HBASE-11520 Simplify offheap cache config by removing the confusing "hbase.bucketcache.percentage.in.combinedcache"
This commit is contained in:
@ -113,13 +113,6 @@ public class CacheConfig {
public static final String BUCKET_CACHE_COMBINED_KEY =
* A float which designates how much of the overall cache to give to bucket cache
* and how much to on-heap lru cache when {@link #BUCKET_CACHE_COMBINED_KEY} is set.
public static final String BUCKET_CACHE_WRITER_THREADS_KEY = "hbase.bucketcache.writer.threads";
public static final String BUCKET_CACHE_WRITER_QUEUE_KEY =
@ -451,7 +444,7 @@ public class CacheConfig {
static boolean blockCacheDisabled = false;
private static long getLruCacheSize(final Configuration conf, final MemoryUsage mu) {
static long getLruCacheSize(final Configuration conf, final MemoryUsage mu) {
float cachePercentage = conf.getFloat(HConstants.HFILE_BLOCK_CACHE_SIZE_KEY,
if (cachePercentage <= 0.0001f) {
@ -467,8 +460,69 @@ public class CacheConfig {
return (long) (mu.getMax() * cachePercentage);
* @param c Configuration to use.
* @param mu JMX Memory Bean
* @return An L1 instance. Currently an instance of LruBlockCache.
private static LruBlockCache getL1(final Configuration c, final MemoryUsage mu) {
long lruCacheSize = getLruCacheSize(c, mu);
int blockSize = c.getInt("hbase.offheapcache.minblocksize", HConstants.DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE);
LOG.info("Allocating LruBlockCache size=" +
StringUtils.byteDesc(lruCacheSize) + ", blockSize=" + StringUtils.byteDesc(blockSize));
return new LruBlockCache(lruCacheSize, blockSize, true, c);
* @param c Configuration to use.
* @param mu JMX Memory Bean
* @return Returns L2 block cache instance (for now it is BucketCache BlockCache all the time)
* or null if not supposed to be a L2.
private static BucketCache getL2(final Configuration c, final MemoryUsage mu) {
// Check for L2. ioengine name must be non-null.
String bucketCacheIOEngineName = c.get(BUCKET_CACHE_IOENGINE_KEY, null);
if (bucketCacheIOEngineName == null || bucketCacheIOEngineName.length() <= 0) return null;
int blockSize = c.getInt("hbase.offheapcache.minblocksize", HConstants.DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE);
float bucketCachePercentage = c.getFloat(BUCKET_CACHE_SIZE_KEY, 0F);
long bucketCacheSize = (long) (bucketCachePercentage < 1? mu.getMax() * bucketCachePercentage:
bucketCachePercentage * 1024 * 1024);
if (bucketCacheSize <= 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("bucketCacheSize <= 0; Check " +
BUCKET_CACHE_SIZE_KEY + " setting and/or server java heap size");
int writerThreads = c.getInt(BUCKET_CACHE_WRITER_THREADS_KEY,
int writerQueueLen = c.getInt(BUCKET_CACHE_WRITER_QUEUE_KEY,
String persistentPath = c.get(BUCKET_CACHE_PERSISTENT_PATH_KEY);
String[] configuredBucketSizes = c.getStrings(BUCKET_CACHE_BUCKETS_KEY);
int [] bucketSizes = null;
if (configuredBucketSizes != null) {
bucketSizes = new int[configuredBucketSizes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < configuredBucketSizes.length; i++) {
bucketSizes[i] = Integer.parseInt(configuredBucketSizes[i]);
BucketCache bucketCache = null;
try {
int ioErrorsTolerationDuration = c.getInt(
// Bucket cache logs its stats on creation internal to the constructor.
bucketCache = new BucketCache(bucketCacheIOEngineName,
bucketCacheSize, blockSize, bucketSizes, writerThreads, writerQueueLen, persistentPath,
} catch (IOException ioex) {
LOG.error("Can't instantiate bucket cache", ioex); throw new RuntimeException(ioex);
return bucketCache;
* Returns the block cache or <code>null</code> in case none should be used.
