HBASE-13004 Make possible to explain why HBaseTestingUtility.waitFor fails (Andrey Stepachev)
This commit is contained in:
@ -97,6 +97,21 @@ public final class Waiter {
* A mixin interface, can be used with {@link Waiter} to explain failed state.
public interface ExplainingPredicate<E extends Exception> extends Predicate<E> {
* Perform a predicate evaluation.
* @return explanation of failed state
String explainFailure() throws E;
* Makes the current thread sleep for the duration equal to the specified time in milliseconds
* multiplied by the {@link #getWaitForRatio(Configuration)}.
@ -190,9 +205,13 @@ public final class Waiter {
LOG.warn(MessageFormat.format("Waiting interrupted after [{0}] msec",
System.currentTimeMillis() - started));
} else if (failIfTimeout) {
Assert.fail(MessageFormat.format("Waiting timed out after [{0}] msec", adjustedTimeout));
String msg = getExplanation(predicate);
.format("Waiting timed out after [{0}] msec" + msg, adjustedTimeout));
} else {
LOG.warn(MessageFormat.format("Waiting timed out after [{0}] msec", adjustedTimeout));
String msg = getExplanation(predicate);
MessageFormat.format("Waiting timed out after [{0}] msec" + msg, adjustedTimeout));
return (eval || interrupted) ? (System.currentTimeMillis() - started) : -1;
@ -201,4 +220,17 @@ public final class Waiter {
public static String getExplanation(Predicate explain) {
if (explain instanceof ExplainingPredicate) {
try {
return " " + ((ExplainingPredicate) explain).explainFailure();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Failed to get explanation, ", e);
return e.getMessage();
} else {
return "";
@ -17,10 +17,6 @@
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
@ -52,6 +48,7 @@ import org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Waiter.ExplainingPredicate;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Waiter.Predicate;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceStability;
@ -64,7 +61,6 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HConnection;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTableInterface;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionLocator;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
@ -122,6 +118,10 @@ import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper.States;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
* Facility for testing HBase. Replacement for
* old HBaseTestCase and HBaseClusterTestCase functionality.
@ -2808,12 +2808,54 @@ public class HBaseTestingUtility extends HBaseCommonTestingUtility {
public void waitTableAvailable(TableName table)
throws InterruptedException, IOException {
waitTableAvailable(getHBaseAdmin(), table.getName(), 30000);
waitTableAvailable(table.getName(), 30000);
public void waitTableAvailable(Admin admin, byte[] table)
public void waitTableAvailable(TableName table, long timeoutMillis)
throws InterruptedException, IOException {
waitTableAvailable(admin, table, 30000);
waitFor(timeoutMillis, predicateTableAvailable(table));
public String explainTableAvailability(TableName tableName) throws IOException {
String msg = explainTableState(tableName) + ",";
if (getHBaseCluster().getMaster().isAlive()) {
Map<HRegionInfo, ServerName> assignments =
final List<Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName>> metaLocations =
.getTableRegionsAndLocations(getZooKeeperWatcher(), connection, tableName);
for (Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName> metaLocation : metaLocations) {
HRegionInfo hri = metaLocation.getFirst();
ServerName sn = metaLocation.getSecond();
if (!assignments.containsKey(hri)) {
msg += ", region " + hri
+ " not assigned, but found in meta, it expected to be on " + sn;
} else if (sn == null) {
msg += ", region " + hri
+ " assigned, but has no server in meta";
} else if (!sn.equals(assignments.get(hri))) {
msg += ", region " + hri
+ " assigned, but has different servers in meta and AM ( " +
sn + " <> " + assignments.get(hri);
return msg;
public String explainTableState(TableName tableName) throws IOException {
try {
if (getHBaseAdmin().isTableEnabled(tableName))
return "table enabled in zk";
else if (getHBaseAdmin().isTableDisabled(tableName))
return "table disabled in zk";
return "table in uknown state";
} catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
return "table not exists";
@ -2850,12 +2892,7 @@ public class HBaseTestingUtility extends HBaseCommonTestingUtility {
public void waitTableEnabled(TableName table)
throws InterruptedException, IOException {
waitTableEnabled(getHBaseAdmin(), table.getName(), 30000);
public void waitTableEnabled(Admin admin, byte[] table)
throws InterruptedException, IOException {
waitTableEnabled(admin, table, 30000);
waitTableEnabled(table, 30000);
@ -2869,30 +2906,12 @@ public class HBaseTestingUtility extends HBaseCommonTestingUtility {
public void waitTableEnabled(byte[] table, long timeoutMillis)
throws InterruptedException, IOException {
waitTableEnabled(getHBaseAdmin(), table, timeoutMillis);
waitTableEnabled(TableName.valueOf(table), timeoutMillis);
public void waitTableEnabled(Admin admin, byte[] table, long timeoutMillis)
throws InterruptedException, IOException {
TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(table);
long startWait = System.currentTimeMillis();
waitTableAvailable(admin, table, timeoutMillis);
while (!admin.isTableEnabled(tableName)) {
assertTrue("Timed out waiting for table to become available and enabled " +
System.currentTimeMillis() - startWait < timeoutMillis);
// Finally make sure all regions are fully open and online out on the cluster. Regions may be
// in the hbase:meta table and almost open on all regionservers but there setting the region
// online in the regionserver is the very last thing done and can take a little while to happen.
