HBASE-9696 Master recovery ignores online merge znode
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hbase/trunk@1531435 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,14 +58,14 @@ public enum EventType {
* RS has started a region split.
* RS has started a region split after master says it's ok to move on.
* RS split has completed.
* RS split has completed and is notifying the master.
@ -76,16 +76,30 @@ public enum EventType {
* RS has started merging regions.
* RS has started merging regions after master says it's ok to move on.
* RS region merge has completed.
* RS region merge has completed and is notifying the master.
* RS has requested to split a region. This is to notify master
* and check with master if the region is in a state good to split.
* RS has requested to merge two regions. This is to notify master
* and check with master if two regions is in states good to merge.
* Messages originating from Master to RS.<br>
@ -52,7 +52,13 @@ public class RegionState implements org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable {
FAILED_OPEN, // failed to open, and won't retry any more
FAILED_CLOSE, // failed to close, and won't retry any more
MERGING, // server started merge a region
MERGED // server completed merge a region
MERGED, // server completed merge a region
SPLITTING_NEW, // new region to be created when RS splits a parent
// region but hasn't be created yet, or master doesn't
// know it's already created
MERGING_NEW // new region to be created when RS merges two
// daughter regions but hasn't be created yet, or
// master doesn't know it's already created
// Many threads can update the state at the stamp at the same time
@ -134,6 +140,10 @@ public class RegionState implements org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable {
return state == State.SPLIT;
public boolean isSplittingNew() {
return state == State.SPLITTING_NEW;
public boolean isFailedOpen() {
return state == State.FAILED_OPEN;
@ -150,10 +160,26 @@ public class RegionState implements org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable {
return state == State.MERGED;
public boolean isMergingNew() {
return state == State.MERGING_NEW;
public boolean isOpenOrMergingOnServer(final ServerName sn) {
return isOnServer(sn) && (isOpened() || isMerging());
public boolean isOpenOrMergingNewOnServer(final ServerName sn) {
return isOnServer(sn) && (isOpened() || isMergingNew());
public boolean isOpenOrSplittingOnServer(final ServerName sn) {
return isOnServer(sn) && (isOpened() || isSplitting());
public boolean isOpenOrSplittingNewOnServer(final ServerName sn) {
return isOnServer(sn) && (isOpened() || isSplittingNew());
public boolean isPendingOpenOrOpeningOnServer(final ServerName sn) {
return isOnServer(sn) && isPendingOpenOrOpening();
@ -176,6 +202,28 @@ public class RegionState implements org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable {
return serverName != null && serverName.equals(sn);
// Is a region in a state ready to go offline
public boolean isReadyToOffline() {
return isMerged() || isSplit() || isOffline()
|| isSplittingNew() || isMergingNew();
// Is a region in a state ready to go online
public boolean isReadyToOnline() {
return isOpened() || isSplittingNew() || isMergingNew();
// Is a region in a state not in transition but not unassignable
public boolean isNotUnassignableNotInTransition() {
return isNotUnassignableNotInTransition(state);
// Check if a state is not in transition, but not unassignable
public static boolean isNotUnassignableNotInTransition(State state) {
return state == State.MERGED || state == State.SPLIT || state == State.OFFLINE
|| state == State.SPLITTING_NEW || state == State.MERGING_NEW;
public String toString() {
return "{" + hri.getShortNameToLog()
@ -245,6 +293,12 @@ public class RegionState implements org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable {
case MERGED:
rs = ClusterStatusProtos.RegionState.State.MERGED;
rs = ClusterStatusProtos.RegionState.State.SPLITTING_NEW;
rs = ClusterStatusProtos.RegionState.State.MERGING_NEW;
throw new IllegalStateException("");
@ -301,6 +355,12 @@ public class RegionState implements org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable {
case MERGED:
state = State.MERGED;
state = State.SPLITTING_NEW;
state = State.MERGING_NEW;
throw new IllegalStateException("");
@ -51,6 +51,11 @@ public class SplitRandomRegionOfTableAction extends Action {
LOG.info("Performing action: Split random region of table " + tableName);
List<HRegionInfo> regions = admin.getTableRegions(tableNameBytes);
if (regions == null || regions.isEmpty()) {
LOG.info("Table " + tableName + " doesn't have regions to split");
HRegionInfo region = PolicyBasedChaosMonkey.selectRandomItem(
regions.toArray(new HRegionInfo[regions.size()]));
LOG.debug("Splitting region " + region.getRegionNameAsString());
@ -273,6 +273,23 @@ public final class ClusterStatusProtos {
* </pre>
MERGED(12, 12),
* <code>SPLITTING_NEW = 13;</code>
* <pre>
* new region to be created when RS splits a parent
* </pre>
* <code>MERGING_NEW = 14;</code>
* <pre>
* region but hasn't be created yet, or master doesn't
* know it's already created
* </pre>
MERGING_NEW(14, 14),
@ -379,6 +396,23 @@ public final class ClusterStatusProtos {
* </pre>
public static final int MERGED_VALUE = 12;
* <code>SPLITTING_NEW = 13;</code>
* <pre>
* new region to be created when RS splits a parent
* </pre>
public static final int SPLITTING_NEW_VALUE = 13;
* <code>MERGING_NEW = 14;</code>
* <pre>
* region but hasn't be created yet, or master doesn't
* know it's already created
* </pre>
public static final int MERGING_NEW_VALUE = 14;
public final int getNumber() { return value; }
@ -398,6 +432,8 @@ public final class ClusterStatusProtos {
case 10: return FAILED_CLOSE;
case 11: return MERGING;
case 12: return MERGED;
case 13: return SPLITTING_NEW;
case 14: return MERGING_NEW;
default: return null;
@ -10303,48 +10339,49 @@ public final class ClusterStatusProtos {
static {
java.lang.String[] descriptorData = {
"\n\023ClusterStatus.proto\032\013HBase.proto\032\017Clus" +
"terId.proto\032\010FS.proto\"\243\002\n\013RegionState\022 \n" +
"terId.proto\032\010FS.proto\"\307\002\n\013RegionState\022 \n" +
"\013region_info\030\001 \002(\0132\013.RegionInfo\022!\n\005state" +
"\030\002 \002(\0162\022.RegionState.State\022\r\n\005stamp\030\003 \001(" +
"\004\"\277\001\n\005State\022\013\n\007OFFLINE\020\000\022\020\n\014PENDING_OPEN" +
"\004\"\343\001\n\005State\022\013\n\007OFFLINE\020\000\022\020\n\014PENDING_OPEN" +
"\020\001\022\013\n\007OPENING\020\002\022\010\n\004OPEN\020\003\022\021\n\rPENDING_CLO" +
"SE\020\004\022\013\n\007CLOSING\020\005\022\n\n\006CLOSED\020\006\022\r\n\tSPLITTI" +
"NG\020\007\022\t\n\005SPLIT\020\010\022\017\n\013FAILED_OPEN\020\t\022\020\n\014FAIL" +
"ED_CLOSE\020\n\022\013\n\007MERGING\020\013\022\n\n\006MERGED\020\014\"X\n\022R" +
"egionInTransition\022\036\n\004spec\030\001 \002(\0132\020.Region",
"Specifier\022\"\n\014region_state\030\002 \002(\0132\014.Region" +
"State\"\320\003\n\nRegionLoad\022*\n\020region_specifier" +
"\030\001 \002(\0132\020.RegionSpecifier\022\016\n\006stores\030\002 \001(\r" +
"\022\022\n\nstorefiles\030\003 \001(\r\022\"\n\032store_uncompress" +
"ed_size_MB\030\004 \001(\r\022\031\n\021storefile_size_MB\030\005 " +
"\001(\r\022\030\n\020memstore_size_MB\030\006 \001(\r\022\037\n\027storefi" +
"le_index_size_MB\030\007 \001(\r\022\033\n\023read_requests_" +
"count\030\010 \001(\004\022\034\n\024write_requests_count\030\t \001(" +
"\004\022\034\n\024total_compacting_KVs\030\n \001(\004\022\035\n\025curre" +
"nt_compacted_KVs\030\013 \001(\004\022\032\n\022root_index_siz",
"e_KB\030\014 \001(\r\022\"\n\032total_static_index_size_KB" +
"\030\r \001(\r\022\"\n\032total_static_bloom_size_KB\030\016 \001" +
"(\r\022\034\n\024complete_sequence_id\030\017 \001(\004\"\212\002\n\nSer" +
"verLoad\022\032\n\022number_of_requests\030\001 \001(\r\022 \n\030t" +
"otal_number_of_requests\030\002 \001(\r\022\024\n\014used_he" +
"ap_MB\030\003 \001(\r\022\023\n\013max_heap_MB\030\004 \001(\r\022!\n\014regi" +
"on_loads\030\005 \003(\0132\013.RegionLoad\022\"\n\014coprocess" +
"ors\030\006 \003(\0132\014.Coprocessor\022\031\n\021report_start_" +
"time\030\007 \001(\004\022\027\n\017report_end_time\030\010 \001(\004\022\030\n\020i" +
"nfo_server_port\030\t \001(\r\"O\n\016LiveServerInfo\022",
"\033\n\006server\030\001 \002(\0132\013.ServerName\022 \n\013server_l" +
"oad\030\002 \002(\0132\013.ServerLoad\"\340\002\n\rClusterStatus" +
"\022/\n\rhbase_version\030\001 \001(\0132\030.HBaseVersionFi" +
"leContent\022%\n\014live_servers\030\002 \003(\0132\017.LiveSe" +
"rverInfo\022!\n\014dead_servers\030\003 \003(\0132\013.ServerN" +
"ame\0222\n\025regions_in_transition\030\004 \003(\0132\023.Reg" +
"ionInTransition\022\036\n\ncluster_id\030\005 \001(\0132\n.Cl" +
"usterId\022)\n\023master_coprocessors\030\006 \003(\0132\014.C" +
"oprocessor\022\033\n\006master\030\007 \001(\0132\013.ServerName\022" +
"#\n\016backup_masters\030\010 \003(\0132\013.ServerName\022\023\n\013",
"balancer_on\030\t \001(\010BF\n*org.apache.hadoop.h" +
"base.protobuf.generatedB\023ClusterStatusPr" +
"ED_CLOSE\020\n\022\013\n\007MERGING\020\013\022\n\n\006MERGED\020\014\022\021\n\rS" +
"nInTransition\022\036\n\004spec\030\001 \002(\0132\020.RegionSpec" +
"ifier\022\"\n\014region_state\030\002 \002(\0132\014.RegionStat" +
"e\"\320\003\n\nRegionLoad\022*\n\020region_specifier\030\001 \002" +
"(\0132\020.RegionSpecifier\022\016\n\006stores\030\002 \001(\r\022\022\n\n" +
"storefiles\030\003 \001(\r\022\"\n\032store_uncompressed_s" +
"ize_MB\030\004 \001(\r\022\031\n\021storefile_size_MB\030\005 \001(\r\022" +
"\030\n\020memstore_size_MB\030\006 \001(\r\022\037\n\027storefile_i" +
"ndex_size_MB\030\007 \001(\r\022\033\n\023read_requests_coun" +
"t\030\010 \001(\004\022\034\n\024write_requests_count\030\t \001(\004\022\034\n" +
"\024total_compacting_KVs\030\n \001(\004\022\035\n\025current_c",
"ompacted_KVs\030\013 \001(\004\022\032\n\022root_index_size_KB" +
"\030\014 \001(\r\022\"\n\032total_static_index_size_KB\030\r \001" +
"(\r\022\"\n\032total_static_bloom_size_KB\030\016 \001(\r\022\034" +
"\n\024complete_sequence_id\030\017 \001(\004\"\212\002\n\nServerL" +
"oad\022\032\n\022number_of_requests\030\001 \001(\r\022 \n\030total" +
"_number_of_requests\030\002 \001(\r\022\024\n\014used_heap_M" +
"B\030\003 \001(\r\022\023\n\013max_heap_MB\030\004 \001(\r\022!\n\014region_l" +
"oads\030\005 \003(\0132\013.RegionLoad\022\"\n\014coprocessors\030" +
"\006 \003(\0132\014.Coprocessor\022\031\n\021report_start_time" +
"\030\007 \001(\004\022\027\n\017report_end_time\030\010 \001(\004\022\030\n\020info_",
"server_port\030\t \001(\r\"O\n\016LiveServerInfo\022\033\n\006s" +
"erver\030\001 \002(\0132\013.ServerName\022 \n\013server_load\030" +
"\002 \002(\0132\013.ServerLoad\"\340\002\n\rClusterStatus\022/\n\r" +
"hbase_version\030\001 \001(\0132\030.HBaseVersionFileCo" +
"ntent\022%\n\014live_servers\030\002 \003(\0132\017.LiveServer" +
"Info\022!\n\014dead_servers\030\003 \003(\0132\013.ServerName\022" +
