HADOOP-16474. S3Guard ProgressiveRenameTracker to mark destination
dirirectory as authoritative on success.
HADOOP-16684. S3guard bucket info to list a bit more about
authoritative paths.
HADOOP-16722. S3GuardTool to support FilterFileSystem.
This patch improves the marking of newly created/import directory
trees in S3Guard DynamoDB tables as authoritative.
Specific changes:
* Renamed directories are marked as authoritative if the entire
operation succeeded (HADOOP-16474).
* When updating parent table entries as part of any table write,
there's no overwriting of their authoritative flag.
s3guard import changes:
* new -verbose flag to print out what is going on.
* The "s3guard import" command lets you declare that a directory tree
is to be marked as authoritative
hadoop s3guard import -authoritative -verbose s3a://bucket/path
When importing a listing and a file is found, the import tool queries
the metastore and only updates the entry if the file is different from
before, where different == new timestamp, etag, or length. S3Guard can get
timestamp differences due to clock skew in PUT operations.
As the recursive list performed by the import command doesn't retrieve the
versionID, the existing entry may in fact be more complete.
When updating an existing due to clock skew the existing version ID
is propagated to the new entry (note: the etags must match; this is needed
to deal with inconsistent listings).
There is a new s3guard command to audit a s3guard bucket/path's
authoritative state:
hadoop s3guard authoritative -check-config s3a://bucket/path
This is primarily for testing/auditing.
The s3guard bucket-info command also provides some more details on the
authoritative state of a store (HADOOP-16684).
Change-Id: I58001341c04f6f3597fcb4fcb1581ccefeb77d91