HBASE-11409 - Add more flexibility for input directory structure to LoadIncrementalHFiles
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
@ -96,6 +97,7 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.access.SecureBulkLoadEndpoint;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.token.FsDelegationToken;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.FSHDFSUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.FSUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner;
@ -135,6 +137,7 @@ public class LoadIncrementalHFiles extends Configured implements Tool {
private String bulkToken;
private UserProvider userProvider;
private int nrThreads;
private int depth = 2;
private LoadIncrementalHFiles() {}
@ -143,6 +146,10 @@ public class LoadIncrementalHFiles extends Configured implements Tool {
public void setDepth(int depth) {
this.depth = depth;
private void initialize() throws Exception {
if (hbAdmin == null) {
// make a copy, just to be sure we're not overriding someone else's config
@ -161,9 +168,11 @@ public class LoadIncrementalHFiles extends Configured implements Tool {
private void usage() {
System.err.println("usage: " + NAME + " /path/to/hfileoutputformat-output tablename" + "\n -D"
+ CREATE_TABLE_CONF_KEY + "=no - can be used to avoid creation of table by this tool\n"
+ " Note: if you set this to 'no', then the target table must already exist in HBase\n"
System.err.println("usage: " + NAME + " /path/to/hfileoutputformat-output tablename -loadTable"
+ "\n -D" + CREATE_TABLE_CONF_KEY + "=no - can be used to avoid creation of table by "
+ "this tool\n Note: if you set this to 'no', then the target table must already exist "
+ "in HBase\n -loadTable implies your baseDirectory to store file has a depth of 3 ,you"
+ " must have an existing table"
+ "\n");
@ -287,22 +296,32 @@ public class LoadIncrementalHFiles extends Configured implements Tool {
private void discoverLoadQueue(final Deque<LoadQueueItem> ret, final Path hfofDir,
final boolean validateHFile) throws IOException {
fs = hfofDir.getFileSystem(getConf());
visitBulkHFiles(fs, hfofDir, new BulkHFileVisitor<byte[]>() {
public byte[] bulkFamily(final byte[] familyName) {
BulkHFileVisitor<byte[]> visitor = new BulkHFileVisitor<byte[]>() {
@Override public byte[] bulkFamily(final byte[] familyName) {
return familyName;
public void bulkHFile(final byte[] family, final FileStatus hfile) throws IOException {
@Override public void bulkHFile(final byte[] family, final FileStatus hfile)
throws IOException {
long length = hfile.getLen();
if (length > getConf().getLong(HConstants.HREGION_MAX_FILESIZE,
LOG.warn("Trying to bulk load hfile " + hfile.getPath() + " with size: " +
length + " bytes can be problematic as it may lead to oversplitting.");
if (length > getConf()
LOG.warn("Trying to bulk load hfile " + hfile.getPath() + " with size: " + length
+ " bytes can be problematic as it may lead to oversplitting.");
ret.add(new LoadQueueItem(family, hfile.getPath()));
}, validateHFile);
if (depth == 2) {
visitBulkHFiles(fs, hfofDir, visitor, validateHFile);
} else if (depth == 3) {
for (FileStatus fileStatus : FSUtils.listStatus(fs, hfofDir)) {
visitBulkHFiles(fs, fileStatus.getPath(), visitor, validateHFile);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Depth of HFiles from directory must be 2 or 3");
@ -1096,7 +1115,7 @@ public class LoadIncrementalHFiles extends Configured implements Tool {
public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length != 2) {
if (args.length != 2 && args.length != 3) {
return -1;
@ -1105,6 +1124,9 @@ public class LoadIncrementalHFiles extends Configured implements Tool {
String dirPath = args[0];
TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(args[1]);
if (args.length == 3) {
boolean tableExists = this.doesTableExist(tableName);
if (!tableExists) {
@ -22,11 +22,9 @@ import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
@ -36,11 +34,11 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NamespaceDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableNotFoundException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Table;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.codec.KeyValueCodecWithTags;
@ -118,7 +116,7 @@ public class TestLoadIncrementalHFiles {
new byte[][][] {
new byte[][]{ Bytes.toBytes("aaaa"), Bytes.toBytes("cccc") },
new byte[][]{ Bytes.toBytes("ddd"), Bytes.toBytes("ooo") },
}, 2);
@ -131,7 +129,7 @@ public class TestLoadIncrementalHFiles {
new byte[][][] {
new byte[][]{ Bytes.toBytes("aaaa"), Bytes.toBytes("eee") },
new byte[][]{ Bytes.toBytes("fff"), Bytes.toBytes("zzz") },
}, 2);
@ -143,7 +141,7 @@ public class TestLoadIncrementalHFiles {
new byte[][][] {
new byte[][]{ Bytes.toBytes("aaaa"), Bytes.toBytes("eee") },
new byte[][]{ Bytes.toBytes("fff"), Bytes.toBytes("zzz") },
}, 2);
@ -155,7 +153,7 @@ public class TestLoadIncrementalHFiles {
