#!/usr/bin/env bash # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #set -x ulimit -n 1024 ### Setup some variables. ### JOB_NAME, SVN_REVISION, and BUILD_NUMBER are set by Hudson if it is run by patch process ############################################################################### parseArgs() { case "$1" in HUDSON) ### Set HUDSON to true to indicate that this script is being run by Hudson HUDSON=true if [[ $# != 19 ]] ; then echo "ERROR: usage $0 HUDSON " cleanupAndExit 0 fi PATCH_DIR=$2 SUPPORT_DIR=$3 PS=$4 WGET=$5 JIRACLI=$6 SVN=$7 GREP=$8 PATCH=$9 FINDBUGS_HOME=${10} FORREST_HOME=${11} ECLIPSE_HOME=${12} PYTHON_HOME=${13} BASEDIR=${14} TRIGGER_BUILD_URL=${15} JIRA_PASSWD=${16} JAVA5_HOME=${17} CURL=${18} defect=${19} ### Retrieve the defect number if [ -z "$defect" ] ; then echo "Could not determine the patch to test. Exiting." cleanupAndExit 0 fi if [ ! -e "$PATCH_DIR" ] ; then mkdir -p $PATCH_DIR fi ECLIPSE_PROPERTY="-Declipse.home=$ECLIPSE_HOME" PYTHON_PROPERTY="-Dpython.home=$PYTHON_HOME" ;; DEVELOPER) ### Set HUDSON to false to indicate that this script is being run by a developer HUDSON=false if [[ $# != 10 ]] ; then echo "ERROR: usage $0 DEVELOPER " cleanupAndExit 0 fi ### PATCH_FILE contains the location of the patchfile PATCH_FILE=$2 if [[ ! -e "$PATCH_FILE" ]] ; then echo "Unable to locate the patch file $PATCH_FILE" cleanupAndExit 0 fi PATCH_DIR=$3 ### Check if $PATCH_DIR exists. If it does not exist, create a new directory if [[ ! -e "$PATCH_DIR" ]] ; then mkdir "$PATCH_DIR" if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then echo "$PATCH_DIR has been created" else echo "Unable to create $PATCH_DIR" cleanupAndExit 0 fi fi SVN=$4 GREP=$5 PATCH=$6 FINDBUGS_HOME=$7 FORREST_HOME=$8 BASEDIR=$9 JAVA5_HOME=${10} ### Obtain the patch filename to append it to the version number defect=`basename $PATCH_FILE` ;; *) echo "ERROR: usage $0 HUDSON [args] | DEVELOPER [args]" cleanupAndExit 0 ;; esac } ############################################################################### checkout () { echo "" echo "" echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo " Testing patch for ${defect}." echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo "" echo "" ### When run by a developer, if the workspace contains modifications, do not continue status=`$SVN stat --ignore-externals | sed -e '/^X[ ]*/D'` if [[ $HUDSON == "false" ]] ; then if [[ "$status" != "" ]] ; then echo "ERROR: can't run in a workspace that contains the following modifications" echo "$status" cleanupAndExit 1 fi else cd $BASEDIR $SVN revert -R . rm -rf `$SVN status --no-ignore` $SVN update fi return $? } ############################################################################### setup () { ### Download latest patch file (ignoring .htm and .html) when run from patch process if [[ $HUDSON == "true" ]] ; then $WGET -q -O $PATCH_DIR/jira http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/$defect if [[ `$GREP -c 'Patch Available' $PATCH_DIR/jira` == 0 ]] ; then echo "$defect is not \"Patch Available\". Exiting." cleanupAndExit 0 fi relativePatchURL=`$GREP -o '"/jira/secure/attachment/[0-9]*/[^"]*' $PATCH_DIR/jira | $GREP -v -e 'htm[l]*$' | sort | tail -1 | $GREP -o '/jira/secure/attachment/[0-9]*/[^"]*'` patchURL="http://issues.apache.org${relativePatchURL}" patchNum=`echo $patchURL | $GREP -o '[0-9]*/' | $GREP -o '[0-9]*'` echo "$defect patch is being downloaded at `date` from" echo "$patchURL" $WGET -q -O $PATCH_DIR/patch $patchURL VERSION=${SVN_REVISION}_${defect}_PATCH-${patchNum} JIRA_COMMENT="Here are the results of testing the latest attachment $patchURL against trunk revision ${SVN_REVISION}." ### Copy in any supporting files needed by this process cp -r $SUPPORT_DIR/lib/* ./lib #PENDING: cp -f $SUPPORT_DIR/etc/checkstyle* ./src/test ### Copy the patch file to $PATCH_DIR else VERSION=PATCH-${defect} cp $PATCH_FILE $PATCH_DIR/patch if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then echo "Patch file $PATCH_FILE copied to $PATCH_DIR" else echo "Could not copy $PATCH_FILE to $PATCH_DIR" cleanupAndExit 0 fi fi echo "" echo "" echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo " Pre-building trunk to determine trunk number" echo " of release audit, javac, and Findbugs warnings." echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo "" echo "" echo "$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -Djava5.home=${JAVA5_HOME} -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= releaseaudit > $PATCH_DIR/trunkReleaseAuditWarnings.txt 2>&1" $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -Djava5.home=${JAVA5_HOME} -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= releaseaudit > $PATCH_DIR/trunkReleaseAuditWarnings.txt 2>&1 echo "$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -Djavac.args="-Xlint -Xmaxwarns 1000" $ECLIPSE_PROPERTY -Djava5.home=${JAVA5_HOME} -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= clean tar > $PATCH_DIR/trunkJavacWarnings.txt 2>&1" $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -Djavac.args="-Xlint -Xmaxwarns 1000" $ECLIPSE_PROPERTY -Djava5.home=${JAVA5_HOME} -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= clean tar > $PATCH_DIR/trunkJavacWarnings.txt 2>&1 if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then echo "Trunk compilation is broken?" cleanupAndExit 1 fi echo "$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -Dfindbugs.home=$FINDBUGS_HOME -Djava5.home=${JAVA5_HOME} -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= findbugs > /dev/null 2>&1" $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -Dfindbugs.home=$FINDBUGS_HOME -Djava5.home=${JAVA5_HOME} -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= findbugs > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then echo "Trunk findbugs is broken?" cleanupAndExit 1 fi cp $BASEDIR/build/test/findbugs/*.xml $PATCH_DIR/trunkFindbugsWarnings.xml } ############################################################################### ### Check for @author tags in the patch checkAuthor () { echo "" echo "" echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo " Checking there are no @author tags in the patch." echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo "" echo "" authorTags=`$GREP -c -i '@author' $PATCH_DIR/patch` echo "There appear to be $authorTags @author tags in the patch." if [[ $authorTags != 0 ]] ; then JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT -1 @author. The patch appears to contain $authorTags @author tags which the Hadoop community has agreed to not allow in code contributions." return 1 fi JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT +1 @author. The patch does not contain any @author tags." return 0 } ############################################################################### ### Check for tests in the patch checkTests () { echo "" echo "" echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo " Checking there are new or changed tests in the patch." echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo "" echo "" testReferences=`$GREP -c -i '/test' $PATCH_DIR/patch` echo "There appear to be $testReferences test files referenced in the patch." if [[ $testReferences == 0 ]] ; then if [[ $HUDSON == "true" ]] ; then patchIsDoc=`$GREP -c -i 'title="documentation' $PATCH_DIR/jira` if [[ $patchIsDoc != 0 ]] ; then echo "The patch appears to be a documentation patch that doesn't require tests." JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT +0 tests included. The patch appears to be a documentation patch that doesn't require tests." return 0 fi fi JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT -1 tests included. The patch doesn't appear to include any new or modified tests. Please justify why no new tests are needed for this patch. Also please list what manual steps were performed to verify this patch." return 1 fi JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT +1 tests included. The patch appears to include $testReferences new or modified tests." return 0 } cleanUpXml () { cd $BASEDIR/conf for file in `ls *.xml.template` do rm -f `basename $file .template` done cd $BASEDIR } ############################################################################### ### Attempt to apply the patch applyPatch () { echo "" echo "" echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo " Applying patch." echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo "" echo "" $PATCH -E -p0 < $PATCH_DIR/patch if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then echo "PATCH APPLICATION FAILED" JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT -1 