"2\n\025regions_in_transition\030\004 \003(\0132\023.RegionI" +
"nTransition\022\036\n\ncluster_id\030\005 \001(\0132\n.Cluste" +
"rId\022)\n\023master_coprocessors\030\006 \003(\0132\014.Copro" +
"cessor\022\033\n\006master\030\007 \001(\0132\013.ServerName\022#\n\016b",
"ackup_masters\030\010 \003(\0132\013.ServerName\022\023\n\013bala" +
"ncer_on\030\t \001(\010BF\n*org.apache.hadoop.hbase" +
".protobuf.generatedB\023ClusterStatusProtos" +
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FileDescriptor.InternalDescriptorAssigner assigner =
new com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FileDescriptor.InternalDescriptorAssigner() {
@ -45,6 +45,12 @@ message RegionState {
FAILED_CLOSE = 10; // failed to close, and won't retry any more
MERGING = 11; // server started merge a region
MERGED = 12; // server completed merge of a region
SPLITTING_NEW = 13; // new region to be created when RS splits a parent
// region but hasn't be created yet, or master doesn't
// know it's already created
MERGING_NEW = 14; // new region to be created when RS merges two
// daughter regions but hasn't be created yet, or
// master doesn't know it's already created
@ -68,15 +68,16 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.balancer.FavoredNodeLoadBalancer;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.handler.ClosedRegionHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.handler.DisableTableHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.handler.EnableTableHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.handler.MergedRegionHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.handler.OpenedRegionHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.handler.SplitRegionHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionAlreadyInTransitionException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionMergeTransaction;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionOpeningState;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionServerStoppedException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.SplitTransaction;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.EnvironmentEdgeManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.KeyLocker;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.PairOfSameType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Threads;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Triple;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.MetaRegionTracker;
@ -147,6 +148,12 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
private final int maximumAttempts;
* Map of two merging regions from the region to be created.
private final Map<String, PairOfSameType<HRegionInfo>> mergingRegions
= new HashMap<String, PairOfSameType<HRegionInfo>>();
* The sleep time for which the assignment will wait before retrying in case of hbase:meta assignment
* failure due to lack of availability of region plan
@ -176,9 +183,6 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
// For unit tests, keep track of calls to OpenedRegionHandler
private Map<HRegionInfo, AtomicBoolean> openedRegionHandlerCalled = null;
// For unit tests, keep track of calls to SplitRegionHandler
private AtomicBoolean splitRegionHandlerCalled = null;
//Thread pool executor service for timeout monitor
private java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService threadPoolExecutorService;
@ -225,6 +229,12 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, AtomicInteger>
failedOpenTracker = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, AtomicInteger>();
* For testing only! Set to true to skip handling of split.
public static boolean TEST_SKIP_SPLIT_HANDLING = false;
* Constructs a new assignment manager.
@ -552,8 +562,17 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
HRegionInfo hri = regionInfo;
if (hri == null) {
// Get the region from region states map/meta. However, we
// may still can't get it, for example, for online region merge,
// the znode uses the new region to be created, which may not in meta
// yet if the merging is still going on during the master recovery.
hri = regionStates.getRegionInfo(rt.getRegionName());
if (hri == null) return false;
EventType et = rt.getEventType();
if (hri == null && et != EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_MERGING
&& et != EventType.RS_ZK_REQUEST_REGION_MERGE) {
LOG.warn("Couldn't find the region in recovering " + rt);
return false;
processRegionsInTransition(rt, hri, stat.getVersion());
return true;
@ -575,12 +594,12 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
EventType et = rt.getEventType();
// Get ServerName. Could not be null.
final ServerName sn = rt.getServerName();
final String encodedRegionName = regionInfo.getEncodedName();
final String prettyPrintedRegionName = HRegionInfo.prettyPrint(encodedRegionName);
LOG.info("Processing " + regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString() + " in state " + et);
final byte[] regionName = rt.getRegionName();
final String encodedName = HRegionInfo.encodeRegionName(regionName);
final String prettyPrintedRegionName = HRegionInfo.prettyPrint(encodedName);
LOG.info("Processing " + prettyPrintedRegionName + " in state " + et);
if (regionStates.isRegionInTransition(encodedRegionName)) {
if (regionStates.isRegionInTransition(encodedName)) {
// Just return
@ -637,7 +656,7 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
ReentrantLock lock = locker.acquireLock(regionInfo.getEncodedName());
try {
RegionPlan plan = new RegionPlan(regionInfo, null, sn);
addPlan(encodedRegionName, plan);
addPlan(encodedName, plan);
assign(rs, false, false);
} finally {
@ -666,69 +685,32 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
new OpenedRegionHandler(server, this, regionInfo, sn, expectedVersion).process();
if (!serverManager.isServerOnline(sn)) {
// The regionserver started the split, but died before updating the status.
// It means (hopefully) that the split was not finished
// TBD - to study. In the meantime, do nothing as in the past.
LOG.warn("Processed region " + prettyPrintedRegionName + " in state : " + et +
" on a dead regionserver: " + sn + " doing nothing");
} else {
// Splitting region should be online. We could have skipped it during
// user region rebuilding since we may consider the split is completed.
// Put it in SPLITTING state to avoid complications.
regionStates.regionOnline(regionInfo, sn);
regionStates.updateRegionState(rt, State.SPLITTING);
LOG.info("Processed " + prettyPrintedRegionName + " in state : " + et);
if (!serverManager.isServerOnline(sn)) {
// The region is already in SPLIT state, do nothing
LOG.warn("Processed " + prettyPrintedRegionName
+ " in state : " + et + " on a dead regionserver: " + sn
+ " doing nothing");
} else {
if (serverManager.isServerOnline(sn)) {
// Splitting region should be online. We could have skipped it during
// user region rebuilding since we may consider the split is completed.
// Put it in SPLITTING state to avoid complications.
regionStates.regionOnline(regionInfo, sn);
regionStates.updateRegionState(rt, State.SPLITTING);
LOG.info("Processed " + prettyPrintedRegionName + " in state : " + et);
// Move the region to splitting state. The regionserver is supposed to update the znode
// multiple times so if it's still up we will receive an update soon.
if (!handleRegionSplitting(
rt, encodedName, prettyPrintedRegionName, sn)) {
LOG.info("Processed region " + prettyPrintedRegionName
+ " in state : " + et);
if (!serverManager.isServerOnline(sn)) {
// The regionserver started the merge, but died before updating the status.
// It means (hopefully) that the merge was not finished
// This node should be gone soon since it is ephemeral.
LOG.warn("Processed " + prettyPrintedRegionName + " in state : " + et +
" on a dead regionserver: " + sn + " doing nothing");
} else {
handleRegionMerging(rt, prettyPrintedRegionName, sn);
LOG.info("Processed region " + prettyPrintedRegionName
+ " in state : " + et);
if (!serverManager.isServerOnline(sn)) {
// Do nothing, merging regions are already removed from meta,
// so they are not in region states map any more.
// The new region will be assigned by the ServerShutdownHandler
LOG.warn("Processed " + prettyPrintedRegionName
+ " in state : " + et + " on a dead regionserver: " + sn
+ " doing nothing");
} else {
// Merging regions are already removed from meta. It doesn't hurt to
// do nothing here, no need to set them to merging state here. We are fine
// to put the new region to online state during user region rebuilding.
LOG.info("Processed " + prettyPrintedRegionName + " in state : " +
et + " nothing to do.");
// We don't do anything. The regionserver is supposed to update the znode
// multiple times so if it's still up we will receive an update soon.
if (!handleRegionMerging(
rt, encodedName, prettyPrintedRegionName, sn)) {
LOG.info("Processed region " + prettyPrintedRegionName
+ " in state : " + et);
throw new IllegalStateException("Received region in state :" + et + " is not valid.");
@ -811,7 +793,7 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
RegionState regionState =
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
boolean lateEvent = createTime < (startTime - 15000);
@ -831,7 +813,7 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
Lock lock = locker.acquireLock(encodedName);
try {
RegionState latestState =
if ((regionState == null && latestState != null)
|| (regionState != null && latestState == null)
|| (regionState != null && latestState != null
@ -845,83 +827,24 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
regionState = latestState;
switch (rt.getEventType()) {
if (!isInStateForSplitting(regionState)) break;
regionStates.updateRegionState(rt, State.SPLITTING);
// RegionState must be null, or SPLITTING or PENDING_CLOSE.
if (!isInStateForSplitting(regionState)) break;
// If null, add SPLITTING state before going to SPLIT
if (regionState == null) {
regionState = regionStates.updateRegionState(rt, State.SPLITTING);
String message = "Received SPLIT for region " + prettyPrintedRegionName +
" from server " + sn;
// If still null, it means we cannot find it and it was already processed
if (regionState == null) {
LOG.warn(message + " but it doesn't exist anymore," +
" probably already processed its split");
LOG.info(message +
" but region was not first in SPLITTING state; continuing");
if (!handleRegionSplitting(
rt, encodedName, prettyPrintedRegionName, sn)) {
// Check it has daughters.
byte [] payload = rt.getPayload();
List<HRegionInfo> daughters;
try {
daughters = HRegionInfo.parseDelimitedFrom(payload, 0, payload.length);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Dropped split! Failed reading split payload for " +
assert daughters.size() == 2;
// Assert that we can get a serverinfo for this server.
if (!this.serverManager.isServerOnline(sn)) {
LOG.error("Dropped split! ServerName=" + sn + " unknown.");
// Run handler to do the rest of the SPLIT handling.
new SplitRegionHandler(server, this, regionState.getRegion(), sn, daughters).process();
// Merged region is a new region, we can't find it in the region states now.
