#!/usr/bin/env bash # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. if [[ -z "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" ]] \ || [[ "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" -lt 3 ]] \ || [[ "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" -eq 3 && "${BASH_VERSINFO[1]}" -lt 2 ]]; then echo "bash v3.2+ is required. Sorry." exit 1 fi function centered_text { local text="$*" local spacing=$(( (75+${#text}) /2 )) printf "%*s\n" ${spacing} "${text}" } function big_console_header { printf "\n\n" echo "****************************************************************************" centered_text "${@}" echo "****************************************************************************" printf "\n\n" } ## @description Given a filename or dir, return the absolute version of it ## @audience public ## @stability stable ## @param directory ## @replaceable no ## @return 0 success ## @return 1 failure ## @return stdout abspath function hadoop_abs { declare obj=$1 declare dir declare fn declare ret if [[ ! -e ${obj} ]]; then return 1 elif [[ -d ${obj} ]]; then dir=${obj} else dir=$(dirname -- "${obj}") fn=$(basename -- "${obj}") fn="/${fn}" fi dir=$(cd -P -- "${dir}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && pwd -P) ret=$? if [[ ${ret} = 0 ]]; then echo "${dir}${fn}" return 0 fi return 1 } ## @description Print a message to stderr ## @audience public ## @stability stable ## @replaceable no ## @param string function hadoop_error { echo "$*" 1>&2 } function run_and_redirect { declare logfile=$1 shift declare res echo "\$ ${*} > ${logfile} 2>&1" # to the log { date echo "cd $(pwd)" echo "${*}" } > "${logfile}" # run the actual command "${@}" >> "${logfile}" 2>&1 res=$? if [[ ${res} != 0 ]]; then echo echo "Failed!" echo exit "${res}" fi } function hadoop_native_flags { # modified version of the Yetus personality if [[ ${NATIVE} != true ]]; then return fi # Based upon HADOOP-11937 # # Some notes: # # - getting fuse to compile on anything but Linux # is always tricky. # - Darwin assumes homebrew is in use. # - HADOOP-12027 required for bzip2 on OS X. # - bzip2 is broken in lots of places. # e.g, HADOOP-12027 for OS X. so no -Drequire.bzip2 # case "${OSNAME}" in Linux) # shellcheck disable=SC2086 echo -Pnative -Drequire.snappy -Drequire.openssl -Drequire.fuse ;; Darwin) echo \ -Pnative -Drequire.snappy \ -Drequire.openssl \ -Dopenssl.prefix=/usr/local/opt/openssl/ \ -Dopenssl.include=/usr/local/opt/openssl/include \ -Dopenssl.lib=/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib ;; *) # shellcheck disable=SC2086 echo \ -Pnative \ -Drequire.snappy -Drequire.openssl \ -Drequire.test.libhadoop ;; esac } # Function to probe the exit code of the script commands, # and stop in the case of failure with an contextual error # message. function run() { declare res declare logfile echo "\$ ${*}" "${@}" res=$? if [[ ${res} != 0 ]]; then echo echo "Failed!" echo exit "${res}" fi } function domd5() { run "${MD5SUM}" "${1}" > "${1}.md5" } function header() { echo printf "\n\n" echo "============================================================================" echo "============================================================================" centered_text "Hadoop Release Creator" echo "============================================================================" echo "============================================================================" printf "\n\n" echo "Version to create : ${HADOOP_VERSION}" echo "Release Candidate Label: ${RC_LABEL##-}" echo "Source Version : ${DEFAULT_HADOOP_VERSION}" printf "\n\n" } function set_defaults { BINDIR=$(dirname "${BIN}") BASEDIR=$(hadoop_abs "${BINDIR}/../..") ARTIFACTS_DIR="${BASEDIR}/target/artifacts" # Extract Hadoop version from ${BASEDIR}/pom.xml DEFAULT_HADOOP_VERSION=$(grep "<version>" "${BASEDIR}/pom.xml" \ | head -1 \ | sed -e 's|^ *<version>||' -e 's|</version>.*$||') DEPLOY=false DOCKER=false DOCKERCACHE=false DOCKERFILE="${BASEDIR}/dev-support/docker/Dockerfile" DOCKERRAN=false # Extract Java version from ${BASEDIR}/pom.xml # doing this outside of maven means we can do this before # the docker container comes up... JVM_VERSION=$(grep "<javac.version>" "${BASEDIR}/hadoop-project/pom.xml" \ | head -1 \ | sed -e 's|^ *<javac.version>||' -e 's|</javac.version>.*$||' -e 's|..||') GIT=$(command -v git) GPG=$(command -v gpg) GPGAGENT=$(command -v gpg-agent) HADOOP_VERSION="${DEFAULT_HADOOP_VERSION}" INDOCKER=false LOGDIR="${BASEDIR}/patchprocess" if [[ -z "${MVN}" ]]; then if [[ -n "${MAVEN_HOME}" ]]; then MVN=${MAVEN_HOME}/bin/mvn else MVN=$(command -v mvn) fi fi MD5SUM=$(command -v md5sum) if [[ -z "${MD5SUM}" ]]; then MD5SUM=$(command -v md5) fi NATIVE=false OSNAME=$(uname -s) PUBKEYFILE="https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/hadoop/common/KEYS" SIGN=false } function startgpgagent { if [[ "${SIGN}" = true ]]; then if [[ -n "${GPGAGENT}" && -z "${GPG_AGENT_INFO}" ]]; then echo "starting gpg agent" echo "default-cache-ttl 14400" > "${LOGDIR}/gpgagent.conf" # shellcheck disable=2046 eval $("${GPGAGENT}" --daemon \ --options "${LOGDIR}/gpgagent.conf" \ --log-file="${LOGDIR}/create-release-gpgagent.log") GPGAGENTPID=$(echo "${GPG_AGENT_INFO}" | cut -f 2 -d:) fi if [[ -n "${GPG_AGENT_INFO}" ]]; then echo "Warming the gpg-agent cache prior to calling maven" # warm the agent's cache: touch "${LOGDIR}/warm" ${GPG} --use-agent --armor --output "${LOGDIR}/warm.asc" --detach-sig "${LOGDIR}/warm" rm "${LOGDIR}/warm.asc" "${LOGDIR}/warm" else SIGN=false hadoop_error "ERROR: Unable to launch or acquire gpg-agent. Disable signing." fi fi } function stopgpgagent { if [[ -n "${GPGAGENTPID}" ]]; then kill "${GPGAGENTPID}" fi } function usage { echo "--artifactsdir=[path] Path to use to store release bits" echo "--asfrelease Make an ASF release" echo "--deploy Deploy Maven artifacts using ~/.m2/settings.xml" echo "--docker Use Hadoop's Dockerfile for guaranteed environment" echo "--dockercache Use a Docker-private maven cache" echo "--logdir=[path] Path to store logs" echo "--mvncache=[path] Path to the maven cache to use" echo "--native Also build the native components" echo "--rc-label=[label] Add this label to the builds" echo "--security Emergency security release" echo "--sign Use .gnupg dir to sign the artifacts and jars" echo "--version=[version] Use an alternative version string" } function option_parse { declare i for i in "$@"; do case ${i} in --asfrelease) ASFRELEASE=true NATIVE=true SIGN=true DEPLOY=true ;; --artifactsdir=*) ARTIFACTS_DIR=${i#*=} ;; --deploy) DEPLOY=true ;; --docker) DOCKER=true ;; --dockercache) DOCKERCACHE=true ;; --help) usage exit ;; --indocker) INDOCKER=true ;; --logdir=*) LOGDIR=${i#*=} ;; --mvncache=*) MVNCACHE=${i#*=} ;; --native) NATIVE=true ;; --rc-label=*) RC_LABEL=${i#*=} ;; --security) SECURITYRELEASE=true ;; --sign) SIGN=true ;; --version=*) HADOOP_VERSION=${i#*=} ;; esac done if [[ ! -d "${HOME}/.gnupg" ]]; then hadoop_error "ERROR: No .gnupg dir. Disabling signing capability." SIGN=false fi if [[ "${SIGN}" = true ]]; then if [[ -n "${GPG_AGENT_INFO}" ]]; then echo "NOTE: Using existing gpg-agent. If the default-cache-ttl" echo "is set to less than ~20 mins, maven commands will fail." elif [[ -z "${GPGAGENT}" ]]; then hadoop_error "ERROR: No gpg-agent. Disabling signing capability." SIGN=false fi fi if [[ "${DEPLOY}" = true && ! -f "${HOME}/.m2/settings.xml" ]]; then hadoop_error "ERROR: No ~/.m2/settings.xml file, cannot deploy Maven artifacts." exit 1 fi DOCKERCMD=$(command -v docker) if [[ "${DOCKER}" = true && -z "${DOCKERCMD}" ]]; then hadoop_error "ERROR: docker binary not found. Disabling docker mode." DOCKER=false fi if [[ "${DOCKERCACHE}" = true && "${DOCKER}" = false ]]; then if [[ "${INDOCKER}" = false ]]; then hadoop_error "ERROR: docker mode not enabled. Disabling dockercache." fi DOCKERCACHE=false fi if [[ "${DOCKERCACHE}" = true && -n "${MVNCACHE}" ]]; then hadoop_error "ERROR: Cannot set --mvncache and --dockercache simultaneously." exit 1 else MVNCACHE=${MVNCACHE:-"${HOME}/.m2"} fi if [[ "${ASFRELEASE}" = true ]]; then if [[ "${SIGN}" = false ]]; then hadoop_error "ERROR: --asfrelease requires --sign. Exiting." exit 1 fi if [[ "${OSNAME}" = Linux ]]; then if [[ "${DOCKER}" = false && "${INDOCKER}" = false ]]; then hadoop_error "ERROR: --asfrelease requires --docker on Linux. Exiting." exit 1 elif [[ "${DOCKERCACHE}" = false && "${INDOCKER}" = false ]]; then hadoop_error "ERROR: --asfrelease on Linux requires --dockercache. Exiting." exit 1 fi fi fi if [[ -n "${MVNCACHE}" ]]; then mkdir -p "${MVNCACHE}" if [[ -d "${MVNCACHE}" ]]; then MVN_ARGS=("-Dmaven.repo.local=${MVNCACHE}") fi fi if [[ "${SECURITYRELEASE}" = true ]]; then if [[ ! -d "${BASEDIR}/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/release/${HADOOP_VERSION}" ]]; then hadoop_error "ERROR: ${BASEDIR}/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/release/${HADOOP_VERSION} does not exist." hadoop_error "ERROR: This directory and its contents are required to be manually created for a security release." exit 1 fi fi } function dockermode { declare lines declare -a modp declare imgname declare -a extrad declare user_name declare group_id if [[ "${DOCKER}" != true ]]; then return fi user_name=${SUDO_USER:=$USER} user_id=$(id -u "${user_name}") group_id=$(id -g "${user_name}") imgname="hadoop/createrelease:${HADOOP_VERSION}_${RANDOM}" if [[ -d "${HOME}/.gnupg" ]]; then extrad+=("-v" "${HOME}/.gnupg:/home/${user_name}/.gnupg") fi if [[ -n "${LOGDIR}" ]]; then if [[ ! -d "${LOGDIR}" ]]; then mkdir -p "${LOGDIR}" fi lines=$(hadoop_abs "${LOGDIR}") extrad+=("-v" "${lines}:${lines}") fi if [[ -n "${ARTIFACTS_DIR}" ]]; then if [[ ! -d "${ARTIFACTS_DIR}" ]]; then mkdir -p "${ARTIFACTS_DIR}" fi lines=$(hadoop_abs "${ARTIFACTS_DIR}") extrad+=("-v" "${lines}:${lines}") fi if [[ "${DEPLOY}" = true ]]; then modp+=("--deploy") extrad+=("-v" "${HOME}/.m2/settings.xml:/home/${user_name}/.m2/settings.xml") fi if [[ "${DOCKERCACHE}" = true ]]; then modp+=("--mvncache=/maven") else lines=$(hadoop_abs "${MVNCACHE}") extrad+=("-v" "${lines}:${lines}") fi for lines in "${PARAMS[@]}"; do if [[ "${lines}" != "--docker" ]]; then modp+=("$lines") fi done modp+=("--indocker") ( lines=$(grep -n 'YETUS CUT HERE' "${DOCKERFILE}" | cut -f1 -d:) if [[ -z "${lines}" ]]; then cat "${DOCKERFILE}" else head -n "${lines}" "${DOCKERFILE}" fi # make sure we put some space between, just in case last # line isn't an empty line or whatever printf "\n\n" # force a new image for every run to make it easier to remove later echo "LABEL org.apache.hadoop.create-release=\"cr-${RANDOM}\"" # setup ownerships, etc echo "RUN groupadd --non-unique -g ${group_id} ${user_name}" echo "RUN useradd -g ${group_id} -u ${user_id} -m ${user_name}" echo "RUN chown -R ${user_name} /home/${user_name}" echo "ENV HOME /home/${user_name}" echo "RUN mkdir -p /maven" echo "RUN chown -R ${user_name} /maven" # we always force build with the OpenJDK JDK # but with the correct version echo "ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-${JVM_VERSION}-openjdk-amd64" echo "USER ${user_name}" printf "\n\n" ) | docker build -t "${imgname}" - run docker run -i -t \ --privileged \ "${extrad[@]}" \ -v "${BASEDIR}:/build/source" \ -u "${user_name}" \ -w "/build/source" \ "${imgname}" \ "/build/source/dev-support/bin/create-release" "${modp[@]}" DOCKERRAN=true } function makearelease { # let's start at the root run cd "${BASEDIR}" big_console_header "Cleaning the Source Tree" # git clean to clear any remnants from previous build run "${GIT}" clean -xdf mkdir -p "${LOGDIR}" # Install the Hadoop maven plugins first run_and_redirect "${LOGDIR}/mvn_install_maven_plugins.log" "${MVN}" "${MVN_ARGS[@]}" -pl hadoop-maven-plugins -am clean install # mvn clean for sanity run_and_redirect "${LOGDIR}/mvn_clean.log" "${MVN}" "${MVN_ARGS[@]}" clean # Create staging dir for release artifacts run mkdir -p "${ARTIFACTS_DIR}" big_console_header "Apache RAT Check" # Create RAT report run_and_redirect "${LOGDIR}/mvn_apache_rat.log" "${MVN}" "${MVN_ARGS[@]}" apache-rat:check big_console_header "Maven Build and Install" if [[ "${SIGN}" = true ]]; then signflags=("-Psign" "-Dgpg.useagent=true" "-Dgpg.executable=${GPG}") fi local target="install" if [[ "${DEPLOY}" = true ]]; then target="deploy" fi # Create SRC and BIN tarballs for release, # shellcheck disable=SC2046 run_and_redirect "${LOGDIR}/mvn_${target}.log" \ "${MVN}" "${MVN_ARGS[@]}" ${target} \ -Pdist,src,yarn-ui \ "${signflags[@]}" \ -DskipTests -Dtar $(hadoop_native_flags) # Stage BIN tarball run cd "${BASEDIR}" run mv \ "${BASEDIR}/hadoop-dist/target/hadoop-${HADOOP_VERSION}.tar.gz" \ "${ARTIFACTS_DIR}/hadoop-${HADOOP_VERSION}${RC_LABEL}.tar.gz" # Stage SRC tarball run mv \ "${BASEDIR}/hadoop-dist/target/hadoop-${HADOOP_VERSION}-src.tar.gz" \ "${ARTIFACTS_DIR}/hadoop-${HADOOP_VERSION}${RC_LABEL}-src.tar.gz" big_console_header "Maven Site" if [[ "${SECURITYRELEASE}" = true ]]; then DOCFLAGS="-Pdocs" hadoop_error "WARNING: Skipping automatic changelog and