HBASE-14401 Stamp failed appends with sequenceid too.... Cleans up latches

This commit is contained in:
stack 2015-09-14 22:20:40 -07:00
parent bf46fc5542
commit 72b4c906b8
4 changed files with 69 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -279,8 +279,6 @@ public class FSHLog implements WAL {
private final int slowSyncNs;
private final static Object [] NO_ARGS = new Object []{};
// If live datanode count is lower than the default replicas value,
// RollWriter will be triggered in each sync(So the RollWriter will be
// triggered one by one in a short time). Using it as a workaround to slow
@ -821,8 +819,7 @@ public class FSHLog implements WAL {
} catch (FailedSyncBeforeLogCloseException e) {
// If unflushed/unsynced entries on close, it is reason to abort.
if (isUnflushedEntries()) throw e;
// Else, let is pass through to the close.
LOG.warn("Failed sync but no outstanding unsync'd edits so falling through to close; " +
LOG.warn("Failed sync-before-close but no outstanding appends; closing WAL: " +
@ -1332,8 +1329,8 @@ public class FSHLog implements WAL {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Unable to invoke DFSOutputStream.getNumCurrentReplicas" + e +
" still proceeding ahead...");
LOG.warn("DFSOutputStream.getNumCurrentReplicas failed because of " + e +
", continuing...");
return logRollNeeded;
@ -1725,7 +1722,9 @@ public class FSHLog implements WAL {
// add appends to dfsclient as they come in. Batching appends doesn't give any significant
// benefit on measurement. Handler sync calls we will batch up. If we get an exception
// appending an edit, we fail all subsequent appends and syncs with the same exception until
// the WAL is reset.
// the WAL is reset. It is important that we not short-circuit and exit early this method.
// It is important that we always go through the attainSafePoint on the end. Another thread,
// the log roller may be waiting on a signal from us here and will just hang without it.
try {
if (truck.hasSyncFuturePayload()) {
@ -1736,15 +1735,20 @@ public class FSHLog implements WAL {
TraceScope scope = Trace.continueSpan(truck.unloadSpanPayload());
try {
FSWALEntry entry = truck.unloadFSWALEntryPayload();
// If already an exception, do not try to append. Throw.
if (this.exception != null) throw this.exception;
if (this.exception != null) {
// We got an exception on an earlier attempt at append. Do not let this append
// go through. Fail it but stamp the sequenceid into this append though failed.
// We need to do this to close the latch held down deep in WALKey...that is waiting
// on sequenceid assignment otherwise it will just hang out (The #append method
// called below does this also internally).
// Return to keep processing events coming off the ringbuffer
} catch (Exception e) {
// Failed append. Record the exception. Throw it from here on out til new WAL in place
this.exception = new DamagedWALException(e);
// If append fails, presume any pending syncs will fail too; let all waiting handlers
// know of the exception.
cleanupOutstandingSyncsOnException(sequence, this.exception);
// Failed append. Record the exception.
this.exception = e;
// Return to keep processing events coming off the ringbuffer
} finally {
@ -1752,7 +1756,7 @@ public class FSHLog implements WAL {
scope.close(); // append scope is complete
} else {
// They can't both be null. Fail all up to this!!!
// What is this if not an append or sync. Fail all up to this!!!
new IllegalStateException("Neither append nor sync"));
// Return to keep processing.
@ -1771,23 +1775,22 @@ public class FSHLog implements WAL {
LOG.trace("Sequence=" + sequence + ", syncCount=" + this.syncFuturesCount);
// Below expects that the offer 'transfers' responsibility for the outstanding syncs to the
// syncRunner. We should never get an exception in here.
if (this.exception == null) {
// Below expects that the offer 'transfers' responsibility for the outstanding syncs to
// the syncRunner. We should never get an exception in here.
int index = Math.abs(this.syncRunnerIndex++) % this.syncRunners.length;
try {
if (this.exception != null) {
// Do not try to sync. If a this.exception, then we failed an append. Do not try to
// sync a failed append. Fall through to the attainSafePoint below. It is part of the
// means by which we put in place a new WAL. A new WAL is how we clean up.
// Don't throw because then we'll not get to attainSafePoint.
cleanupOutstandingSyncsOnException(sequence, this.exception);
} else {
this.syncRunners[index].offer(sequence, this.syncFutures, this.syncFuturesCount);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Should NEVER get here.
cleanupOutstandingSyncsOnException(sequence, e);
throw e;
this.exception = new DamagedWALException("Failed offering sync", e);
// We may have picked up an exception above trying to offer sync
if (this.exception != null) {
new DamagedWALException("On sync", this.exception));
this.syncFuturesCount = 0;
@ -1883,9 +1886,11 @@ public class FSHLog implements WAL {
// Update metrics.
postAppend(entry, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime() - start);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Could not append. Requesting close of WAL", e);
String msg = "Append sequenceId=" + regionSequenceId +
", requesting roll of WAL";
LOG.warn(msg, e);
throw e;
throw new DamagedWALException(msg, e);