// However, the two merging regions are not new. They should be in state for merging.
handleRegionMerging(rt, prettyPrintedRegionName, sn);
// Assert that we can get a serverinfo for this server.
if (!this.serverManager.isServerOnline(sn)) {
LOG.error("Dropped merge! ServerName=" + sn + " unknown.");
if (!handleRegionMerging(
rt, encodedName, prettyPrintedRegionName, sn)) {
// Get merged and merging regions.
byte[] payloadOfMerge = rt.getPayload();
List<HRegionInfo> mergeRegions;
try {
mergeRegions = HRegionInfo.parseDelimitedFrom(payloadOfMerge, 0,
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Dropped merge! Failed reading merge payload for " +
assert mergeRegions.size() == 3;
HRegionInfo merge_a = mergeRegions.get(1);
HRegionInfo merge_b = mergeRegions.get(2);
if (!isInStateForMerging(sn, merge_a, merge_b)) {
// Move on. Merge already happened (passed PONR), no point to stop now
LOG.warn("Got merge event, but not in state good for MERGED; rs_a="
+ merge_a + ", rs_b=" + merge_b);
// Run handler to do the rest of the MERGED handling.
new MergedRegionHandler(server, this, sn, mergeRegions).process();
@ -1055,19 +978,10 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
return b == null ? false : b.compareAndSet(true, false);
//For unit tests only
boolean wasSplitHandlerCalled() {
//compareAndSet to be sure that unit tests don't see stale values. Means,
//we will return true exactly once unless the handler code resets to true
//this value.
return splitRegionHandlerCalled.compareAndSet(true, false);
//For unit tests only
void initializeHandlerTrackers() {
closedRegionHandlerCalled = new HashMap<HRegionInfo, AtomicBoolean>();
openedRegionHandlerCalled = new HashMap<HRegionInfo, AtomicBoolean>();
splitRegionHandlerCalled = new AtomicBoolean(false);
void updateClosedRegionHandlerTracker(HRegionInfo hri) {
@ -1082,36 +996,6 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
void updateSplitHandlerTracker() {
if (splitRegionHandlerCalled != null) { //only for unit tests this is true
* @return Returns true if this RegionState is splittable; i.e. the
* RegionState is currently in splitting state or pending_close or
* null (Anything else will return false). (Anything else will return false).
private boolean isInStateForSplitting(final RegionState rs) {
if (rs == null) return true;
if (rs.isSplitting()) return true;
if (convertPendingCloseToSplitting(rs)) return true;
LOG.warn("Dropped region split! Not in state good for SPLITTING; rs=" + rs);
return false;
* @return Returns true if both regions are merging/open on specified server
private boolean isInStateForMerging(final ServerName sn,
final HRegionInfo a, final HRegionInfo b) {
RegionState rs_a = regionStates.getRegionState(a);
RegionState rs_b = regionStates.getRegionState(b);
return ((rs_a == null || rs_a.isOpenOrMergingOnServer(sn))
&& (rs_b == null || rs_b.isOpenOrMergingOnServer(sn)));
// TODO: processFavoredNodes might throw an exception, for e.g., if the
// meta could not be contacted/updated. We need to see how seriously to treat
// this problem as. Should we fail the current assignment. We should be able
@ -1130,25 +1014,6 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
FavoredNodeAssignmentHelper.updateMetaWithFavoredNodesInfo(regionToFavoredNodes, catalogTracker);
* If the passed regionState is in PENDING_CLOSE, clean up PENDING_CLOSE
* state and convert it to SPLITTING instead.
* This can happen in case where master wants to close a region at same time
* a regionserver starts a split. The split won. Clean out old PENDING_CLOSE
* state.
* @param rs
* @return True if we converted from PENDING_CLOSE to SPLITTING
private boolean convertPendingCloseToSplitting(final RegionState rs) {
if (!rs.isPendingClose()) return false;
LOG.debug("Converting PENDING_CLOSE to SPLITTING; rs=" + rs);
regionStates.updateRegionState(rs.getRegion(), State.SPLITTING);
// Clean up existing state. Clear from region plans seems all we
// have to do here by way of clean up of PENDING_CLOSE.
return true;
* Handle a ZK unassigned node transition triggered by HBCK repair tool.
* <p>
@ -1305,38 +1170,56 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
Lock lock = locker.acquireLock(regionName);
try {
RegionState rs = regionStates.getRegionTransitionState(regionName);
if (rs == null) return;
if (rs == null) {
rs = regionStates.getRegionState(regionName);
if (rs == null || !rs.isMergingNew()) {
// MergingNew is an offline state
HRegionInfo regionInfo = rs.getRegion();
String regionNameStr = regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString();
LOG.debug("Znode " + regionNameStr + " deleted, state: " + rs);
if (rs.isOpened()) {
ServerName serverName = rs.getServerName();
regionOnline(regionInfo, serverName);
boolean disabled = getZKTable().isDisablingOrDisabledTable(regionInfo.getTable());
if (!serverManager.isServerOnline(serverName) && !disabled) {
LOG.info("Opened " + regionNameStr
+ "but the region server is offline, reassign the region");
assign(regionInfo, true);
} else if (disabled) {
// if server is offline, no hurt to unassign again
LOG.info("Opened " + regionNameStr
+ "but this table is disabled, triggering close of region");
boolean disabled = getZKTable().isDisablingOrDisabledTable(regionInfo.getTable());
ServerName serverName = rs.getServerName();
if (serverManager.isServerOnline(serverName)) {
if (rs.isOnServer(serverName)
&& (rs.isOpened() || rs.isSplitting())) {
regionOnline(regionInfo, serverName);
if (disabled) {
// if server is offline, no hurt to unassign again
LOG.info("Opened " + regionNameStr
+ "but this table is disabled, triggering close of region");
} else if (rs.isMergingNew()) {
synchronized (regionStates) {
String p = regionInfo.getEncodedName();
PairOfSameType<HRegionInfo> regions = mergingRegions.get(p);
if (regions != null) {
onlineMergingRegion(disabled, regions.getFirst(), serverName);
onlineMergingRegion(disabled, regions.getSecond(), serverName);
} else if (rs.isSplitting()) {
LOG.debug("Ephemeral node deleted. Found in SPLITTING state. " + "Removing from RIT "
+ rs.getRegion());
// it can be either SPLIT fail, or RS dead.
regionStates.regionOnline(rs.getRegion(), rs.getServerName());
// RS does not delete the znode in case SPLIT, it only means RS died which
// will be handled by SSH
// in region merge we do not put merging regions to MERGING state
} finally {
private void onlineMergingRegion(boolean disabled,
final HRegionInfo hri, final ServerName serverName) {
RegionState regionState = regionStates.getRegionState(hri);
if (regionState != null && regionState.isMerging()
&& regionState.isOnServer(serverName)) {
regionOnline(regionState.getRegion(), serverName);
if (disabled) {
@ -1371,23 +1254,7 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
// on it, so no need to watch it again. So, as I know for now,
// this is needed to watch splitting nodes only.
if (!regionStates.isRegionInTransition(child)) {
byte[] data = ZKAssign.getDataAndWatch(watcher,
ZKUtil.joinZNode(watcher.assignmentZNode, child), stat);
if (data != null && stat.getVersion() > 0) {
try {
RegionTransition rt = RegionTransition.parseFrom(data);
//See HBASE-7551, handle splitting too, in case we miss the node change event
EventType type = rt.getEventType();
if (type == EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLITTING
|| type == EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_MERGING) {
handleRegion(rt, stat.getVersion());
} catch (DeserializationException de) {
LOG.error("error getting data for " + child, de);
ZKAssign.getDataAndWatch(watcher, child, stat);
@ -2374,7 +2241,8 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
public void unassign(HRegionInfo region, boolean force, ServerName dest) {
// TODO: Method needs refactoring. Ugly buried returns throughout. Beware!
LOG.debug("Starting unassign of " + region.getRegionNameAsString() + " (offlining)");
LOG.debug("Starting unassign of " + region.getRegionNameAsString()
+ " (offlining), current state: " + regionStates.getRegionState(region));
String encodedName = region.getEncodedName();
// Grab the state of this region and synchronize on it
@ -2389,8 +2257,7 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
// Region is not in transition.
// We can unassign it only if it's not SPLIT/MERGED.
state = regionStates.getRegionState(encodedName);
if (state != null && (state.isMerged()
|| state.isSplit() || state.isOffline())) {
if (state != null && state.isNotUnassignableNotInTransition()) {
LOG.info("Attempting to unassign " + state + ", ignored");
// Offline region will be reassigned below
@ -2484,27 +2351,9 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
* @param region regioninfo of znode to be deleted.
public void deleteClosingOrClosedNode(HRegionInfo region) {
String encodedName = region.getEncodedName();
try {
if (!ZKAssign.deleteNode(watcher, encodedName,
boolean deleteNode = ZKAssign.deleteNode(watcher,
encodedName, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_CLOSED);
// TODO : We don't abort if the delete node returns false. Is there any
// such corner case?
if (!deleteNode) {
LOG.error("The deletion of the CLOSED node for "
+ encodedName + " returned " + deleteNode);
} catch (NoNodeException e) {
LOG.debug("CLOSING/CLOSED node for " + encodedName
+ " already deleted");
} catch (KeeperException ke) {
"Unexpected ZK exception deleting node CLOSING/CLOSED for the region "
+ encodedName, ke);
String regionName = region.getEncodedName();
deleteNodeInStates(regionName, "closing", EventType.M_ZK_REGION_CLOSING,
@ -2519,16 +2368,22 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
// This may fail if the SPLIT or SPLITTING or MERGED or MERGING znode gets
// cleaned up before we can get data from it.
byte [] data = ZKAssign.getData(watcher, path);
if (data == null) return false;
if (data == null) {
LOG.info("Node " + path + " is gone");
return false;
RegionTransition rt = RegionTransition.parseFrom(data);
switch (rt.getEventType()) {
result = true;
LOG.info("Node " + path + " is in " + rt.getEventType());
return result;
@ -2818,6 +2673,7 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
// Region is being served and on an active server
// add only if region not in disabled or enabling table
if (!disabledOrEnablingTables.contains(tableName)) {
regionStates.updateRegionState(regionInfo, State.OPEN, regionLocation);
regionStates.regionOnline(regionInfo, regionLocation);
// need to enable the table if not disabled or disabling or enabling
@ -3275,8 +3131,9 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
server.abort("Unexpected ZK exception deleting node " + hri, ke);
if (zkTable.isDisablingOrDisabledTable(hri.getTable())) {
regionStates.updateRegionState(hri, State.OFFLINE);
// Mark the region offline and assign it again by SSH
@ -3289,38 +3146,6 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
return regions;
* Update inmemory structures.
* @param sn Server that reported the split
* @param parent Parent region that was split
* @param a Daughter region A
* @param b Daughter region B
public void handleSplitReport(final ServerName sn, final HRegionInfo parent,
final HRegionInfo a, final HRegionInfo b) {
synchronized (regionStates) {
regionOffline(parent, State.SPLIT);
onlineNewRegion(a, sn);
onlineNewRegion(b, sn);
* Update inmemory structures.
