HBASE-840 More options on the row query in REST interface
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/hbase/trunk@690637 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ Release 0.18.0 - Unreleased
HBASE-784 Base hbase-0.3.0 on hadoop-0.18
HBASE-841 Consolidate multiple overloaded methods in HRegionInterface,
HRegionServer (Jean-Daniel Cryans via Jim Kellerman)
HBASE-840 More options on the row query in REST interface
(Sishen Freecity via Stack)
HBASE-787 Postgresql to HBase table replication example (Tim Sell via Stack)
@ -132,7 +132,10 @@ public interface HConstants {
static final byte [] ROOT_TABLE_NAME = Bytes.toBytes("-ROOT-");
/** The META table's name. */
static final byte [] META_TABLE_NAME = Bytes.toBytes(".META.");
static final byte [] META_TABLE_NAME = Bytes.toBytes(".META.");
/** delimiter used between portions of a region name */
public static final int META_ROW_DELIMITER = ',';
// Defines for the column names used in both ROOT and META HBase 'meta' tables.
@ -40,6 +40,12 @@ public class HStoreKey implements WritableComparable {
private byte [] column = HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
private long timestamp = Long.MAX_VALUE;
* regionInfo is only used as a hack to compare HSKs.
* It is not serialized. See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-832
private HRegionInfo regionInfo = null;
/** Default constructor used in conjunction with Writable interface */
public HStoreKey() {
@ -47,8 +53,8 @@ public class HStoreKey implements WritableComparable {
* Create an HStoreKey specifying only the row
* The column defaults to the empty string and the time stamp defaults to
* The column defaults to the empty string, the time stamp defaults to
* Long.MAX_VALUE and the table defaults to empty string
* @param row - row key
@ -58,8 +64,8 @@ public class HStoreKey implements WritableComparable {
* Create an HStoreKey specifying only the row
* The column defaults to the empty string and the time stamp defaults to
* The column defaults to the empty string, the time stamp defaults to
* Long.MAX_VALUE and the table defaults to empty string
* @param row - row key
@ -69,7 +75,7 @@ public class HStoreKey implements WritableComparable {
* Create an HStoreKey specifying the row and timestamp
* The column name defaults to the empty string
* The column and table names default to the empty string
* @param row row key
* @param timestamp timestamp value
@ -80,29 +86,31 @@ public class HStoreKey implements WritableComparable {
* Create an HStoreKey specifying the row and timestamp
* The column name defaults to the empty string
* The column and table names default to the empty string
* @param row row key
* @param timestamp timestamp value
public HStoreKey(final String row, long timestamp) {
this (row, "", timestamp);
this (row, "", timestamp, new HRegionInfo());
* Create an HStoreKey specifying the row and column names
* The timestamp defaults to LATEST_TIMESTAMP
* and table name defaults to the empty string
* @param row row key
* @param column column key
public HStoreKey(final String row, final String column) {
this(row, column, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
this(row, column, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP, new HRegionInfo());
* Create an HStoreKey specifying the row and column names
* The timestamp defaults to LATEST_TIMESTAMP
* and table name defaults to the empty string
* @param row row key
* @param column column key
@ -110,17 +118,18 @@ public class HStoreKey implements WritableComparable {
public HStoreKey(final byte [] row, final byte [] column) {
this(row, column, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
* Create an HStoreKey specifying all the fields
* Does not make copies of the passed byte arrays. Presumes the passed
* arrays immutable.
* Create an HStoreKey specifying the row, column names and table name
* The timestamp defaults to LATEST_TIMESTAMP
* @param row row key
* @param column column key
* @param timestamp timestamp value
* @param regionInfo region info
public HStoreKey(final String row, final String column, long timestamp) {
this (Bytes.toBytes(row), Bytes.toBytes(column), timestamp);
public HStoreKey(final byte [] row,
final byte [] column, final HRegionInfo regionInfo) {
this(row, column, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP, regionInfo);
@ -130,12 +139,42 @@ public class HStoreKey implements WritableComparable {
* @param row row key
* @param column column key
* @param timestamp timestamp value
* @param regionInfo region info
public HStoreKey(final String row,
final String column, long timestamp, final HRegionInfo regionInfo) {
this (Bytes.toBytes(row), Bytes.toBytes(column),
timestamp, regionInfo);
* Create an HStoreKey specifying all the fields with unspecified table
* Does not make copies of the passed byte arrays. Presumes the passed
* arrays immutable.
