HBASE-11459 Add more doc on compression codecs, how to hook up native lib, lz4, etc.

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@ -4330,7 +4330,20 @@ This option should not normally be used, and it is not in <code>-fixAll</code>.
<appendix xml:id="compression">
<title >Compression In HBase<indexterm><primary>Compression</primary></indexterm></title>
<para>There are a bunch of compression options in HBase. There is some helpful discussion
<para>There are a bunch of compression options in HBase. Some codecs come with java --
e.g. gzip -- and so require no additional installations. Others require native
libraries. The native libraries may be available in your hadoop as is the case
with lz4 and it is just a matter of making sure the hadoop native .so is available
to HBase. You may have to do extra work to make the codec accessible; for example,
if the codec has an apache-incompatible license that makes it so hadoop cannot bundle
the library.</para>
<para>Below we
discuss what is necessary for the common codecs. Whatever codec you use, be sure
to test it is installed properly and is available on all nodes that make up your cluster.
Add any necessary operational step that will ensure checking the codec present when you
happen to add new nodes to your cluster. The <xref linkend="compression.test" />
discussed below can help check the codec is properly install.</para>
<para>As to which codec to use, there is some helpful discussion
to be found in <link xlink:href="http://search-hadoop.com/m/lL12B1PFVhp1">Documenting Guidance on compression and codecs</link>.
@ -4341,11 +4354,25 @@ This option should not normally be used, and it is not in <code>-fixAll</code>.
To run it, type <code>/bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.CompressionTest</code>.
This will emit usage on how to run the tool.
<note><title>You need to restart regionserver for it to pick up fixed codecs!</title>
<note><title>You need to restart regionserver for it to pick up changes!</title>
<para>Be aware that the regionserver caches the result of the compression check it runs
ahead of each region open. This means
that you will have to restart the regionserver for it to notice that you have fixed
any codec issues.</para>
ahead of each region open. This means that you will have to restart the regionserver
for it to notice that you have fixed any codec issues; e.g. changed symlinks or
moved lib locations under HBase.</para>
<note xml:id="hbase.native.platform"><title>On the location of native libraries</title>
<para>Hadoop looks in <filename>lib/native</filename> for .so files. HBase looks in
<filename>lib/native/PLATFORM</filename>. See the <command>bin/hbase</command>.
View the file and look for <varname>native</varname>. See how we
do the work to find out what platform we are running on running a little java program
<classname>org.apache.hadoop.util.PlatformName</classname> to figure it out.
We'll then add <filename>./lib/native/PLATFORM</filename> to the
<varname>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</varname> environment for when the JVM starts.
The JVM will look in here (as well as in any other dirs specified on LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
for codec native libs. If you are unable to figure your 'platform', do:
<programlisting>$ ./bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.util.PlatformName</programlisting>.
An example platform would be <varname>Linux-amd64-64</varname>.
@ -4376,6 +4403,41 @@ This option should not normally be used, and it is not in <code>-fixAll</code>.
<section xml:id="gzip.compression">
GZIP will generally compress better than LZO but it will run slower.
For some setups, better compression may be preferred ('cold' data).
Java will use java's GZIP unless the native Hadoop libs are
available on the CLASSPATH; in this case it will use native
compressors instead (If the native libs are NOT present,
you will see lots of <emphasis>Got brand-new compressor</emphasis>
reports in your logs; see <xref linkend="brand.new.compressor" />).
<section xml:id="lz4.compression">
LZ4 is bundled with Hadoop. Make sure the hadoop .so is
accessible when you start HBase. One means of doing this is after figuring your
platform, see <xref linkend="hbase.native.platform" />, make a symlink from HBase
to the native Hadoop libraries presuming the two software installs are colocated.
For example, if my 'platform' is Linux-amd64-64:
<programlisting>$ cd $HBASE_HOME
$ mkdir lib/native
$ ln -s $HADOOP_HOME/lib/native lib/native/Linux-amd64-64</programlisting>
Use the compression tool to check lz4 installed on all nodes.
Start up (or restart) hbase. From here on out you will be able to create
and alter tables to enable LZ4 as a compression codec. E.g.:
<programlisting>hbase(main):003:0> alter 'TestTable', {NAME => 'info', COMPRESSION => 'LZ4'}</programlisting>
<section xml:id="lzo.compression">
@ -4395,20 +4457,6 @@ This option should not normally be used, and it is not in <code>-fixAll</code>.
for a feature to help protect against failed LZO install.</para>
<section xml:id="gzip.compression">
GZIP will generally compress better than LZO though slower.
For some setups, better compression may be preferred.
Java will use java's GZIP unless the native Hadoop libs are
available on the CLASSPATH; in this case it will use native
compressors instead (If the native libs are NOT present,
you will see lots of <emphasis>Got brand-new compressor</emphasis>
reports in your logs; see <xref linkend="brand.new.compressor" />).
<section xml:id="snappy.compression">