* @param sn Server that reported the merge
* @param merged regioninfo of merged
* @param a region a
* @param b region b
public void handleRegionsMergeReport(final ServerName sn,
final HRegionInfo merged, final HRegionInfo a, final HRegionInfo b) {
synchronized (regionStates) {
regionOffline(a, State.MERGED);
regionOffline(b, State.MERGED);
onlineNewRegion(merged, sn);
* @param plan Plan to execute.
@ -3397,33 +3222,283 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
return true;
private boolean deleteNodeInStates(
String regionName, String desc, EventType... types) {
try {
for (EventType et: types) {
if (ZKAssign.deleteNode(watcher, regionName, et)) {
return true;
LOG.info("Failed to delete the " + desc + " node for "
+ regionName + ". The node type may not match");
} catch (NoNodeException e) {
LOG.debug("The " + desc + " node for " + regionName + " already deleted");
} catch (KeeperException ke) {
server.abort("Unexpected ZK exception deleting " + desc
+ " node for the region " + regionName, ke);
return false;
private void deleteMergingNode(String encodedName) {
deleteNodeInStates(encodedName, "merging", EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_MERGING,
private void deleteSplittingNode(String encodedName) {
deleteNodeInStates(encodedName, "splitting", EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLITTING,
* A helper to handle region merging transition event.
* It transitions merging regions to MERGING state.
private boolean handleRegionMerging(final RegionTransition rt,
private boolean handleRegionMerging(final RegionTransition rt, final String encodedName,
final String prettyPrintedRegionName, final ServerName sn) {
if (!serverManager.isServerOnline(sn)) {
LOG.warn("Dropped merging! ServerName=" + sn + " unknown.");
return false;
byte [] payloadOfMerging = rt.getPayload();
List<HRegionInfo> mergingRegions;
try {
mergingRegions = HRegionInfo.parseDelimitedFrom(
payloadOfMerging, 0, payloadOfMerging.length);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Dropped merging! Failed reading merging payload for "
+ prettyPrintedRegionName);
LOG.error("Dropped merging! Failed reading " + rt.getEventType()
+ " payload for " + prettyPrintedRegionName);
return false;
assert mergingRegions.size() == 2;
HRegionInfo merging_a = mergingRegions.get(0);
HRegionInfo merging_b = mergingRegions.get(1);
assert mergingRegions.size() == 3;
HRegionInfo p = mergingRegions.get(0);
HRegionInfo hri_a = mergingRegions.get(1);
HRegionInfo hri_b = mergingRegions.get(2);
if (!isInStateForMerging(sn, merging_a, merging_b)) {
LOG.warn("Dropped merging! Not in state good for MERGING; rs_a="
+ merging_a + ", rs_b=" + merging_b);
RegionState rs_p = regionStates.getRegionState(p);
RegionState rs_a = regionStates.getRegionState(hri_a);
RegionState rs_b = regionStates.getRegionState(hri_b);
if (!((rs_a == null || rs_a.isOpenOrMergingOnServer(sn))
&& (rs_b == null || rs_b.isOpenOrMergingOnServer(sn))
&& (rs_p == null || rs_p.isOpenOrMergingNewOnServer(sn)))) {
LOG.warn("Dropped merging! Not in state good for MERGING; rs_p="
+ rs_p + ", rs_a=" + rs_a + ", rs_b=" + rs_b);
return false;
regionStates.updateRegionState(merging_a, State.MERGING);
regionStates.updateRegionState(merging_b, State.MERGING);
EventType et = rt.getEventType();
if (et == EventType.RS_ZK_REQUEST_REGION_MERGE) {
try {
if (RegionMergeTransaction.transitionMergingNode(watcher, p,
hri_a, hri_b, sn, -1, EventType.RS_ZK_REQUEST_REGION_MERGE,
EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_MERGING) == -1) {
byte[] data = ZKAssign.getData(watcher, encodedName);
EventType currentType = null;
if (data != null) {
RegionTransition newRt = RegionTransition.parseFrom(data);
currentType = newRt.getEventType();
if (currentType == null || (currentType != EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_MERGED
&& currentType != EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_MERGING)) {
LOG.warn("Failed to transition pending_merge node "
+ encodedName + " to merging, it's now " + currentType);
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to transition pending_merge node "
+ encodedName + " to merging", e);
return false;
synchronized (regionStates) {
if (regionStates.getRegionState(p) == null) {
regionStates.updateRegionState(hri_a, State.MERGING);
regionStates.updateRegionState(hri_b, State.MERGING);
if (et != EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_MERGED) {
regionStates.updateRegionState(p, State.MERGING_NEW, sn);;
regionStates.regionOffline(p, State.MERGING_NEW);
new PairOfSameType<HRegionInfo>(hri_a, hri_b));
} else {
regionStates.updateRegionState(hri_a, State.MERGED);
regionStates.updateRegionState(hri_b, State.MERGED);
regionOffline(hri_a, State.MERGED);
regionOffline(hri_b, State.MERGED);
regionOnline(p, sn);
if (et == EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_MERGED) {
LOG.debug("Handling MERGED event for " + encodedName + "; deleting node");
// Remove region from ZK
try {
boolean successful = false;
while (!successful) {
// It's possible that the RS tickles in between the reading of the
// znode and the deleting, so it's safe to retry.
successful = ZKAssign.deleteNode(
watcher, encodedName, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_MERGED);
} catch (KeeperException e) {
if (e instanceof NoNodeException) {
String znodePath = ZKUtil.joinZNode(watcher.splitLogZNode, encodedName);
LOG.debug("The znode " + znodePath + " does not exist. May be deleted already.");
} else {
server.abort("Error deleting MERGED node " + encodedName, e);
LOG.info("Handled MERGED event; merged=" + p.getRegionNameAsString()
+ ", region_a=" + hri_a.getRegionNameAsString() + ", region_b="
+ hri_b.getRegionNameAsString() + ", on " + sn);
// User could disable the table before master knows the new region.
if (zkTable.isDisablingOrDisabledTable(p.getTable())) {
return true;
* A helper to handle region splitting transition event.
private boolean handleRegionSplitting(final RegionTransition rt, final String encodedName,
final String prettyPrintedRegionName, final ServerName sn) {
if (!serverManager.isServerOnline(sn)) {
LOG.warn("Dropped splitting! ServerName=" + sn + " unknown.");
return false;
byte [] payloadOfSplitting = rt.getPayload();
List<HRegionInfo> splittingRegions;
try {
splittingRegions = HRegionInfo.parseDelimitedFrom(
payloadOfSplitting, 0, payloadOfSplitting.length);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Dropped splitting! Failed reading " + rt.getEventType()
+ " payload for " + prettyPrintedRegionName);
return false;
assert splittingRegions.size() == 2;
HRegionInfo hri_a = splittingRegions.get(0);
HRegionInfo hri_b = splittingRegions.get(1);
RegionState rs_p = regionStates.getRegionState(encodedName);
RegionState rs_a = regionStates.getRegionState(hri_a);
RegionState rs_b = regionStates.getRegionState(hri_b);
if (!((rs_p == null || rs_p.isOpenOrSplittingOnServer(sn))
&& (rs_a == null || rs_a.isOpenOrSplittingNewOnServer(sn))
&& (rs_b == null || rs_b.isOpenOrSplittingNewOnServer(sn)))) {
LOG.warn("Dropped splitting! Not in state good for SPLITTING; rs_p="
+ rs_p + ", rs_a=" + rs_a + ", rs_b=" + rs_b);
return false;
if (rs_p == null) {
// Splitting region should be online
rs_p = regionStates.updateRegionState(rt, State.OPEN);
if (rs_p == null) {
LOG.warn("Received splitting for region " + prettyPrintedRegionName
+ " from server " + sn + " but it doesn't exist anymore,"
+ " probably already processed its split");
return false;
regionStates.regionOnline(rs_p.getRegion(), sn);
HRegionInfo p = rs_p.getRegion();
EventType et = rt.getEventType();
if (et == EventType.RS_ZK_REQUEST_REGION_SPLIT) {
try {
if (SplitTransaction.transitionSplittingNode(watcher, p,
hri_a, hri_b, sn, -1, EventType.RS_ZK_REQUEST_REGION_SPLIT,
EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLITTING) == -1) {
byte[] data = ZKAssign.getData(watcher, encodedName);
EventType currentType = null;
if (data != null) {
RegionTransition newRt = RegionTransition.parseFrom(data);
currentType = newRt.getEventType();
if (currentType == null || (currentType != EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLIT
&& currentType != EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLITTING)) {
LOG.warn("Failed to transition pending_split node "
+ encodedName + " to splitting, it's now " + currentType);
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to transition pending_split node "
+ encodedName + " to splitting", e);
return false;
synchronized (regionStates) {
if (regionStates.getRegionState(hri_a) == null) {
if (regionStates.getRegionState(hri_b) == null) {
regionStates.updateRegionState(hri_a, State.SPLITTING_NEW, sn);
regionStates.updateRegionState(hri_b, State.SPLITTING_NEW, sn);
regionStates.regionOffline(hri_a, State.SPLITTING_NEW);
regionStates.regionOffline(hri_b, State.SPLITTING_NEW);
regionStates.updateRegionState(rt, State.SPLITTING);
// The below is for testing ONLY! We can't do fault injection easily, so
// resort to this kinda uglyness -- St.Ack 02/25/2011.
LOG.warn("Skipping split message, TEST_SKIP_SPLIT_HANDLING is set");
return true; // return true so that the splitting node stays
if (et == EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLIT) {
regionStates.updateRegionState(p, State.SPLIT);
regionOffline(p, State.SPLIT);
regionOnline(hri_a, sn);
regionOnline(hri_b, sn);
if (et == EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLIT) {
LOG.debug("Handling SPLIT event for " + encodedName + "; deleting node");
// Remove region from ZK
try {
boolean successful = false;
while (!successful) {
// It's possible that the RS tickles in between the reading of the
// znode and the deleting, so it's safe to retry.
successful = ZKAssign.deleteNode(
watcher, encodedName, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLIT);
} catch (KeeperException e) {
if (e instanceof NoNodeException) {
String znodePath = ZKUtil.joinZNode(watcher.splitLogZNode, encodedName);
LOG.debug("The znode " + znodePath + " does not exist. May be deleted already.");
} else {
server.abort("Error deleting SPLIT node " + encodedName, e);
LOG.info("Handled SPLIT event; parent=" + p.getRegionNameAsString()
+ ", daughter a=" + hri_a.getRegionNameAsString() + ", daughter b="
+ hri_b.getRegionNameAsString() + ", on " + sn);
// User could disable the table before master knows the new region.
if (zkTable.isDisablingOrDisabledTable(p.getTable())) {
return true;
@ -3438,21 +3513,4 @@ public class AssignmentManager extends ZooKeeperListener {
// remove the region plan as well just in case.
