HBASE-11981 Document how to find the units of measure for a given HBase metric

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Misty Stanley-Jones 2014-10-02 09:21:58 +10:00
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@ -1094,6 +1094,34 @@ $ for i in `cat conf/regionservers|sort`; do ./bin/graceful_stop.sh --restart --
<title>Units of Measure for Metrics</title>
<para>Different metrics are expressed in different units, as appropriate. Often, the unit of
measure is in the name (as in the metric <code>shippedKBs</code>). Otherwise, use the
following guidelines. When in doubt, you may need to examine the source for a given
<para>Metrics that refer to a point in time are usually expressed as a timestamp.</para>
<para>Metrics that refer to an age (such as <code>ageOfLastShippedOp</code>) are usually
expressed in milliseconds.</para>
<para>Metrics that refer to memory sizes are in bytes.</para>
<para>Sizes of queues (such as <code>sizeOfLogQueue</code>) are expressed as the number of
items in the queue. Determine the size by multiplying by the block size (default is 64
MB in HDFS).</para>
<para>Metrics that refer to things like the number of a given type of operations (such as
<code>logEditsRead</code>) are expressed as an integer.</para>
<section xml:id="rs_metrics">
<title>Most Important RegionServer Metrics</title>
<para>Previously, this section contained a list of the most important RegionServer metrics.