HBASE-26469 correct HBase shell exit behavior to match code passed to exit (#4018)

* refactors how we handle running the passed in initialization script to make use of IRB sessions
  directly instead of reimplementing things ourselves
* simplify how we initialize our IRB config
* insert a shim for capturing exit codes passed via user calls to exit
* make use of user provided exit code unless we're reading stdin in interactive mode

This changes the exit code of the shell
* a 0 return code, or no return code, passed to a call to exit from stdin in non-interactive mode
  will now exit cleanly. in prior versions this would have exitted with an error and non-zero exit
* for other combinations of passing in an initilization script or reading from stdin with using the
  non-interactive flag, the exit code being 0 or non-0 should now line up with releases prior to
  2.4.z, which is a change in behavior compared to 2.4.z.

Signed-off-by: Peter Somogyi <psomogyi@apache.org>
(cherry picked from commit 821e6a36cc88c2348cda6af8d9eb8a526054dffc)
This commit is contained in:
Sean Busbey 2021-09-28 23:00:11 -05:00
parent d3680d3148
commit 2033fc94d1
5 changed files with 83 additions and 151 deletions

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module IRB
# Subclass of IRB so can intercept methods
class HIRB < Irb
def initialize
def initialize(workspace = nil, input_method = nil)
# This is ugly. Our 'help' method above provokes the following message
# on irb construction: 'irb: warn: can't alias help from irb_help.'
# Below, we reset the output so its pointed at /dev/null during irb
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module IRB
# The stderr is an input to stty to re-adjust the terminal for the error('stdin isnt a terminal')
# incase the command is piped with hbase shell(eg - >echo 'list' | bin/hbase shell)
`stty icrnl <&2`
super(workspace, input_method)
$stdout = STDOUT
@ -57,4 +57,40 @@ module IRB
super unless @context.last_value.nil?
# HBaseLoader serves a similar purpose to IRB::IrbLoader, but with a different separation of
# concerns. This loader allows us to directly get the path for a filename in ruby's load path,
# and then use that in IRB::Irb
module HBaseLoader
# Determine the loadable path for a given filename by searching through $LOAD_PATH
# This serves a similar purpose to IRB::IrbLoader#search_file_from_ruby_path, but uses JRuby's
# loader, which allows us to find special paths like "uri:classloader" inside of a Jar.
# @param [String] filename
# @return [String] path
def self.path_for_load(filename)
return File.absolute_path(filename) if File.exist? filename
# Get JRuby's LoadService from the global (singleton) instance of the runtime
# (org.jruby.Ruby), which allows us to use JRuby's tools for searching the load path.
runtime = org.jruby.Ruby.getGlobalRuntime
loader = runtime.getLoadService
search_state = loader.findFileForLoad filename
raise LoadError, "no such file to load -- #{filename}" if search_state.library.nil?
# Return a file handle for the given file found in the load path
# @param [String] filename
# @return [FileInputMethod] InputMethod for passing to IRB session
def self.file_for_load(filename)

View File

@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ script2run = nil
log_level = org.apache.log4j.Level::ERROR
@shell_debug = false
interactive = true
full_backtrace = false
top_level_definitions = false
opts.each do |opt, arg|
@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ opts.each do |opt, arg|
conf_from_cli = add_to_configuration(conf_from_cli, arg)
when '--debug'
log_level = org.apache.log4j.Level::DEBUG
$fullBackTrace = true
full_backtrace = true
@shell_debug = true
puts 'Setting DEBUG log level...'
when '--noninteractive'
@ -185,61 +186,39 @@ end
# instance variables (@hbase and @shell) onto Ruby's top-level receiver object known as "main".
@shell.export_all(self) if top_level_definitions
require 'irb'
require 'irb/ext/change-ws'
require 'irb/hirb'
# Configure IRB
IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:CUSTOM] = {
PROMPT_I: '%N:%03n:%i> ',
PROMPT_S: '%N:%03n:%i%l ',
PROMPT_C: '%N:%03n:%i* ',
RETURN: "=> %s\n"
IRB.conf[:IRB_NAME] = 'hbase'
IRB.conf[:AP_NAME] = 'hbase'
IRB.conf[:BACK_TRACE_LIMIT] = 0 unless full_backtrace
# Create a workspace we'll use across sessions.
workspace = @shell.get_workspace
# If script2run, try running it. If we're in interactive mode, will go on to run the shell unless
# script calls 'exit' or 'exit 0' or 'exit errcode'.
require 'shell/hbase_loader'
if script2run
::Shell::Shell.exception_handler(!$fullBackTrace) { @shell.eval_io(Hbase::Loader.file_for_load(script2run), filename = script2run) }
::Shell::Shell.exception_handler(!full_backtrace) do
IRB::HIRB.new(workspace, IRB::HBaseLoader.file_for_load(script2run)).run
exit @shell.exit_code unless @shell.exit_code.nil?
# If we are not running interactively, evaluate standard input
::Shell::Shell.exception_handler(!$fullBackTrace) { @shell.eval_io(STDIN) } unless interactive
if interactive
# Output a banner message that tells users where to go for help
require 'irb'
require 'irb/ext/change-ws'
require 'irb/hirb'
module IRB
# Override of the default IRB.start
def self.start(ap_path = nil)
$0 = File.basename(ap_path, '.rb') if ap_path
IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:CUSTOM] = {
:PROMPT_I => "%N:%03n:%i> ",
:PROMPT_S => "%N:%03n:%i%l ",
:PROMPT_C => "%N:%03n:%i* ",
:RETURN => "=> %s\n"
@CONF[:IRB_NAME] = 'hbase'
@CONF[:AP_NAME] = 'hbase'
@CONF[:BACK_TRACE_LIMIT] = 0 unless $fullBackTrace
hirb = if @CONF[:SCRIPT]
HIRB.new(nil, @CONF[:SCRIPT])
shl = TOPLEVEL_BINDING.receiver.instance_variable_get :'@shell'
hirb.context.change_workspace shl.get_workspace
@CONF[:IRB_RC].call(hirb.context) if @CONF[:IRB_RC]
# Storing our current HBase IRB Context as the main context is imperative for several reasons,
# including auto-completion.
@CONF[:MAIN_CONTEXT] = hirb.context
catch(:IRB_EXIT) do
exit @shell.exit_code unless interactive || @shell.exit_code.nil?