* Online a newly created region, which is usually from split/merge.
private void onlineNewRegion(final HRegionInfo region, final ServerName sn) {
synchronized (regionStates) {
// Someone could find the region from meta and reassign it.
if (regionStates.getRegionState(region) == null) {
regionOnline(region, sn);
// User could disable the table before master knows the new region.
if (zkTable.isDisablingOrDisabledTable(region.getTable())) {
@ -190,7 +190,15 @@ public class RegionStates {
public synchronized boolean isRegionInState(
final HRegionInfo hri, final State... states) {
RegionState regionState = getRegionState(hri);
return isRegionInState(hri.getEncodedName(), states);
* @return True if specified region is in one of the specified states.
public synchronized boolean isRegionInState(
final String regionName, final State... states) {
RegionState regionState = getRegionState(regionName);
State s = regionState != null ? regionState.getState() : null;
for (State state: states) {
if (s == state) return true;
@ -358,11 +366,11 @@ public class RegionStates {
if (oldState == null) {
LOG.warn("Online region not in RegionStates: " + hri.getShortNameToLog());
} else {
State state = oldState.getState();
ServerName sn = oldState.getServerName();
if (state != State.OPEN || sn == null || !sn.equals(serverName)) {
LOG.debug("Online " + hri.getShortNameToLog() + " with current state=" + state +
", expected state=OPEN" + ", assigned to server: " + sn + " expected " + serverName);
if (!oldState.isReadyToOnline() || sn == null || !sn.equals(serverName)) {
LOG.debug("Online " + hri.getShortNameToLog() + " with current state="
+ oldState.getState() + ", expected state=OPEN/MERGING_NEW/SPLITTING_NEW"
+ ", assigned to server: " + sn + " expected " + serverName);
updateRegionState(hri, State.OPEN, serverName);
@ -434,29 +442,28 @@ public class RegionStates {
* A region is offline, won't be in transition any more.
* Its state should be the specified expected state, which
* can be Split/Merged/Offline/null(=Offline) only.
* A region is offline, won't be in transition any more. Its state
* should be the specified expected state, which can only be
* Split/Merged/Offline/null(=Offline)/SplittingNew/MergingNew.
public synchronized void regionOffline(
final HRegionInfo hri, final State expectedState) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(expectedState == null
|| expectedState == State.OFFLINE || expectedState == State.SPLIT
|| expectedState == State.MERGED, "Offlined region should be in state"
+ " OFFLINE/SPLIT/MERGED instead of " + expectedState);
|| RegionState.isNotUnassignableNotInTransition(expectedState),
"Offlined region should be in state OFFLINE/SPLIT/MERGED/"
+ "SPLITTING_NEW/MERGING_NEW instead of " + expectedState);
String regionName = hri.getEncodedName();
RegionState oldState = regionStates.get(regionName);
if (oldState == null) {
LOG.warn("Offline region not in RegionStates: " + hri.getShortNameToLog());
} else if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
State state = oldState.getState();
ServerName sn = oldState.getServerName();
if (state != State.OFFLINE
&& state != State.SPLITTING && state != State.MERGING) {
if (!oldState.isReadyToOffline()) {
LOG.debug("Offline " + hri.getShortNameToLog() + " with current state="
+ state + ", expected state=OFFLINE/SPLITTING/MERGING");
+ oldState.getState() + ", expected state=OFFLINE/SPLIT/"
if (sn != null && state == State.OFFLINE) {
if (sn != null && oldState.isOffline()) {
LOG.debug("Offline " + hri.getShortNameToLog()
+ " with current state=OFFLINE, assigned to server: "
+ sn + ", expected null");
@ -497,9 +504,8 @@ public class RegionStates {
if (isRegionOnline(region)) {
} else {
RegionState state = getRegionState(region);
if (state.isSplitting() || state.isMerging()) {
LOG.debug("Offline splitting/merging region " + state);
if (isRegionInState(region, State.SPLITTING, State.MERGING)) {
LOG.debug("Offline splitting/merging region " + getRegionState(region));
try {
// Delete the ZNode if exists
ZKAssign.deleteNodeFailSilent(watcher, region);
@ -512,6 +518,7 @@ public class RegionStates {
for (HRegionInfo hri : regionsToOffline) {
updateRegionState(hri, State.OFFLINE);
@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
* Copyright The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.handler;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Server;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.EventHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.EventType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.AssignmentManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKAssign;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKUtil;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.NoNodeException;
* Handles MERGED regions event on Master, master receive the merge report from
* the regionserver, then offline the merging regions and online the merged
* region.Here region_a sorts before region_b.
public class MergedRegionHandler extends EventHandler implements
TotesHRegionInfo {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(MergedRegionHandler.class);
private final AssignmentManager assignmentManager;
private final HRegionInfo merged;
private final HRegionInfo region_a;
private final HRegionInfo region_b;
private final ServerName sn;
public MergedRegionHandler(Server server,
AssignmentManager assignmentManager, ServerName sn,
final List<HRegionInfo> mergeRegions) {
super(server, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_MERGED);
assert mergeRegions.size() == 3;
this.assignmentManager = assignmentManager;
this.merged = mergeRegions.get(0);
this.region_a = mergeRegions.get(1);
this.region_b = mergeRegions.get(2);
this.sn = sn;
public HRegionInfo getHRegionInfo() {
return this.merged;
public String toString() {
String name = "UnknownServerName";
if (server != null && server.getServerName() != null) {
name = server.getServerName().toString();
String mergedRegion = "UnknownRegion";
if (merged != null) {
mergedRegion = merged.getRegionNameAsString();
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "-" + name + "-" + getSeqid() + "-"
+ mergedRegion;
public void process() {
String encodedRegionName = this.merged.getEncodedName();
LOG.debug("Handling MERGE event for " + encodedRegionName
+ "; deleting node");
this.assignmentManager.handleRegionsMergeReport(this.sn, this.merged,
this.region_a, this.region_b);
// Remove region from ZK
try {
boolean successful = false;
while (!successful) {
// It's possible that the RS tickles in between the reading of the
// znode and the deleting, so it's safe to retry.
successful = ZKAssign.deleteNode(this.server.getZooKeeper(),
encodedRegionName, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_MERGED);
} catch (KeeperException e) {
if (e instanceof NoNodeException) {
String znodePath = ZKUtil.joinZNode(
this.server.getZooKeeper().splitLogZNode, encodedRegionName);
LOG.debug("The znode " + znodePath
+ " does not exist. May be deleted already.");
} else {
server.abort("Error deleting MERGED node in ZK for transition ZK node ("
+ merged.getEncodedName() + ")", e);
LOG.info("Handled MERGED event; merged="
+ this.merged.getRegionNameAsString() + " region_a="
+ this.region_a.getRegionNameAsString() + "region_b="
+ this.region_b.getRegionNameAsString());
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.AssignmentManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.DeadServer;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.MasterServices;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.RegionState;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.RegionState.State;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.RegionStates;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.ServerManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKAssign;
@ -246,10 +247,14 @@ public class ServerShutdownHandler extends EventHandler {
//clean zk node
LOG.info("Reassigning region with rs = " + rit + " and deleting zk node if exists");
ZKAssign.deleteNodeFailSilent(services.getZooKeeper(), hri);
regionStates.updateRegionState(hri, State.OFFLINE);
} catch (KeeperException ke) {
this.server.abort("Unexpected ZK exception deleting unassigned node " + hri, ke);
} else if (regionStates.isRegionInState(
} else if (rit != null) {
@ -260,8 +265,9 @@ public class ServerShutdownHandler extends EventHandler {
// The rit that we use may be stale in case the table was in DISABLING state
// but though we did assign we will not be clearing the znode in CLOSING state.
// Doing this will have no harm. See HBASE-5927
regionStates.updateRegionState(hri, State.OFFLINE);
} else {
LOG.warn("THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN: unexpected region in transition "
+ rit + " not to be assigned by SSH of server " + serverName);
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.handler;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Server;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.EventHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.EventType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.AssignmentManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKAssign;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKUtil;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.NoNodeException;
* Handles SPLIT region event on Master.
public class SplitRegionHandler extends EventHandler implements TotesHRegionInfo {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(SplitRegionHandler.class);
private final AssignmentManager assignmentManager;
private final HRegionInfo parent;
private final ServerName sn;
private final List<HRegionInfo> daughters;
* For testing only! Set to true to skip handling of split.
public static boolean TEST_SKIP = false;
public SplitRegionHandler(Server server,
AssignmentManager assignmentManager, HRegionInfo regionInfo,
ServerName sn, final List<HRegionInfo> daughters) {
super(server, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLIT);
this.assignmentManager = assignmentManager;
this.parent = regionInfo;
this.sn = sn;
this.daughters = daughters;
public HRegionInfo getHRegionInfo() {
return this.parent;
public String toString() {
String name = "UnknownServerName";
if(server != null && server.getServerName() != null) {
name = server.getServerName().toString();
String parentRegion = "UnknownRegion";
if(parent != null) {
parentRegion = parent.getRegionNameAsString();
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "-" + name + "-" + getSeqid() + "-" + parentRegion;
public void process() {
String encodedRegionName = this.parent.getEncodedName();
LOG.debug("Handling SPLIT event for " + encodedRegionName +
"; deleting node");
// The below is for testing ONLY! We can't do fault injection easily, so
// resort to this kinda uglyness -- St.Ack 02/25/2011.
if (TEST_SKIP) {
LOG.warn("Skipping split message, TEST_SKIP is set");
this.assignmentManager.handleSplitReport(this.sn, this.parent,
this.daughters.get(0), this.daughters.get(1));
// Remove region from ZK
try {
boolean successful = false;
while (!successful) {
// It's possible that the RS tickles in between the reading of the
// znode and the deleting, so it's safe to retry.
successful = ZKAssign.deleteNode(this.server.getZooKeeper(),
} catch (KeeperException e) {
if (e instanceof NoNodeException) {
String znodePath = ZKUtil.joinZNode(
this.server.getZooKeeper().splitLogZNode, encodedRegionName);
LOG.debug("The znode " + znodePath
+ " does not exist. May be deleted already.");
} else {
server.abort("Error deleting SPLIT node in ZK for transition ZK node (" +
parent.getEncodedName() + ")", e);
LOG.info("Handled SPLIT event; parent=" +
this.parent.getRegionNameAsString() +
" daughter a=" + this.daughters.get(0).getRegionNameAsString() +
"daughter b=" + this.daughters.get(1).getRegionNameAsString());
@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellScanner;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CompoundConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DroppedSnapshotException;
@ -114,12 +113,9 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.AssignmentManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.monitoring.MonitoredTask;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.monitoring.TaskMonitor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetRegionInfoResponse.CompactionState;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.WALEntry;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.CoprocessorServiceCall;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.MutationProto.MutationType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.WALProtos.CompactionDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.WALProtos.WALKey;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.MultiVersionConsistencyControl.WriteEntry;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.CompactionContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.HLog;
@ -2781,6 +2777,11 @@ public class HRegion implements HeapSize { // , Writable{
FileSystem fs = this.fs.getFileSystem();
NavigableSet<Path> files = HLogUtil.getSplitEditFilesSorted(fs, regiondir);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Found " + (files == null ? 0 : files.size())
+ " recovered edits file(s) under " + regiondir);
if (files == null || files.isEmpty()) return seqid;
for (Path edits: files) {
@ -2794,10 +2795,12 @@ public class HRegion implements HeapSize { // , Writable{
String fileName = edits.getName();
maxSeqId = Math.abs(Long.parseLong(fileName));
if (maxSeqId <= minSeqIdForTheRegion) {
String msg = "Maximum sequenceid for this log is " + maxSeqId
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
String msg = "Maximum sequenceid for this log is " + maxSeqId
+ " and minimum sequenceid for the region is " + minSeqIdForTheRegion
+ ", skipped the whole file, path=" + edits;
@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_MERGED;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_MERGING;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.EventType.RS_ZK_REQUEST_REGION_MERGE;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
@ -45,6 +49,7 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZooKeeperWatcher;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.NodeExistsException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.data.Stat;
* Executes region merge as a "transaction". It is similar with
@ -261,25 +266,16 @@ public class RegionMergeTransaction {
createNodeMerging(server.getZooKeeper(), this.mergedRegionInfo,
server.getServerName(), region_a.getRegionInfo(), region_b.getRegionInfo());
} catch (KeeperException e) {
throw new IOException("Failed creating MERGING znode on "
throw new IOException("Failed creating PENDING_MERGE znode on "
+ this.mergedRegionInfo.getRegionNameAsString(), e);
if (server != null && server.getZooKeeper() != null) {
try {
// Transition node from MERGING to MERGING after creating the merge
// node. Master will get the callback for node change only if the
// transition is successful.
