!shelltest" else extra="${extra} -Pshelltest" fi ;; *) extra="-DskipTests" ;; esac if [[ ${needflags} = true ]]; then flags="$(hadoop_native_flags) $(yarn_ui2_flag)" extra="${extra} ${flags}" fi extra="-Ptest-patch ${extra}" for module in $(hadoop_order ${ordering}); do # shellcheck disable=SC2086 personality_enqueue_module ${module} ${extra} done } ## @description Add tests based upon personality needs ## @audience private ## @stability evolving ## @param filename function personality_file_tests { declare filename=$1 yetus_debug "Using Hadoop-specific personality_file_tests" if [[ ${filename} =~ src/main/webapp ]]; then yetus_debug "tests/webapp: ${filename}" add_test shadedclient elif [[ ${filename} =~ \.sh || ${filename} =~ \.cmd || ${filename} =~ src/scripts || ${filename} =~ src/test/scripts || ${filename} =~ src/main/bin || ${filename} =~ shellprofile\.d || ${filename} =~ src/main/conf ]]; then yetus_debug "tests/shell: ${filename}" add_test mvnsite add_test unit elif [[ ${filename} =~ \.md$ || ${filename} =~ \.md\.vm$ || ${filename} =~ src/site ]]; then yetus_debug "tests/site: ${filename}" add_test mvnsite elif [[ ${filename} =~ \.c$ || ${filename} =~ \.cc$ || ${filename} =~ \.h$ || ${filename} =~ \.hh$ || ${filename} =~ \.proto$ || ${filename} =~ \.cmake$ || ${filename} =~ CMakeLists.txt ]]; then yetus_debug "tests/units: ${filename}" add_test compile add_test cc add_test mvnsite add_test javac add_test unit elif [[ ${filename} =~ build.xml$ || ${filename} =~ pom.xml$ || ${filename} =~ \.java$ || ${filename} =~ src/main ]]; then yetus_debug "tests/javadoc+units: ${filename}" add_test compile add_test javac add_test javadoc add_test mvninstall add_test mvnsite add_test unit add_test shadedclient fi # if we change anything in here, e.g. the test scripts # then run the client artifact tests if [[ ${filename} =~ hadoop-client-modules ]]; then add_test shadedclient fi if [[ ${filename} =~ src/test ]]; then yetus_debug "tests: src/test" add_test unit fi if [[ ${filename} =~ \.java$ ]]; then add_test spotbugs fi } ## @description Image to print on success ## @audience private ## @stability evolving function hadoop_console_success { printf "IF9fX19fX19fX18gCjwgU3VjY2VzcyEgPgogLS0tLS0tLS0tLSAKIFwgICAg"; printf "IC9cICBfX18gIC9cCiAgXCAgIC8vIFwvICAgXC8gXFwKICAgICAoKCAgICBP"; printf "IE8gICAgKSkKICAgICAgXFwgLyAgICAgXCAvLwogICAgICAgXC8gIHwgfCAg"; printf "XC8gCiAgICAgICAgfCAgfCB8ICB8ICAKICAgICAgICB8ICB8IHwgIHwgIAog"; printf "ICAgICAgIHwgICBvICAgfCAgCiAgICAgICAgfCB8ICAgfCB8ICAKICAgICAg"; printf "ICB8bXwgICB8bXwgIAo" } ################################################### # Hadoop project specific check of IT for shaded artifacts add_test_type shadedclient ## @description check for test modules and add test/plugins as needed ## @audience private ## @stability evolving function shadedclient_initialize { maven_add_install shadedclient } ## @description build client facing shaded artifacts and test them ## @audience private ## @stability evolving ## @param repostatus function shadedclient_rebuild { declare repostatus=$1 declare logfile="${PATCH_DIR}/${repostatus}-shadedclient.txt" declare module declare -a modules=() if [[ ${OSTYPE} = Windows_NT || ${OSTYPE} =~ ^CYGWIN.* || ${OSTYPE} =~ ^MINGW32.* || ${OSTYPE} =~ ^MSYS.* ]]; then echo "hadoop personality: building on windows, skipping check of client artifacts." return 0 fi yetus_debug "hadoop personality: seeing if we need the test of client artifacts." for module in hadoop-client-modules/hadoop-client-check-invariants \ hadoop-client-modules/hadoop-client-check-test-invariants \ hadoop-client-modules/hadoop-client-integration-tests; do if [ -d "${module}" ]; then yetus_debug "hadoop personality: test module '${module}' is present." modules+=(-pl "${module}") fi done if [ ${#modules[@]} -eq 0 ]; then echo "hadoop personality: no test modules present, skipping check of client artifacts." return 0 fi big_console_header "Checking client artifacts on ${repostatus}" echo_and_redirect "${logfile}" \ "${MAVEN}" "${MAVEN_ARGS[@]}" verify -fae --batch-mode -am \ "${modules[@]}" \ -Dtest=NoUnitTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dcheckstyle.skip=true -Dspotbugs.skip=true count=$("${GREP}" -c '\[ERROR\]' "${logfile}") if [[ ${count} -gt 0 ]]; then add_vote_table -1 shadedclient "${repostatus} has errors when building and testing our client artifacts." return 1 fi add_vote_table +1 shadedclient "${repostatus} has no errors when building and testing our client artifacts." return 0 }