HBASE-17718 Difference between RS's servername and its ephemeral node cause SSH stop working; AMENDMENT.

Make test tighter by extending ServerListener so can find when Master
is in the waiting-on-regionservers state and making more assertions
about state.

Fix error where I would move on from waiting-on-regionservers if
we had waited max time.
This commit is contained in:
Michael Stack 2017-03-08 04:58:53 -08:00
parent e239e8d2d3
commit 6a57050c24
5 changed files with 104 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ public class HMaster extends HRegionServer implements MasterServices {
MemoryBoundedLogMessageBuffer rsFatals;
// flag set after we become the active master (used for testing)
private volatile boolean isActiveMaster = false;
private volatile boolean activeMaster = false;
// flag set after we complete initialization once active,
// it is not private since it's used in unit tests
@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ public class HMaster extends HRegionServer implements MasterServices {
protected void waitForMasterActive(){
boolean tablesOnMaster = BaseLoadBalancer.tablesOnMaster(conf);
while (!(tablesOnMaster && isActiveMaster)
while (!(tablesOnMaster && activeMaster)
&& !isStopped() && !isAborted()) {
@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ public class HMaster extends HRegionServer implements MasterServices {
private void finishActiveMasterInitialization(MonitoredTask status)
throws IOException, InterruptedException, KeeperException, CoordinatedStateException {
isActiveMaster = true;
activeMaster = true;
Thread zombieDetector = new Thread(new InitializationMonitor(this),
"ActiveMasterInitializationMonitor-" + System.currentTimeMillis());
@ -2555,7 +2555,7 @@ public class HMaster extends HRegionServer implements MasterServices {
public boolean isActiveMaster() {
return isActiveMaster;
return activeMaster;

View File

@ -22,20 +22,25 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName;
* Get notification of server events. The invocations are inline
* so make sure your implementation is fast else you'll slow hbase.
* Get notification of server registration events. The invocations are inline
* so make sure your implementation is fast or else you'll slow hbase.
public interface ServerListener {
* Started waiting on RegionServers to check-in.
default void waiting() {};
* The server has joined the cluster.
* @param serverName The remote servers name.
void serverAdded(final ServerName serverName);
default void serverAdded(final ServerName serverName) {};
* The server was removed from the cluster.
* @param serverName The remote servers name.
void serverRemoved(final ServerName serverName);
default void serverRemoved(final ServerName serverName) {};

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ZooKeeperConnectionException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ClusterConnection;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RetriesExhaustedException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.FailedServerException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.HBaseRpcController;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcControllerFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.balancer.BaseLoadBalancer;
@ -772,7 +773,16 @@ public class ServerManager {
private void checkForRSznode(final ServerName serverName, final ServiceException se) {
if (se.getCause() == null) return;
if (!(se.getCause() instanceof ConnectException)) return;
Throwable t = se.getCause();
if (t instanceof ConnectException) {
// If this, proceed to do cleanup.
} else {
// Look for FailedServerException
if (!(t instanceof IOException)) return;
if (t.getCause() == null) return;
if (!(t.getCause() instanceof FailedServerException)) return;
// Ok, found FailedServerException -- continue.
if (!isServerOnline(serverName)) return;
// We think this server is online. Check it has a znode up. Currently, a RS
// registers an ephereral znode in zk. If not present, something is up. Maybe
@ -1030,20 +1040,19 @@ public class ServerManager {
* @throws InterruptedException
public void waitForRegionServers(MonitoredTask status)
throws InterruptedException {
public void waitForRegionServers(MonitoredTask status) throws InterruptedException {
final long interval = this.master.getConfiguration().
final long timeout = this.master.getConfiguration().
// Min is not an absolute; just a friction making us wait longer on server checkin.
int minToStart = getMinToStart();
int maxToStart = this.master.getConfiguration().
if (maxToStart < minToStart) {
LOG.warn(String.format("The value of '%s' (%d) is set less than '%s' (%d), ignoring.",
maxToStart = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
@ -1060,19 +1069,19 @@ public class ServerManager {
// Next, we will keep cycling if ANY of the following three conditions are true:
// 1. The time since a regionserver registered is < interval (means servers are actively checking in).
// 2. We are under the total timeout.
// 3. The count of servers is < minimum expected AND we are within timeout (this just puts up
// a little friction making us wait a bit longer if < minimum servers).
// 3. The count of servers is < minimum.
for (ServerListener listener: this.listeners) {
while (!this.master.isStopped() && count < maxToStart &&
(((lastCountChange + interval) > now) ||
(timeout > slept) ||
((count < minToStart) && (timeout > slept)))) {
((lastCountChange + interval) > now || timeout > slept || count < minToStart)) {
// Log some info at every interval time or if there is a change
if (oldCount != count || lastLogTime + interval < now) {
lastLogTime = now;
String msg =
"Waiting for RegionServer count=" + count + " to settle; waited "+
slept + "ms, expecting minimum=" + minToStart + "server(s) (max="+ getStrForMax(maxToStart) + "server(s)), " +
"timeout=" + timeout + "ms, lastChange=" + (lastCountChange - now) + "ms";
"Waiting on RegionServer count=" + count + " to settle; waited="+
slept + "ms, expecting min=" + minToStart + " server(s), max="+ getStrForMax(maxToStart) +
" server(s), " + "timeout=" + timeout + "ms, lastChange=" + (lastCountChange - now) + "ms";
@ -1089,11 +1098,9 @@ public class ServerManager {
lastCountChange = now;
LOG.info("Finished waiting for RegionServer count=" + count + " to settle, slept for " + slept + "ms," +
" expecting minimum=" + minToStart + " server(s) (max=" + getStrForMax(maxToStart) + " server(s),"+
" Master is "+ (this.master.isStopped() ? "stopped.": "running")
LOG.info("Finished wait on RegionServer count=" + count + "; waited=" + slept + "ms," +
" expected min=" + minToStart + " server(s), max=" + getStrForMax(maxToStart) + " server(s),"+
" master is "+ (this.master.isStopped() ? "stopped.": "running"));
private String getStrForMax(final int max) {