// Note that if the transition fails then the rollback will delete the
// created znode as the journal entry SET_MERGING_IN_ZK is added.
this.znodeVersion = transitionNodeMerging(server.getZooKeeper(),
this.mergedRegionInfo, server.getServerName(), -1,
region_a.getRegionInfo(), region_b.getRegionInfo());
} catch (KeeperException e) {
throw new IOException("Failed setting MERGING znode on "
+ this.mergedRegionInfo.getRegionNameAsString(), e);
// After creating the merge node, wait for master to transition it
// from PENDING_MERGE to MERGING so that we can move on. We want master
// knows about it and won't transition any region which is merging.
znodeVersion = getZKNode(server, services);
@ -303,9 +299,10 @@ public class RegionMergeTransaction {
try {
// Do one more check on the merging znode (before it is too late) in case
// any merging region is moved somehow. If so, the znode transition will fail.
this.znodeVersion = transitionNodeMerging(server.getZooKeeper(),
this.mergedRegionInfo, server.getServerName(), this.znodeVersion,
region_a.getRegionInfo(), region_b.getRegionInfo());
this.znodeVersion = transitionMergingNode(server.getZooKeeper(),
this.mergedRegionInfo, region_a.getRegionInfo(), region_b.getRegionInfo(),
server.getServerName(), this.znodeVersion,
} catch (KeeperException e) {
throw new IOException("Failed setting MERGING znode on "
+ this.mergedRegionInfo.getRegionNameAsString(), e);
@ -489,9 +486,10 @@ public class RegionMergeTransaction {
// Tell master about merge by updating zk. If we fail, abort.
try {
this.znodeVersion = transitionNodeMerge(server.getZooKeeper(),
this.mergedRegionInfo, region_a.getRegionInfo(),
region_b.getRegionInfo(), server.getServerName(), this.znodeVersion);
this.znodeVersion = transitionMergingNode(server.getZooKeeper(),
this.mergedRegionInfo, region_a.getRegionInfo(),
region_b.getRegionInfo(), server.getServerName(), this.znodeVersion,
long startTime = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis();
int spins = 0;
@ -506,9 +504,10 @@ public class RegionMergeTransaction {
// When this returns -1 it means the znode doesn't exist
this.znodeVersion = tickleNodeMerge(server.getZooKeeper(),
this.mergedRegionInfo, region_a.getRegionInfo(),
region_b.getRegionInfo(), server.getServerName(), this.znodeVersion);
this.znodeVersion = transitionMergingNode(server.getZooKeeper(),
this.mergedRegionInfo, region_a.getRegionInfo(),
region_b.getRegionInfo(), server.getServerName(), this.znodeVersion,
} while (this.znodeVersion != -1 && !server.isStopped()
&& !services.isStopping());
@ -520,12 +519,83 @@ public class RegionMergeTransaction {
+ mergedRegionInfo.getEncodedName(), e);
// Leaving here, the mergedir with its dross will be in place but since the
// merge was successful, just leave it; it'll be cleaned when region_a is
// cleaned up by CatalogJanitor on master
* Wait for the merging node to be transitioned from pending_merge
* to merging by master. That's how we are sure master has processed
* the event and is good with us to move on. If we don't get any update,
* we periodically transition the node so that master gets the callback.
* If the node is removed or is not in pending_merge state any more,
* we abort the merge.
private int getZKNode(final Server server,
final RegionServerServices services) throws IOException {
// Wait for the master to process the pending_merge.
try {
int spins = 0;
Stat stat = new Stat();
ZooKeeperWatcher zkw = server.getZooKeeper();
ServerName expectedServer = server.getServerName();
String node = mergedRegionInfo.getEncodedName();
while (!(server.isStopped() || services.isStopping())) {
if (spins % 5 == 0) {
LOG.debug("Still waiting for master to process "
+ "the pending_merge for " + node);
transitionMergingNode(zkw, mergedRegionInfo, region_a.getRegionInfo(),
region_b.getRegionInfo(), expectedServer, -1, RS_ZK_REQUEST_REGION_MERGE,
byte [] data = ZKAssign.getDataNoWatch(zkw, node, stat);
if (data == null) {
throw new IOException("Data is null, merging node "
+ node + " no longer exists");
RegionTransition rt = RegionTransition.parseFrom(data);
EventType et = rt.getEventType();
ServerName serverName = rt.getServerName();
if (!serverName.equals(expectedServer)) {
throw new IOException("Merging node " + node + " is for "
+ serverName + ", not us " + expectedServer);
byte [] payloadOfMerging = rt.getPayload();
List<HRegionInfo> mergingRegions = HRegionInfo.parseDelimitedFrom(
payloadOfMerging, 0, payloadOfMerging.length);
assert mergingRegions.size() == 3;
HRegionInfo a = mergingRegions.get(1);
HRegionInfo b = mergingRegions.get(2);
HRegionInfo hri_a = region_a.getRegionInfo();
HRegionInfo hri_b = region_b.getRegionInfo();
if (!(hri_a.equals(a) && hri_b.equals(b))) {
throw new IOException("Merging node " + node + " is for " + a + ", "
+ b + ", not expected regions: " + hri_a + ", " + hri_b);
// Master has processed it.
return stat.getVersion();
throw new IOException("Merging node " + node
+ " moved out of merging to " + et);
// Server is stopping/stopped
throw new IOException("Server is "
+ (services.isStopping() ? "stopping" : "stopped"));
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof InterruptedException) {
throw new IOException("Failed getting MERGING znode on "
+ mergedRegionInfo.getRegionNameAsString(), e);
* Create reference file(s) of merging regions under the region_a merges dir
* @param hstoreFilesOfRegionA
@ -566,6 +636,7 @@ public class RegionMergeTransaction {
* of no return and so now need to abort the server to minimize
* damage.
public boolean rollback(final Server server,
final RegionServerServices services) throws IOException {
assert this.mergedRegionInfo != null;
@ -653,20 +724,22 @@ public class RegionMergeTransaction {
private static void cleanZK(final Server server, final HRegionInfo hri) {
try {
// Only delete if its in expected state; could have been hijacked.
ZKAssign.deleteNode(server.getZooKeeper(), hri.getEncodedName(),
if (!ZKAssign.deleteNode(server.getZooKeeper(), hri.getEncodedName(),
ZKAssign.deleteNode(server.getZooKeeper(), hri.getEncodedName(),
} catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
LOG.warn("Failed cleanup zk node of " + hri.getRegionNameAsString(), e);
} catch (KeeperException e) {
server.abort("Failed cleanup zk node of " + hri.getRegionNameAsString(),e);
* Creates a new ephemeral node in the MERGING state for the merged region.
* Creates a new ephemeral node in the PENDING_MERGE state for the merged region.
* Create it ephemeral in case regionserver dies mid-merge.
* <p>
* Does not transition nodes from other states. If a node already exists for
* this region, a {@link NodeExistsException} will be thrown.
@ -674,32 +747,27 @@ public class RegionMergeTransaction {
* @param zkw zk reference
* @param region region to be created as offline
* @param serverName server event originates from
* @return Version of znode created.
* @throws KeeperException
* @throws IOException
int createNodeMerging(final ZooKeeperWatcher zkw, final HRegionInfo region,
public static void createNodeMerging(final ZooKeeperWatcher zkw, final HRegionInfo region,
final ServerName serverName, final HRegionInfo a,
final HRegionInfo b) throws KeeperException, IOException {
LOG.debug(zkw.prefix("Creating ephemeral node for "
+ region.getEncodedName() + " in MERGING state"));
byte [] payload = HRegionInfo.toDelimitedByteArray(a, b);
+ region.getEncodedName() + " in PENDING_MERGE state"));
byte [] payload = HRegionInfo.toDelimitedByteArray(region, a, b);
RegionTransition rt = RegionTransition.createRegionTransition(
EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_MERGING, region.getRegionName(), serverName, payload);
RS_ZK_REQUEST_REGION_MERGE, region.getRegionName(), serverName, payload);
String node = ZKAssign.getNodeName(zkw, region.getEncodedName());
if (!ZKUtil.createEphemeralNodeAndWatch(zkw, node, rt.toByteArray())) {
throw new IOException("Failed create of ephemeral " + node);
// Transition node from MERGING to MERGING and pick up version so we
// can be sure this znode is ours; version is needed deleting.
return transitionNodeMerging(zkw, region, serverName, -1, a, b);
* Transitions an existing node for the specified region which is currently in
* the MERGING state to be in the MERGE state. Converts the ephemeral MERGING
* znode to an ephemeral MERGE node. Master cleans up MERGE znode when it
* reads it (or if we crash, zk will clean it up).
* Transitions an existing ephemeral node for the specified region which is
* currently in the begin state to be in the end state. Master cleans up the
* final MERGE znode when it reads it (or if we crash, zk will clean it up).
* <p>
* Does not transition nodes from other states. If for some reason the node
@ -710,19 +778,18 @@ public class RegionMergeTransaction {
* This method can fail and return false for three different reasons:
* <ul>
* <li>Node for this region does not exist</li>
* <li>Node for this region is not in MERGING state</li>
* <li>After verifying MERGING state, update fails because of wrong version
* <li>Node for this region is not in the begin state</li>
* <li>After verifying the begin state, update fails because of wrong version
* (this should never actually happen since an RS only does this transition
* following a transition to MERGING. if two RS are conflicting, one would
* fail the original transition to MERGING and not this transition)</li>
* following a transition to the begin state. If two RS are conflicting, one would
* fail the original transition to the begin state and not this transition)</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Does not set any watches.
* <p>
* This method should only be used by a RegionServer when completing the open
* of merged region.
* This method should only be used by a RegionServer when merging two regions.