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@ -315,8 +315,12 @@ public class WALKey implements SequenceId, Comparable<WALKey> {
public long getSequenceId(final long maxWaitForSeqId) throws IOException {
// TODO: This implementation waiting on a latch is problematic because if a higher level
// determines we should stop or abort, there is not global list of all these blocked WALKeys
// waiting on a sequence id; they can't be cancelled... interrupted. See getNextSequenceId
// determines we should stop or abort, there is no global list of all these blocked WALKeys
// waiting on a sequence id; they can't be cancelled... interrupted. See getNextSequenceId.
// UPDATE: I think we can remove the timeout now we are stamping all walkeys with sequenceid,
// even those that have failed (previously we were not... so they would just hang out...).
// St.Ack 20150910
try {
if (maxWaitForSeqId < 0) {

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
@ -33,11 +34,13 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DroppedSnapshotException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Server;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Durability;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.FSHLog;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.FailedLogCloseException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.testclassification.MediumTests;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.EnvironmentEdgeManagerTestHelper;
@ -78,6 +81,8 @@ public class TestFailedAppendAndSync {
public void setup() throws IOException {
TEST_UTIL = HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHTU();
CONF = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
// Disable block cache.
dir = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir("TestHRegion").toString();
tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
@ -101,6 +106,7 @@ public class TestFailedAppendAndSync {
@Test (timeout=300000)
public void testLockupAroundBadAssignSync() throws IOException {
final AtomicLong rolls = new AtomicLong(0);
// Dodgy WAL. Will throw exceptions when flags set.
class DodgyFSLog extends FSHLog {
volatile boolean throwSyncException = false;
@ -111,6 +117,13 @@ public class TestFailedAppendAndSync {
super(fs, root, logDir, conf);
public byte[][] rollWriter(boolean force) throws FailedLogCloseException, IOException {
byte [][] regions = super.rollWriter(force);
return regions;
protected Writer createWriterInstance(Path path) throws IOException {
final Writer w = super.createWriterInstance(path);
@ -175,7 +188,7 @@ public class TestFailedAppendAndSync {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
long rollsCount = rolls.get();
try {
dodgyWAL.throwAppendException = true;
dodgyWAL.throwSyncException = false;
@ -185,6 +198,9 @@ public class TestFailedAppendAndSync {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
threwOnAppend = true;
while (rollsCount == rolls.get()) Threads.sleep(100);
rollsCount = rolls.get();
// When we get to here.. we should be ok. A new WAL has been put in place. There were no
// appends to sync. We should be able to continue.
@ -197,6 +213,8 @@ public class TestFailedAppendAndSync {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
threwOnBoth = true;
while (rollsCount == rolls.get()) Threads.sleep(100);
// Again, all should be good. New WAL and no outstanding unsync'd edits so we should be able
// to just continue.

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@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellScanner;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Server;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
@ -81,6 +82,8 @@ public class TestWALLockup {
public void setup() throws IOException {
TEST_UTIL = HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHTU();
CONF = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
// Disable block cache.
dir = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir("TestHRegion").toString();
tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
@ -139,10 +142,10 @@ public class TestWALLockup {
protected void beforeWaitOnSafePoint() {
if (throwException) {
// Don't countdown latch until someone waiting on it.
while (this.latch.getCount() <= 0) {
// Don't countdown latch until someone waiting on it otherwise, the above
// afterCreatingZigZagLatch will get to the latch and no one will ever free it and we'll
// be stuck; test won't go down
while (this.latch.getCount() <= 0) Threads.sleep(1);