HBASE-12219 Cache more efficiently getAll() and get() in FSTableDescriptors (addendum)

Signed-off-by: stack <stack@apache.org>
This commit is contained in:
Esteban Gutierrez 2014-10-31 11:21:31 -07:00 committed by stack
parent a46425b2a9
commit 1f18d706a8

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@ -186,17 +186,33 @@ public class FSTableDescriptors implements TableDescriptors {
public Map<String, HTableDescriptor> getAll()
throws IOException {
Map<String, HTableDescriptor> htds = new TreeMap<String, HTableDescriptor>();
List<Path> tableDirs = FSUtils.getTableDirs(fs, rootdir);
for (Path d: tableDirs) {
HTableDescriptor htd = null;
try {
htd = get(FSUtils.getTableName(d));
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
// inability of retrieving one HTD shouldn't stop getting the remaining
LOG.warn("Trouble retrieving htd", fnfe);
if (fsvisited && usecache) {
for (Map.Entry<TableName, HTableDescriptor> entry: this.cache.entrySet()) {
htds.put(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue());
// add hbase:meta to the response
} else {
LOG.debug("Fetching table descriptors from the filesystem.");
boolean allvisited = true;
for (Path d : FSUtils.getTableDirs(fs, rootdir)) {
HTableDescriptor htd = null;
try {
htd = get(FSUtils.getTableName(d));
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
// inability of retrieving one HTD shouldn't stop getting the remaining
LOG.warn("Trouble retrieving htd", fnfe);
if (htd == null) {
allvisited = false;
} else {
htds.put(htd.getTableName().getNameAsString(), htd);
fsvisited = allvisited;
if (htd == null) continue;
htds.put(htd.getTableName().getNameAsString(), htd);
return htds;