new byte[][][] {
new byte[][]{ Bytes.toBytes("aaaa"), Bytes.toBytes("eee") },
new byte[][]{ Bytes.toBytes("fff"), Bytes.toBytes("zzz") },
}, 2);
@ -172,8 +170,7 @@ public class TestLoadIncrementalHFiles {
new byte[][][] {
new byte[][]{ Bytes.toBytes("aaaa"), Bytes.toBytes("lll") },
new byte[][]{ Bytes.toBytes("mmm"), Bytes.toBytes("zzz") },
}, 2);
@ -221,8 +218,7 @@ public class TestLoadIncrementalHFiles {
new byte[][][] {
new byte[][] { Bytes.toBytes("aaaa"), Bytes.toBytes("zzz") },
}, 2);
private void testRegionCrossingHFileSplit(BloomType bloomType) throws Exception {
@ -234,8 +230,7 @@ public class TestLoadIncrementalHFiles {
new byte[][][] {
new byte[][]{ Bytes.toBytes("aaaa"), Bytes.toBytes("eee") },
new byte[][]{ Bytes.toBytes("fff"), Bytes.toBytes("zzz") },
}, 2);
private HTableDescriptor buildHTD(TableName tableName, BloomType bloomType) {
@ -246,39 +241,56 @@ public class TestLoadIncrementalHFiles {
return htd;
private void runTest(String testName, BloomType bloomType,
byte[][][] hfileRanges) throws Exception {
runTest(testName, bloomType, null, hfileRanges);
private void runTest(String testName, BloomType bloomType, byte[][][] hfileRanges,
int depth) throws Exception {
runTest(testName, bloomType, null, hfileRanges, depth);
private void runTest(String testName, BloomType bloomType,
byte[][] tableSplitKeys, byte[][][] hfileRanges) throws Exception {
private void runTest(String testName, BloomType bloomType, byte[][] tableSplitKeys,
byte[][][] hfileRanges, int depth) throws Exception {
final byte[] TABLE_NAME = Bytes.toBytes("mytable_"+testName);
final boolean preCreateTable = tableSplitKeys != null;
// Run the test bulkloading the table to the default namespace
final TableName TABLE_WITHOUT_NS = TableName.valueOf(TABLE_NAME);
runTest(testName, TABLE_WITHOUT_NS, bloomType, preCreateTable, tableSplitKeys, hfileRanges);
runTest(testName, TABLE_WITHOUT_NS, bloomType, preCreateTable, tableSplitKeys, hfileRanges, 2);
/* Run the test bulkloading the table from a depth of 3
directory structure is now
-- regionDir
-- familyDir
-- storeFileDir
if (preCreateTable) {
runTest(testName + 2, TABLE_WITHOUT_NS, bloomType, true, tableSplitKeys, hfileRanges, 3);
// Run the test bulkloading the table to the specified namespace
final TableName TABLE_WITH_NS = TableName.valueOf(Bytes.toBytes(NAMESPACE), TABLE_NAME);
runTest(testName, TABLE_WITH_NS, bloomType, preCreateTable, tableSplitKeys, hfileRanges);
runTest(testName, TABLE_WITH_NS, bloomType, preCreateTable, tableSplitKeys, hfileRanges, depth);
private void runTest(String testName, TableName tableName, BloomType bloomType,
boolean preCreateTable, byte[][] tableSplitKeys, byte[][][] hfileRanges) throws Exception {
boolean preCreateTable, byte[][] tableSplitKeys, byte[][][] hfileRanges, int depth)
throws Exception {
HTableDescriptor htd = buildHTD(tableName, bloomType);
runTest(testName, htd, bloomType, preCreateTable, tableSplitKeys, hfileRanges);
runTest(testName, htd, bloomType, preCreateTable, tableSplitKeys, hfileRanges, depth);
private void runTest(String testName, HTableDescriptor htd, BloomType bloomType,
boolean preCreateTable, byte[][] tableSplitKeys, byte[][][] hfileRanges) throws Exception {
boolean preCreateTable, byte[][] tableSplitKeys, byte[][][] hfileRanges, int depth)
throws Exception {
for (boolean managed : new boolean[] { true, false }) {
Path dir = util.getDataTestDirOnTestFS(testName);
Path baseDirectory = util.getDataTestDirOnTestFS(testName);
FileSystem fs = util.getTestFileSystem();
dir = dir.makeQualified(fs);
Path familyDir = new Path(dir, Bytes.toString(FAMILY));
baseDirectory = baseDirectory.makeQualified(fs);
Path parentDir = baseDirectory;
if (depth == 3) {
parentDir = new Path(baseDirectory, "someRegion");
Path familyDir = new Path(parentDir, Bytes.toString(FAMILY));
int hfileIdx = 0;
for (byte[][] range : hfileRanges) {
@ -298,16 +310,16 @@ public class TestLoadIncrementalHFiles {
LoadIncrementalHFiles loader = new LoadIncrementalHFiles(util.getConfiguration());
if (managed) {
try (HTable table = new HTable(util.getConfiguration(), tableName)) {
loader.doBulkLoad(dir, table);
loader.doBulkLoad(baseDirectory, table);
assertEquals(expectedRows, util.countRows(table));
} else {
try (Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(util.getConfiguration());
HTable table = (HTable) conn.getTable(tableName)) {
loader.doBulkLoad(dir, table);
loader.doBulkLoad(baseDirectory, table);
@ -390,7 +402,7 @@ public class TestLoadIncrementalHFiles {
try {
runTest(testName, htd, BloomType.NONE, true, SPLIT_KEYS, hFileRanges);
runTest(testName, htd, BloomType.NONE, true, SPLIT_KEYS, hFileRanges, 2);
assertTrue("Loading into table with non-existent family should have failed", false);
} catch (Exception e) {
assertTrue("IOException expected", e instanceof IOException);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user