HBASE-14220 nightly check that we can build a source tarball.

Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
This commit is contained in:
Sean Busbey 2017-07-31 01:08:16 -05:00
parent 04424ad65f
commit 2a717459bd

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@ -241,6 +241,62 @@ curl -L -o personality.sh "${env.PROJET_PERSONALITY}"
// This is meant to mimic what a release manager will do to create RCs.
// See http://hbase.apache.org/book.html#maven.release
stage ('create source tarball') {
tools {
maven 'Maven (latest)'
// this needs to be set to the jdk that ought to be used to build releases on the branch the Jenkinsfile is stored in.
jdk "JDK 1.8 (latest)"
steps {
sh 'mvn --version --offline'
dir ("component") {
sh '''#!/bin/bash -e
echo "Clean..."
mvn --batch-mode -DskipTests clean
echo "Step 3 Build the source tarball"
mvn -Prelease --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local="${WORKSPACE}/.m2-for-repo" install -DskipTests assembly:single -Dassembly.file=hbase-assembly/src/main/assembly/src.xml
dir ("unpacked_src_tarball") {
sh '''#!/bin/bash -e
echo "Unpack the source tarball"
tar --strip-components=1 -xzf ../component/hbase-assembly/target/hbase-*-src.tar.gz
echo "Building from source artifact."
mvn -DskipTests -Prelease --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local="${WORKSPACE}/.m2-for-src" clean install assembly:single
echo "Clean up after checking ability to build."
mvn -DskipTests --batch-mode clean
dir ("component") {
sh '''#!/bin/bash -e
echo "Clean up the source checkout"
mvn -DskipTests --batch-mode clean
echo "Diff against source tree"
diff --binary --recursive . ../unpacked_src_tarball >../diff_output || true
// expectation check largely based on HBASE-14952
sh '''#!/bin/bash -e
echo "Checking against things we don't expect to include in the source tarball (git related, hbase-native-client, etc.)"
cat >known_excluded <<END
Only in .: .git
Only in .: .gitattributes
Only in .: .gitignore
Only in .: hbase-native-client
if ! diff known_excluded diff_output >/dev/null ; then
echo "Any output here are unexpected differences between the source artifact we'd make for an RC and the current branch."
echo "The expected differences are on the < side and the current differences are on the > side."
echo "In a given set of differences, '.' refers to the branch in the repo and 'unpacked_src_tarball' refers to what we pulled out of the tarball."
diff known_excluded diff_output
echo "Everything looks as expected."
post {
failure {