// Below we do a get. The get will retry if a NotServeringRegionException or a
// RegionOpeningException. It is crass but when done all will be online.
try {
Canary.sniff(admin, tableName);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(e);
public void waitTableEnabled(TableName table, long timeoutMillis)
throws IOException {
waitFor(timeoutMillis, predicateTableEnabled(table));
@ -3109,7 +3128,7 @@ public class HBaseTestingUtility extends HBaseCommonTestingUtility {
try {
Result r;
while ((r = s.next()) != null) {
byte [] b = r.getValue(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER);
byte[] b = r.getValue(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER);
HRegionInfo info = HRegionInfo.parseFromOrNull(b);
if (info != null && info.getTable().equals(tableName)) {
b = r.getValue(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SERVER_QUALIFIER);
@ -3132,7 +3151,12 @@ public class HBaseTestingUtility extends HBaseCommonTestingUtility {
// returing -- sometimes this can lag.
HMaster master = getHBaseCluster().getMaster();
final RegionStates states = master.getAssignmentManager().getRegionStates();
waitFor(timeout, 200, new Predicate<IOException>() {
waitFor(timeout, 200, new ExplainingPredicate<IOException>() {
public String explainFailure() throws IOException {
return explainTableAvailability(tableName);
public boolean evaluate() throws IOException {
List<HRegionInfo> hris = states.getRegionsOfTable(tableName);
@ -3633,10 +3657,17 @@ public class HBaseTestingUtility extends HBaseCommonTestingUtility {
* Returns a {@link Predicate} for checking that there are no regions in transition in master
public Waiter.Predicate<Exception> predicateNoRegionsInTransition() {
return new Waiter.Predicate<Exception>() {
public ExplainingPredicate<IOException> predicateNoRegionsInTransition() {
return new ExplainingPredicate<IOException>() {
public boolean evaluate() throws Exception {
public String explainFailure() throws IOException {
final RegionStates regionStates = getMiniHBaseCluster().getMaster()
return "found in transition: " + regionStates.getRegionsInTransition().toString();
public boolean evaluate() throws IOException {
final RegionStates regionStates = getMiniHBaseCluster().getMaster()
return !regionStates.isRegionsInTransition();
@ -3647,11 +3678,58 @@ public class HBaseTestingUtility extends HBaseCommonTestingUtility {
* Returns a {@link Predicate} for checking that table is enabled
public Waiter.Predicate<Exception> predicateTableEnabled(final TableName tableName) {
return new Waiter.Predicate<Exception>() {
public boolean evaluate() throws Exception {
return getHBaseAdmin().isTableEnabled(tableName);
public Waiter.Predicate<IOException> predicateTableEnabled(final TableName tableName) {
return new ExplainingPredicate<IOException>() {
public String explainFailure() throws IOException {
return explainTableState(tableName);
public boolean evaluate() throws IOException {
return getHBaseAdmin().tableExists(tableName) && getHBaseAdmin().isTableEnabled(tableName);
* Returns a {@link Predicate} for checking that table is enabled
public Waiter.Predicate<IOException> predicateTableDisabled(final TableName tableName) {
return new ExplainingPredicate<IOException>() {
public String explainFailure() throws IOException {
return explainTableState(tableName);
public boolean evaluate() throws IOException {
return getHBaseAdmin().isTableDisabled(tableName);
* Returns a {@link Predicate} for checking that table is enabled
public Waiter.Predicate<IOException> predicateTableAvailable(final TableName tableName) {
return new ExplainingPredicate<IOException>() {
public String explainFailure() throws IOException {
return explainTableAvailability(tableName);
public boolean evaluate() throws IOException {
boolean tableAvailable = getHBaseAdmin().isTableAvailable(tableName);
if (tableAvailable) {
try {
Canary.sniff(getHBaseAdmin(), tableName);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException("Canary sniff failed for table " + tableName, e);
return tableAvailable;
@ -924,11 +924,9 @@ public class TestAccessController extends SecureTestUtil {
setPermission(loadPath, FsPermission.valueOf("-rwxrwxrwx"));
try (HTable table = (HTable)TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getTable(tableName)) {
try (Admin admin = TEST_UTIL.getHBaseAdmin()) {
TEST_UTIL.waitTableEnabled(admin, tableName.getName());
LoadIncrementalHFiles loader = new LoadIncrementalHFiles(conf);
loader.doBulkLoad(loadPath, table);
LoadIncrementalHFiles loader = new LoadIncrementalHFiles(conf);
loader.doBulkLoad(loadPath, table);
@ -632,13 +632,7 @@ public class SnapshotTestingUtils {
// Wait up to 60 seconds for a table to be available.
final HBaseAdmin hBaseAdmin = util.getHBaseAdmin();
util.waitFor(60000, new Waiter.Predicate<IOException>() {
public boolean evaluate() throws IOException {
return hBaseAdmin.isTableAvailable(tableName);
util.waitFor(60000, util.predicateTableAvailable(tableName));
public static void createTable(final HBaseTestingUtility util, final TableName tableName,
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