* @param conf The current configuration.
* @return The block cache or <code>null</code>.
@ -477,67 +531,23 @@ public class CacheConfig {
if (blockCacheDisabled) return null;
MemoryUsage mu = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage();
long lruCacheSize = getLruCacheSize(conf, mu);
int blockSize = conf.getInt("hbase.offheapcache.minblocksize", HConstants.DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE);
String bucketCacheIOEngineName = conf.get(BUCKET_CACHE_IOENGINE_KEY, null);
float bucketCachePercentage = conf.getFloat(BUCKET_CACHE_SIZE_KEY, 0F);
// A percentage of max heap size or a absolute value with unit megabytes
long bucketCacheSize = (long) (bucketCachePercentage < 1 ? mu.getMax()
* bucketCachePercentage : bucketCachePercentage * 1024 * 1024);
boolean combinedWithLru = conf.getBoolean(BUCKET_CACHE_COMBINED_KEY,
BucketCache bucketCache = null;
if (bucketCacheIOEngineName != null && bucketCacheSize > 0) {
int writerThreads = conf.getInt(BUCKET_CACHE_WRITER_THREADS_KEY,
int writerQueueLen = conf.getInt(BUCKET_CACHE_WRITER_QUEUE_KEY,
String persistentPath = conf.get(BUCKET_CACHE_PERSISTENT_PATH_KEY);
float combinedPercentage = conf.getFloat(BUCKET_CACHE_COMBINED_PERCENTAGE_KEY,
String[] configuredBucketSizes = conf.getStrings(BUCKET_CACHE_BUCKETS_KEY);
int [] bucketSizes = null;
if (configuredBucketSizes != null) {
bucketSizes = new int[configuredBucketSizes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < configuredBucketSizes.length; i++) {
bucketSizes[i] = Integer.parseInt(configuredBucketSizes[i]);
if (combinedWithLru) {
lruCacheSize = (long) ((1 - combinedPercentage) * bucketCacheSize);
bucketCacheSize = (long) (combinedPercentage * bucketCacheSize);
LOG.info("Allocating LruBlockCache size=" +
StringUtils.byteDesc(lruCacheSize) + ", blockSize=" + StringUtils.byteDesc(blockSize));
LruBlockCache lruCache = new LruBlockCache(lruCacheSize, blockSize, true, conf);
try {
int ioErrorsTolerationDuration = conf.getInt(
bucketCache = new BucketCache(bucketCacheIOEngineName,
bucketCacheSize, blockSize, bucketSizes, writerThreads, writerQueueLen, persistentPath,
} catch (IOException ioex) {
LOG.error("Can't instantiate bucket cache", ioex);
throw new RuntimeException(ioex);
if (combinedWithLru) {
GLOBAL_BLOCK_CACHE_INSTANCE = new CombinedBlockCache(lruCache, bucketCache);
} else {
LOG.info("Allocating LruBlockCache size=" +
StringUtils.byteDesc(lruCacheSize) + ", blockSize=" + StringUtils.byteDesc(blockSize));
LruBlockCache lruCache = new LruBlockCache(lruCacheSize, blockSize);
if (bucketCache != null && combinedWithLru) {
GLOBAL_BLOCK_CACHE_INSTANCE = new CombinedBlockCache(lruCache, bucketCache);
LruBlockCache l1 = getL1(conf, mu);
BucketCache l2 = getL2(conf, mu);
if (l2 == null) {
} else {
boolean combinedWithLru = conf.getBoolean(BUCKET_CACHE_COMBINED_KEY,
if (combinedWithLru) {
GLOBAL_BLOCK_CACHE_INSTANCE = new CombinedBlockCache(l1, l2);
} else {
// L1 and L2 are not 'combined'. They are connected via the LruBlockCache victimhandler
// mechanism. It is a little ugly but works according to the following: when the
// background eviction thread runs, blocks evicted from L1 will go to L2 AND when we get
// a block from the L1 cache, if not in L1, we will search L2.
