HBASE-27233 Read blocks into off-heap if caching is disabled for read (#4931)
Signed-off-by: Xiaolin Ha <haxiaolin@apache.org>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1215,21 +1215,34 @@ public abstract class HFileReaderImpl implements HFile.Reader, Configurable {
* If expected block is data block, we'll allocate the ByteBuff of block from
* {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.ByteBuffAllocator} and it's usually an off-heap one,
* otherwise it will allocate from heap.
* Whether we use heap or not depends on our intent to cache the block. We want to avoid
* allocating to off-heap if we intend to cache into the on-heap L1 cache. Otherwise, it's more
* efficient to allocate to off-heap since we can control GC ourselves for those. So our decision
* here breaks down as follows: <br>
* If block cache is disabled, don't use heap. If we're not using the CombinedBlockCache, use heap
* unless caching is disabled for the request. Otherwise, only use heap if caching is enabled and
* the expected block type is not DATA (which goes to off-heap L2 in combined cache).
* @see org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileBlock.FSReader#readBlockData(long, long, boolean,
* boolean, boolean)
private boolean shouldUseHeap(BlockType expectedBlockType) {
private boolean shouldUseHeap(BlockType expectedBlockType, boolean cacheBlock) {
if (!cacheConf.getBlockCache().isPresent()) {
return false;
} else if (!cacheConf.isCombinedBlockCache()) {
// Block to cache in LruBlockCache must be an heap one. So just allocate block memory from
// heap for saving an extra off-heap to heap copying.
return true;
return expectedBlockType != null && !expectedBlockType.isData();
// we only cache a block if cacheBlock is true and caching-on-read is enabled in CacheConfig
// we can really only check for that if have an expectedBlockType
if (expectedBlockType != null) {
cacheBlock &= cacheConf.shouldCacheBlockOnRead(expectedBlockType.getCategory());
if (!cacheConf.isCombinedBlockCache()) {
// Block to cache in LruBlockCache must be an heap one, if caching enabled. So just allocate
// block memory from heap for saving an extra off-heap to heap copying in that case.
return cacheBlock;
return cacheBlock && expectedBlockType != null && !expectedBlockType.isData();
@ -1316,8 +1329,13 @@ public abstract class HFileReaderImpl implements HFile.Reader, Configurable {
span.addEvent("block cache miss", attributes);
// Load block from filesystem.
HFileBlock hfileBlock = fsBlockReader.readBlockData(dataBlockOffset, onDiskBlockSize, pread,
!isCompaction, shouldUseHeap(expectedBlockType));
!isCompaction, shouldUseHeap(expectedBlockType, cacheBlock));
try {
validateBlockType(hfileBlock, expectedBlockType);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
BlockType.BlockCategory category = hfileBlock.getBlockType().getCategory();
final boolean cacheCompressed = cacheConf.shouldCacheCompressed(category);
final boolean cacheOnRead = cacheConf.shouldCacheBlockOnRead(category);
@ -259,6 +259,151 @@ public class TestHFile {
* Tests that we properly allocate from the off-heap or on-heap when LRUCache is configured. In
* this case, the determining factor is whether we end up caching the block or not. So the below
* test cases try different permutations of enabling/disabling via CacheConfig and via user
* request (cacheblocks), along with different expected block types.
public void testReaderBlockAllocationWithLRUCache() throws IOException {
// false because caching is fully enabled
testReaderBlockAllocationWithLRUCache(true, true, null, false);
// false because we only look at cache config when expectedBlockType is non-null
testReaderBlockAllocationWithLRUCache(false, true, null, false);
// false because cacheBlock is true and even with cache config is disabled, we still cache
// important blocks like indexes
testReaderBlockAllocationWithLRUCache(false, true, BlockType.INTERMEDIATE_INDEX, false);
// true because since it's a DATA block, we honor the cache config
testReaderBlockAllocationWithLRUCache(false, true, BlockType.DATA, true);
// true for the following 2 because cacheBlock takes precedence over cache config
testReaderBlockAllocationWithLRUCache(true, false, null, true);
testReaderBlockAllocationWithLRUCache(true, false, BlockType.INTERMEDIATE_INDEX, false);
// false for the following 3 because both cache config and cacheBlock are false.