* @param row row key
* @param column column key
* @param timestamp timestamp value
public HStoreKey(final byte [] row, final byte [] column, long timestamp) {
this(row, column, timestamp, null);
* Create an HStoreKey specifying all the fields with specified table
* Does not make copies of the passed byte arrays. Presumes the passed
* arrays immutable.
* @param row row key
* @param column column key
* @param timestamp timestamp value
* @param regionInfo region info
public HStoreKey(final byte [] row,
final byte [] column, long timestamp, final HRegionInfo regionInfo) {
// Make copies
this.row = row;
this.column = column;
this.timestamp = timestamp;
this.regionInfo = regionInfo;
/** @return Approximate size in bytes of this key. */
@ -205,6 +244,11 @@ public class HStoreKey implements WritableComparable {
return this.timestamp;
/** @return value of regioninfo */
public HRegionInfo getHRegionInfo() {
return this.regionInfo;
* Compares the row and column of two keys
* @param other Key to compare against. Compares row and column.
@ -274,7 +318,7 @@ public class HStoreKey implements WritableComparable {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public int compareTo(Object o) {
HStoreKey other = (HStoreKey)o;
int result = Bytes.compareTo(this.row, other.row);
int result = compareTwoRowKeys(this.regionInfo, this.row, other.row);
if (result != 0) {
return result;
@ -419,6 +463,66 @@ public class HStoreKey implements WritableComparable {
return Bytes.add(hsk.getRow(), hsk.getColumn());
* Utility method to compare two row keys.
* This is required because of the meta delimiters.
* This is a hack.
* @param regioninfo
* @param rowA
* @param rowB
* @return value of the comparison
public static int compareTwoRowKeys(HRegionInfo regionInfo,
byte[] rowA, byte[] rowB) {
if(regionInfo != null && (regionInfo.isMetaRegion() ||
regionInfo.isRootRegion())) {
byte[][] keysA = stripStartKeyMeta(rowA);
byte[][] KeysB = stripStartKeyMeta(rowB);
int rowCompare = Bytes.compareTo(keysA[0], KeysB[0]);
if(rowCompare == 0)
rowCompare = Bytes.compareTo(keysA[1], KeysB[1]);
return rowCompare;
} else {
return Bytes.compareTo(rowA, rowB);
* Utility method to check if two row keys are equal.
* This is required because of the meta delimiters
* This is a hack
* @param regioninfo
* @param rowA
* @param rowB
* @return if it's equal
public static boolean equalsTwoRowKeys(HRegionInfo regionInfo,
byte[] rowA, byte[] rowB) {
return rowA == null && rowB == null? true:
rowA == null && rowB != null? false:
rowA != null && rowB == null? false:
rowA.length != rowB.length? false:
compareTwoRowKeys(regionInfo,rowA,rowB) == 0;
private static byte[][] stripStartKeyMeta(byte[] rowKey) {
int offset = -1;
for (int i = rowKey.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (rowKey[i] == HConstants.META_ROW_DELIMITER) {
offset = i;
byte [] row = new byte[offset];
System.arraycopy(rowKey, 0, row, 0,offset);
byte [] timestamp = new byte[rowKey.length - offset - 1];
System.arraycopy(rowKey, offset+1, timestamp, 0,rowKey.length - offset - 1);
byte[][] elements = new byte[2][];
elements[0] = row;
elements[1] = timestamp;
return elements;
// Writable
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@ -434,4 +538,4 @@ public class HStoreKey implements WritableComparable {
this.column = Bytes.readByteArray(in);
this.timestamp = in.readLong();
@ -1246,13 +1246,14 @@ public class HRegion implements HConstants {
// get the closest key
byte [] closestKey = store.getRowKeyAtOrBefore(row);
// if it happens to be an exact match, we can stop looping
if (Bytes.equals(row, closestKey)) {
if (HStoreKey.equalsTwoRowKeys(regionInfo,row, closestKey)) {
key = new HStoreKey(closestKey);
// otherwise, we need to check if it's the max and move to the next
if (closestKey != null
&& (key == null || Bytes.compareTo(closestKey, key.getRow()) > 0) ) {
&& (key == null || HStoreKey.compareTwoRowKeys(
regionInfo,closestKey, key.getRow()) > 0) ) {
key = new HStoreKey(closestKey);
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HStoreKey;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.Cell;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
@ -53,6 +54,8 @@ class Memcache {
private final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass().getName());
private final long ttl;
private HRegionInfo regionInfo;
// Note that since these structures are always accessed with a lock held,
// so no additional synchronization is required.