release notes generation due to --security" else DOCFLAGS="-Preleasedocs,docs" fi # Create site for release # we need to do install again so that jdiff and # a few other things get registered in the maven # universe correctly run_and_redirect "${LOGDIR}/mvn_site.log" \ "${MVN}" "${MVN_ARGS[@]}" install \ site site:stage \ -DskipTests \ -DskipShade \ -Pdist,src \ "${DOCFLAGS}" # Create the site tarball run mv "${BASEDIR}/target/staging/hadoop-project" "${BASEDIR}/target/r${HADOOP_VERSION}/" run cd "${BASEDIR}/target/" run tar czpf "hadoop-site-${HADOOP_VERSION}.tar.gz" "r${HADOOP_VERSION}"/* run cd "${BASEDIR}" # Stage SITE tarball run mv \ "${BASEDIR}/target/hadoop-site-${HADOOP_VERSION}.tar.gz" \ "${ARTIFACTS_DIR}/hadoop-${HADOOP_VERSION}${RC_LABEL}-site.tar.gz" # Stage RAT report #shellcheck disable=SC2038 find . -name rat.txt | xargs -I% cat % > "${ARTIFACTS_DIR}/hadoop-${HADOOP_VERSION}${RC_LABEL}-rat.txt" # Stage CHANGES and RELEASENOTES files for i in CHANGES RELEASENOTES; do run cp -p \ "${BASEDIR}/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/release/${HADOOP_VERSION}"/${i}*.md \ "${ARTIFACTS_DIR}/${i}.md" done # We need to fixup the BIN tarball at the end to contain the site docs. run cd "${ARTIFACTS_DIR}" run tar -xzpf "hadoop-${HADOOP_VERSION}${RC_LABEL}.tar.gz" run mkdir -p "hadoop-${HADOOP_VERSION}/share/doc/hadoop/" run cp -r "${BASEDIR}/target/r${HADOOP_VERSION}"/* "hadoop-${HADOOP_VERSION}/share/doc/hadoop/" run tar -czpf "hadoop-${HADOOP_VERSION}${RC_LABEL}.tar.gz" "hadoop-${HADOOP_VERSION}" run rm -rf "hadoop-${HADOOP_VERSION}" } function signartifacts { declare i declare ret if [[ "${SIGN}" = false ]]; then for i in ${ARTIFACTS_DIR}/*; do domd5 "${i}" done echo "" echo "Remember to sign the artifacts before staging them on the open" echo "" return fi big_console_header "Signing the release" for i in ${ARTIFACTS_DIR}/*; do ${GPG} --use-agent --armor --output "${i}.asc" --detach-sig "${i}" ${GPG} --print-mds "${i}" > "${i}.mds" domd5 "${i}" done if [[ "${ASFRELEASE}" = true ]]; then echo "Fetching the Apache Hadoop KEYS file..." curl -L "${PUBKEYFILE}" -o "${BASEDIR}/target/KEYS" ${GPG} --import --trustdb "${BASEDIR}/target/testkeysdb" "${BASEDIR}/target/KEYS" ${GPG} --verify --trustdb "${BASEDIR}/target/testkeysdb" \ "${ARTIFACTS_DIR}/hadoop-${HADOOP_VERSION}${RC_LABEL}.tar.gz.asc" \ "${ARTIFACTS_DIR}/hadoop-${HADOOP_VERSION}${RC_LABEL}.tar.gz" ret=$? if [[ ${ret} != 0 ]]; then hadoop_error "ERROR: GPG key is not present in ${PUBKEYFILE}." hadoop_error "ERROR: This MUST be fixed. Exiting." exit 1 fi fi } # find root of the source tree BIN=$(hadoop_abs "${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}") PARAMS=("$@") set_defaults option_parse "${PARAMS[@]}" dockermode header if [[ -n ${RC_LABEL} ]]; then RC_LABEL="-${RC_LABEL}" fi if [[ "${INDOCKER}" = true || "${DOCKERRAN}" = false ]]; then startgpgagent makearelease releaseret=$? signartifacts stopgpgagent fi if [[ "${INDOCKER}" = true ]]; then exit $? fi if [[ ${releaseret} == 0 ]]; then echo echo "Congratulations, you have successfully built the release" echo "artifacts for Apache Hadoop ${HADOOP_VERSION}${RC_LABEL}" echo echo "The artifacts for this run are available at ${ARTIFACTS_DIR}:" run ls -1 "${ARTIFACTS_DIR}" echo fi