// per above, INDEX would supersede cache config, but not cacheBlock
testReaderBlockAllocationWithLRUCache(false, false, null, true);
testReaderBlockAllocationWithLRUCache(false, false, BlockType.INTERMEDIATE_INDEX, true);
testReaderBlockAllocationWithLRUCache(false, false, BlockType.DATA, true);
private void testReaderBlockAllocationWithLRUCache(boolean cacheConfigCacheBlockOnRead,
boolean cacheBlock, BlockType blockType, boolean expectSharedMem) throws IOException {
int bufCount = 1024, blockSize = 64 * 1024;
ByteBuffAllocator alloc = initAllocator(true, blockSize, bufCount, 0);
fillByteBuffAllocator(alloc, bufCount);
Path storeFilePath = writeStoreFile();
Configuration myConf = new Configuration(conf);
myConf.setBoolean(CacheConfig.CACHE_DATA_ON_READ_KEY, cacheConfigCacheBlockOnRead);
// Open the file reader with LRUBlockCache
BlockCache lru = new LruBlockCache(1024 * 1024 * 32, blockSize, true, myConf);
CacheConfig cacheConfig = new CacheConfig(myConf, null, lru, alloc);
HFile.Reader reader = HFile.createReader(fs, storeFilePath, cacheConfig, true, myConf);
long offset = 0;
while (offset < reader.getTrailer().getLoadOnOpenDataOffset()) {
long read = readAtOffsetWithAllocationAsserts(alloc, reader, offset, cacheBlock, blockType,
if (read < 0) {
offset += read;
Assert.assertEquals(bufCount, alloc.getFreeBufferCount());
* Tests that we properly allocate from the off-heap or on-heap when CombinedCache is configured.
* In this case, we should always use off-heap unless the block is an INDEX (which always goes to
* L1 cache which is on-heap)
public void testReaderBlockAllocationWithCombinedCache() throws IOException {
// true because caching is fully enabled and block type null
testReaderBlockAllocationWithCombinedCache(true, true, null, true);
// false because caching is fully enabled, index block type always goes to on-heap L1
testReaderBlockAllocationWithCombinedCache(true, true, BlockType.INTERMEDIATE_INDEX, false);
// true because cacheBlocks takes precedence over cache config which block type is null
testReaderBlockAllocationWithCombinedCache(false, true, null, true);
// false because caching is enabled and block type is index, which always goes to L1
testReaderBlockAllocationWithCombinedCache(false, true, BlockType.INTERMEDIATE_INDEX, false);
// true because since it's a DATA block, we honor the cache config
testReaderBlockAllocationWithCombinedCache(false, true, BlockType.DATA, true);
// true for the following 2 because cacheBlock takes precedence over cache config
// with caching disabled, we always go to off-heap
testReaderBlockAllocationWithCombinedCache(true, false, null, true);
testReaderBlockAllocationWithCombinedCache(true, false, BlockType.INTERMEDIATE_INDEX, false);
// true for the following 3, because with caching disabled we always go to off-heap
testReaderBlockAllocationWithCombinedCache(false, false, null, true);
testReaderBlockAllocationWithCombinedCache(false, false, BlockType.INTERMEDIATE_INDEX, true);
testReaderBlockAllocationWithCombinedCache(false, false, BlockType.DATA, true);
private void testReaderBlockAllocationWithCombinedCache(boolean cacheConfigCacheBlockOnRead,
boolean cacheBlock, BlockType blockType, boolean expectSharedMem) throws IOException {
int bufCount = 1024, blockSize = 64 * 1024;
ByteBuffAllocator alloc = initAllocator(true, blockSize, bufCount, 0);
fillByteBuffAllocator(alloc, bufCount);
Path storeFilePath = writeStoreFile();
// Open the file reader with CombinedBlockCache
BlockCache combined = initCombinedBlockCache("LRU");
Configuration myConf = new Configuration(conf);
myConf.setBoolean(CacheConfig.CACHE_DATA_ON_READ_KEY, cacheConfigCacheBlockOnRead);
myConf.setBoolean(EVICT_BLOCKS_ON_CLOSE_KEY, true);
CacheConfig cacheConfig = new CacheConfig(myConf, null, combined, alloc);
HFile.Reader reader = HFile.createReader(fs, storeFilePath, cacheConfig, true, myConf);
long offset = 0;
while (offset < reader.getTrailer().getLoadOnOpenDataOffset()) {
long read = readAtOffsetWithAllocationAsserts(alloc, reader, offset, cacheBlock, blockType,
if (read < 0) {
offset += read;
Assert.assertEquals(bufCount, alloc.getFreeBufferCount());
private long readAtOffsetWithAllocationAsserts(ByteBuffAllocator alloc, HFile.Reader reader,
long offset, boolean cacheBlock, BlockType blockType, boolean expectSharedMem)
throws IOException {
HFileBlock block;
try {
block = reader.readBlock(offset, -1, cacheBlock, true, false, true, blockType, null);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (e.getMessage().contains("Expected block type")) {
return -1;
throw e;
Assert.assertEquals(expectSharedMem, block.isSharedMem());
if (expectSharedMem) {
Assert.assertTrue(alloc.getFreeBufferCount() < alloc.getTotalBufferCount());
} else {
// Should never allocate off-heap block from allocator because ensure that it's LRU.
Assert.assertEquals(alloc.getTotalBufferCount(), alloc.getFreeBufferCount());
try {
return block.getOnDiskSizeWithHeader();
} finally {
block.release(); // return back the ByteBuffer back to allocator.
private void readStoreFile(Path storeFilePath, Configuration conf, ByteBuffAllocator alloc)
throws Exception {
// Open the file reader with block cache disabled.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user