@ -72,14 +75,17 @@ class Memcache {
public Memcache() {
this.ttl = HConstants.FOREVER;
this.regionInfo = null;
* Constructor.
* @param ttl The TTL for cache entries, in milliseconds.
* @param regionInfo The HRI for this cache
public Memcache(final long ttl) {
public Memcache(final long ttl, HRegionInfo regionInfo) {
this.ttl = ttl;
this.regionInfo = regionInfo;
@ -383,7 +389,8 @@ class Memcache {
// the search key, or a range of values between the first candidate key
// and the ultimate search key (or the end of the cache)
if (!tailMap.isEmpty() &&
Bytes.compareTo(tailMap.firstKey().getRow(), search_key.getRow()) <= 0) {
tailMap.firstKey().getRow(), search_key.getRow()) <= 0) {
Iterator<HStoreKey> key_iterator = tailMap.keySet().iterator();
// Keep looking at cells as long as they are no greater than the
@ -391,9 +398,11 @@ class Memcache {
HStoreKey deletedOrExpiredRow = null;
for (HStoreKey found_key = null; key_iterator.hasNext() &&
(found_key == null ||
Bytes.compareTo(found_key.getRow(), row) <= 0);) {
found_key.getRow(), row) <= 0);) {
found_key = key_iterator.next();
if (Bytes.compareTo(found_key.getRow(), row) <= 0) {
if (HStoreKey.compareTwoRowKeys(regionInfo,
found_key.getRow(), row) <= 0) {
if (HLogEdit.isDeleted(tailMap.get(found_key))) {
HStore.handleDeleted(found_key, candidateKeys, deletes);
if (deletedOrExpiredRow == null) {
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ public abstract class GenericHandler {
protected static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "content-type";
protected static final String ROW = "row";
protected static final String REGIONS = "regions";
protected static final String VERSION = "version";
protected final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());
@ -233,13 +234,32 @@ public abstract class GenericHandler {
doElement(outputter, "name",
// We don't know String from binary data so we always base64 encode.
doElement(outputter, "value",
outputCellXml(outputter, e.getValue());
protected void outputColumnsWithMultiVersionsXml(final XMLOutputter outputter,
final Map<byte [], Cell[]> m)
throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
for (Map.Entry<byte [], Cell[]> e: m.entrySet()) {
for (Cell c : e.getValue()) {
doElement(outputter, "name",
outputCellXml(outputter, c);
protected void outputCellXml(final XMLOutputter outputter, Cell c)
throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
// We don't know String from binary data so we always base64 encode.
doElement(outputter, "value",
doElement(outputter, "timestamp", String.valueOf(c.getTimestamp()));
// Commented - multipart support is currently nonexistant.
// protected void outputColumnsMime(final MultiPartResponse mpr,
// final Map<Text, Cell> m)
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public class RowHandler extends GenericHandler {
final HttpServletResponse response, final String [] pathSegments)
throws IOException {
// pull the row key out of the path
String row = URLDecoder.decode(pathSegments[2], HConstants.UTF8_ENCODING);
byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes(URLDecoder.decode(pathSegments[2], HConstants.UTF8_ENCODING));
String timestampStr = null;
if (pathSegments.length == 4) {
@ -85,16 +85,52 @@ public class RowHandler extends GenericHandler {
String[] columns = request.getParameterValues(COLUMN);
if (columns == null || columns.length == 0) {
// They want full row returned.
// Presumption is that this.table has already been focused on target table.
Map<byte [], Cell> result = timestampStr == null ?