patch. The patch command could not apply the patch." return 1 fi return 0 } ############################################################################### ### Check there are no javadoc warnings checkJavadocWarnings () { echo "" echo "" echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo " Determining number of patched javadoc warnings." echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo "" echo "" echo "$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -DHadoopPatchProcess= clean javadoc | tee $PATCH_DIR/patchJavadocWarnings.txt" $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -DHadoopPatchProcess= clean javadoc | tee $PATCH_DIR/patchJavadocWarnings.txt javadocWarnings=`$GREP -c '\[javadoc\] [0-9]* warning' $PATCH_DIR/patchJavadocWarnings.txt` echo "" echo "" echo "There appear to be $javadocWarnings javadoc warnings generated by the patched build." if [[ $javadocWarnings != 0 ]] ; then JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT -1 javadoc. The javadoc tool appears to have generated $javadocWarnings warning messages." return 1 fi JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT +1 javadoc. The javadoc tool did not generate any warning messages." return 0 } ############################################################################### ### Check there are no changes in the number of Javac warnings checkJavacWarnings () { echo "" echo "" echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo " Determining number of patched javac warnings." echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo "" echo "" echo "$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -Djavac.args="-Xlint -Xmaxwarns 1000" $ECLIPSE_PROPERTY -Djava5.home=${JAVA5_HOME} -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= clean tar > $PATCH_DIR/patchJavacWarnings.txt 2>&1" $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -Djavac.args="-Xlint -Xmaxwarns 1000" $ECLIPSE_PROPERTY -Djava5.home=${JAVA5_HOME} -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= clean tar > $PATCH_DIR/patchJavacWarnings.txt 2>&1 if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT -1 javac. The patch appears to cause tar ant target to fail." return 1 fi ### Compare trunk and patch javac warning numbers if [[ -f $PATCH_DIR/patchJavacWarnings.txt ]] ; then trunkJavacWarnings=`$GREP -o '\[javac\] [0-9]* warning' $PATCH_DIR/trunkJavacWarnings.txt | awk '{total += $2} END {print total}'` patchJavacWarnings=`$GREP -o '\[javac\] [0-9]* warning' $PATCH_DIR/patchJavacWarnings.txt | awk '{total += $2} END {print total}'` echo "There appear to be $trunkJavacWarnings javac compiler warnings before the patch and $patchJavacWarnings javac compiler warnings after applying the patch." if [[ $patchJavacWarnings != "" && $trunkJavacWarnings != "" ]] ; then if [[ $patchJavacWarnings -gt $trunkJavacWarnings ]] ; then JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT -1 javac. The applied patch generated $patchJavacWarnings javac compiler warnings (more than the trunk's current $trunkJavacWarnings warnings)." return 1 fi fi fi JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT +1 javac. The applied patch does not increase the total number of javac compiler warnings." return 0 } ############################################################################### ### Check there are no changes in the number of release audit (RAT) warnings checkReleaseAuditWarnings () { echo "" echo "" echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo " Determining number of patched release audit warnings." echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo "" echo "" echo "$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -Djava5.home=${JAVA5_HOME} -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= releaseaudit > $PATCH_DIR/patchReleaseAuditWarnings.txt 2>&1" $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -Djava5.home=${JAVA5_HOME} -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= releaseaudit > $PATCH_DIR/patchReleaseAuditWarnings.txt 2>&1 ### Compare trunk and patch release audit warning numbers if [[ -f $PATCH_DIR/patchReleaseAuditWarnings.txt ]] ; then trunkReleaseAuditWarnings=`$GREP -c '\!?????' $PATCH_DIR/trunkReleaseAuditWarnings.txt` patchReleaseAuditWarnings=`$GREP -c '\!?????' $PATCH_DIR/patchReleaseAuditWarnings.txt` echo "" echo "" echo "There appear to be $trunkReleaseAuditWarnings release audit warnings before the patch and $patchReleaseAuditWarnings release audit warnings after applying the patch." if [[ $patchReleaseAuditWarnings != "" && $trunkReleaseAuditWarnings != "" ]] ; then if [[ $patchReleaseAuditWarnings -gt $trunkReleaseAuditWarnings ]] ; then JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT -1 release audit. The applied patch generated $patchReleaseAuditWarnings release audit warnings (more than the trunk's current $trunkReleaseAuditWarnings warnings)." $GREP '\!?????' $PATCH_DIR/patchReleaseAuditWarnings.txt > $PATCH_DIR/patchReleaseAuditProblems.txt $GREP '\!?????' $PATCH_DIR/trunkReleaseAuditWarnings.txt > $PATCH_DIR/trunkReleaseAuditProblems.txt echo "A diff of patched release audit warnings with trunk release audit warnings." > $PATCH_DIR/releaseAuditDiffWarnings.txt echo "Lines that start with ????? in the release audit report indicate files that do not have an Apache license header." > $PATCH_DIR/releaseAuditDiffWarnings.txt echo "" > $PATCH_DIR/releaseAuditDiffWarnings.txt diff $PATCH_DIR/patchReleaseAuditProblems.txt $PATCH_DIR/trunkReleaseAuditProblems.txt >> $PATCH_DIR/releaseAuditDiffWarnings.txt JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER="Release audit warnings: http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER/artifact/trunk/patchprocess/releaseAuditDiffWarnings.txt $JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER" return 1 fi fi fi JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT +1 release audit. The applied patch does not increase the total number of release audit warnings." return 0 } ############################################################################### ### Check there are no changes in the number of Checkstyle warnings checkStyle () { echo "" echo "" echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo " Determining number of patched checkstyle warnings." echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo "" echo "" echo "THIS IS NOT IMPLEMENTED YET" echo "" echo "" echo "$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -DHadoopPatchProcess= checkstyle" $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -DHadoopPatchProcess= checkstyle JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER="Checkstyle results: http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER/artifact/trunk/build/test/checkstyle-errors.html $JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER" ### TODO: calculate actual patchStyleErrors # patchStyleErrors=0 # if [[ $patchStyleErrors != 0 ]] ; then # JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT # # -1 checkstyle. The patch generated $patchStyleErrors code style errors." # return 1 # fi # JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT # # +1 checkstyle. The patch generated 0 code style errors." return 0 } ############################################################################### ### Check there are no changes in the number of Findbugs warnings checkFindbugsWarnings () { echo "" echo "" echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo " Determining number of patched Findbugs warnings." echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo "" echo "" echo "$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -Dfindbugs.home=$FINDBUGS_HOME -Djava5.home=${JAVA5_HOME} -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= findbugs" $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -Dfindbugs.home=$FINDBUGS_HOME -Djava5.home=${JAVA5_HOME} -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= findbugs if [ $? != 0 ] ; then JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT -1 findbugs. The patch appears to cause Findbugs to fail." return 1 fi JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER="Findbugs warnings: http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER/artifact/trunk/build/test/findbugs/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.html $JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER" cp $BASEDIR/build/test/findbugs/*.xml $PATCH_DIR/patchFindbugsWarnings.xml $FINDBUGS_HOME/bin/setBugDatabaseInfo -timestamp "01/01/1999" \ $PATCH_DIR/trunkFindbugsWarnings.xml \ $PATCH_DIR/trunkFindbugsWarnings.xml $FINDBUGS_HOME/bin/setBugDatabaseInfo -timestamp "01/01/2000" \ $PATCH_DIR/patchFindbugsWarnings.xml \ $PATCH_DIR/patchFindbugsWarnings.xml $FINDBUGS_HOME/bin/computeBugHistory -output $PATCH_DIR/findbugsMerge.xml \ $PATCH_DIR/trunkFindbugsWarnings.xml \ $PATCH_DIR/patchFindbugsWarnings.xml findbugsWarnings=`$FINDBUGS_HOME/bin/filterBugs -first "01/01/2000" $PATCH_DIR/findbugsMerge.xml \ $BASEDIR/build/test/findbugs/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.xml | /usr/bin/awk '{print $1}'` $FINDBUGS_HOME/bin/convertXmlToText -html \ $BASEDIR/build/test/findbugs/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.xml \ $BASEDIR/build/test/findbugs/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.html cp $BASEDIR/build/test/findbugs/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.html $PATCH_DIR/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.html cp $BASEDIR/build/test/findbugs/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.xml $PATCH_DIR/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.xml if [[ $findbugsWarnings != 0 ]] ; then JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT -1 findbugs. The patch appears to introduce $findbugsWarnings new Findbugs warnings." return 1 fi JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT +1 findbugs. The patch does not introduce any new Findbugs warnings." return 0 } ############################################################################### ### Run the test-core target runCoreTests () { echo "" echo "" echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo " Running core tests." echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo "" echo "" ### Kill any rogue build processes from the last attempt $PS auxwww | $GREP HadoopPatchProcess | /usr/bin/nawk '{print $2}' | /usr/bin/xargs -t -I {} /usr/bin/kill -9 {} > /dev/null PreTestTarget="" if [[ $defect == MAPREDUCE-* ]] ; then PreTestTarget="create-c++-configure" fi echo "$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -DHadoopPatchProcess= -Dtest.junit.output.format=xml -Dtest.output=yes -Dcompile.c++=yes -Dforrest.home=$FORREST_HOME -Djava5.home=$JAVA5_HOME $PreTestTarget test-core" $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -DHadoopPatchProcess= -Dtest.junit.output.format=xml -Dtest.output=yes -Dcompile.c++=yes -Dforrest.home=$FORREST_HOME -Djava5.home=$JAVA5_HOME $PreTestTarget test-core if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT -1 core tests. The patch failed core unit tests." return 1 fi JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT +1 core tests. The patch passed core unit tests." return 0 } ############################################################################### ### Tests parts of contrib specific to the eclipse files checkJarFilesDeclaredInEclipse () { export DECLARED_JARS=$(sed -n 's@.*kind="lib".*path="\(.*jar\)".*@\1@p' < .eclipse.templates/.classpath) export PRESENT_JARS=$(find build/ivy/lib/Hadoop/common/ lib/ src/test/lib/ -name '*.jar' |sort) # When run by Hudson, consider libs from ${SUPPORT_DIR} declared if [[ ${HUDSON} == "true" ]]; then DECLARED_JARS="${DECLARED_JARS} $(cd "${SUPPORT_DIR}"; find lib -name '*.jar')" fi DECLARED_JARS=$(sed 'y/ /\n/' <<< ${DECLARED_JARS} | sort) export ECLIPSE_DECLARED_SRC=$(sed -n 's@.*kind="src".*path="\(.*\)".*@\1@p' < .eclipse.templates/.classpath |sort) if [ "${DECLARED_JARS}" != "${PRESENT_JARS}" ]; then echo " FAILED. Some jars are not declared in the Eclipse project. Declared jars: ${DECLARED_JARS} Present jars: ${PRESENT_JARS}" return 1 fi for dir in $ECLIPSE_DECLARED_SRC; do [ '!' -d $dir ] && echo " FAILED: $dir is referenced in the Eclipse project although it doesn't exists anymore." && return 1 done return 0 } checkEclipse () { echo "" echo "" echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo " Running Eclipse classpath verification." echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo "" echo "" checkJarFilesDeclaredInEclipse if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT -1 Eclipse classpath. The patch causes the Eclipse classpath to differ from the contents of the lib directories." return 1 fi JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT +1 Eclipse classpath. The patch retains Eclipse classpath integrity." return 0 } ############################################################################### ### Run