This commit contains the following JIRA issues: HADOOP-12931. bin/hadoop work for dynamic subcommands HADOOP-12932. bin/yarn work for dynamic subcommands HADOOP-12933. bin/hdfs work for dynamic subcommands HADOOP-12934. bin/mapred work for dynamic subcommands HADOOP-12935. API documentation for dynamic subcommands HADOOP-12936. modify hadoop-tools to take advantage of dynamic subcommands HADOOP-13086. enable daemonization of dynamic commands HADOOP-13087. env var doc update for dynamic commands HADOOP-13088. fix shellprofiles in hadoop-tools to allow replacement HADOOP-13089. hadoop distcp adds client opts twice when dynamic HADOOP-13094. hadoop-common unit tests for dynamic commands HADOOP-13095. hadoop-hdfs unit tests for dynamic commands HADOOP-13107. clean up how rumen is executed HADOOP-13108. dynamic subcommands need a way to manipulate arguments HADOOP-13110. add a streaming subcommand to mapred HADOOP-13111. convert hadoop gridmix to be dynamic HADOOP-13115. dynamic subcommand docs should talk about exit vs. continue program flow HADOOP-13117. clarify daemonization and security vars for dynamic commands HADOOP-13120. add a --debug message when dynamic commands have been used HADOOP-13121. rename sub-project shellprofiles to match the rest of Hadoop HADOOP-13129. fix typo in dynamic subcommand docs HADOOP-13151. Underscores should be escaped in dynamic subcommands document HADOOP-13153. fix typo in debug statement for dynamic subcommands
DistCp (distributed copy) is a tool used for large inter/intra-cluster copying. It uses Map/Reduce to effect its distribution, error handling and recovery, and reporting. It expands a list of files and directories into input to map tasks, each of which will copy a partition of the files specified in the source list.