: table.getRow(Bytes.toBytes(row), Long.parseLong(timestampStr));
String[] column_params = request.getParameterValues(COLUMN);
byte[][] columns = null;
if (column_params != null && column_params.length > 0) {
List<String> available_columns = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String column_param : column_params) {
if (column_param.length() > 0 && table.getTableDescriptor().hasFamily(Bytes.toBytes(column_param))) {
columns = Bytes.toByteArrays(available_columns.toArray(new String[0]));
String[] version_params = request.getParameterValues(VERSION);
int version = 0;
if (version_params != null && version_params.length == 1) {
version = Integer.parseInt(version_params[0]);
if (version > 0 && columns != null) {
Map<byte[], Cell[]> result = new TreeMap<byte [], Cell[]>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
for (byte[] col : columns) {
Cell[] cells = timestampStr == null ? table.get(row, col, version)
: table.get(row, col, Long.parseLong(timestampStr), version);
if (cells != null) {
result.put(col, cells);
if (result == null || result.size() == 0) {
doNotFound(response, "Row not found!");
} else {
switch (ContentType.getContentType(request.getHeader(ACCEPT))) {
case XML:
outputRowWithMultiVersionsXml(response, result);
case MIME:
doNotAcceptable(response, "Unsupported Accept Header Content: "
+ request.getHeader(CONTENT_TYPE));
} else {
Map<byte[], Cell> result = timestampStr == null ? table.getRow(row, columns) : table.getRow(row, columns, Long.parseLong(timestampStr));
if (result == null || result.size() == 0) {
doNotFound(response, "Row not found!");
} else {
@ -104,45 +140,8 @@ public class RowHandler extends GenericHandler {
case MIME:
doNotAcceptable(response, "Unsupported Accept Header Content: " +
} else {
Map<byte [], Cell> prefiltered_result = table.getRow(Bytes.toBytes(row));
if (prefiltered_result == null || prefiltered_result.size() == 0) {
doNotFound(response, "Row not found!");
} else {
// create a Set from the columns requested so we can
// efficiently filter the actual found columns
Set<String> requested_columns_set = new HashSet<String>();
for(int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++){
// output map that will contain the filtered results
Map<byte [], Cell> m =
new TreeMap<byte [], Cell>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
// get an array of all the columns retrieved
Set<byte []> columns_retrieved = prefiltered_result.keySet();
// copy over those cells with requested column names
for(byte [] current_column: columns_retrieved) {
if (requested_columns_set.contains(Bytes.toString(current_column))) {
m.put(current_column, prefiltered_result.get(current_column));
switch (ContentType.getContentType(request.getHeader(ACCEPT))) {
case XML:
outputRowXml(response, m);
case MIME:
doNotAcceptable(response, "Unsupported Accept Header Content: " +
doNotAcceptable(response, "Unsupported Accept Header Content: "
+ request.getHeader(CONTENT_TYPE));
@ -167,6 +166,18 @@ public class RowHandler extends GenericHandler {
private void outputRowWithMultiVersionsXml(final HttpServletResponse response,
final Map<byte[], Cell[]> result)
throws IOException {
setResponseHeader(response, result.size() > 0? 200: 204,
XMLOutputter outputter = getXMLOutputter(response.getWriter());
outputColumnsWithMultiVersionsXml(outputter, result);
* @param response
* @param result
@ -53,6 +53,43 @@ public class TestCompare extends TestCase {
assertTrue(nocolumn.compareTo(withcolumn) < 0);
* Tests cases where rows keys have characters below the ','.
* See HBASE-832
public void testHStoreKeyBorderCases() {
HRegionInfo info = new HRegionInfo(new HTableDescriptor("testtable"),
HStoreKey rowA = new HStoreKey("testtable,www.hbase.org/,1234",
"", Long.MAX_VALUE, info);
HStoreKey rowB = new HStoreKey("testtable,www.hbase.org/%20,99999",
"", Long.MAX_VALUE, info);
assertTrue(rowA.compareTo(rowB) > 0);
rowA = new HStoreKey("testtable,www.hbase.org/,1234",
rowB = new HStoreKey("testtable,www.hbase.org/%20,99999",
assertTrue(rowA.compareTo(rowB) < 0);
rowA = new HStoreKey("testtable,,1234",
rowB = new HStoreKey("testtable,$www.hbase.org/,99999",
assertTrue(rowA.compareTo(rowB) < 0);
rowA = new HStoreKey(".META.,testtable,www.hbase.org/,1234,4321",
rowB = new HStoreKey(".META.,testtable,www.hbase.org/%20,99999,99999",
assertTrue(rowA.compareTo(rowB) > 0);
* Sort of HRegionInfo.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user