the test-contrib target runContribTests () { echo "" echo "" echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo " Running contrib tests." echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo "" echo "" ### Kill any rogue build processes from the last attempt $PS -auxwww | $GREP HadoopPatchProcess | /usr/bin/nawk '{print $2}' | /usr/bin/xargs -t -I {} /usr/bin/kill -9 {} > /dev/null echo "$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" $ECLIPSE_PROPERTY $PYTHON_PROPERTY -DHadoopPatchProcess= -Dtest.junit.output.format=xml -Dtest.output=yes test-contrib" $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" $ECLIPSE_PROPERTY $PYTHON_PROPERTY -DHadoopPatchProcess= -Dtest.junit.output.format=xml -Dtest.output=yes test-contrib if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT -1 contrib tests. The patch failed contrib unit tests." return 1 fi JIRA_COMMENT="$JIRA_COMMENT +1 contrib tests. The patch passed contrib unit tests." return 0 } ############################################################################### ### Submit a comment to the defect's Jira submitJiraComment () { local result=$1 ### Do not output the value of JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER when run by a developer if [[ $HUDSON == "false" ]] ; then JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER="" fi if [[ $result == 0 ]] ; then comment="+1 overall. $JIRA_COMMENT $JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER" else comment="-1 overall. $JIRA_COMMENT $JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER" fi ### Output the test result to the console echo " $comment" if [[ $HUDSON == "true" ]] ; then echo "" echo "" echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo " Adding comment to Jira." echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo "" echo "" ### Update Jira with a comment export USER=hudson $JIRACLI -s issues.apache.org/jira login hadoopqa $JIRA_PASSWD $JIRACLI -s issues.apache.org/jira comment $defect "$comment" $JIRACLI -s issues.apache.org/jira logout fi } ############################################################################### ### Cleanup files cleanupAndExit () { local result=$1 if [[ $HUDSON == "true" ]] ; then if [ -e "$PATCH_DIR" ] ; then mv $PATCH_DIR $BASEDIR fi CALLER=`hostname` $CURL $PATCH_ADMIN_URL'&CALLER='$CALLER fi echo "" echo "" echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo " Finished build." echo "======================================================================" echo "======================================================================" echo "" echo "" exit $result } ############################################################################### ############################################################################### ############################################################################### JIRA_COMMENT="" JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER="Console output: http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER/console This message is automatically generated." ### Check if arguments to the script have been specified properly or not parseArgs $@ cd $BASEDIR checkout RESULT=$? if [[ $HUDSON == "true" ]] ; then if [[ $RESULT != 0 ]] ; then ### Resubmit build. $CURL $TRIGGER_BUILD_URL'&DEFECTNUM='$defect exit 100 fi fi setup checkAuthor RESULT=$? if [[ $HUDSON == "true" ]] ; then cleanUpXml fi checkTests (( RESULT = RESULT + $? )) applyPatch if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then submitJiraComment 1 cleanupAndExit 1 fi checkJavadocWarnings (( RESULT = RESULT + $? )) checkJavacWarnings (( RESULT = RESULT + $? )) checkStyle (( RESULT = RESULT + $? )) checkFindbugsWarnings (( RESULT = RESULT + $? )) ##Commenting out as dependencies are now resolved using ivy ##checkEclipse ##(( RESULT = RESULT + $? )) checkReleaseAuditWarnings (( RESULT = RESULT + $? )) ### Do not call these when run by a developer if [[ $HUDSON == "true" ]] ; then runCoreTests (( RESULT = RESULT + $? )) runContribTests (( RESULT = RESULT + $? )) fi JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER="Test results: http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER/testReport/ $JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER" submitJiraComment $RESULT cleanupAndExit $RESULT