#!/usr/bin/env bash # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # This script is useful to perform basic sanity tests for the given # Hadoop RC. It checks for the Checksum, Signature, Rat check, # Build from source and building tarball from the source. set -e -o pipefail usage() { SCRIPT=$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[@]}") cat << __EOF hadoop-vote. A script for standard vote which verifies the following items 1. Checksum of sources and binaries 2. Signature of sources and binaries 3. Rat check 4. Built from source 5. Built tar from source Usage: ${SCRIPT} -s | --source [-k | --key ] [-f | --keys-file-url ] [-o | --output-dir ] [-D property[=value]] [-P profiles] ${SCRIPT} -h | --help -h | --help Show this screen. -s | --source '' A URL pointing to the release candidate sources and binaries e.g. https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/hadoop/hadoop-RC0/ -k | --key '' A signature of the public key, e.g. 9AD2AE49 -f | --keys-file-url '' the URL of the key file, default is https://downloads.apache.org/hadoop/common/KEYS -o | --output-dir '' directory which has the stdout and stderr of each verification target -D | list of maven properties to set for the mvn invocations, e.g. <-D hbase.profile=2.0 -D skipTests> Defaults to unset -P | list of maven profiles to set for the build from source, e.g. <-P native -P yarn-ui> __EOF } MVN_PROPERTIES=() MVN_PROFILES=() while ((${#})); do case "${1}" in -h | --help ) usage; exit 0 ;; -s | --source ) SOURCE_URL="${2}"; shift 2 ;; -k | --key ) SIGNING_KEY="${2}"; shift 2 ;; -f | --keys-file-url ) KEY_FILE_URL="${2}"; shift 2 ;; -o | --output-dir ) OUTPUT_DIR="${2}"; shift 2 ;; -D ) MVN_PROPERTIES+=("-D ${2}"); shift 2 ;; -P ) MVN_PROFILES+=("-P ${2}"); shift 2 ;; * ) usage >&2; exit 1 ;; esac done # Source url must be provided if [ -z "${SOURCE_URL}" ]; then usage; exit 1 fi cat << __EOF Although This tool helps verifying Hadoop RC build and unit tests, operator may still consider verifying the following manually: 1. Verify the API compatibility report 2. Integration/performance/benchmark tests 3. Object store specific Integration tests against an endpoint 4. Verify overall unit test stability from Jenkins builds or locally 5. Other concerns if any __EOF [[ "${SOURCE_URL}" != */ ]] && SOURCE_URL="${SOURCE_URL}/" HADOOP_RC_VERSION=$(tr "/" "\n" <<< "${SOURCE_URL}" | tail -n2) HADOOP_VERSION=$(echo "${HADOOP_RC_VERSION}" | sed -e 's/-RC[0-9]//g' | sed -e 's/hadoop-//g') JAVA_VERSION=$(java -version 2>&1 | cut -f3 -d' ' | head -n1 | sed -e 's/"//g') OUTPUT_DIR="${OUTPUT_DIR:-$(pwd)}" if [ ! -d "${OUTPUT_DIR}" ]; then echo "Output directory ${OUTPUT_DIR} does not exist, please create it before running this script." exit 1 fi OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX="${OUTPUT_DIR}"/"${HADOOP_RC_VERSION}" # default value for verification targets, 0 = failed SIGNATURE_PASSED=0 CHECKSUM_PASSED=0 RAT_CHECK_PASSED=0 BUILD_FROM_SOURCE_PASSED=0 BUILD_TAR_FROM_SOURCE_PASSED=0 function download_and_import_keys() { KEY_FILE_URL="${KEY_FILE_URL:-https://downloads.apache.org/hadoop/common/KEYS}" echo "Obtain and import the publisher key(s) from ${KEY_FILE_URL}" # download the keys file into file KEYS wget -O KEYS "${KEY_FILE_URL}" gpg --import KEYS if [ -n "${SIGNING_KEY}" ]; then gpg --list-keys "${SIGNING_KEY}" fi } function download_release_candidate () { # get all files from release candidate repo wget -r -np -N -nH --cut-dirs 4 "${SOURCE_URL}" } function verify_signatures() { rm -f "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_verify_signatures for file in *.tar.gz; do gpg --verify "${file}".asc "${file}" 2>&1 | tee -a "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_verify_signatures && SIGNATURE_PASSED=1 || SIGNATURE_PASSED=0 done } function verify_checksums() { rm -f "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_verify_checksums SHA_EXT=$(find . -name "*.sha*" | awk -F '.' '{ print $NF }' | head -n 1) for file in *.tar.gz; do sha512sum --tag "${file}" > "${file}"."${SHA_EXT}".tmp diff "${file}"."${SHA_EXT}".tmp "${file}"."${SHA_EXT}" 2>&1 | tee -a "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_verify_checksums && CHECKSUM_PASSED=1 || CHECKSUM_PASSED=0 rm -f "${file}"."${SHA_EXT}".tmp done } function unzip_from_source() { tar -zxvf hadoop-"${HADOOP_VERSION}"-src.tar.gz cd hadoop-"${HADOOP_VERSION}"-src } function rat_test() { rm -f "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_rat_test mvn clean apache-rat:check "${MVN_PROPERTIES[@]}" 2>&1 | tee "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_rat_test && RAT_CHECK_PASSED=1 } function build_from_source() { rm -f "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_build_from_source # No unit test run. mvn clean install "${MVN_PROPERTIES[@]}" -DskipTests "${MVN_PROFILES[@]}" 2>&1 | tee "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_build_from_source && BUILD_FROM_SOURCE_PASSED=1 } function build_tar_from_source() { rm -f "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_build_tar_from_source # No unit test run. mvn clean package "${MVN_PROPERTIES[@]}" -Pdist -DskipTests -Dtar -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true 2>&1 | tee "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_build_tar_from_source && BUILD_TAR_FROM_SOURCE_PASSED=1 } function execute() { ${1} || print_when_exit } function print_when_exit() { cat << __EOF * Signature: $( ((SIGNATURE_PASSED)) && echo "ok" || echo "failed" ) * Checksum : $( ((CHECKSUM_PASSED)) && echo "ok" || echo "failed" ) * Rat check (${JAVA_VERSION}): $( ((RAT_CHECK_PASSED)) && echo "ok" || echo "failed" ) - mvn clean apache-rat:check ${MVN_PROPERTIES[@]} * Built from source (${JAVA_VERSION}): $( ((BUILD_FROM_SOURCE_PASSED)) && echo "ok" || echo "failed" ) - mvn clean install ${MVN_PROPERTIES[@]} -DskipTests ${MVN_PROFILES[@]} * Built tar from source (${JAVA_VERSION}): $( ((BUILD_TAR_FROM_SOURCE_PASSED)) && echo "ok" || echo "failed" ) - mvn clean package ${MVN_PROPERTIES[@]} -Pdist -DskipTests -Dtar -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true __EOF if ((CHECKSUM_PASSED)) && ((SIGNATURE_PASSED)) && ((RAT_CHECK_PASSED)) && ((BUILD_FROM_SOURCE_PASSED)) && ((BUILD_TAR_FROM_SOURCE_PASSED)) ; then exit 0 fi exit 1 } pushd "${OUTPUT_DIR}" download_and_import_keys download_release_candidate pushd "${HADOOP_RC_VERSION}" execute verify_signatures execute verify_checksums execute unzip_from_source execute rat_test execute build_from_source execute build_tar_from_source popd popd print_when_exit