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ public class LruBlockCache implements ResizableBlockCache, HeapSize {
public void cacheBlock(BlockCacheKey cacheKey, Cacheable buf, boolean inMemory,
final boolean cacheDataInL1) {
LruCachedBlock cb = map.get(cacheKey);
if(cb != null) {
if (cb != null) {
// compare the contents, if they are not equal, we are in big trouble
if (compare(buf, cb.getBuffer()) != 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cached block contents differ, which should not have happened."
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ public class LruBlockCache implements ResizableBlockCache, HeapSize {
long newSize = updateSizeMetrics(cb, false);
map.put(cacheKey, cb);
if(newSize > acceptableSize() && !evictionInProgress) {
if (newSize > acceptableSize() && !evictionInProgress) {
@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ public class LruBlockCache implements ResizableBlockCache, HeapSize {
// Simple calculators of sizes given factors and maxSize
private long acceptableSize() {
long acceptableSize() {
return (long)Math.floor(this.maxSize * this.acceptableFactor);
private long minSize() {
@ -934,7 +934,8 @@ public class LruBlockCache implements ResizableBlockCache, HeapSize {
/** Clears the cache. Used in tests. */
public void clearCache() {
@ -978,6 +979,10 @@ public class LruBlockCache implements ResizableBlockCache, HeapSize {
victimHandler = handler;
BucketCache getVictimHandler() {
return this.victimHandler;
public BlockCache[] getBlockCaches() {
return null;
@ -24,59 +24,21 @@
* include the default, native on-heap {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.LruBlockCache} and a
* {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.bucket.BucketCache} that has a bunch of deploy formats
* including acting as a L2 for LruBlockCache -- when a block is evicted from LruBlockCache, it
* goes to the BucketCache and when we search a block, we look in both places -- or
* goes to the BucketCache and when we search a block, we look in both places -- or, the
* most common deploy type,
* using {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.CombinedBlockCache}, BucketCache is used as
* a host for data blocks with meta blocks in an instance of LruBlockCache. BucketCache
* can also be onheap, offheap, and file-backed.
* <h1>Which BlockCache should I use?</h1>
* By default LruBlockCache is on. If you would like to cache more, and offheap, try enabling
* BucketCache. Fetching will always
* By default LruBlockCache is on. If you would like to cache more, and offheap (offheap
* usually means less GC headache), try enabling * BucketCache. Fetching will always
* be slower when fetching from BucketCache but latencies tend to be less erratic over time
* (roughly because GC is less). See Nick Dimiduk's
* <a href="http://www.n10k.com/blog/blockcache-101/">BlockCache 101</a> for some numbers.
* <h1>Enabling {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.bucket.BucketCache}</h2>
* Read the options and defaults for BucketCache in the head of the
* {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.CacheConfig}.
* <p>Here is a simple example of how to enable a <code>4G</code> offheap bucket cache with 1G
* onheap cache managed by {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.CombinedBlockCache}.
* CombinedBlockCache will put DATA blocks in the BucketCache and META blocks -- INDEX and BLOOMS
* -- in an instance of the LruBlockCache. For the
* CombinedBlockCache (from the class comment), "[t]he smaller lruCache is used
* to cache bloom blocks and index blocks, the larger bucketCache is used to
* cache data blocks. getBlock reads first from the smaller lruCache before
* looking for the block in the bucketCache. Metrics are the combined size and
* hits and misses of both caches." To disable CombinedBlockCache and have the BucketCache act
* as a strict L2 cache to the L1 LruBlockCache (i.e. on eviction from L1, blocks go to L2), set
* {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.CacheConfig#BUCKET_CACHE_COMBINED_KEY} to false. By
* default, hbase.bucketcache.combinedcache.enabled (BUCKET_CACHE_COMBINED_KEY) is true.
* <p>Back to the example of setting an onheap cache of 1G and offheap of 4G with the BlockCache
* deploy managed by CombinedBlockCache. Setting hbase.bucketcache.ioengine and
* hbase.bucketcache.size > 0 enables CombinedBlockCache.