* @param zkw zk reference
* @param merged region to be transitioned to opened
@ -730,45 +797,19 @@ public class RegionMergeTransaction {
* @param b merging region B
* @param serverName server event originates from
* @param znodeVersion expected version of data before modification
* @param beginState the expected current state the znode should be
* @param endState the state to be transition to
* @return version of node after transition, -1 if unsuccessful transition
* @throws KeeperException if unexpected zookeeper exception
* @throws IOException
private static int transitionNodeMerge(ZooKeeperWatcher zkw,
public static int transitionMergingNode(ZooKeeperWatcher zkw,
HRegionInfo merged, HRegionInfo a, HRegionInfo b, ServerName serverName,
final int znodeVersion) throws KeeperException, IOException {
final int znodeVersion, final EventType beginState,
final EventType endState) throws KeeperException, IOException {
byte[] payload = HRegionInfo.toDelimitedByteArray(merged, a, b);
return ZKAssign.transitionNode(zkw, merged, serverName,
znodeVersion, payload);
* @param zkw zk reference
* @param parent region to be transitioned to merging
* @param serverName server event originates from
* @param version znode version
* @return version of node after transition, -1 if unsuccessful transition
* @throws KeeperException
* @throws IOException
int transitionNodeMerging(final ZooKeeperWatcher zkw,
final HRegionInfo parent, final ServerName serverName, final int version,
final HRegionInfo a, final HRegionInfo b) throws KeeperException, IOException {
byte[] payload = HRegionInfo.toDelimitedByteArray(a, b);
return ZKAssign.transitionNode(zkw, parent, serverName,
version, payload);
private static int tickleNodeMerge(ZooKeeperWatcher zkw, HRegionInfo merged,
HRegionInfo a, HRegionInfo b, ServerName serverName,
final int znodeVersion) throws KeeperException, IOException {
byte[] payload = HRegionInfo.toDelimitedByteArray(a, b);
return ZKAssign.transitionNode(zkw, merged, serverName,
znodeVersion, payload);
beginState, endState, znodeVersion, payload);
@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.EventType.RS_ZK_REQUEST_REGION_SPLIT;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLIT;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLITTING;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
@ -54,6 +58,7 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZooKeeperWatcher;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.NodeExistsException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.data.Stat;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder;
@ -296,27 +301,18 @@ public class SplitTransaction {
if (server != null && server.getZooKeeper() != null) {
try {
this.parent.getRegionInfo(), server.getServerName());
parent.getRegionInfo(), server.getServerName(), hri_a, hri_b);
} catch (KeeperException e) {
throw new IOException("Failed creating SPLITTING znode on " +
throw new IOException("Failed creating PENDING_SPLIT znode on " +
this.parent.getRegionNameAsString(), e);
if (server != null && server.getZooKeeper() != null) {
try {
// Transition node from SPLITTING to SPLITTING after creating the split node.
// Master will get the callback for node change only if the transition is successful.
// Note that if the transition fails then the rollback will delete the created znode
// as the journal entry SET_SPLITTING_IN_ZK is added.
// TODO : May be we can add some new state to znode and handle the new state incase
// of success/failure
this.znodeVersion = transitionNodeSplitting(server.getZooKeeper(),
this.parent.getRegionInfo(), server.getServerName(), -1);
} catch (KeeperException e) {
throw new IOException("Failed setting SPLITTING znode on "
+ this.parent.getRegionNameAsString(), e);
// After creating the split node, wait for master to transition it
// from PENDING_SPLIT to SPLITTING so that we can move on. We want master
// knows about it and won't transition any region which is splitting.
znodeVersion = getZKNode(server, services);
@ -444,9 +440,10 @@ public class SplitTransaction {
// Tell master about split by updating zk. If we fail, abort.
if (server != null && server.getZooKeeper() != null) {
try {
this.znodeVersion = transitionNodeSplit(server.getZooKeeper(),
this.znodeVersion = transitionSplittingNode(server.getZooKeeper(),
parent.getRegionInfo(), a.getRegionInfo(), b.getRegionInfo(),
server.getServerName(), this.znodeVersion);
server.getServerName(), this.znodeVersion,
int spins = 0;
// Now wait for the master to process the split. We know it's done
@ -459,9 +456,10 @@ public class SplitTransaction {
// When this returns -1 it means the znode doesn't exist
this.znodeVersion = tickleNodeSplit(server.getZooKeeper(),
this.znodeVersion = transitionSplittingNode(server.getZooKeeper(),
parent.getRegionInfo(), a.getRegionInfo(), b.getRegionInfo(),
server.getServerName(), this.znodeVersion);
server.getServerName(), this.znodeVersion,
} while (this.znodeVersion != -1 && !server.isStopped()
&& !services.isStopping());
@ -483,6 +481,76 @@ public class SplitTransaction {
// deleted and cleaned up.
* Wait for the splitting node to be transitioned from pending_split
* to splitting by master. That's how we are sure master has processed
* the event and is good with us to move on. If we don't get any update,
* we periodically transition the node so that master gets the callback.
* If the node is removed or is not in pending_split state any more,
* we abort the split.
private int getZKNode(final Server server,
final RegionServerServices services) throws IOException {
// Wait for the master to process the pending_split.
try {
int spins = 0;
Stat stat = new Stat();
ZooKeeperWatcher zkw = server.getZooKeeper();
ServerName expectedServer = server.getServerName();
String node = parent.getRegionInfo().getEncodedName();
while (!(server.isStopped() || services.isStopping())) {
if (spins % 5 == 0) {
LOG.debug("Still waiting for master to process "
+ "the pending_split for " + node);
transitionSplittingNode(zkw, parent.getRegionInfo(),
hri_a, hri_b, expectedServer, -1, RS_ZK_REQUEST_REGION_SPLIT,
byte [] data = ZKAssign.getDataNoWatch(zkw, node, stat);
if (data == null) {
throw new IOException("Data is null, splitting node "
+ node + " no longer exists");
RegionTransition rt = RegionTransition.parseFrom(data);
EventType et = rt.getEventType();
ServerName serverName = rt.getServerName();
if (!serverName.equals(expectedServer)) {
throw new IOException("Splitting node " + node + " is for "
+ serverName + ", not us " + expectedServer);
byte [] payloadOfSplitting = rt.getPayload();
List<HRegionInfo> splittingRegions = HRegionInfo.parseDelimitedFrom(
payloadOfSplitting, 0, payloadOfSplitting.length);
assert splittingRegions.size() == 2;
HRegionInfo a = splittingRegions.get(0);
HRegionInfo b = splittingRegions.get(1);
if (!(hri_a.equals(a) && hri_b.equals(b))) {
throw new IOException("Splitting node " + node + " is for " + a + ", "
+ b + ", not expected daughters: " + hri_a + ", " + hri_b);
// Master has processed it.
return stat.getVersion();
throw new IOException("Splitting node " + node
+ " moved out of splitting to " + et);
// Server is stopping/stopped
throw new IOException("Server is "
+ (services.isStopping() ? "stopping" : "stopped"));
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof InterruptedException) {
throw new IOException("Failed getting SPLITTING znode on "
+ parent.getRegionNameAsString(), e);
* Run the transaction.
* @param server Hosting server instance. Can be null when testing (won't try
@ -719,6 +787,7 @@ public class SplitTransaction {
* @return True if we successfully rolled back, false if we got to the point
* of no return and so now need to abort the server to minimize damage.
public boolean rollback(final Server server, final RegionServerServices services)
throws IOException {
// Coprocessor callback
@ -801,15 +870,20 @@ public class SplitTransaction {
private static void cleanZK(final Server server, final HRegionInfo hri) {
try {
// Only delete if its in expected state; could have been hijacked.
ZKAssign.deleteNode(server.getZooKeeper(), hri.getEncodedName(),
if (!ZKAssign.deleteNode(server.getZooKeeper(), hri.getEncodedName(),
ZKAssign.deleteNode(server.getZooKeeper(), hri.getEncodedName(),
} catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
LOG.warn("Failed cleanup zk node of " + hri.getRegionNameAsString(), e);
} catch (KeeperException e) {
server.abort("Failed cleanup of " + hri.getRegionNameAsString(), e);
* Creates a new ephemeral node in the SPLITTING state for the specified region.
* Creates a new ephemeral node in the PENDING_SPLIT state for the specified region.
* Create it ephemeral in case regionserver dies mid-split.
* <p>Does not transition nodes from other states. If a node already exists
@ -818,91 +892,63 @@ public class SplitTransaction {
* @param zkw zk reference
* @param region region to be created as offline
* @param serverName server event originates from
* @return Version of znode created.
* @throws KeeperException
* @throws IOException
int createNodeSplitting(final ZooKeeperWatcher zkw, final HRegionInfo region,
final ServerName serverName) throws KeeperException, IOException {
public static void createNodeSplitting(final ZooKeeperWatcher zkw, final HRegionInfo region,
final ServerName serverName, final HRegionInfo a,
final HRegionInfo b) throws KeeperException, IOException {
LOG.debug(zkw.prefix("Creating ephemeral node for " +
region.getEncodedName() + " in SPLITTING state"));
RegionTransition rt = RegionTransition.createRegionTransition(EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLITTING,
region.getRegionName(), serverName);
region.getEncodedName() + " in PENDING_SPLIT state"));
byte [] payload = HRegionInfo.toDelimitedByteArray(a, b);
RegionTransition rt = RegionTransition.createRegionTransition(
RS_ZK_REQUEST_REGION_SPLIT, region.getRegionName(), serverName, payload);
String node = ZKAssign.getNodeName(zkw, region.getEncodedName());
if (!ZKUtil.createEphemeralNodeAndWatch(zkw, node, rt.toByteArray())) {
throw new IOException("Failed create of ephemeral " + node);
// Transition node from SPLITTING to SPLITTING and pick up version so we
// can be sure this znode is ours; version is needed deleting.
return transitionNodeSplitting(zkw, region, serverName, -1);
* Transitions an existing node for the specified region which is
* currently in the SPLITTING state to be in the SPLIT state. Converts the
* ephemeral SPLITTING znode to an ephemeral SPLIT node. Master cleans up
* SPLIT znode when it reads it (or if we crash, zk will clean it up).
* Transitions an existing ephemeral node for the specified region which is
* currently in the begin state to be in the end state. Master cleans up the
* final SPLIT znode when it reads it (or if we crash, zk will clean it up).
* <p>Does not transition nodes from other states. If for some reason the
* node could not be transitioned, the method returns -1. If the transition
* <p>Does not transition nodes from other states. If for some reason the
* node could not be transitioned, the method returns -1. If the transition
* is successful, the version of the node after transition is returned.
* <p>This method can fail and return false for three different reasons:
* <ul><li>Node for this region does not exist</li>
* <li>Node for this region is not in SPLITTING state</li>
* <li>After verifying SPLITTING state, update fails because of wrong version
* <li>Node for this region is not in the begin state</li>
* <li>After verifying the begin state, update fails because of wrong version
* (this should never actually happen since an RS only does this transition
* following a transition to SPLITTING. if two RS are conflicting, one would
* fail the original transition to SPLITTING and not this transition)</li>
* following a transition to the begin state. If two RS are conflicting, one would
* fail the original transition to the begin state and not this transition)</li>
* </ul>
* <p>Does not set any watches.
