Allen Wittenauer 9f03a7c018 HADOOP-10946. Fix a bunch of typos in log messages (Ray Chiang via aw) 2014-09-19 11:33:07 -07:00
src HADOOP-10946. Fix a bunch of typos in log messages (Ray Chiang via aw) 2014-09-19 11:33:07 -07:00
.gitignore HADOOP-10728. Metrics system for Windows Azure Storage Filesystem. Contributed by Dexter Bradshaw, Mostafa Elhemali, Xi Fang, Johannes Klein, David Lao, Mike Liddell, Chuan Liu, Lengning Liu, Ivan Mitic, Michael Rys, Alexander Stojanovic, Brian Swan, and Min Wei. 2014-06-24 20:52:44 +00:00
README.txt HADOOP-10728. Metrics system for Windows Azure Storage Filesystem. Contributed by Dexter Bradshaw, Mostafa Elhemali, Xi Fang, Johannes Klein, David Lao, Mike Liddell, Chuan Liu, Lengning Liu, Ivan Mitic, Michael Rys, Alexander Stojanovic, Brian Swan, and Min Wei. 2014-06-24 20:52:44 +00:00
pom.xml HADOOP-10400. Incorporate new S3A FileSystem implementation. Contributed by Jordan Mendelson and Dave Wang. 2014-09-15 08:27:07 -07:00


basic compilation:
> mvn clean compile test-compile

Compile, run tests and produce jar 
> mvn clean package

Unit tests
Most of the tests will run without additional configuration.
For complete testing, configuration in src/test/resources is required:
  src/test/resources/azure-test.xml -> Defines Azure storage dependencies, including account information 

The other files in src/test/resources do not normally need alteration:
  log4j.properties -> Test logging setup
  hadoop-metrics2-azure-file-system.properties -> used to wire up instrumentation for testing
From command-line
Basic execution:
> mvn test

 - The mvn pom.xml includes src/test/resources in the runtime classpath
 - detailed output (such as log4j) appears in target\surefire-reports\TEST-{testName}.xml
   including log4j messages.
Run the tests and generate report:
> mvn site (at least once to setup some basics including images for the report)
> mvn surefire-report:report  (run and produce report)
> mvn mvn surefire-report:report-only  (produce report from last run)
> mvn mvn surefire-report:report-only -DshowSuccess=false (produce report from last run, only show errors)
> .\target\site\surefire-report.html (view the report)

Via eclipse
Manually add src\test\resources to the classpath for test run configuration:
  - run menu|run configurations|{configuration}|classpath|User Entries|advanced|add folder

Then run via junit test runner.
 - if you change log4.properties, rebuild the project to refresh the eclipse cache.

Run Tests against Mocked storage.
These run automatically and make use of an in-memory emulation of azure storage.

Running tests against the Azure storage emulator  
A selection of tests can run against the Azure Storage Emulator which is 
a high-fidelity emulation of live Azure Storage.  The emulator is sufficient for high-confidence testing.
The emulator is a Windows executable that runs on a local machine. 

To use the emulator, install Azure SDK 2.3 and start the storage emulator
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/hh403989.aspx

Enable the Azure emulator tests by setting 
  fs.azure.test.emulator -> true 
in src\test\resources\azure-test.xml

Known issues:
  Symptom: When running tests for emulator, you see the following failure message
           com.microsoft.windowsazure.storage.StorageException: The value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct format.
  Issue:   The emulator can get into a confused state.  
  Fix:     Restart the Azure Emulator.  Ensure it is v3.2 or later.
Running tests against live Azure storage 
In order to run WASB unit tests against a live Azure Storage account, add credentials to 
src\test\resources\azure-test.xml. These settings augment the hadoop configuration object.

For live tests, set the following in azure-test.xml:
 1. "fs.azure.test.account.name -> {azureStorageAccountName} 
 2. "fs.azure.account.key.{AccountName} -> {fullStorageKey}"

Run findbugs and show interactive GUI for review of problems
> mvn findbugs:gui 

Run findbugs and fail build if errors are found:
> mvn findbugs:check

For help with findbugs plugin.
> mvn findbugs:help

Rules for checkstyle @ src\config\checkstyle.xml
 - these are based on a core set of standards, with exclusions for non-serious issues
 - as a general plan it would be good to turn on more rules over time.
 - Occasionally, run checkstyle with the default Sun rules by editing pom.xml.

> mvn checkstyle:check --> just test & fail build if violations found
> mvn site checkstyle:checkstyle --> produce html report
> . target\site\checkstyle.html  --> view report.

- add the checkstyle plugin: Help|Install, site=http://eclipse-cs.sf.net/update
- window|preferences|checkstyle. Add src/config/checkstyle.xml. Set as default.
- project|properties|create configurations as required, eg src/main/java -> src/config/checkstyle.xml

- After any change to the checkstyle rules xml, use window|preferences|checkstyle|{refresh}|OK

> mvn javadoc:javadoc