* In <code>hbase-env.sh</code> ensure the environment
* variable <code>-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize</code> is enabled and is bigger than 4G, say 5G in size:
* e.g. <code>-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=5G</code>. This setting allows the JVM use offheap memory
* up to this upper limit. Allocate more than you need because there are other consumers of
* offheap memory other than BlockCache (for example DFSClient in the RegionServer uses offheap).
* In <code>hbase-site.xml</code> add the following configurations:
</property></pre>. Above we set a cache of 5G, 80% of which will be offheap (4G) and 1G onheap
* (with DATA blocks in BucketCache and INDEX blocks in the onheap LruBlockCache).
* Restart (or rolling restart) your cluster for the configs to take effect. Check logs to ensure
* your configurations came out as expected.
* See the HBase Reference Guide <a href="http://hbase.apache.org/book.html#enable.bucketcache">Enable BucketCache</a>.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile;
@ -22,15 +22,22 @@ import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory;
import java.lang.management.MemoryUsage;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.SmallTests;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.bucket.BucketCache;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Threads;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
@ -198,11 +205,36 @@ public class TestCacheConfig {
assertTrue(cc.getBlockCache() instanceof LruBlockCache);
* Assert that the caches are deployed with CombinedBlockCache and of the appropriate sizes.
public void testBucketCacheConfig() {
public void testOffHeapBucketCacheConfig() {
this.conf.set(CacheConfig.BUCKET_CACHE_IOENGINE_KEY, "offheap");
final float percent = 0.8f;
this.conf.setFloat(CacheConfig.BUCKET_CACHE_COMBINED_PERCENTAGE_KEY, percent);
public void testOnHeapBucketCacheConfig() {
this.conf.set(CacheConfig.BUCKET_CACHE_IOENGINE_KEY, "heap");
public void testFileBucketCacheConfig() throws IOException {
HBaseTestingUtility htu = new HBaseTestingUtility(this.conf);
try {
Path p = new Path(htu.getDataTestDir(), "bc.txt");
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(this.conf);
this.conf.set(CacheConfig.BUCKET_CACHE_IOENGINE_KEY, "file:" + p);
} finally {
private void doBucketCacheConfigTest() {
final int bcSize = 100;
this.conf.setInt(CacheConfig.BUCKET_CACHE_SIZE_KEY, bcSize);
CacheConfig cc = new CacheConfig(this.conf);
@ -213,15 +245,66 @@ public class TestCacheConfig {
BlockCache [] bcs = cbc.getBlockCaches();
assertTrue(bcs[0] instanceof LruBlockCache);
LruBlockCache lbc = (LruBlockCache)bcs[0];
long expectedBCSize = (long)(bcSize * (1.0f - percent));
long actualBCSize = lbc.getMaxSize() / (1024 * 1024);
assertTrue(expectedBCSize == actualBCSize);
ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage()), lbc.getMaxSize());
assertTrue(bcs[1] instanceof BucketCache);
BucketCache bc = (BucketCache)bcs[1];
// getMaxSize comes back in bytes but we specified size in MB
expectedBCSize = (long)(bcSize * percent);
actualBCSize = (long)(bc.getMaxSize() / (1024 * 1024));
assertTrue(expectedBCSize == actualBCSize);
assertEquals(bcSize, bc.getMaxSize() / (1024 * 1024));
* Assert that when BUCKET_CACHE_COMBINED_KEY is false, the non-default, that we deploy
* LruBlockCache as L1 with a BucketCache for L2.
@Test (timeout=10000)
public void testBucketCacheConfigL1L2Setup() {
this.conf.set(CacheConfig.BUCKET_CACHE_IOENGINE_KEY, "offheap");
// Make lru size is smaller than bcSize for sure. Need this to be true so when eviction
// from L1 happens, it does not fail because L2 can't take the eviction because block too big.
this.conf.setFloat(HConstants.HFILE_BLOCK_CACHE_SIZE_KEY, 0.001f);
MemoryUsage mu = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage();
long lruExpectedSize = CacheConfig.getLruCacheSize(this.conf, mu);
final int bcSize = 100;
long bcExpectedSize = 100 * 1024 * 1024; // MB.
assertTrue(lruExpectedSize < bcExpectedSize);
this.conf.setInt(CacheConfig.BUCKET_CACHE_SIZE_KEY, bcSize);
this.conf.setBoolean(CacheConfig.BUCKET_CACHE_COMBINED_KEY, false);
CacheConfig cc = new CacheConfig(this.conf);
basicBlockCacheOps(cc, false, false);
assertTrue(cc.getBlockCache() instanceof LruBlockCache);
// TODO: Assert sizes allocated are right and proportions.
