HBASE-24005 Document maven invocation with JDK11

Signed-off-by: Jan Hentschel <jan.hentschel@ultratendency.com>
Signed-off-by: Viraj Jasani <vjasani@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Sean Busbey <busbey@apache.org>
This commit is contained in:
Nick Dimiduk 2020-06-08 11:06:04 -07:00 committed by Nick Dimiduk
parent 474d200daa
commit 9ef17c2784
1 changed files with 100 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -322,16 +322,15 @@ documenting your setup process here.
=== Basic Compile
HBase is compiled using Maven.
You must use at least Maven 3.0.4.
To check your Maven version, run the command +mvn -version+.
HBase is compiled using Maven. You must use at least Maven 3.0.4. To check your Maven version, run
the command +mvn -version+.
.JDK Version Requirements
Starting with HBase 1.0 you must use Java 7 or later to build from source code.
See <<java,java>> for more complete information about supported JDK versions.
==== JDK Version Requirements
HBase has Java version compiler requirements that vary by release branch. At compilation time,
HBase has the same version requirements as it does for runtime. See <<java,java>> for a complete
support matrix of Java version by HBase version.
==== Maven Build Commands
@ -397,28 +396,111 @@ mvn clean install -DskipTests
See the <<hbase.unittests.cmds,hbase.unittests.cmds>> section in <<hbase.unittests,hbase.unittests>>
==== Building against various hadoop versions.
==== Building against various Hadoop versions
HBase supports building against Apache Hadoop versions: 2.y and 3.y (early release artifacts). By default we build against Hadoop 2.x.
HBase supports building against Apache Hadoop versions: 2.y and 3.y (early release artifacts).
Exactly which version of Hadoop is used by default varies by release branch. See the section
<<hadoop,Hadoop>> for the complete breakdown of supported Hadoop version by HBase release.
To build against a specific release from the Hadoop 2.y line, set e.g. `-Dhadoop-two.version=2.6.3`.
The mechanism for selecting a Hadoop version at build time is identical across all releases. Which
version of Hadoop is default varies. We manage Hadoop major version selection by way of Maven
profiles. Due to the peculiarities of Maven profile mutual exclusion, the profile that builds
against a particular Hadoop version is activated by setting a property, *not* the usual profile
activation. Hadoop version profile activation is summarized by the following table.
.Hadoop Profile Activation by HBase Release
[cols="3*^.^", options="header"]
| | Hadoop2 Activation | Hadoop3 Activation
| HBase 1.3+ | _active by default_ | `-Dhadoop.profile=3.0`
| HBase 3.0+ | _not supported_ | _active by default_
Please note that where a profile is active by default, `hadoop.profile` must NOT be provided.
Once the Hadoop major version profile is activated, the exact Hadoop version can be
specified by overriding the appropriate property value. For Hadoop2 versions, the property name
is `hadoop-two.version`. With Hadoop3 versions, the property name is `hadoop-three.version`.
.Example 1, Building HBase 1.7 against Hadoop 2.10.0
For example, to build HBase 1.7 against Hadoop 2.10.0, the profile is set for Hadoop2 by default,
so only `hadoop-two.version` must be specified:
mvn -Dhadoop-two.version=2.6.3 ...
git checkout branch-1
mvn -Dhadoop-two.version=2.10.0 ...
To change the major release line of Hadoop we build against, add a hadoop.profile property when you invoke +mvn+:
.Example 2, Building HBase 2.3 against Hadoop 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT
This is how a developer might check the compatibility of HBase 2.3 against an unreleased Hadoop
version (currently 3.3). Both the Hadoop3 profile and version must be specified:
mvn -Dhadoop.profile=3.0 ...
git checkout branch-2.3
mvn -Dhadoop.profile=3.0 -Dhadoop-three.version=3.3.0-SNAPSHOT ...
The above will build against whatever explicit hadoop 3.y version we have in our _pom.xml_ as our '3.0' version.
Tests may not all pass so you may need to pass `-DskipTests` unless you are inclined to fix the failing tests.
.Example 3, Building HBase 3.0 against Hadoop 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT
To pick a particular Hadoop 3.y release, you'd set hadoop-three.version property e.g. `-Dhadoop-three.version=3.0.0`.
The same developer might want also to check the development version of HBase (currently 3.0)
against the development version of Hadoop (currently 3.3). In this case, the Hadoop3 profile is
active by default, so only `hadoop-three.version` must be specified:
git checkout master
mvn -Dhadoop-three.version=3.3.0-SNAPSHOT ...
==== Building with JDK11 and Hadoop3
HBase manages JDK-specific build settings using Maven profiles. The profile appropriate to the JDK
in use is automatically activated. Building and running on JDK8 supports both Hadoop2 and Hadoop3.
For JDK11, only Hadoop3 is supported. Thus, the Hadoop3 profile must be active when building on
JDK11, and the artifacts used when running HBase on JDK11 must be compiled against Hadoop3.
Furthermore, the JDK11 profile requires a minimum Hadoop version of 3.2.0. This value is specified
by the JDK11 profile, but it can be overridden using the `hadoop-three.version` property as normal.
For details on Hadoop profile activation by HBase branch, see
<<maven.build.hadoop,Building against various Hadoop versions>>. See <<java,java>> for a complete
support matrix of Java version by HBase version.
.Example 1, Building HBase 2.3 with JDK11
To build HBase 2.3 with JDK11, the Hadoop3 profile must be activated explicitly.
git checkout branch-2.3
JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11 mvn -Dhadoop.profile=3.0 ...
.Example 2, Building HBase 3.0 with JDK11
For HBase 3.0, the Hadoop3 profile is active by default, no additional properties need be
git checkout master
JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11 mvn ...
==== Building and testing in an IDE with JDK11 and Hadoop3
Continuing the discussion from the <<maven.build.jdk11_hadoop3,earlier section>>, building and
testing with JDK11 and Hadoop3 within an IDE may require additional configuration. Specifically,
make sure the JVM version used by the IDE is a JDK11, the active JDK Maven profile is for JDK11,
and the Maven profile for JDK8 is NOT active. Likewise, ensure the Hadoop3 Maven profile is active
and the Hadoop2 Maven profile is NOT active.
==== Build Protobuf