View File

@ -70,22 +70,14 @@ public class DrainingServerTracker extends ZooKeeperListener {
public void start() throws KeeperException, IOException {
// Add a ServerListener to check if a server is draining when it's added.
new ServerListener() {
public void serverAdded(ServerName sn) {
if (drainingServers.contains(sn)){
public void serverRemoved(ServerName serverName) {
// no-op
serverManager.registerListener(new ServerListener() {
public void serverAdded(ServerName sn) {
if (drainingServers.contains(sn)){
List<String> servers =
ZKUtil.listChildrenAndWatchThem(watcher, watcher.znodePaths.drainingZNode);

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.LocalHBaseCluster;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MiniHBaseCluster;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.HMaster;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.ServerListener;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.ServerManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.RegionServerStatusProtos.RegionServerStartupResponse;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.testclassification.MediumTests;
@ -92,52 +94,57 @@ public class TestRSKilledWhenInitializing {
final MasterThread master = startMaster(cluster.getMasters().get(0));
try {
// Now start regionservers.
// First RS to report for duty will kill itself when it gets a response.
// See below in the RegisterAndDieRegionServer handleReportForDutyResponse.
// Master is up waiting on RegionServers to check in. Now start RegionServers.
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_RS; i++) {
// Now wait on master to see NUM_RS + 1 servers as being online, NUM_RS and itself.
// Then wait until the killed RS gets removed from zk and triggers Master to remove
// it from list of online RS.
List<ServerName> onlineServersList =
while (onlineServersList.size() < NUM_RS + 1) {
// Spin till we see NUM_RS + Master in online servers list.
// Now wait on master to see NUM_RS + 1 servers as being online, thats NUM_RS plus
// the Master itself (because Master hosts hbase:meta and checks in as though it a RS).
List<ServerName> onlineServersList = null;
do {
onlineServersList = master.getMaster().getServerManager().getOnlineServersList();
assertEquals(NUM_RS + 1, onlineServersList.size());
// Steady state. How many regions open?
// Wait until killedRS is set
} while (onlineServersList.size() < (NUM_RS + 1));
// Wait until killedRS is set. Means RegionServer is starting to go down.
while (killedRS.get() == null) {
final int regionsOpenCount = master.getMaster().getAssignmentManager().getNumRegionsOpened();
// Wait on the RegionServer to fully die.
while (cluster.getLiveRegionServers().size() > NUM_RS) {
// Make sure Master is fully up before progressing. Could take a while if regions
// being reassigned.
while (!master.getMaster().isInitialized()) {
// Now in steady state. How many regions open? Master should have too many regionservers
// showing still. The downed RegionServer should still be showing as registered.
// Find non-meta region (namespace?) and assign to the killed server. That'll trigger cleanup.
Map<HRegionInfo, ServerName> assigments =
Map<HRegionInfo, ServerName> assignments = null;
do {
assignments = master.getMaster().getAssignmentManager().getRegionStates().getRegionAssignments();
} while (assignments == null || assignments.size() < 2);
HRegionInfo hri = null;
for (Map.Entry<HRegionInfo, ServerName> e: assigments.entrySet()) {
for (Map.Entry<HRegionInfo, ServerName> e: assignments.entrySet()) {
if (e.getKey().isMetaRegion()) continue;
hri = e.getKey();
// Try moving region to the killed server. It will fail. As by-product, we will
// remove the RS from Master online list because no corresponding znode.
assertEquals(NUM_RS + 1, master.getMaster().getServerManager().getOnlineServersList().size());
LOG.info("Move " + hri.getEncodedName() + " to " + killedRS.get());
while (onlineServersList.size() > NUM_RS) {
// Wait until the RS no longer shows as registered in Master.
while (onlineServersList.size() > (NUM_RS + 1)) {
onlineServersList = master.getMaster().getServerManager().getOnlineServersList();
// Just for kicks, ensure namespace was put back on the old server after above failed move.
} finally {
// Shutdown is messy with complaints about fs being closed. Why? TODO.
@ -146,19 +153,32 @@ public class TestRSKilledWhenInitializing {
* Start Master. Get as far as the state where Master is waiting on
* RegionServers to check in, then return.
private MasterThread startMaster(MasterThread master) {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (!master.getMaster().isInitialized()) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
LOG.info("Interrupted: ignoring");
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > startTime + 30000) {
throw new RuntimeException("Master not active after 30 seconds");
// It takes a while until ServerManager creation to happen inside Master startup.
while (master.getMaster().getServerManager() == null) {
// Set a listener for the waiting-on-RegionServers state. We want to wait
// until this condition before we leave this method and start regionservers.
final AtomicBoolean waiting = new AtomicBoolean(false);
if (master.getMaster().getServerManager() == null) throw new NullPointerException("SM");
master.getMaster().getServerManager().registerListener(new ServerListener() {
public void waiting() {
// Wait until the Master gets to place where it is waiting on RegionServers to check in.
while (!waiting.get()) {
// Set the global master-is-active; gets picked up by regionservers later.
return master;