LruBlockCache lbc = (LruBlockCache)cc.getBlockCache();
assertEquals(lruExpectedSize, lbc.getMaxSize());
BucketCache bc = lbc.getVictimHandler();
// getMaxSize comes back in bytes but we specified size in MB
assertEquals(bcExpectedSize, bc.getMaxSize());
// Test the L1+L2 deploy works as we'd expect with blocks evicted from L1 going to L2.
long initialL1BlockCount = lbc.getBlockCount();
long initialL2BlockCount = bc.getBlockCount();
Cacheable c = new DataCacheEntry();
BlockCacheKey bck = new BlockCacheKey("bck", 0);
lbc.cacheBlock(bck, c, false, false);
assertEquals(initialL1BlockCount + 1, lbc.getBlockCount());
assertEquals(initialL2BlockCount, bc.getBlockCount());
// Force evictions by putting in a block too big.
final long justTooBigSize = lbc.acceptableSize() + 1;
lbc.cacheBlock(new BlockCacheKey("bck2", 0), new DataCacheEntry() {
public long heapSize() {
return justTooBigSize;
public int getSerializedLength() {
return (int)heapSize();
// The eviction thread in lrublockcache needs to run.
while (initialL1BlockCount != lbc.getBlockCount()) Threads.sleep(10);
assertEquals(initialL1BlockCount, lbc.getBlockCount());
long count = bc.getBlockCount();
assertTrue(initialL2BlockCount + 1 <= count);
@ -2159,7 +2159,7 @@ rs.close();
<para>Restart (or rolling restart) your cluster for the configurations to take effect.
Check logs for errors or unexpected behavior.</para>
<section xml:id="enable.bucketcache">
<title>Enable BucketCache</title>
<para>The usual deploy of BucketCache is via a
managing class that sets up two caching tiers: an L1 onheap cache
@ -2172,8 +2172,7 @@ rs.close();
setting <varname>cacheDataInL1</varname> via <programlisting>(HColumnDescriptor.setCacheDataInL1(true)</programlisting>
or in the shell, creating or amending column families setting <varname>CACHE_DATA_IN_L1</varname>
to true: e.g. <programlisting>hbase(main):003:0> create 't', {NAME => 't', CONFIGURATION => {CACHE_DATA_IN_L1 => 'true'}}</programlisting></para>
<para>The BucketCache deploy can be
onheap, offheap, or file based. You set which via the
<para>The BucketCache deploy can be onheap, offheap, or file based. You set which via the
<varname>hbase.bucketcache.ioengine</varname> setting it to
<varname>heap</varname> for BucketCache running as part of the java heap,
<varname>offheap</varname> for BucketCache to make allocations offheap,
@ -2191,6 +2190,8 @@ rs.close();
onheap cache. Configuration is performed on the RegionServer. Setting
<varname>hbase.bucketcache.ioengine</varname> and
<varname>hbase.bucketcache.size</varname> > 0 enables CombinedBlockCache.
Let us presume that the RegionServer has been set to run with a 5G heap:
<para>First, edit the RegionServer's <filename>hbase-env.sh</filename> and set
@ -2210,12 +2211,12 @@ rs.close();
@ -2224,6 +2225,11 @@ rs.close();
<para>In the above, we set bucketcache to be 4G. The onheap lrublockcache we
configured to have 0.2 of the RegionServer's heap size (0.2 * 5G = 1G).
In other words, you configure the L1 LruBlockCache as you would normally,
as you would when there is no L2 BucketCache present.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user