View File

@ -100,6 +100,18 @@ module Shell
@debug = false
attr_accessor :debug
# keep track of the passed exit code. nil means never called.
@exit_code = nil
attr_accessor :exit_code
alias __exit__ exit
# exit the interactive shell and save that this
# happend via a call to exit
def exit(ret = 0)
@exit_code = ret
IRB.irb_exit(IRB.CurrentContext.irb, ret)
def initialize(hbase, interactive = true)
self.hbase = hbase
self.interactive = interactive
@ -302,33 +314,13 @@ For more on the HBase Shell, see http://hbase.apache.org/book.html
# Install all the hbase commands, constants, and instance variables @shell and @hbase. This
# will override names that conflict with IRB methods like "help".
# make it so calling exit will hit our pass-through rather than going directly to IRB
hbase_receiver.send :define_singleton_method, :exit, lambda { |rc = 0|
# Read from an instance of Ruby's IO class and evaluate each line within the shell's workspace
# Unlike Ruby's require or load, this method allows us to execute code with a custom binding. In
# this case, we are using the binding constructed with all the HBase shell constants and
# methods.
# @param [IO] io instance of Ruby's IO (or subclass like File) to read script from
# @param [String] filename to print in tracebacks
def eval_io(io, filename = 'stdin')
require 'irb/ruby-lex'
# Mixing HBaseIOExtensions into IO allows us to pass IO objects to RubyLex.
IO.include HBaseIOExtensions
workspace = get_workspace
scanner = RubyLex.new
scanner.each_top_level_statement do |statement, linenum|
puts(workspace.evaluate(nil, statement, filename, linenum))
# Runs a block and logs exception from both Ruby and Java, optionally discarding the traceback

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
module Hbase
# HBase::Loader serves a similar purpose to IRB::IrbLoader, but with a different separation of
# concerns. This loader allows us to directly get the path for a filename in ruby's load path,
# and then use that in combination with something like HBase::Shell#eval_io.
module Loader
# Determine the loadable path for a given filename by searching through $LOAD_PATH
# This serves a similar purpose to IRB::IrbLoader#search_file_from_ruby_path, but uses JRuby's
# loader, which allows us to find special paths like "uri:classloader" inside of a Jar.
# @param [String] filename
# @return [String] path
def self.path_for_load(filename)
return File.absolute_path(filename) if File.exist? filename
# Get JRuby's LoadService from the global (singleton) instance of the runtime
# (org.jruby.Ruby), which allows us to use JRuby's tools for searching the load path.
runtime = org.jruby.Ruby.getGlobalRuntime
loader = runtime.getLoadService
search_state = loader.findFileForLoad filename
raise LoadError, "no such file to load -- #{filename}" if search_state.library.nil?
# Return a file handle for the given file found in the load path
# @param [String] filename
# @return [File] file handle
def self.file_for_load(filename)

View File

@ -113,25 +113,6 @@ class ShellTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
define_test 'Shell::Shell#eval_io should evaluate IO' do
StringIO.include HBaseIOExtensions
# check that at least one of the commands is present while evaluating
io = StringIO.new <<~EOF
puts (respond_to? :list)
output = capture_stdout { @shell.eval_io(io) }
assert_match(/true/, output)
# check that at least one of the HBase constants is present while evaluating
io = StringIO.new <<~EOF
output = capture_stdout { @shell.eval_io(io) }
assert_match(/"ROWPREFIXFILTER"/, output)
define_test 'Shell::Shell#exception_handler should hide traceback' do
class TestException < RuntimeError; end
# When hide_traceback is true, exception_handler should replace exceptions