HBASE-10788 Add 99th percentile of latency in PE (Liu Shaohui)

git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hbase/trunk@1582583 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
liangxie 2014-03-28 02:37:59 +00:00
parent a0415141f9
commit 2084122996

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@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder;
import com.yammer.metrics.core.Histogram;
import com.yammer.metrics.core.MetricsRegistry;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics;
@ -328,10 +331,10 @@ public class PerformanceEvaluation extends Configured implements Tool {
threadOpts.startRow = index * threadOpts.perClientRunRows;
long elapsedTime = runOneClient(cmd, getConf(), threadOpts, new Status() {
public void setStatus(final String msg) throws IOException {
LOG.info("client-" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " " + msg);
LOG.info("Finished " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " in " + elapsedTime +
LOG.info("Finished in " + elapsedTime +
"ms over " + threadOpts.perClientRunRows + " rows");
return elapsedTime;
@ -394,8 +397,8 @@ public class PerformanceEvaluation extends Configured implements Tool {
DescriptiveStatistics.class, // commons-math
ObjectMapper.class); // jackson-mapper-asl
Histogram.class, // yammer metrics
ObjectMapper.class); // jackson-mapper-asl
@ -526,9 +529,13 @@ public class PerformanceEvaluation extends Configured implements Tool {
// Below is make it so when Tests are all running in the one
// jvm, that they each have a differently seeded Random.
private static final Random randomSeed = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
private static final MetricsRegistry metricsRegistry = new MetricsRegistry();
private static long nextRandomSeed() {
return randomSeed.nextLong();
private final int everyN;
protected final Random rand = new Random(nextRandomSeed());
protected final Configuration conf;
protected final TestOptions opts;
@ -537,6 +544,9 @@ public class PerformanceEvaluation extends Configured implements Tool {
protected HConnection connection;
protected HTableInterface table;
private String testName;
private Histogram latency;
* Note that all subclasses of this class must provide a public contructor
* that has the exact same list of arguments.
@ -545,6 +555,9 @@ public class PerformanceEvaluation extends Configured implements Tool {
this.conf = conf;
this.opts = options;
this.status = status;
this.testName = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
everyN = (int) (opts.totalRows / (opts.totalRows * opts.sampleRate));
LOG.info("Sampling 1 every " + everyN + " out of " + opts.perClientRunRows + " total rows.");
private String generateStatus(final int sr, final int i, final int lr) {
@ -560,9 +573,14 @@ public class PerformanceEvaluation extends Configured implements Tool {
this.connection = HConnectionManager.createConnection(conf);
this.table = connection.getTable(opts.tableName);
this.table.setAutoFlush(false, true);
String metricName =
testName + "-Client-" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "-testRowTime";
latency =
metricsRegistry.newHistogram(PerformanceEvaluation.class, metricName);
void testTakedown() throws IOException {
if (opts.flushCommits) {
@ -594,12 +612,30 @@ public class PerformanceEvaluation extends Configured implements Tool {
int lastRow = opts.startRow + opts.perClientRunRows;
// Report on completion of 1/10th of total.
for (int i = opts.startRow; i < lastRow; i++) {
if (i % everyN != 0) continue;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
latency.update(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
if (status != null && i > 0 && (i % getReportingPeriod()) == 0) {
status.setStatus(generateStatus(opts.startRow, i, lastRow));
* report percentiles of latency
* @throws IOException
private void reportLatency() throws IOException {
status.setStatus(testName + " latency log (ms), on " + latency.count() + " measures");
status.setStatus(testName + " Min = " + latency.min());
status.setStatus(testName + " Avg = " + latency.mean());
status.setStatus(testName + " StdDev = " + latency.stdDev());
status.setStatus(testName + " 50th = " + latency.getSnapshot().getMedian());
status.setStatus(testName + " 95th = " + latency.getSnapshot().get95thPercentile());
status.setStatus(testName + " 99th = " + latency.getSnapshot().get99thPercentile());
status.setStatus(testName + " 99.9th = " + latency.getSnapshot().get999thPercentile());
status.setStatus(testName + " Max = " + latency.max());
* Test for individual row.
@ -719,48 +755,29 @@ public class PerformanceEvaluation extends Configured implements Tool {
static class RandomReadTest extends Test {
private final int everyN;
private final double[] times;
private ArrayList<Get> gets;
int idx = 0;
RandomReadTest(Configuration conf, TestOptions options, Status status) {
super(conf, options, status);
everyN = (int) (opts.totalRows / (opts.totalRows * opts.sampleRate));
LOG.info("Sampling 1 every " + everyN + " out of " + opts.perClientRunRows + " total rows.");
if (opts.multiGet > 0) {
LOG.info("MultiGet enabled. Sending GETs in batches of " + opts.multiGet + ".");
this.gets = new ArrayList<Get>(opts.multiGet);
if (opts.reportLatency) {
this.times = new double[(int) Math.ceil(opts.perClientRunRows * opts.sampleRate / Math.max(1, opts.multiGet))];
} else {
this.times = null;
void testRow(final int i) throws IOException {
if (i % everyN == 0) {
Get get = new Get(getRandomRow(this.rand, opts.totalRows));
if (opts.multiGet > 0) {
if (this.gets.size() == opts.multiGet) {
long start = System.nanoTime();
if (opts.reportLatency) {
times[idx++] = (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1e6;
} else {
long start = System.nanoTime();
if (opts.reportLatency) {
times[idx++] = (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1e6;
Get get = new Get(getRandomRow(this.rand, opts.totalRows));
if (opts.multiGet > 0) {
if (this.gets.size() == opts.multiGet) {
} else {
@ -777,24 +794,6 @@ public class PerformanceEvaluation extends Configured implements Tool {
if (opts.reportLatency) {
DescriptiveStatistics ds = new DescriptiveStatistics();
for (double t : times) {
LOG.info("randomRead latency log (ms), on " + times.length + " measures");
LOG.info("99.9999% = " + ds.getPercentile(99.9999d));
LOG.info(" 99.999% = " + ds.getPercentile(99.999d));
LOG.info(" 99.99% = " + ds.getPercentile(99.99d));
LOG.info(" 99.9% = " + ds.getPercentile(99.9d));
LOG.info(" 99% = " + ds.getPercentile(99d));
LOG.info(" 95% = " + ds.getPercentile(95d));
LOG.info(" 90% = " + ds.getPercentile(90d));
LOG.info(" 80% = " + ds.getPercentile(80d));
LOG.info("Standard Deviation = " + ds.getStandardDeviation());
LOG.info("Mean = " + ds.getMean());