* <p>This method should only be used by a RegionServer when completing the
* open of a region.
* <p>This method should only be used by a RegionServer when splitting a region.
* @param zkw zk reference
* @param parent region to be transitioned to opened
* @param a Daughter a of split
* @param b Daughter b of split
* @param serverName server event originates from
* @param znodeVersion expected version of data before modification
* @param beginState the expected current state the znode should be
* @param endState the state to be transition to
* @return version of node after transition, -1 if unsuccessful transition
* @throws KeeperException if unexpected zookeeper exception
* @throws IOException
private static int transitionNodeSplit(ZooKeeperWatcher zkw,
public static int transitionSplittingNode(ZooKeeperWatcher zkw,
HRegionInfo parent, HRegionInfo a, HRegionInfo b, ServerName serverName,
final int znodeVersion)
throws KeeperException, IOException {
final int znodeVersion, final EventType beginState,
final EventType endState) throws KeeperException, IOException {
byte [] payload = HRegionInfo.toDelimitedByteArray(a, b);
return ZKAssign.transitionNode(zkw, parent, serverName,
znodeVersion, payload);
* @param zkw zk reference
* @param parent region to be transitioned to splitting
* @param serverName server event originates from
* @param version znode version
* @return version of node after transition, -1 if unsuccessful transition
* @throws KeeperException
* @throws IOException
int transitionNodeSplitting(final ZooKeeperWatcher zkw, final HRegionInfo parent,
final ServerName serverName, final int version) throws KeeperException, IOException {
return ZKAssign.transitionNode(zkw, parent, serverName,
private static int tickleNodeSplit(ZooKeeperWatcher zkw,
HRegionInfo parent, HRegionInfo a, HRegionInfo b, ServerName serverName,
final int znodeVersion)
throws KeeperException, IOException {
byte [] payload = HRegionInfo.toDelimitedByteArray(a, b);
return ZKAssign.transitionNode(zkw, parent, serverName,
znodeVersion, payload);
beginState, endState, znodeVersion, payload);
@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ public class TestMaster {
LOG.info("Splitting table");
LOG.info("Waiting for split result to be about to open");
while (!m.assignmentManager.wasSplitHandlerCalled()) {
RegionStates regionStates = m.assignmentManager.getRegionStates();
while (regionStates.getRegionsOfTable(TABLENAME).size() <= 1) {
LOG.info("Making sure we can call getTableRegions while opening");
@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Abortable;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ClusterStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor;
@ -47,14 +46,17 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.LargeTests;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MiniHBaseCluster;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.RegionTransition;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.EventType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.RegionState.State;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.ProtobufUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegionServer;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionMergeTransaction;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionServerStoppedException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.FSUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.FSTableDescriptors;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.FSUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.JVMClusterUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.JVMClusterUtil.MasterThread;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.JVMClusterUtil.RegionServerThread;
@ -148,7 +150,7 @@ public class TestMasterFailover {
* </ul>
* @throws Exception
@Test (timeout=180000)
@Test (timeout=240000)
public void testMasterFailoverWithMockedRIT() throws Exception {
final int NUM_MASTERS = 1;
@ -214,10 +216,30 @@ public class TestMasterFailover {
List<HRegionInfo> disabledRegions = TEST_UTIL.createMultiRegionsInMeta(
TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(), htdDisabled, SPLIT_KEYS);
TableName tableWithMergingRegions = TableName.valueOf("tableWithMergingRegions");
TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableWithMergingRegions, FAMILY, new byte [][] {Bytes.toBytes("m")});
log("Regions in hbase:meta and namespace have been created");
// at this point we only expect 3 regions to be assigned out (catalogs and namespace)
assertEquals(2, cluster.countServedRegions());
// at this point we only expect 4 regions to be assigned out
// (catalogs and namespace, + 2 merging regions)
assertEquals(4, cluster.countServedRegions());
// Move merging regions to the same region server
AssignmentManager am = master.getAssignmentManager();
RegionStates regionStates = am.getRegionStates();
List<HRegionInfo> mergingRegions = regionStates.getRegionsOfTable(tableWithMergingRegions);
assertEquals(2, mergingRegions.size());
HRegionInfo a = mergingRegions.get(0);
HRegionInfo b = mergingRegions.get(1);
HRegionInfo newRegion = RegionMergeTransaction.getMergedRegionInfo(a, b);
ServerName mergingServer = regionStates.getRegionServerOfRegion(a);
ServerName serverB = regionStates.getRegionServerOfRegion(b);
if (!serverB.equals(mergingServer)) {
RegionPlan plan = new RegionPlan(b, serverB, mergingServer);
// Let's just assign everything to first RS
HRegionServer hrs = cluster.getRegionServer(0);
@ -339,6 +361,15 @@ public class TestMasterFailover {
// Regions of table of merging regions
// Cause: Master was down while merging was going on
zkw, newRegion, mergingServer, a, b);
@ -356,6 +387,16 @@ public class TestMasterFailover {
log("Master is ready");
// Get new region states since master restarted
regionStates = master.getAssignmentManager().getRegionStates();
// Merging region should remain merging
assertTrue(regionStates.isRegionInState(a, State.MERGING));
assertTrue(regionStates.isRegionInState(b, State.MERGING));
assertTrue(regionStates.isRegionInState(newRegion, State.MERGING_NEW));
// Now remove the faked merging znode, merging regions should be
// offlined automatically, otherwise it is a bug in AM.
ZKAssign.deleteNodeFailSilent(zkw, newRegion);
// Failover should be completed, now wait for no RIT
log("Waiting for no more RIT");
@ -375,6 +416,9 @@ public class TestMasterFailover {
// Everything that should be offline should not be online
for (HRegionInfo hri : regionsThatShouldBeOffline) {
if (onlineRegions.contains(hri)) {
@ -384,7 +428,6 @@ public class TestMasterFailover {
* Complex test of master failover that tests as many permutations of the
* different possible states that regions in transition could be in within ZK
@ -794,7 +837,8 @@ public class TestMasterFailover {
long maxTime = 120000;
boolean done = master.assignmentManager.waitUntilNoRegionsInTransition(maxTime);
if (!done) {
LOG.info("rit=" + master.getAssignmentManager().getRegionStates().getRegionsInTransition());
RegionStates regionStates = master.getAssignmentManager().getRegionStates();
LOG.info("rit=" + regionStates.getRegionsInTransition());
long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - now;
assertTrue("Elapsed=" + elapsed + ", maxTime=" + maxTime + ", done=" + done,
@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.HMaster;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.RegionState;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.RegionStates;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.RegionState.State;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.handler.SplitRegionHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.ProtobufUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.EnvironmentEdgeManager;
@ -262,8 +261,6 @@ public class TestSplitTransactionOnCluster {
HTable t = createTableAndWait(tableName.getName(), Bytes.toBytes("cf"));
final List<HRegion> regions = cluster.getRegions(tableName);
final HRegionInfo hri = getAndCheckSingleTableRegion(regions);
int regionServerIndex = cluster.getServerWith(regions.get(0).getRegionName());
final HRegionServer regionServer = cluster.getRegionServer(regionServerIndex);
insertData(tableName.getName(), admin, t);
@ -349,7 +346,7 @@ public class TestSplitTransactionOnCluster {
int regionCount = ProtobufUtil.getOnlineRegions(server).size();
// Now, before we split, set special flag in master, a flag that has
// it FAIL the processing of split.
SplitRegionHandler.TEST_SKIP = true;
AssignmentManager.TEST_SKIP_SPLIT_HANDLING = true;
// Now try splitting and it should work.
split(hri, server, regionCount);
// Get daughters
@ -357,15 +354,18 @@ public class TestSplitTransactionOnCluster {
// Assert the ephemeral node is up in zk.
String path = ZKAssign.getNodeName(TESTING_UTIL.getZooKeeperWatcher(),
Stat stats =
TESTING_UTIL.getZooKeeperWatcher().getRecoverableZooKeeper().exists(path, false);
LOG.info("EPHEMERAL NODE BEFORE SERVER ABORT, path=" + path + ", stats=" + stats);
RegionTransition rt =
RegionTransition rt = null;
Stat stats = null;
// Wait till the znode moved to SPLIT
for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
stats = TESTING_UTIL.getZooKeeperWatcher().getRecoverableZooKeeper().exists(path, false);
rt = RegionTransition.parseFrom(ZKAssign.getData(TESTING_UTIL.getZooKeeperWatcher(),
// State could be SPLIT or SPLITTING.
assertTrue(rt.getEventType().equals(EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLIT) ||
if (rt.getEventType().equals(EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLIT)) break;
LOG.info("EPHEMERAL NODE BEFORE SERVER ABORT, path=" + path + ", stats=" + stats);
assertTrue(rt != null && rt.getEventType().equals(EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLIT));
// Now crash the server
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ public class TestSplitTransactionOnCluster {
assertTrue(stats == null);
} finally {
// Set this flag back.
SplitRegionHandler.TEST_SKIP = false;
AssignmentManager.TEST_SKIP_SPLIT_HANDLING = false;
admin.setBalancerRunning(true, false);
@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ public class TestSplitTransactionOnCluster {
printOutRegions(server, "Initial regions: ");
// Now, before we split, set special flag in master, a flag that has
// it FAIL the processing of split.
SplitRegionHandler.TEST_SKIP = true;
AssignmentManager.TEST_SKIP_SPLIT_HANDLING = true;
// Now try splitting and it should work.
@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ public class TestSplitTransactionOnCluster {
assertTrue(regionServerOfRegion != null);
// Remove the block so that split can move ahead.
SplitRegionHandler.TEST_SKIP = false;
AssignmentManager.TEST_SKIP_SPLIT_HANDLING = false;
String node = ZKAssign.getNodeName(zkw, hri.getEncodedName());
Stat stat = new Stat();
byte[] data = ZKUtil.getDataNoWatch(zkw, node, stat);
@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ public class TestSplitTransactionOnCluster {
assertTrue(regionServerOfRegion == null);
} finally {
// Set this flag back.
SplitRegionHandler.TEST_SKIP = false;
AssignmentManager.TEST_SKIP_SPLIT_HANDLING = false;
admin.setBalancerRunning(true, false);
@ -765,8 +765,6 @@ public class TestSplitTransactionOnCluster {
ServerName regionServerOfRegion = regionStates.getRegionServerOfRegion(hri);
assertTrue(regionServerOfRegion == null);
} finally {
// Set this flag back.
SplitRegionHandler.TEST_SKIP = false;
this.admin.setBalancerRunning(true, false);
@ -998,8 +996,8 @@ public class TestSplitTransactionOnCluster {
assertTrue("not able to find a splittable region", region != null);
SplitTransaction st = new MockedSplitTransaction(region, Bytes.toBytes("row2")) {
int createNodeSplitting(ZooKeeperWatcher zkw, HRegionInfo region,
ServerName serverName) throws KeeperException, IOException {
public PairOfSameType<HRegion> stepsBeforePONR(final Server server,
final RegionServerServices services, boolean testing) throws IOException {
throw new SplittingNodeCreationFailedException ();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user